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About Al-araaf

  • Birthday 03/14/1990

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  • Occupation
    Highschool student

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  1. Ignore your parents. I have a slightly similur relationship going on. My gf's parents are WAY over protective of her, they have no idea that we've been dating for almost a year now. They don't like that i'm a creepy goth, and her dad doesnt like guys around her. Just keep in touch and continuse doing what your doing.
  2. Try noticing a common intrest you both share. Note you like the samething and talk about it. Soon you will become friends, and hopefully more. Thats how it worked for me, and ive been with her for almost a year now. And do the confidence stuff, that helped too.
  3. Hmmm intresting static effect. 8/10 1 like to watch static, 2 it just looks cool.
  4. My childhood fear was clowns. But now i'm a harcore juggalo (meaning I love ICP and bands associated with them) And I spread clown love to all my juggalo bretheren. As for nightmare I just have horrifying, deominc, hellish, dreams. Or i'll astral travel (AKA out of body expirience) and relive all the moments that make me the depressed lunatic I am today. And sometimes I cant get back into my body until I start paniking.
  5. I would be a half raven demon and half human. I would have large black angel wings. Black eyes. Black and blue hair. And use the powers of darkness and evil omens to bring famine, pestilence, war, and death to humanity. I have thought about this not to long ago ^___^
  6. If im not here im probably on a video game forum (same username as this) Or im on Runescape, World of Warcraft, X-box live (gamertag Daiuske) I read, write, look up pics, meditate, study paranormal things, and mostly sleep. Very rarely do I see the light of day voluntarily and even more rarely will me and my gf actualy go out. Although we will probably next weekend.
  7. Get to know him and if he is a jerk (major censor there) then forget about him. For a while just be his friend only and leave VERY little hints for something more If for some reason another girl should come and if you truly want him you MUST tell him. That is how it worked for me and my gf. Only I was a guy going through what I just listed. But for us there was alot of psychlogical and psychic stuff that is difficult to explain that I have studied and found were factors in it, but ignor all the psychological and psychic stuff I just mentioned. Now i'm rambling :animeswea again
  8. Al-araaf is my nickname. For a few reasons. 1) It's my favoite poem by Edgar Allan Poe 2) That is where I want to go when I die 3) I live my life balancing good and evil 4) My gf likes the way it sounds Not exactly in that order Al-araaf should actualy be spelled Al-aaraaf I just spell it my own way so I dont copy Edgar Allan Poe. It means purgatory in arabic (im not arabic). If you dont know what purgatory is look it up because i'll end up ranting a VERY long definiton.
  9. I go by Al-araaf I live in Daytona Beach, Florida I'm 15 I did manage to finaly get a gf (8 months ago tomorow) I'm what could be considered "emo" Despite my hatred of most living things i'm very nice if I allow you to get to know me I study psychics, ghosts, magic, anything paranormal I LOVE anime and video games I have 3 full blood brothers 2 older 1 littler 2 half siblings 1 is my oldest brother the other is my only sister And i'm currently taking japanese in school (and doing VERY well)
  10. I dont care if they do or not. Like others here I consider it a compliment. I will admit i'm not exactly the best looking guy, but thank death my gf doesnt care about looks(neither do I). But I have been hit on by guys and for some reason pretty girls, but the girls are of topic. Whenever it happens I just say thank you and politly decline whatever they are asking of me.
  11. I'm neutral in this sort of thing. I belive in at least some form of high spiritual being. Since most religions are based on the same concept of a higher spiritual being and a divine utopia at the end of our time on earth. But I have researched alot of religions and found that Death would most likely find my vote for worship. Since I live my life balancing my actions, and beliving in a higher being then i'm going to make it into purgatory (or Al-aaraaf). Purgatory is beteween heaven and hell. It could also be called level 1 of hell. Chritianity (forgot which branch) says that it's for un-baptised children, and those who die in gods grace. It is a place of temporary punishment. But the religion that follows Death says to do what I do. And i'll be there forever. The atmosphere is not tortuous like hell, but you feel a constant sorrow. I already do so I think I can for all eternity. Plus I get to meet all of Deaths followers like the Grim Reaper (or soul harvester), The Soul Guider (the guy who guides you to the dock on the river of styx) The Soul Swapper(he makes you and someone switch souls for the hell of it) And if i'm not mistaken I will be aloud to help Death as he is one of the legendary "Four Horsemen of the Apoclypse". I will, like many others harvest souls of the living on that day. And i'm so very sorry if this offends anyone.
  12. Alot of crap has happened to me over the years, it has caused me to become an emotional scarred lunatic, who studies psychics, ghosts, magic, etc. But if I wasnt this way I wouldnt have my current gf. So all the crap that makes me depressed is actualy sort of helping. She is sort of the same so she chose me over someone normal because she knew we need eachother (and I would have killed myself). Aside from keeping all of that I would change how cautious I am.I have to think through EVERY little detail and the consequences they bring so I hold myself back from doing alot of things.
  13. I had fun with Harvest Moon on the GCN despite alot of bad reviws.
  14. If someone puts sex in video games fine. All that crap some poiltical lady put on for that thing in GTA: San Andreas was un-nessary. Adults should pay attetion to the RATEING on the game case. If you dont want your kid exposed to it the let them play a certain rateing level. It's that simple. And for the freaks out there who are turned on by it ,it's none of my business but, IT ISNT REAL, ITS A VIDEO GAME, IF YOU WANT TO SEE THAT THEN FIND REAL PORN. I mean it's like watching a hentai. Why would anyone want to see a cartoon from of porn? But as I said it's none of my business i've just wondered about that.
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