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Everything posted by noblebebop22

  1. I recently replied to a thread pertaining to anime and obsessions and I got to thinking about my girlfriend, (aww how sweet i know.) But i have been dating her for the latter part of a year now and she HATES anime. I am pretty much obsessed. ANyways the real question I have is A:) does your girlfriend/boyfriend like anime? or B:) do you look for that quality( a passion for anime) in your search for a date? * Hit me, I know I am odd*
  2. haha I am far from OVER obsessed but i am anime crazy. Me and me friends get together frequently and the one thing we always do Is watch anime DVD that one another has collected. I have 08th team, MS Gundam, Gundam Wing and Cowboy Bebop complete DVD sets and my friends all have at least that many of their own fav shows. But i dont think that it is over obsessive to do this. I think its what brought us together and it is a factor in keeping us such close friends. BUT yes I agree with the majority in saying that if it is running you into tthe dirt.(grades money time) then you need to chill.
  3. To be honest anyone wo thinks of suicide is retarded. It is indeed the most ridiculoous way to relieve your "issues." When in honesty all you are doing is causing others to mourn. Moms and dads and friends are always there. If not all then one. thats what i think. LOL.
  4. I dont approve of violence BUT the formation of this "alliance" will surely bring unrest and intolerance to its members and the school atmosphere. It has happened in the past with different matters. But the fact remains. If it is a controversial topic behind the creation of the club. Then there will always be controversy and, therefore unrest. However the High school has to see this. And yes i believe that there should be a council regulating the clubs.
  5. I love the game Gundam---Mobile Suit Gundam:Federation vs. Zeon. Its arcade styling and great gameplay keep bring me back daily.
  6. I got this. Yes I like both of those groups/bands. However I believe what they have accomplished in the Music world is menial. Both 1-2 song wonders that have little to no future. Sorry. But as of now the 2-4 songs that they have combined for are very likable and even so much as to compel me to purchase both CD's. I would be excited to see them on the charts early next year.
  7. Haha all i wanna know is where you got the flag...I am jealous! And weird thing is at my school we aren't allowed to have lockers because the administrators had them removed because somebody said that they COULD have a bomb or drugs in them POTENTIALLY without the teaching staff ever finding out.
  8. Well i have stopped questioning bush's decisions. I have now started questioning the persons decision to make the presidential term 4 years? get him outta here!!
  9. I have the Gundam RPG-ish Game "Journey to Jaburo." however I cannot seem to progress any further in the game. I have beaten it hundreds of times. I have heard that you can play as seperate later series Gundams If you get the right ratings on the missions. However I apparently fail to do this. SO i was wondering if anyone had any Tips or Codes for me.?
  10. Its been a while since i watched it but Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo turned. I THINK. She was(and still is) a freak that pretty much destroyed all. Until she met Tenchi and she calmed down a little.
  11. well I kinda do the same thing. I relate what happens in anime series to my life. I wanted a welsh corgi just because Ein (the dog off of Cowboy Bebop) was one. There are days where I just sit and make my own gundam models so that If someone ever invents them I have my custom model already planned. Cockpit, running systems, ect. I am glad I was not the only one who does this.
  12. I personally first watched Gundam Wing when it came on CN and I loved it but later realized it was gay. All it was is 5 pretty boys running around shooting things and their manly girlfriends. If their gf's werent gay they were pacifists who cried all the time and never did anything bout it. But i have to say that it got me hooked on anime. Mobile Suit Gundam the 08th MS team was splendid. Cowboy Bebop is my favorite however. Something about jazz music and character development that gets me. Flawless animation and wonderful voice acting make Bebop one of the greatest of all time....in my opinion. But again Wing got me hooked.
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Red][FONT=Georgia]Well I go to a huge school so there are all kinds of people. Nerds, Freaks, Goths, Retards,gays, Blacks "africa", and Even the artists, Several Popular Groups and each sport has its own individual Jock Clan. Hell my school has a club for everone. The cool thing is everyone is a poser. EVERYONE. Goth kids going to the happy hands club. Popular kids in the Anime Club and even racists in the BYA club (black youth of america) Its comical, the only thing real is that everyone has like one or two friens and thats it. Its Great I love every minute of It. AHS 06' [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/SIZE] :animeangr
  14. I must say i love the site I am new and I am absolutely impressed with the ease of view-age? within the site. I also totally support the "anime invasion" and i love what yall are doing to help.
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