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Everything posted by Jakehammaren

  1. Jakehammaren

    Heavy Metal

    My favorite Black Metal bands are (Amorphous, correct me if I'm wrong at all, I'm not huge on Black Metal) Naglfar, Dark Funeral, Enslaved, Emperor, and Trollech. Naglfar is probably my favorite Black Metal band because although they're relentless, they have a very keen sense of melodic overtone that gives their music a really cool feel. Trollech I don't know a whole lot about but I have one of their albums and I'm liking it quite a bit as far as Black Metal goes.
  2. Another great Death Metal band is the Black Dhalia Murder. I heard them for the first time not too long ago, and I must say it was great. I'd really like to look into buying their albums. If you haven't heard them, take a listen. For some reason, I thought they were a hardcore band or something like that, but I was extremely, extremely wrong. They play very awesome Death Metal. Hooray.
  3. Jakehammaren

    Heavy Metal

    Your point about Christian-based Black Metal is definately valid, and it is an oxymoron. Hence the term "White Metal" :laugh: In all seriousnes, though, I definately use that term simply to seperate the Christian-based ones from true Black Metal.
  4. Interesting... you see, Colony is my favorite album of theirs. I guess we'll just agree to disagree here. The reason I said the instrumental you were thinking of is probably Hargalaten because you mentioned the title being a Swedish word, and that's the only song with a Swedish name. It's a violin/guitar medley. Yeah, Soundtrack to Your Escape did pretty much suck. You'll probably be pretty disappointed with Come Clarity when it comes out... there's only 3 or 4 songs that are worth the time, and they still can't compare to glory day In Flames. It's definately better than STYE though.
  5. That's one of things that I find attractive about Nile. They're amazingly technical. Mindblowingly, in fact. My favorite songs are Excecration Text, Wind of Horus, Sacrifice Unto Sebek, The Burning Pits of the Duat, and Chapter of Obeisance Before Giving Breath to the Inert One in the Presence of the Crescent Shaped Horns. As you probably surmised, I only own the albums In Their Darkened Shrines and Annihilation of the Wicked. I'd love to look into their previous albums, as I am highly impressed with the two I have now. Aside from the technicality, I love the Egyptian-themed scales and progressions they use. It's a completely unique sound as far as Technical/Brutal Death Metal goes. I also love and highly appreciate their lyrics. It's not all gore-'n'-guts like a lot of Tech/Brutal Death bands are. Nile's lyrics are, as expected, Egyptian-themed, and they are very well researched. The jewel case insert provides not only the lyrics, but the story and history behind each song.
  6. Kataklysm, anyone? Or Necrophagist? Perhaps Nile? (not vocals, I mean their actual music)
  7. Jakehammaren

    Heavy Metal

    I think what 0ber0n was saying was fans of power metal might enjoy those bands, not that those bands are Power Metal. I [I]know[/I] - for a [I]fact[/I] - that 0ber0n knows At the Gates is not a Power Metal band (he's a friend of mine in reality). I think he just listed a bunch of bands that he likes regardless of genre :laugh: And since Opeth came up, I must state that they are one of my favorite bands of all time. I consider the album Blackwater Park to be a complete and total masterpiece from the first note to the last. I can spin that disc again and again and never get bored of it. Opeth was the first band that ever really got me into music. When I heard The Leper Affinity for the first time, I was amazed at how complex the song was, the way different musical parts were added in layers, the way the vocals switched from death to clean, the way the music went from extremely heavy to hauntingly beautiful in an instant... I still get lost in that album, and I attribute Opeth with giving me my love and passion for music (and for rescuing me from Mallcore :laugh:).
  8. My favorite Death growls ever are those of Mikael Åkerfeldt's in Opeth, and Peter Tägtgren's in Bloodbath. The reason is this: instead of being cookie-monster vocals that grate on the nerves after a short time like some Death growls, these two gentlemen's growls are passionate, powerful blasts of throat magic. I realise that Opeth is not a straight Death Metal band, but the guy's growls are definately those of Death, and some of the most perfect at that. You have NOT heard Death growls 'till you've heard Mikael. What blows me away is how he can just transition from his hauntingly beautiful clean vocals to that demonically gutteral growl the way he does. I also think Peter's vocals in Bloodbath (Nightmares Made Flesh was the album upon which he made his debut) severely overshadow those in his flagship band, Hypocrisy. I realise that he's going for totally different styles, but I just think he's so incredibly good at the Bloodbath style! They're deep as hell, passionate, and consistantly brutal. He switches flawlessly from the deep growl to the high screech. It's amazing.
  9. Jakehammaren

