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Everything posted by yamisfiregirl

  1. I simply can't stand it! I mean Yami from Yu-Gi-Oh! isn't gay! He's straight! I find it very mean. Just becuase you don't like the person doesn't mean you should knock on them! :animeangr So yes an opinon would affect me i'm sorta sensitive
  2. I simply can't stand it! I mean Yami from Yu-Gi-Oh! isn't gay! He's straight! I find it very mean. Just becuase you don't like the person doesn't mean you should knock on them! :animeangr
  3. I would choose Atem from Yu-Gi-Oh!. He is simply adorable and would known what to do. He is kind, gentle, caring, and most importantly calm. He would be perfect. And I would want some alone time with him too. :animeshy: :animeblus :o
  4. Hmmmm, toughie. I'd be Atem (Pharaoh) from Yu-Gi-Oh! I may be a girl, but if i was him, I'd have mad dueling skills and could do anything. I find him sincere and qiute attractive, so that's why i chose him. :animesmil :animeshy: :animeblus
  5. His name isn't Ruffy, it's Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy to be exact really. :animesigh
  6. TEA!!! Serves no purpose in the a she does is make boring speeches that no one cares about. What's more is she's always putting her self in danger and trying to get Atem (Pharaoh) to save her. I hope on day he just lets her die! that'll teach her!! :animeangr
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