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Everything posted by ScreamSin

  1. I...didn't think it would be this popular. Alright, you're all in. Venge, be careful with those 'pressure waves'. They can kill this if not done properly. Im sure you'll do fine though. Alright. I'll start, but sign ups will remain open for anyone else who feels the urge.
  2. So far so good, although why people always give their characters special powers in my RPGs I dunno...I never really wanted them to. Oh well, it'll make it more interesting, so long as it doesn't get DragonBall-ish. Lionheart, you're picture doesn't work for me. I'll wait another day, but we actually have enough people to start, so I'll start it either tomorrow or the next day.
  3. ((This idea was sparked by Real Bout Highschool, so no one get mad at me!)) Welcome to Knockdown High. A boarding school deep in the mountains. Here, the kids do not learn about english or math. They learn how to fight. The students tend to have violent tendencies that their parents couldnt handle. So they shipped them off to this school. Now, having become skilled swordsmen and hand to hand, the students have begun to look forward to the one thing that promises graduation from Knockdown. The annual Combat Trials. Held at the end of four years, anyone who enters and wins is graduated. However, this year is different. Several foreign students have been transferred to Knockdown, and they've been causing more trouble then usual. ((Alright. That about covers the history. Your a student at knockdown for whatever reason. You either live in the west dorm (martial arts) east dorm (sword play) north dorm (staff training) or the south dorm (wrestling). For the most part, your characters will train, fight, fall in love, whatever. I'll throw in plot twists here and there. Near the end of the RP, the Trials will begin. You can also be one of the foreign students (basically looking for trouble around every turn) Please, dont sign up if you dont plan on staying. I'd rather not have this RPG start at all instead of dying half way through. Name: Age: (Anywhere between 15-24) Gender: Appearance: (picture or description) Dorm: (north, south, east, west) Bio: (Why you came to Knockdown) Personality: --------------------- Name: Thomas Kasansky Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Long black hair, deep green eyes. Tom has a slight tan, and has a slender build which he usually accentuates through loose leather outfits *not gothic mind you, just pale red leather*. He stands at 6'1" and is pretty lanky. His eyes are framed by rimless oval glasses. Since he almost always wears shirts that are just a tad too small, his stomach often shows when he raises his arms. Dorm: East Bio: After getting caught in a huge riot, he was sent to Knockdown to help his anger. Though an excellent swordsman, he's one of the few students who wont start the fights but sure as hell will finish it. He takes training very seriously, and is rarely seen slacking off. Wields a bastard sword with deadly skill. Tom hates his family, and will never answer questions about them. Personality: Very bad temper control. Usually very serious about his training, to the point of fanaticism. Tom always keeps his word, no matter what, even to his enemies. Prefers his own company to that of other people. Has a love of animals, especially dogs. However, his inward drawn nature tends to repel potential friends, and Tom is always struggling to get out of the loner role.
  4. I'm not sure if one liners are allowed, but what the hell. First off, don't assume you can draw great in a short amount of time. It leads to hell, trust me. I suggest taking an art class. Some classes specialize in manga style. If you're more like me, someone who doesn't like classes, then I suggest getting some drawing books. My personal favorite line is How To Draw Manga by Hikaru Hayashi. Really helps. My biggest piece of advice? Keep drawing. Doodle. Sketch. It took me all my life of drawing and doodling to get to my level, and I still have alot to learn. It'll take you awhile, but you'll eventually find your own style and become a great artist.
  5. Nerus lifted Rage and brought it down heavily, an inch from Evy's neck. Nick rose, but Danya kicked him back down. Nerus snorted, an inch from the Paladin's face. "Weak little angel! I can't believe you were what awaited me here! I was hoping for a battle! A true battle!" With a swift motion, Nerus twisted Rage, cutting an inch long gash through Evy's neck. Nick yelled and headbutted Nerus swiftly. Nerus recoiled, but only briefly. With a roar, the "angel" threw himself forward, venting his anger on Evy, who could do nothing to fight back. Nick was held captive by Danya, who merely watched with amusement. Nerus lifted Evy by her throat. "No...this isn't what I wanted!" Nerus hurled her backwards. He turned on Danya. "You said a fight! You said strong enemies worthy of my strength! Where are they!? I have no desire to fight these weaklings! Give me opponents worthy of my power!" Danya knew Nerus was getting angry and as he advanced on her, she realized just how angry he was. "Give me...an Angel to kill!"
