[size=1]I noticed that its mostly females who responded to this post.
Being female to me can mean a lot of many things, and none of this is said to be sexist or cause an arguement. It means being just a tad more analytical of just about everything that you come across daily, I know that when someone looks my way it throws me into a two hour analysis as to if it was a good, bad, i want you, you make me sick, ect. look.
It means knowing what you've got, and being proud of it, we may be the physically inferior sex most of the time, but we're also more physically attractive. It means being intoverted when it comes to guys trying to figure us out or I have a problem, and being extroverted when i'm feeling crazy, which is most of the time. It means being extremely opinionated, even when your opinion isn't needed.
We bear children, we ****** or get sick before, during, and after our menstral cycles, leaving a total of one week of pleasent-ness from us. Thats what being female is all about, Lol.[/size]