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Everything posted by Drausinus

  1. Well, I am. I'm black and I listen to Rock. It just depends ont he person you are, and if you are, not to be mean, obsessive. If you are easily persuaded, then obviously you are going to be influenced to lead your lifestyle ina different way. The whole image thing plays a part too.
  2. Drausinus

    Dead Like Me

    [quote name='Linkk']My info from a friend might be wrong. My mom told me that she saw an ad for a new DEad Like Me season! So until I see it or don't see it I'm not sure. But I really hope there is a 3 season![/quote] Really? Cool! :animesmil Hope that season's as good as the first one!
  3. Drausinus


    I've heard of them since they were new when I was like 4/5 and I re-knew them back in 2003. I've listened to all of the albums, and I own 2 of the albums. They're kind of my taboo favourite band! :animesmil 'Blood, Spite and Malice' is my favourite song. It's on 'Black Market Music'. that's my favourite album. Placebo are much more poppy in 'Sleeping With Ghosts'. I hate the fact that they come, everyone loves them, then they fall back into the oblivion! :animestun
  4. Drausinus

    Dead Like Me

    I agree with waht you say, and I have nothing else to say! :animesmil [font=Verdana][color=blue]If that's the case, it's best not to post at all. Even if you agree with a person, explain why. Otherwise, the post is considered spam.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font]
  5. Drausinus

    Dead Like Me

    Jeez! I loved it! I've watched both, and I didn't like the second. It felt like it was by another person, and that sucked. The first one was really good, and didn't suck at all. :animestun It was very thought-provoking, and always had a moral! :animenose
  6. Well, I recommend NGE. If you want to get confused, and want to spend sleeping time wondering the plot twists, then choose that! :animesmil
  7. Drausinus

    The Crow

    :animecry: I haven't seen it! I've only read the book of the guy with his girlfriend killed! I wish that I could see it! :animesigh
  8. WEll, at my school, it is a girls school. That is not the least of my worries! No! No! It's also a black majority school, and I live in London, England, so that means that EVERYONE wants to go to America, :animeshy: and they are all first generation black british, and I'm second, so I've intergrated with English life! :animecry: There are wannabes, wannabes, and more wannabes! :animecry: I am the outcast, geek, nerd. :animestun Yeah. I don't fit anywhere, and I deal with it. Oh yeah! I also gravely suffer from depression, and am a TAD suicidal at times! Yeah! :animesmil [color=DarkGreen][size=1][b]Drausinus, I've merged together your two consecutive posts. In future, please refrain from double posting (as requested in the [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"]Rules[/url]), instead use the EDIT button in your post's bottom right corner. [/b][/size][/color] [right][size=1][color=DarkGreen]-Raiyuu[/color][/size] [/right]
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