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Everything posted by ShortySweetD18

  1. I've seen a couple off some sites, i'll post the site name/link once it get's working again, and if it's ok to post it.. if not i won't. But yea there are some really good ones, go to the animemusicvideos...sometimes they have DBZ vids... "Crawling" by Linkin Park, is a pop. song for DBZ, and for the most part it's always done SOOO good!! The effects... too bad the thing to make music vids is $150 AND then the card to capture scenes is like $50-100 b/c i'd make my own thanx for the idea to check out morpheus!!!
  2. Question-- if i need to start another thread lemme know--- but i was wondering-- if there WERE to be another Dragonball series--- would ya'll watch it? What are the exceptions to ya'll watching or not watching it?
  3. RRRRRRRRRR, i can't edit or quote... ok i wanted to say Ya'll are funny ;) secret name.. uh huh
  4. dang, i'm tryin to quote what someone put and it keeps quoting myself.. Yea i'm a girl... am i that obvious LoL
  5. Yea so i'm a loser... ok now that i read the whole thread it would make sense that there is no DBV... i never heard that people were putting out another "fake" one for those who would fall for it... like me>>>hey i still havne't seen all of DBZ... but c'mon-- would ya'll LIKE for a new series? Only if Toriyama (spell) made it?
  6. [QUOTE][b]shouldn't this be on the intro page?[/b][/quote] if i didn't mention the DBV right... right, so i thought??? Since this isn't even out in Japan unil 2003--- how did whomever find out so much about it, I'm sure it takes a while to create anytype of show... I'm not doubting that they're not making a new one, just wondering how all the info was found?
  7. Hi everyone :wave: this is my first time posting on this board... and I just got into DBZ-- eh wow prolly 5 months ago now--- but now there's a NEW saga??? Wow!! LoL i knew there would be, to be honest i was gonna create my own... but awww.. i wish i didn't read about it, but then again i havne't even seen GT yet!! SO *shrugs* well i still can't wait.. is there any "proof" of a DBZ movie yet? LIke liveaction?? :p
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