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Everything posted by LadyOfColors

  1. i think the most evil anime-villain is naraku from "inu yasha". he do everthing to make his plans real and he cares for nothing.
  2. the funniest manga i ever read was [B]inu yasha[/B] ! :animesigh when inu yasha and kagome have a bad quarrel i´ve to laugh always. *rofl* :animesmil
  3. it would be one of my own characters, integrated in the story! [B]inu yasha[/B] inu saruya, ishita or kazuha [B]wolfs rain[/B] tashiba blackwolf
  4. i remind it. i know i have to exercise a lot but i am glad that i could draw now for i couldn´t draw either. now i show you my wolfs rain-character [B]tashibablackwolf[/B]
  5. my first manga was "sailor moon" :animeblus i was a really huge fan of this magical-girl series
  6. my favourite moviegenre is fatasy and my favorite movie is "dragonheart" with dennis quaid. i love this movie because of the heartbreaking story of the last dragon called draco and his friendship with the knight bowen.
  7. so here i show you my selfcreatet characters drawn in mangastyle first my three inu yasha-charas: [URL=http://www.directupload.net/show/d/509/G3j26GBD.jpg]Inu Saruya[/URL] [URL=http://www.directupload.net/show/d/509/l8GhvEnP.jpg]Inu Saruya 2[/URL] [URL=http://www.directupload.net/show/d/509/9U2AwgL8.jpg]Ishita[/URL] [URL=http://www.directupload.net/show/d/509/JUTm39q2.jpg]Miko Kazuha[/URL]
  8. i like rock and gothic-rock because this style is my imagination of a wild and free life that i wish to live but never would. my fauvourite bands are "nightwish" because i like tarjas voice, i wish i could sing like her, and "vanilla ninja" because the 4 estonian girls make good rockmusic and their voices, espacially lenna´s, are very powerful and they sound very, very good.
  9. i´ve seen this movie, and fall in love with hauro(japanese version of howl). he´s my absolutly favourite :rolleyes: its very funny and dramatic and the endtitle "princess of the world"(japanese songlyric) is wonderful. i´ve read the book from dianna wyenne jones too. its diffrent from the movie but as funny and dramatic as the movie.
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