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Everything posted by Jakehammaren

  1. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']What does it originally being by Genesis have to do with his choice of putting it on his site and thinking it's a good song? [/quote] I didn't say it had anything to do with thinking it was a good song! The quote read "Land of Confusion" [I]by Disturbed[/I]. I was simply pointing out that the song isn't by disturbed.
  2. [quote name='Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmmm.....well, on my myspace profile I have "Land of Confusion" by Disturbed. Which, in my opinion, is an absolutely awesome song. So, I guess i'm gonna have to vote for myself on this one.[/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote] Too bad that song isn't even by Disturbed. It's a cover of a Genesis song. And In Flames did a better cover of it anyway.
  3. Alright, about 99% of the world's population has a flippin' Myspace profile. A good portion of said profiles have music on them. Who has the kickenest song on their profile? My vote is me :animesmil Check it out at [url]www.myspace.com/jakehammaren[/url]
  4. [QUOTE=Amorphous]This is what we call Extreme Progressive Metal. As far as I am concerned though, this band is boring and their attention is unfounded, I would rather listen to Progressive Death Metal like Disillusion and the likes over Opeth. They barely meet any standards of musical genius as far as I am concerned. Even when I was younger and just getting into metal I never ever understood what was so amazing about Opeth and I had listened to every album by them.[/QUOTE] To each his own. I actually hear this opinion a lot. The Metal world has two Opeth camps: those who hold strong disdain, and those who worship. I am, obviously, of the latter group.
  5. Jakehammaren


    I'm not gonna lie... I'm kind of obsessed. But hey, is it my fault if every album they release is a masterpiece? Well, I guess I don't totally love Morningrise, but other than that - wow. This band is pure and utter genious. Pretty much the best band ever.
  6. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Did they get their name from the sound of their monotonous power chords?[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] HAHAHAHA! OWNED!
  7. [quote name='0ber0n the Neko']Meshuggah may be a little heavy for you j-pop lovers out there, but give them a good listen. It's good quality headbangity fun.[/quote] No, they may be a little [i]annoying[/i] and [i]monotonous[/i] for you j-pop lovers out there. And it's [i]not[/i] good quality headbanging fun. Don't let your perception of what metal is all about be completely spoiled and ruined forever by listening to this band.
  8. [quote name='0ber0n the Neko']Jake Hammer, you're spelling ridiculous wrong.[/quote] I stand corrected.
  9. [quote name='0ber0n the Neko']Lol, you know you only like it because he's unsigned and obscure. And it's a pretentious solo project.[/quote] Dangit, you caught me - that's [i]exactly[/i] why I like him. :animesigh But seriously, he's amazing.
  10. Kayo Dot is pretentious and annoying! Hooray! And Henry, while you're at it, why don't you start a thread on Meshuggah or Dream Theater!
  11. ^^^You'll general find that religious groups are the most ignorant and intolerant of all. "Horns to the Core? How about God?" Its so rediculous that you lost because of that mindset! I can't believe it! Chances are you guys were the best band there, but NOOOOOO. Ugh. Sickening. Disgusting. This is exactly why I stopped calling myself a Christian.
  12. Check this out! The band is called Myrkgrav. It's just one kid from Norway, and he does all the instruments. He is flat-out INCREDIBLE. Go to the URL and listen to "De To Spellemenn". I don't care what kind of music you listen to, at least a small part of you will enjoy this song. It's amazing. [URL=http://www.myspace.com/myrkgrav ]http://www.myspace.com/myrkgrav[/URL]
  13. Borat was nothing short of amazing. The fact that a good portion of it was candid (most people in the movie didn't realize that Borat was actually a fictional character being played by an actor) made it even better. And the part that Your Mother mentioned was definately my favorite part! Classic, classic stuff! I just about vomited I was laughing so hard.
  14. ^^^Not much more than that, indeed. However, I do try to put forth an effort to educate when I can. And I've made it really clear all over my MySpace page that I'm against "Hateful Heathens" ([url]www.myspace.com/jakehammaren[/url]). Hopefully the whole Nordic Nazi thing is just a passing fad...
