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Everything posted by darkartic

  1. This is the place to put you favorite avatars!!!Please name and describe your avatar. :D
  2. what would your character life would be like. Describe the looks, weapons, skills and any thing else you would like to add. For me, I would be a demon because demons always create fear. I'd have two swords, both with names like onikotsu (which I think would translate into demon bones...I get back with ya on that) and have black hair with one long braid like Bankotsu. I'd have claws like Inuyasha so when I lose my swords or drop them (from plain clumsiness) I could shred my enemy to pieces. i'd also have 5 sets of wings that changes colors from white to black to blue. I'd also be able to breath ice. I could use that if i were ever tied down, now coudn't I? ^_^
  3. [SIZE=2][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]If you could be any demon or person, who would you be, what weapon would you carry and what would be your name? Feel free to pm me and please sign my guestbook. And please reply.:D :cool: [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=4][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1]If you could be any demon, person or anything, who would you be and what weapon(s) would you carry and what name would you use?[/SIZE][/COLOR] :D :cool:[/SIZE]feel free to message me and check out myOtaku account(same username) Also please sign my guestbook. Sorry, but could everyone that answered my accidental post answer mine on my account? sorry, i thought i started my own post!!!lol :D
  5. I think the best anime(my opinion) like Inuyasha should come on early in the evening. Feel free to E-mail or message me. :D :cool: :animesmil
  6. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise][FONT=Comic Sans MS]OK, here's my deal... I look like I'm black, but after my blood test, i discovered I'm (from greatest to smallest) Indonesain,White, native american,and the African American! So my freinds choose my "color" by how I act. I con't intentionally act white but I skateboard listen to rock music, and do normal things that a 13 year old teen would do and i also only went ut with white girls. So all of my black freinds tease me because i'm sorta different! So i guess I fall in the catergory of cool kids because my freinds are really the coolest boys in the. :animesigh So you all ssee, I'm just Weird! But cool. (Hahaha) ~darkartic[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]To anyone, tell me what is your favorite Anime/Manga and tell me why. The more responses i get, the easier it is for all of us to see which Anime and/or manga is the most popular. Anyone can message me. ttyl![/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]-darkartic[/FONT][/COLOR] :cool:
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