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dark desires

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Everything posted by dark desires

  1. hmm...i've been looking around and i havent found an answer..but i cant seem to see my signature on here..i've looked around on the editor and edit singature but i cant find anything that says about showing my signature...help please?
  2. yea...i've been looking around and i made a signature but mine isnt showing. I looked for the "show signature" tab that we're supposed to have in every post..but i cant find it v.v help please?
  3. hmmm....i've got to listen to them acouple of times unfortunately. T_T One of my friends downloaded their whole Discography and listened to the whole Cd while he was here. And i had 2 of their songs stuck in my head for 4 days straight. I dont mind listening to the music everyone is free to listen to what they want..but its not my style.
  4. hmmm for me i would say [COLOR="Yellow"] Pokemon[/COLOR] - Red, Blue, and Sliver versions [COLOR="Blue"] Phantasy Star Online[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2[/COLOR] Super Smash Bro's, Animal Crossing, Golden Sun 1 and 2, Kirby
  5. YYH was actually one of my first anime's i watched. It got me into anime along with Gundam Wing, Cowboy Bebop. The whole story line in this anime is great, and it doesnt really drag on or repeat the same scenario's. Or from what i can remember : And as for Gantz >> [spoiler]that is a great anime but its kinda confusing if you dont pay attention to it. It made me sad that the anime stoped short and the manga kept going. I want to know how it ends.[/spoiler]
  6. umm...i think in Kannon >> its more of a cousin thing..older male cousin goes to live with his aunt and younger cousin. Its a really cute anime alot of meaning and back stories.
  7. Hm...i actually like this spin off of Shakespear. Considering i have yet to watch any of Gonzo's other works. Now i've read the oringal play of Romeo and Juliet and i have to say i was never really interested in it..but this..this grabed my attention instantly and i dont know why. Perhaps i like the artwork and the futuristic idea of it and the tragedy that lied ahead. I can also say that their was a Robinhood idea going on for Juliet which i wasnt expecting. But...i cant happen to think of william as the writer shakespear himself? Or at least it seems so...and the added characters from other plays were a nice touch to this. Please forgive me for any typo's and any spoilers that i have accidental have left open.
  8. i'll have to agree it was pretty funny. But the only way for it to affect peoples job's greatly would have to be constantly turning off the tv's. Otherwise i see it only as a frustrating and upsetting prank XD lol. But no harm done to anyone so its all good.
  9. since this is about the profile, i seemd to have messed it up... you see when i was trying to put a css textbox into my profile i saved it and looked at my site to find out that it wasnt the way i wanted it to be. So then i went back to delet the link/css codes but when i clicked on the save button it didnt save. It dosent wan to save anything that i change on the page no matter where. Please help me.
  10. uhh...here's my problem that im having...i just currently put a textbox css into my edit profile box and saved it. Then i went to my site to see that it wasnt the way that i wanted it to be, so i went back to edit the textbox to find out when i deleted the link it and click on the save button it doesnt want to save any changes to that page. NOTHING i mean nothing wants to save not my bf html, not my hobbies or anything. The box is reading that i still have 1500 words left when i know that the css that i have is taken over half of the box. Can anyone help me?
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed]This manga i absoultly love, how i got interested in this manga was like so many people...was the cat ears! Their sooo cute!!! :love2: And i was also wondering about why [spoiler]some of them have ears and the older chacters didn't, i thought at first maybe it was an age thing then when i thought about it, i thought about Ritsuka's teacher. Which didn't make any sense at all, then the second volume explaining about how to lose the ears is by having sex. But the part where Team Zero tryed to take away the teacher was funny[/spoiler]. But the main part that i don't like in the manga is the fighting scenes its slightly confusing for me but i love how they [spoiler]use words for fighting instead of physical contact[/spoiler]. And thats my only complant about it. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmmm, DeathNote [I]is[/I] a good manga. It can also be slightly confusing to most people like me for instance when i finnished reading the frist one i finnaly understood what was happening. :animestun I love how theirs actually suspense in this also their arn't very many manga's that let you know who the killer is and let you expericance what he/she is experiancing also. THATS what i love the most about this manga. [/COLOR] :catgirl:
  13. I have a few...One would be Yu-yu Hakusho. How it started was amazing! Just how it ended, i wanted to finnish watching all the way to the end. ^^ Then their is Cowboy Bebop: mind you, I didn't really watch it from the beinging. It was by accident that i started watching it. But from their on i watched to the ending and thu the beinging to the place where i started. And then their was Trigun. Just seeing a red trench coat and a blonde hair hottie was cool but just how Vash is cunning/funny. Made my day every time i watched it. :catgirl:
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I dont know about that....I think some battle situtations that you get into are pretty scary...like in Kingdom Hearts, in the collisum battles when your running low on health and Mp. That can get your heart going. But! Truly scary...for me...never existis. :cool:[/COLOR]
  15. To tell ya the truth on that matter, I've only read Angel Sanctuary and DNAngel. I then started to lose interest in DNAngel because to me it started to drag on and on about almost the thing. I just wish that Dark, or Daisuke, will hurry up. (I stoped at vol. 6.) But i regret not having any money to buy the rest of Angel Sanctuary, I've only read the first volume. The anime that i like that has any form of an angel that i can think of right now is Escaflowne. The seires was good, but i wish that i could see all of them, and the movie was better than what i had expected it to be. ;)
  16. Hello to everyone *waves* I myself love yaoi, shounen-ai, and watch some hentai, like Twilight of the Dark Master, and Devil Lady. But i believe that you can not change human nature, if they choose to be gay let them be gay, you can't cry over split milk. I'm a little okay with yuri, i don't read it much (even thou i'm straight) but i believe that a person shouldn't be narrow minded, and read mulitple things even if it's not to their liking. But, to the point. The only thing that i really didn't care for was how they made Shuichi look more like a chick in the anime. Now i personaly think that the manga was ten times better than the anime (because they cut alot things out...like always).
