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Everything posted by Jakehammaren
[quote name='Viper0529']I listen to a lot of metal... true, there are some bands that scream a lot (As I Lay Dying, Bleeding Through, etc.) but a lot of bands that dont really scream that much (Disturbed, Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, The Union Underground).[/quote] Yeah, but none of those are Metal bands. Metal does tend to have a lot of harsh vocals, but a good portion of it doesn't. It just depends what type you're into.
The difference between a tube amp and a solid state amp is like the difference between real cheese and Kraft cheese product. A solid state amp uses electronic processing units to create the sound, whereas a tube amp is more organic (this is very basic, so if you want a real technical description, look it up on Wikipedia or something). A tube amp will usually sound better, but they're also more expensive. As far as a nice amp, I have an absolutely great Crate half-stack and head I got for little over $500. I highly suggest it, as it's great for it's price. The head has three channels: a clean channel with adjustable reverb and full EQ, a rhythm channel with adjustable gain that gives a good rhythm crunch, and a solo channel that delivers searing tone and punishing distortion (this channel also has adjustable gain and full EQ). Unfortunately I can't remember the model number, but go to musiciansfriend.com or music123.com and search for Crate amps between $500 and $600.
[QUOTE=Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna]...but when the vocalist kicks in with the pointless screaming about whatever [B](Usually something rather violent or disturbing or gimmically-evil)[/B] it just ruins it for me. I can't stand Screamo. At all. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Geez, what kind of Metal have [I]you[/I] been listening too? Sounds like someone showed you Cannibal Corpse or some gimmicky band like that - becuase Metal usually has positive empowering lyrics, or lyrics that tell an epic tale of some kind. Seriously, look more into Metal lyrics. Your concept of it is very skewed. (Again, this isn't your fault, and this isn't a personal attack on you.) And we all know Screamo is NOT A FORM OF METAL, right? People keep mentioning them side by side, and it's to the point that the two seem to be running together... I'm just checking here.
Understood, Kazuwa, and my apologies. [QUOTE]So when one kid goes and watches headbangers ball for about 3 minutes and hears some screamer band he goes and tells the whole school about how these goth weirdo's scream on tv.[/QUOTE] [b]Headbanger's Ball[/b] [SIZE=4][b]RARELY EVER PLAYS METAL[/b][/SIZE]. Headbanger's ball is a crapfest dedicated to shoving diluted hardcore and nu-metal (which ISNT metal at ALL) down your throat. Last time I watched Headbanger's ball, they played Slipknot, Korn, and Hatebreed. OOPS! No Metal bands! I thought Headbanger's Ball was supposed to be a Metal show! AND AVENGED SEVENFOLD ISN'T A METAL BAND. :animeangr Harsh vocals can be used to good effect. The problem is, the mainstream music that [I]does[/I] use this technique is just bad hardcore and nu-crap like Slipknot and others that defile everything that is good about heavy music. You say you hate "screaming Metal", but you've probably never even heard an actual Metal band with harsh vocals before! I'm not saying this is your fault at all. It sucks because the media goes along with what sells, takes a crap on everything, and the average listener gets a massively incorrect view of what music even is. I emplore you to try listening to some actual, real Metal and see if it changes your mind! DON'T use ANYTHING on TV, in magazines, or on any mainstream websites as reference! That's the source of the problem. PM me about it and I'll give you 3 or 4 bands that might change your mind, or visit a good Metal website like metalcrypt.com and search for styles you enjoy. And about screaming being included as "art" along with the rest of the music, know that harsh vocals can really add alot to a band - when used correctly. Hardcore and nu-crap bands don't understand this, and that's where you're getting the idea that it's just a bunch of yelling. In those particular styles, that's all it is. Again, you need to hear some true Metal. For example, check out one of these Metal bands and see how they incorporate harsh vocals: [B][u]Ensiferum[/u][/B] - This is a Viking Metal band from Finland. They use the harsh vocals to great effect, mixing them very smoothly with the clean vocals and Viking chants. Check out the song "Eternal Wait" for a prime example of how this is done. You'll begin to notice that the harsh vocals make perfect sense. [B][u]Amon Amarth[/u][/B] - Amon Amarth is a very melodic metal band from Sweden. The music conveys loads and loads of swelling riffs, melodies, and harmonies. They also have a very aggresive edge to them, making the balance between melody and heaviness an interesting one. Imagining this band without harsh vocals is difficult, as they work so very well. Check out the song "Fate of Norns" to see what I mean. [B][u]Opeth[/u][/B] - A Swedish metal band that utterly defies classification. Opeth's intricate, epic songs often span play times that pass the 10 minute mark, and will incorporate everything from haunting clean vocals to extreme death growls, soft, soothing accoustic guitar and blistering metal riffs. Again, the harsh vocals are so perfect, they could not be done another way - and it's not just yelling. It's finely crafted and placed where it is in the song for just the right effect. Listen to the song "The Drapery Falls", and you'll understand what I mean. Please please PLEASE take a second to check one of these bands out, as it saddens me deeply to see the name of Metal scarred by hardcore and nu-crap garbage. Metal is art. Nu-crap is basically like boy-bands who pretend to be pissed at their parents for a few extra bucks. And Headbanger's Ball is an atrocity. Oh, and by the way: I'm really, really passionate about this. As if you couldn't tell. :animeswea
[quote name='Kazuwa Nomura][B']I mean sure, Satanism is usually within the music of Screamo, Metal, Punk and other screaming types of songs, but they can't all be like that, can they?[B][/quote] Um... if you can tell me of one - ONE - screamo band that even mentions Satan (because I take it that by "Satanism" you mean worshipping the Christian version of the devil and not [I]actual[/I] Satanism because no-one ever bothers to research these things before saying things about them), then I'll be impressed. Screamo generally covers emotional and personal topics (hence the whole emo thing, which is short for "emotional", in case you didn't know). Punk also rarely covers the whole Satan thing (if ever). Most Metal isn't about Satan, and the very, very small percentage that is (a good portion of Black Metal, and a few Death Metal bands) doesn't even cover actual Satanism, it simply uses the Christian version of Satan to be shocking and scary. I think screaming in music is fine, and has absolutely nothing to do with being Gothic as you've implied. Goth music never screams (listen to the Cure and tell me if you hear a single growl coming from your speakers). If you mean Gothic Metal, then sure, there's some screaming, but they're the only type of Metal that includes Gothic culture at all. Just for future reference, Satanists do not believe a God or a devil exist, nor that there's an afterlife. In fact, it's barely different than Humanism, the only differences being certain religious ceremonies and rituals that define it as a religion and not a philosophy. Screaming about sacrificing goats and Satan killing Christians with his pitchfork is simply a gimmick based on the Christian vision of the devil. Argh.
I guess the Kovenant's ok... but probably not the kind of thing you're looking for. Someone mentioned DragonForce - definately a good pick. My personal favorites right now are Ensiferum, Moonsorrow, Children of Bodom, and Amon Amarth, among a crapload of others. But definately give Ensiferum a listen, because as far as I'm concerned, they're the best band out there right now. Their song "Lai Lai Hei" is a great place to start.
[quote name='DeadSeraphim][color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]Keep at it, and Roadrunner will pick you up in no time.[/font][/size'][/color][/quote] I really hope to the Gods that Roadrunner never, [I]ever[/I] signs my band... the only redeeming factors of Roadrunner are Opeth, DragonForce, Nightwish, and 3 Inches of Blood. Other than that: eeeeew. I'd hate to be counted among the ranks of garbage like Slipknot, Ill Nino, and Nickleback. As for the growling, a lot of the low and high got lost in the mixing... it sounds quite a bit different live and on the unmixed recording. We're working on it constantly, so keep checking back. By the way, for you Metalheads who like it faster, we have another song coming that is a (Nifl)hel of a lot faster than the other ones on the site. Anyway, keep checking back for updates and stuff.
Jeff Loomis of Nevermore, Jari Maenpää of Wintersun, and Herman Li of DragonForce, and Alexi Laiho of Children of Bodom.