    Heavy Metal

    Yeah, 0ber0n and I are ravenous In Flames fans. We sit in front of my computer and rock out together, reminiscing of the good ol' In Flames days, heads banging, air guitars flying. The reason I said In Flames [I]used[/I] to rule the world is this: Soundtrack to Your Escape. Ew. Sure, it's way better an album than many other bands could ever produce, but by In Flames' standards, it was awful. Terrible. Horrific. The upcoming album (Come Clarity) is a bit better, but it's still kinda lame. And my comment about Trivium was not that they [I]are[/I] a Thrash band, but that they have many Thrashy elements. I have no idea how to categorize them. And I stand strong by my opinion that they are NOT a hardcore band, albeit the vocals. And as far as my statement about Power Metal fans being turned off by Children of Bodom lies within the fact that Alexi's vocals aren't exactly Power Metal material.
  10. I think the instrumental you're talking about is Hargalaten. And yes, it's pretty sweet. While the really old-school In Flames owns completely, I like Jester Race, Whoracle, Colony, and Clayman the best. Their mid-era sound was the most powerful, developed style they've ever had. Every note of those albums just plain rules. The way they crafted that dual-guitar sound... beautiful. Sadly, those days are gone. :bawl:
  11. Jakehammaren

    Heavy Metal

    BAD, 0BER0N, BAD!!! I don't want to start another argument, but this one is WAY to blatantly wrong to not comment on. In no way is Trivium a freakin' Power Metal band. No no no no no. I think Trivium is a fine band, even great at times, but they're not Power Metal. In fact, I might even call you about this tomorrow. WTFZORZ? As for their actual genre, I don't know. They're pretty hard to classify. The genre they seem closest to to me is Thrash, although a Thrash band they are not. Many Metalheads call them a hardcore band just because of the (annoying IMO) vocals, but vocals alone don't constitute the entire band's sound. The music itself is nowhere near hardcore. It has way too many Metal elements and almost zero Hardcore elements. And putting In Flames as a suggestion for Power Metal fans might be a bit misleading (although they do (or at least used to) rule the friggin world). AND Children of Bodom would probably offset said Power fans as well, despite their utter PWN'age (well... they [I]used[/I] to utterly PWN).
  12. Jakehammaren