  17. *shakes head* i don't understand it either...i guess will see when it comes out or not. It might be this year or next year. :animesigh But i hope that it's sometime soon. I'm tired of playing duck, duck, goose. :mad:
  18. The thing that i found ironic in FAKE is that [spoiler]biki and carol get more 'intimet' before Ryo and Dee do.[/spoiler] :animenose Oh and another thing I kind-of-sort-of read a yaoi called The Antique Bakery I mean it was interesting once i got along...but its just that it didn't grab my attention personaly. But one of my most fav. has to be either Eeriee Queeire, Gravitation, FAKE, Passion, Illegal Drug, Descendants of Darkness, yea ok so i like 'em all...almost :smirk: :lecture: :modrod:
  19. *crosses arms* unfortunatly I to have no idea of how to put on a background that's good...someone told that what you do is go find your pic right click and go to properties, then copy the html format in .jpg then go to your edit profile and put the html that you copied into their ( the place where you change the color of your font, your background color all that kind of stuff... :catgirl: :D
  20. Yep!! I went to Best Buy over at our mall, and I checked out the date of release for Kingdom Hearts 2 and it said that it would be coming out in Dec 02, 05 :catgirl: :p I'm going to resever it! Muhahahahaha *meinical laughter*-sp
  21. Hmmmm...*strokes chin* I believe mine was Demon Diary, but when Hastings didn't have any more volumes ( it stoped after volume 4) my friend got me onto Gravitation, since then I would constanly go from straight to shonen-ai manga's... But my very first 'official' anime i watch was Cowboy Bebop...I came upon it by mistake one day then started to watch it everytime it came on Saturdays ;) .
  22. Originally Posted by duoikari [I]KKM as we call it for short is about some guy who goes to another relm or something and fights demons, i think that's the plot anyway I was going to get it but then i see that the actually series was about 40 odd episodes and i'm already watching bleach.[/I] thank you!!!! And has anyone ever read Yellow? I'm thinking of reading that and I want to know if its any good...thanks again :D Btw i'm still a little new at this...so correct me on how to do quotes :animeshy: :animeswea
  23. :animecry: Its comming out next year!!! I cant wait that long...i need it nowwww *sniff, sniff wipes nose* besides i heard that it was suposed to be out this year during the summer. That sucks... :animesigh
  24. About FAKE, I've read the whole entire 7 volume set...i believe that it's worth the money and time (and I would say that when i started to read FAKE the art got to me also but then i got used to it and i got really into it). Gravitation is also good manga and OVA,and i can wait to finnish reading Descendants of Darkness. :catgirl: But I believe that any one who starts to read shonen-ai and yaoi should go with Eeriee Queeire, Illegal Drug, and Hands Off!...then go to the hard core with Passion, and the Gravitation Remix, :rolleyes: Oh if you don't mind me asking whats KKM? I havent even heard of that...and also is Loveless, Our Kingdom, Jazz, Desire, and Yellow a good read? Yeah i know theires a big list :animeswea
  25. [SIZE=2]If I had to pick I would be.... A. Sesshomaru, from Inuyasha ( because of my evil side ;) ) and also he never shows his weakness/ emotions. But also he will save a friend in need. B. Spike, from Cowboy Bebop or maybe even Ed, how off the walls she is sometimes. :animesmil
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