  15. Seven words: Amon Amarth, Children of Bodom, In Flames.
  16. That's a lot of questions you've converted to statements. And I had no idea they'd gone on hiatus... I'm releived, seeing as they annoy me quite a bit. It'll be nice to not hear from them for a while.
  17. ^^^Excellent! I'm getting a Triple-Horn tattoo as well, on my right bicep. Anyway, it is quite unfortunate that Norse lore had to be dragged in to all of this. Hitler's abuse of the Swastika, Suncross, Elhaz rune, and Sowilo rune didn't help any, and the small percentage of the idiot Neo-Nazis have really latched onto the whole Viking thing. It's rediculous.
  18. [quote name='Amorphous']But you will find many, many bands like that Jake so do not be surprised.[/quote] Oh yes, I am quite aware of this. That's exactly why I'm frustrated. I have crazy Nazis talking to me on MySpace all the time, and some guy sent me a message telling me I was an anti-semetic bigot simply because I wear a Mjolnir necklace. It's rediculous. And what's this business about me getting a blog? Why should I do that?
  19. Why oh why must Vikings and Norse imagery be dragged into Nazi and Aryan supremist propaganda? Okay, I know their reasons why, but the reasons are poorly develped and not very well informed. Argh. It just makes me angry. It's truly sad that every time I discover a new band that uses runes and mjolnirs in their imagery, I find myself looking deeply into their history and philosophy because there is a good chance they are a bunch of bigoted pigs. Bands like Graveland and Burzum are especially frustrating becasue they make some excellent music, but I refuse to support any NS groups. I'm just frustrated, so I thought I'd vent here.
  20. ^^^Agreed. The Mantle is one of the greatest albums you'll ever hear. Ever. Ashes Against the Grain is a close second, though.
  21. ^^^You'd be suprised, man. I love me some mellow stuff if it's done right. Hence, Agalloch is my second favorite band (and actually my favorite band when I decide I like them more than Opeth... the two just sort of switch off every couple days). And as for my favorite song off each album, that's a toughie. I guess I'll go with: 1. Pale Folklore - It's a tossup between "Hallways of Enchanted Ebony" and "As Embers Dress the Sky". 2. The Mantle - Definately "In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion". It's one of my favorite songs of all time, and I know I'll cherish it for many years to come. 3. Ashes Against the Grain - Another tossup, this time between "Fire Above, Ice Below", "Not Unlike the Waves" and "Our Fortress Is Burning... II - Bloodbirds". I know that's almost half the album, but it's really difficult to choose.
  22. [quote name='vegeta rocker']Maybe it will grow on me.[/quote] Nah, it probably won't. It's actually done the opposite for me. I've grown somewhat bored of it.
  23. The title pretty much says it all. Opeth has long been my favorite band, but lately Agalloch has been threatening to overtake that position. Every single album of theirs is beautiful and perfect. Pale Folklore, The Mantle, and the recently released Ashes Against the Grain simply will not leave my CD player. If you have not experienced the beautiful, haunting artistic vision of this band, you simply have not lived. Any thoughts?
  24. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]So, I actually heard the album now, which means I can do more than tell Jake that his street cred is blown like a cheap whore.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Ouch, man. Why you gotta break balls?
  25. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']Last I heard the US has freedom of religion laws in place.[/quote] Nope. They claim this, but it's absolutely not true. Christians dictate everything. If there really was religious freedom, gay rights and abortion wouldn't even be an issue. But [I]noooo[/I], according to Christianity, both those things are morally wrong and therefore should be illegal. Oh, and not only that, creationism being taught in schools shouldn't even be conisdered. But hey, let's just throw the whole "seperation of church and state" nonsense out the window. What they really meant when they said that was "seperation of church and state, unless that church is a Christian one". The woman trying to ban Harry Potter probably also thinks that the world is 6,000 years old and that God put dinosaur fossils on Earth to test our faith.
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