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Everything posted by miyukii

  1. thats what you get for running around in high heels buddy! you face flattens!!!
  2. oh man i love this show! FLCL is atleast the most awesome show by far ever though you cannot understand to a certin extent.lol. :animesmil i just wish that they had made more of the show instead of just six episodes, i would love it if they had made more!!!! it would be like even more awesome if they had made a movie out of it!!! :luv: !!!!! oh man.lol. when i first watched the first episode i did not get it at all, but after a while whatching them over i kinda got it but i think what they did on purpose was not to truely get the meaning and thats what i think makes it so great! FLCL is the greates!
  3. i thought that this games was absolutely awsome, i played it for like forever! i love this game!!! i thought that the whole entire game was absolutely magnificant. i like anime games too but, this is the best out of all them!!!!!! i geeked out when i started playing, whenever i would beat an enemy or an spiirit.
  4. well maybe yohsAnna sent his picture all over the place fo other people to see them!!!!! :animeangr .i dont know what is wrong with you people!you're all just jealeous because you cant draw that good so you have to go and bag on YohsAnna! :animeangr :animeangr :animeangr :animeangr !!!!
  5. you did awsome!!!!! i cant draw that good, so you beat me at that. :animesmil . what other pics. do you have im interested?you shouldnt listen to the other peoplw dude! if you say you drew them than you did! your drawings are very good! ;) and with the rest of those people who are jealous :mad: shame on you!!!
  6. ive seen all of the movies since i was a kid and i still thik they're awsome!!! i just watched the new movie not too long ago. i thought it was funny. :catgirl: but i had my family with me so that was annoying too. :animeswea .any ways it soo cool that those people take thier time to make all these movies!
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