Click here to hear some songs by my band, Edda: [URL=http://www.myspace.com/vikingedda]www.myspace.com/vikingedda[/URL] We play melodic Viking Metal, and lyrics are (of course) Viking and Pagan related. Fimbulwinter is the most complete song we have up. I hope you guys enjoy! Please post any suggestions here in this thread! I'd really appreciate it! [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1] Merged the threads. -Amelia[/SIZE][/COLOR]
The link didn't work for me. I am, however, a metalhead, an extremely avid one at that. If you ever want some suggestions on new bands (or can offer me some!), just let me know! The Metal scene keeps getting pushed further and further down by the over-saturation of hardcore, emocore, omgxcore, lolxcore, and whatevercore that's just everywhere these days, so I know how it goes being frustrated with finding good Metal out there.
[B]Moonsorrow[/B] - [I]Voimasta ja Kunniasta[/I] This one completes my Moonsorrow collection. It wasn't a huge surprise coming in that this would be amazing, as Moonsorrow NEVER fails to impress and inspire awe. This album is soaringly epic, merging Nordic folk music, folksy melodies, mead-swilling Viking Metal riffs, and massive choruses to create a breathtaking aural landscape. I highly recommend this album to anyone who is interested in Scandinavian folk music, ancient Pagan culture, or just plain incredible music. This is probably my favorite Moonsorrow release next to Kivenkantaja, and it's a must-have for any collection.
Progressive rockers Tool have finally release their highly anticipated album, 10,000 days - and I must say, folks, the boys have created another masterpiece. I don't think it surpasses Lateralus or even Ænima, but it comes close. Vicarious, The Pot, and 10,000 Days are my personal favorites off the disc (I must've listened to The Pot all day when I got the album). Anyone got an opinion to throw in here?
Black Dahlia Murder is one of the biggest Death Metal bands around right now, actually. For some reason, they've gotten huge in the hardcore scene as well, thus expanding their audience. They have a strong rotation on Headbanger's Ball (which is MTV, by the way), Uranium, Metal Asylum - all of the metal television shows, basically. All the big magazines cover them (and they've been featured on covers of some such magazines), and they get lots of press all over the web. They're huge! It's not a bad thing by any means - the kick ***. I'm just saying they're quite far from being an underground band. Their success is well deserved. You see, "mainstream-ism" goes beyond simple radio-play. For example, I've never once heard Nightwish or In Flames on the radio, but those bands are massively mainstream. And again, like I said, being mainstream isn't bad by any means (unless it ruins the integrity of a band, but that's a different story).
[quote name='NinjaJedi007']My favorite metal bands include DragonForce, Killswitch Engage, and Children Of Bodom. They're all incredibly musical despite what people may think about metal. The intensity is always high and the songs are quite impressive :cool:[/quote] DragonForce and Children of Bodom = HELL YES. DragonForce's guitar work is utterly and completely rediculous. They are elite musicians of the highest order. And their sense of melody is amazing. Love 'em. As for Children of Bodom, they're quite possibly my favorite band. I haven't been so into their latest 2 albums, but the first three are where it's at. Hatebreeder is probably my favorite album of all time. My top three favorite bands right now are: Ensiferum - Heroically amazing Viking Metal from Finland. Tons of melody, amazing guitar work, epic/symphonic keyboards, and great vocals to boot. The vocals range from scream to epic, swelling Nordic chants. The lyrics are good ol' Viking fare, and every song is written exactly as it should be. Ensiferum is one of those timeless, untouchable bands that will be listened to far into the future. Unfortunately, they've lost their lead guitarist/vocalist, so we'll see how things turn out in the future. Children of Bodom (their old stuff): Extremely melodic band from Finland. The vocals are often a turn off to people, as they aren't that great, but the music makes up for it a hundred fold. Layer upon layer of beautiful, haunting melody is added as the songs progress, along with keyboard atmospherics that add an ambiance to the band that is as awesome as it is cheesy (in that great "you know they're having a blast playing this stuff" kind of way). Opeth: A band from Sweden with a style of their own. Opeth has it all: everything from death metal to psychadellic rock influences make their way into Opeth's twisting, turning, progressive albums. The latest offering, Ghost Reveries, has even thrown some keyboards into the mix, giving the whole ordeal immense atmosphere. Mikael Akerfeldt's vocals, both death and clean, are top notch, as are his lyrics. Definately a band to watch. EDIT: [QUOTE=Wolf Rider]Kamelot Nightwish Rhapsody Lost Horizon CorruptiVe - My brothers band. He's on vocals. Rot Eternally - Kick ***** death metal band from the rez. Existence A.D. - My cousins band. She can sing like a mofo. and a whole lot more.[/QUOTE] Yes, yes, yes! You and I need to talk music.
