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Everything posted by DarkDragon

  1. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Thank You very much. :D [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
  2. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1] That looks great! But if you wouldn't mind putting my username on the avatar? And also can you make my name bigger on the banner? Please?And if anyone else has an idea please share it with me.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  3. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Hey I would really love if some one could make me an avatar of Cho Hakkai from Saiyuki.. like a really cool clear picture and also have my name with any color that suits the picture... thanks anyone for helping! [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
  4. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I picked 'I don't know' because I think everyone is equal (pretty much at least)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  5. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I would have to say my favorite anime would be Saiyuki because, umm....I guess I mostly like the characters. And my favorite manga would have to be Fruits Basket 'cause I really like the story line of it.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  6. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I guess I'm pretty lucky then, 'cause my boyfriend loves anime just as much as I do mabe even more. :animesmil Wait mabe that's a bad thing... :animeswea [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
  7. DarkDragon


    [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Hello. Trigun is just one of my favorite animes so far. I think I saw it first on Adult Swim, although it was to late in the series for me to even get anything. But, luckily, my friend had some of the volumes of it. So, in the end I got to watch it. I think my favorite character would either have to be Vash of Wolfwood.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  8. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Hello. I first saw One Piece in the Shonen Jump magazine, also. I liked it even I started reading it on Chapter 20, something like that. Then I figured out it was starting on 4Kids so I decided to watch it. I really enjoyed it. I think my favorite character is Sanji, and I can tell sometimes in the show that his lollipop looks a little like a cig. Mabe it's just me though. :animeswea [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
  9. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I just saw Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo in Shonen Jump as well. It looks very strange just from the pictures and the whole story line, although everyone has their own special opinion. So I won't complain. But is the anime a lot different than the manga of it? I can't watch it 'cause I don't have cable anymore.:animeswea[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/CENTER]
  10. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]The first anime I ever saw was Pokemon. I think I saw it in 1st or 2nd grade. But that really didn't influence me very much. I think the one that did was probably InuYasha also. It's a very different standpoint than pokemon though. :animeswea [/SIZE] [/COLOR][/CENTER]
  11. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Yeah, that has happened to me too. My example is the on demand anime on Comcast. They say one thing'll come on when something else does. It's so darn irritating. :animeangr [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Is anyone willing to make me a Hakkai banner and avi? You can have free reign over this but I would like it to have Hakkai and his pet dragon on it. It can include my username. I can't do attachments though, sorry. Please and Thanx in advance.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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