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Everything posted by Caesura

  1. [size=1]For christmas I would beg, get on my knees and cry for: 1. An [b]Ibanez Iceman 400[/b], for all of those who have never seen one, I pity you. It's not the best guitar in the world but i'm not the best player in the world and I fell immediatly in love with it when I first saw it. I already have a name for him. Here it is: [url]http://www.dealtime.com/xPO-Ibanez_Iceman_400_Electric_Guitar[/url] 2. A [b]house[/b] because it sucks being in highschool and living with your mothers parents. Especially on a barn. "Daddy, Please send money for food. Love, Desi" Lol. And thats really just about it. [/size]
  2. [size=1]I noticed that its mostly females who responded to this post. Being female to me can mean a lot of many things, and none of this is said to be sexist or cause an arguement. It means being just a tad more analytical of just about everything that you come across daily, I know that when someone looks my way it throws me into a two hour analysis as to if it was a good, bad, i want you, you make me sick, ect. look. It means knowing what you've got, and being proud of it, we may be the physically inferior sex most of the time, but we're also more physically attractive. It means being intoverted when it comes to guys trying to figure us out or I have a problem, and being extroverted when i'm feeling crazy, which is most of the time. It means being extremely opinionated, even when your opinion isn't needed. We bear children, we ****** or get sick before, during, and after our menstral cycles, leaving a total of one week of pleasent-ness from us. Thats what being female is all about, Lol.[/size]
  3. [size=1][b][u]Inuyasha[/b][/u] [b]Boy:[/b] Miroku [b]Girl:[/b] Kagome [b][u]Naruto[/b][/u] [b]Boy:[/b] Gaara.. just because he's so.. Gaara-ish. No explaining it, i'm one of those odd chicks who are attracted to anime characters, maybe its the hair. Hatake Kakashi too. [b]Girl:[/b] Haruno, the split personality deal is great. I can't really pick between the two in quality, but in quantity of what they play. I found Naruto to be more humerous and Inuyasha to have a better storyline. While I normally go for story line and such, naruto having more action and humor appeals to me more so i'd probably have to go with Naruto.[/size]
  4. [size=1]Personally, I think the lead singer of My chemical romance is beautiful, especially at the end of the Helena video when he's looking into the back of the herse. I'm generally not a MCR fan but I just heard "The ghost of you," yesterday and it was the first time I clapped my hands (inside of my head) for MCR. Props to them. "Vampires will never hurt you" is pretty good too. Punk-Rock isn't really my music genre. But MCR does okay.[/size]
  5. [size=1] I'm scared to DEATH of tape worms. Thats why I like fishing, different type of worm, but I get my point across when I jab a little worm onto the hook. "This could happen to you, my tapewormy friend." They're just so.. in my intestines, or someone elses. And then my teacher told me this one story about a woman who tried to lose weight with pills her doctor gave her and they ended up having tapeworms in them and she OD's on the pills.. you can imagine the rest. Then there was another that I think an Older teacher told me from my last school about a little boy in africa, where he had to pull a ball of tapeworms or somethings out of the boys arse. Thats just frightening, body worms that eat your food. *Shivers*[/size]
  6. [size=1]Uh well.. I was sort of a miniature delinquint when I was first living in St. A at age 0-7 and before I moved to swanton one of my friends and I threw a rock through someones window because they pissed on my friends backpack. This was a highschooler and we were around 7 years old. We had to pay about $100-200 but we got even.. And Casey, alyssa, and I "egged" stuarts house because he breathed weird. (Paper eggs)[/size]
  7. [size=1]I know this song is meant to be sad and such things as that but some of the imagery makes me laugh, very hard. My friends and I sing this in math class, and call us immature but we can't get over how funny it is. Maybe we're just weird. Pink Floyd - Hey You.mp3: [i]Hey you, out there in the cold Getting lonely, getting old, can you feel me Hey you, standing in the aisles With itchy feet and fading smiles, can you feel me Hey you, out there on your own Sitting naked by the phone Would you touch me Hey you, with your ear against the wall Waiting for someone to call out, would you touch me Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone Open your heart, I'm coming home But it was only fantasy The wall was too high as you can see No matter how he tried he could not break free And the worms ate into his brain[/i][/size]
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