J!nx, Gwar and Dead to Fall aren't death metal bands, just to let you know. Granted, they're awesome bands. My favorite non-mainstream bands: Ensiferum Thyrfing Mithotyn Korpiklaani Finntroll (although they're mainstream in Scandinavia) Moonsorrow Equilibrium (the German viking metal band, not the electronica artist) Norther Agathodaimon Adorned Brood Butterfly Temple Asmegin Bloodbath Demonoid Folkearth Imperanon Menhir Nomans Land Sinergy Windir Xasthur Týr Kalmah Among others. And I keep seeing tons and tons of very mainstream bands popping up under nearly everyone's non-mainstream lists... I'm not trying to pull elitism here (I love plenty of mainstream bands - In Flames, Children of Bodom, even some super-uber mainstream ones like Black Dahlia Murder and stuff like that). I just think that non-mainstream bands are what belong in a post about non-mainstream music. I was truly hoping to see some new bands here for me to check out. And whoever put 3 Inches of Blood - hell yes. Love 'em. If you ever get the chance to see them live, do it. It's one of the best shows I've seen in my life. By the way, some other great Canadian metal bands: Into Eternity, Strapping Young Lad, Kataklysm, Tvangeste... there's more, those are just the ones off the top of my head. But yeah, check out Into Eternity's latest album, Buried in Oblivion. They're from Canada, and that album rules.
First off - Rhym, hell yes on the song choice (as usual). The Drapery Falls has seriously got to be one of the most incredible and moving songs ever written as far as I'm concerned. Anyway, I can't really tell if this is for "favorite song" or "relate to song", because a bit of both seems to be going on. I don't know why I care too much, because I doubt anyone will read this. :animesigh Oh well. This one's called "[I]This Godless Endeavor[/I]" by metal band Nevermore. I've picked it because, like many, I am tormented by spiritual questions. [B]NEVERMORE - [I]THIS GODLESS ENDEAVOR[/I][/B] And on the open road we came to a sign For it was foretold that the weak would inherit And nothing would change Here we are at the crossroads, standing face to back Still afraid to see our eyes I feel helpless and alone, trapped on the third stone Sitting here sideways on the cold stone floor My guitar gently bleeding and wanting more When I heard a sound of rapping, Tapping on my door Hello, I'm happy to meet you [In your confidence is it safe?] Sit down, I'm happy to greet you [To feed your greedy dog at the edge of the stage?] But before, before you slam the door Tell me when, tell me why, tell me what this f-cking life is for We fly through this godless endeavor We try to explain the black forever I feel helpless and alone, trapped on the third stone I feel permanently stoned, this godless endeavor the only cage I've known Our organic equation has shown it's flaw Can we agree to disagree on the concept of god? As I lifted up my brother he said to me "Abandon naive realism, surrender thought in cold precision" I feel empty and deranged, denied one last epiphany and ushered from the stage Thou shalt not question! The role of science is not to eliminate god As alternative gods multiply science stands accused of theocide Consume, conform The children sitting in the trees, they turn to laugh at me They tell me that I'm insane, but in my mind I know I'm to blame Alone within my lunacy, dementia fills the void within me No testament, prayer or diseased lament can heal my wounds They are so discontent All the faithful fall onto their knees And praise the priests of industrial disease We contemplate oblivion as we resonate our dissonance In godless random interpretation The universe still expands Mankind still can't understand how to define you So hide your face and watch us exterminate ourselves over you Welcome to the end my friend, the sky has opened
S&M (Symphony & Metallica) is awesome and epic. I loved it. Then again, I love symphonic Metal to begin with, so I guess that makes S&M easier for me to digest.
After much anticipation, Viking Metal band Ensiferum has an album scheduled for release! Any thoughts on it? They've lost lead vocalist, guitarist and songwriter Jari Mäenpää, whom they've replaced with Petri Lindroos of Norther. I haven't had the chance to listen to the advance song they've released (titled Dragonheads), but I'm sure it'll provide a good preview to their new sound. I just hope they stay as incredible as they've been up to this point.