  6. Nerus growled as he pushed through the demons. Pathetic little things, he didn't even need them. However, if the Divine came, he could use a little fodder. Nerus grinned as Earth came into view. He hefted Rage and pointed at the town he had selected earlier. A large town, booming with life. Children, elderly, young men and women. A slaughterhouse waiting to begin. Nerus flared his wings tall and proud. "LET TERROR REIGN!" His little army rushed forward and annihilated the entire town. It took maybe twenty minutes, afterwhich nothing was clear of blood or corpses. Nerus looked around, watching the demons settle down to await Danya's command. Nerus glanced at the five humans he had kept alive to pass the time. He grinned. Three young men, a woman, and one little girl. The demons crowded around to watch the spectacle. Nerus laughed and set to his favorite mode of entertainment. Torture.
  7. Nerus growled. "Is that right? Ngrr...that dried up old relic doesn't deserve to rule Hell!" Nerus clenched his fist, hate radiating from his being. Danya took a step back as blood spurted from the angel's fist. "That fool! If I had my chance, I would kill him and claim Hell as my own. Then...then I would destroy the Farplane in its entirety! No...turn it into another Hell." Nerus glared at Danya. He hefted Rage and pointed it in her face. "I have no choice, do I? Fine. Lead on. But dont expect me to show your "father" any respect. I am not his pawn, nor will I ever serve anyone but myself!" Nerus shouldered Rage and followed Danya at a safe distance, watching her carefully.
  8. Nerus rolled his head around on his neck, shaking the tingle that she had left with his body when she touched him. He glared at her, then shouldered Rage. "Even if I refused, I would probably be forced to do it anyway. So alright. I'll raise some Hell with you. I'm tired of those damned Divine, healing the glorious scars of this land! They don't understand anger or hatred. Not yet." Nerus suddenly laughed. Danya felt a strange rush of energy from him as he laughed louder and louder. Any humans that were nearby ran for cover, or froze on the spot from fear. One actually bashed his head open on a rock. Nerus suddenly grinned. "I'll await the slaughter! I'll await the day when I can truly vent my rage and hatred upon all who would go against me!"
  9. Nerus was fuming. Danya. Danya Danya! Her name was enough to bring bile into his mouth. The little 'princess' had never got along with Nerus. Then again, no one did. However, she was one of the few who could actually get near to the 'angel' without him going berserk. But for the most part, that was merely because he was forced to. Shouldering Rage, Nerus begrudgingly left for the lower plains. As prideful and strong as he was, he did not want to incur the wrath of those who lived down there. Even if it meant obeying Danya. Nerus growled and headed off.
  10. Nerus twirled Rage impatiently. He sat among the fresh rubble of the village, savoring the smell of blood and smoke. He was thinking of which way to travel next. He was getting mad at his inability to choose quickly. He was getting mad at the fact that he was getting mad. He growled as he got up and stretched his wings. West. He decided on west. Shouldering Rage, he halted as a grunt sounded from the rubble. A man, mid thirties, was crawling out of the wreckage. Nerus grinned sadistically. Flapping his crimson wings, he flew up a little ways and landed with a crunch on the man's hand. The innocent cried out and looked up in fear at Nerus. The "angel" for lack of a better term, bent over and hefted Rage. "No one...will survive...while I breath!" Rage fell swiftly, and the man let loose one scream before his blood spewed onto the ground. As a little thrill, Nerus decided to write those words in blood on a large piece of concrete that jutted out in the middle of the wreckage. No One Will Survive While I Breath With that, Nerus flew off to the west, searching for more to slaughter. ----- ((I wasn't too sure of how to start this, so if you want me to change this, just let me know))
  11. Name: Thomas Irucard Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: Thomas stands around 6'5", and weighs 238 lbs. He's not fat, but he is solid. He has short brown hair that stands up in random places. His piercing green eyes are shielded behind rimless glasses. He has a mild tan, and is always grinning. His canine teeth are exceptionally defined, giving the appearance of fangs. He usually wears a dark red leather jacket over a black t-shirt, alongside loose leather pants. He also has two belts strapped around his waist, one for holding his pants up, the other because he likes the look. Personality: Tom is always happy. He sees the glass not as half full, but as completely full to the middle, as he puts it. His cheery nature, however, dissapears when his past is questioned, and he becomes withdrawn and irritable. A true enigma. Bio: Tom lead a fairly decent life, but he hated his entire family with a violent passion. To him, they ruined his life. Eventually, he attempted suicide by slitting his throat. The paramedics saved him, however, but he remembers what he saw when he nearly died. Spirits. All the spirits that wander the earth. Afterwards, he found that he could sense them, and could even browse through their thoughts if he concentrated. Eventually, he grew bold enough to make contact with one spirit. He dived into its mind, and was horrified when he found hate and loathing for the living. He quickly retreated from the minds of spirits, but only till he met Chris. Power: Tom can browse surface thoughts of people and spirits, but if he wants to actually read their mind, he has to come into direct contact with the target. If he concentrates hard enough, however, he can cripple the target's mind, effectively killing them.
