(sounds really fun)
Name: Ayden
Age: 16
Occupation: Military(sort of*)
Side (Metropolis): Sigma
If military, what division: covert ops
If military, what rank: No rank, No title**
Skills: Hacking, Hardware Manipulation, Sniping
*(sort of) Meaning not known to the public
**no rank, no title -- Adds to the "(sort of)" military.
If you did a people search, you wouldn't find me. I'm not even born, according to Sigma or any other authority. I don't "live' anywhere, I don't "know" anyone. A few people have seen me, but not for long. They were either convinced they were dreaming or dead. Better off for them not to know. Nobody should be involved in this. My goal is to end this fruitless conflict before anyone else gets hurt.