In my opinion, Metallica was great until the Black Album, which was only alright, and every album since has been downhill utterly and completely. But they used to be great.
I loved BOTH Underworld movies! Say they're corny, say they sucked (which they probably did), but Underworld is my all-time favorite movie, and the sequel did not disappoint. I love 'em. I have no good reason. I just do.
[IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8c/Immortal.jpg[/IMG] I think only the tr00 kvlt grim nekro Black Metal fans will get this, but oh well... [B]Abbath: Look! It's Jesus! I follow! Horgh: NOOOOO!!! First Demonaz, and now [I]you?[/I][/B]
I listen to Metal. I'm talking real, honest, true Metal - not Slipknot or Ill Nino or anything else along those lines. That's not Metal. I mean METAL! I like everything from the highly melodic and rediculously cheesy power metal (POWER OF STEEL!!!) to grim and frostbitten Black Metal (N3KR0!). The reasons I listen to metal are many. First of all, I love how diverse it is. In the same genre we've got men who sing higher than any woman with lyrics about slaying dragons and raising one's sword on high, and then on the other end of Metal we've got extremely technical polyrhythms and blastbeats with guys who sound like they're putting their vocal chords through meat grinders growling over it all (although I tend not to enjoy this style so much). Metal covers the whole spectrum. I tend to like Viking Metal and Folk Metal the best. I love Viking Metal because the lyrics tend to be amazingly awesome. You see, I'm really into Norse beliefs and studying Viking culture and such, so this music really comes naturally to me. Plus the music itself can be epic beyond belief. Take bands like Thyrfing, Equilibrium, or Ensiferum for example: they just feel awe-inspiring to listen to! When you hear those epic string arrangements swell up behind chanted vocals about Valhalla, what's not to love? I guess it comes back to escaping to a world much more ancient and different than ours. I can't stand political lyrics and the like because that's just the kind of stuff I want to get away from when I pop in a Menhir album or an Enslaved disc. I just like the feeling of closing my eyes and being surrounded with a completely seperate world, one not burdened with politics, being dumped by a girlfriend or being angry at parents. No, I want to be on top of a snow-blown mountain holding a battleaxe on high and praising Odin! I could go on and on and on about why I love this music, but I won't. I will however, depart with one more reason. Out of all the styles of music besides the great Classical composers of old, Metal contains, by far, the most talented musicians out there. I've found in all my searching through all genres that all the guitarists who can [I]seriously[/I] shred are in the Metal scene. Listen to the solos bands like Children of Bodom or Hibria put out! Good LORD, these guys can play! And then there's stuff like Nile... I can't even imagine writing songs as complex as those guys do. The musicianship involved in the true Metal scene is unapparelled in todays world, and I love it.
^^^Since Amorphous is, as always, completely correct about everything, I cannot add much to this discussion. I would like to suggest you check out the magazine [U]Metal Maniacs[/U] for serious information on Death and Black Metal, as well as everything else. This is by far the best Metal magazine I've ever read, and I've loved every issue. Hit Parader is a very mainstream rock magazine. Very, VERY rarely do they ever feature Metal. I think you'll find that Metal Maniacs will fill that little void that Hit Parader has been leaving you with. [B]THE BEST RESOURCE, however, is [URL=http://www.metalcrypt.com]Metalcrypt.com[/URL].[/B] They have reviews on countless Metal albums from every corner of the spectrum, informative genre guides, interesting/hilarious editorials - they have everything. This site has been my #1 source for finding bands for me to check out, and I'm greatful for it. At least give it a check - it's an amazing site.
^^^HAHA!!! Very, very well put, childofthemorgu. :laugh: But anyway, if you like the album Nymphetamine, you might as well stop there. It's their best album (IMO), and it's a new direction for their sound. Their previous stuff probably won't please you too much. If you HAVE to buy more, get the album Midian. Beyond that, don't even bother. Seriously.
[quote name='Gothic InuYasha']Isn't that an online shop. I think you need a credit card number to do something like that.[/quote] Actually, I was referring to their mail-order service. You can get a free pamflet from them every time you buy any Nuclear Blast CD's.