  12. Name: Nerus Cold Age: Looks to be around 25 Personality: Ruthless and ambitious, Nerus epitomizes hatred. His arrogant nature is rivaled only by his hunger for power. He revels in hatred and anger, and has nothing but contempt for the other angels. He is little more then fury and loathing made manifest, and longs to wreak havoc. Bio: Born in a weak western gang, Nerus was the only survivor when a stronger gang tore through their territory, slaughtering everything. Nerus became bitter and vengeful, but killing the murderers did not calm his fury. He began to wander, searching for a way to end his hatred. Eventually, he succumbed, and allowed his anger and hatred to take over, warping his mind and body into that of a heartless monster. Appearance: Long blackish blue hair that ends at his shoulders. His skin is a deep tan, and his eyes are dim gray. He wears a simple outfit, consisting of little more then black leather pants and boots but no shirt. He has two belts crisscrossing his chest. They hold his weapon of choice. An ornate black tattoo covers his back, leading from the top of his neck to his waist. He stands around 6'4" with a thin, muscular build. His body is covered with scars, some from battles, others self inflicted. He sports a massive pair of crimson wings. Weapons: Rage - A massive sword, with large swooping arcs and hooks in the blade, making it a devastating weapon when wielded properly. It stands close to five feet from pommel to tip, and weighs a considerable amount. The word Rage, written in blood, is stained onto the hilt. Powers(if any): He has incredible strength, remarkable even for an angel. It's the main reason why he's so deadly with Rage. -------- ((Pm me if you want me to change anything!))
  13. True, names are hard to think up. But its easier if you base their names off their personality. Names don't have to be actual names. That's whats so great about being an artist/writer. You can come up with a completely random name that popped into your head one random night. Example, in my webcomic, the main character's name is Night. Not even a real name, just a time of day, but it works because it's perfect for his personality.
  14. My first...hmm...If I remember correctly, mine was Love Hina. So, naturally, I fell in love with manga. I was already going through anime, so whats one more obsession, right? I spend all my hard earned money on the stuff, so now I'm almost always broke 24-7 from manga, anime, and computer stuff. My collection has grown from one Love Hina. 4 Love Hina 2 Negima 1 Inuyasha 2 Onegai Teacher 1 Trigun 2 MegaTokyo *not sure if it counts, but what the heck* 2 Chobits 2 Real Bout Highschool Gotta love the stuff. Im not even going to get into my anime collection. :animesigh
  15. The sketch is really old. Around five years I think, so yeah. I was a kid when I drew it. Everything is hand drawn, and the coloring is done with Photoshop. Glad you like the phoenix. That one always gets good reviews.
  16. Demon Arm [URL=http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=demonarm5zl.jpg][IMG]http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/821/demonarm5zl.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] A werewolf. [URL=http://img415.imageshack.us/my.php?image=werewolf8zb.jpg][IMG]http://img415.imageshack.us/img415/2269/werewolf8zb.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] My personal favorite, Phoenix. [URL=http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=phoenix5xl.jpg][IMG]http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/6203/phoenix5xl.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Comments?
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