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About Pegasus

  • Birthday 10/09/1985

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  1. I must agree with the most intelligent Caesura. I think Inuyasha has a better storyline, but Naruto is funnier. I also think Gaara is freakin awesome. he is the coolest character from Naruto, although I like Kakashi. (and Orochimaru is kinda cool too)
  2. Of the japanese music that I have heard, I really liked Fukai Mori (one of the end themes for Inuyasha) and I like the music in the Gravitation and Fake OVAs :p . I try to find the CD's of the bands but they can be really hard to find without ordering them from Best Buy or Barnes and Noble :animeangr . So I just try to find the music I like on the internet. :cool:
  3. I think the reason I go for the villains in almost all cases, is because they remind me so much of myself. Rarely do I identify with a hero.
  4. I have ALWAYS rooted for the bad guys. I am just evil like that. Although I have ulterior motives for a few of them. Like Seshoumaru ( I would love to take Him home with me.) and a few others.I also just find it hard to support the whiny "good" guys. Inuyasha doesn't whine that much, but Sesshoumaru is just so much hotter than him. Although, I suppose I did root for Kurama when he fought Karasu. (Although I really liked Karasu too. I just like Kurama better) But when it comes down to it, bad guys vs good guys, when neither side has someone I like better than the other side, I always root for the bad dudes. He he... evil rocks!
  5. I don't know, I like almost all of the stories in Shonen Jump... Although I suppose that if I had to pick one or two stories, I would have to pick Naruto, Shaman King, and One Piece, (I know that is three but I don't care.) I do like Hikaru no Go, and the rest of the stories too. hmmm... so hard to choose.
  6. I must say, the two funniest mangas ever have to be Fruits Basket (that goes without saying)(Hatsuharu Rocks!) and Gravitation! some parts of that are so funny I was in tears, and often I would be in the middle of class reading, and I would bust out laughing because I couldn't hold it in. Gravitation is so funny that whenever Shuichi does something new, (or Rage o K or Ryuichi) that you want to find a friend and beat them in the head with the book until you can finally come to your senses.
  7. I would have to say that my favorites are Gravitation, because Shuichi is so hilarious and because Yuki reminds me of me when [spoiler]he nearly kills the guy from the band Ask,[/spoiler] and Fake because the interactions between Dee and Ryo are just pure hilarity. and I thought it was awesome that Matoh-san added an afterward to Fake in her analogy "Monotone." Its called "Like, Like, Love" and it takes place a few years after the end of volume seven.It just kinda shows who hooks up with who, and I thought it was a nice little finisher to the story. You can see it at [url]www.fakephoenix.com[/url], you just go to "translations and at the bottom of the table you see it. I really do like Hands Off! and Eerie Queerie, though. ah, to heck with it, I like em all! [color=darkblue][b][size=1]In the future, please remember to use spoiler tags when revealing things that happen in a series that may be of some significance. Thanks. ^^ -Lady K[/size][/b][/color]
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