    Heavy Metal

    If you like "folk punk", you should check out Finntroll. They're a Folk Metal band that's a lot of fun. They have some slight punk influences here and there, so they might be a bit more accessable to you. Natfodd is their best album (IMO), so I suggest checking out a few tracks from that one. Trollhammaren is the most popular song from the disc and is probably a good place to start, but my favorites are Fiskarens Fiende (the chorus is rediculously fun to sing along with), and Det Iskalla Trollblodet (about a minute into the song, the folkiness starts, and you WILL get up and do a jig. Seriously, you won't be able to help it). Also try Korpiklaani. They're very punky but still Metal at heart, with lots of cool fiddle wankery. Check out the songs Beer Beer, The Hunting Song, and Before the Morning Sun.
  13. I'm an extremely avid In Flames fan. They were one of my first true Metal experiences, and I hold them close to my heart to this day. Every album from Lunar Strain up to Clayman are nearly musical perfection. Reroute to Remain was great, of course, but it seemed a bit lacking as far as what made In Flames one of the greatest bands ever. Then Soundtrack to Your Escape hit, and it was a huge letdown for many fans, me being one of them. There was an extremely disturbing lack of guitar solos, the gorgeous dual harmonies and massive, soaring riffs were nearly nonexistant, and the vocals often degressed into an almost Nu-Metal whine. There were some decent tracks on that album (My Sweet Shadow, In Search for I, and Borders and Shading come to mind), but overall, it was the lamest In Flames album EVER. Now we all await the release of In Flames' next endeavor, titled "Come Clarity". I actually managed to score a copy of it last week - two months before its official release. Alright, the first thing to worry about is the cover of the album. Looks, of course, mean absolutely nothing in the Metal world as long as your music is good. But still... In Flames has had intersting artwork and such from day one, from the helix on the moon for Lunar Strain, to the futuristic city on the cover of Colony. Come Clarity's cover does not reflect what I think of when I think In Flames. It's a sketchy drawing of a man clutching his chest, from which some blood drips. In the other hand he holds his heart. This could be cool, but the way it's done makes it look like it belongs on the cover of a Hawthorne Heights CD rather than an In Flames masterpiece. On the bright side, good things happened when I popped in the disc. Track one is titled "Take This Life", and will be the rollout single for the album. I thought to myself that this was a pretty solid track, with a very catchy chorus. I was bobbing my head a bit, caught myself singing along when the second chorus rolled around. Then something [I]awesome[/I] happened. At about 2:14, a riffing pattern emerges that made me jump out of my seat and scream "OH HELL YES!". It sounded very, very reminiscent of the In Flames that's been missing since Colony or Clayman. It's a short section of the song, but still... it exists. Moments like this occur throughout the entire album. Bits and pieces of the old In Flames magic reappears from time to time across the album, and it's glorious. Unfortunately, there's also quite a bit of filler, and it gets skippable at moments. Overall, it's a HUGE step forward from Soundtrack to Your Escape, which is definately good. Here's a little track-by-track review as far as my opinions and tastes are concerned: 1. [B]Take This Life[/B] - This song is nothing special until the chorus and the bridge. The chorus is very, very catchy, in a good way. The highlight of this song is the bridge. At about 2:14, an absolutely sublime old-school In Flames style riff happens. I find myself hitting the rewind button multiple times just to hear this part again. Very cool. 2. [B]Leeches[/B] - This song also harbors a viciously addictive chorus. It also presents to us the first guitar solo of the album, which is another reason to rejoice. It's not extremely fast or technical, but it's still a guitar solo, and it still rocks. It'll bring back memories of moments from better In Flames days. 3. [B]Reflect the Storm[/B] - A somewhat average song, but some cool riffery occurs from time to time. The vocals get whiny during the chorus, which is annoying. There's an almost-guitar-solo, which could have been cool, but they just sort of drop it. Like I said, it's a very average song. 4. [B]Dead End[/B] - This is an interesting one. It features Lisa Miskovsky, a Swedish vocal talent. Her voice is very nice, and adds an interesting twist to this song and is a refreshing juxtaposition to Ander's screaming. The verse is cool, and the apre-chorus breakdown is interesting as well, but the chorus is a bit lacking. After the second chorus, awesomeness happens again in the form of a sweet riffing pattern that will put a smile on your In Flames loving face. This track one of the highlights of the album. 5. [B]Scream[/B] - An attempt at a catchy chorus just kind of gets annoying. It could have been worse, but it's not great. Unfortunately, there are some extremely Nu-Metal moments that will make many Metal lovers cry foul. 6. [B]Come Clarity[/B] - The title track is one of the lamest songs on the album. Switching it up with accoustic guitars is just fine, and In Flames has done it very successfully in the past. Unfortunately, this song is not very cool. In fact, I probably wouldn't have known it was In Flames if it wasn't on the freakin' album. The chorus is very whiny and annoying, and the verses are just filler. Fortunately, the whole thing is rescued by a pretty sweet guitar solo just before the chorus repeats for the final time (thank God). 7. [B]Vacuum[/B] - A decent chorus and some cool riffery makes this song more tolerable. The bridge almost becomes awesome, but they drop an excellent idea and sort of drift off. This song is alright, but again, nothing special. 8. [B]Pacing Death's Trail[/B] - You're immediately kicked in the face by awesome as this song starts off. I love the opening riff. The song stays pretty awesome, too, with a bridge that kicks, and constant pulse-pounding In Flames action. Definately another highlight of the album. 9. [B]Crawl Through Knives[/B] - Killer opening riff. The beginning of this song will have your head banging and your air-guitar flying. The verse is solid, but not amazing. Some cool riffery happens here and there, so it's a satisfying track. The chorus is decent but not great. The bridge contains a guitar solo that's not spectacular, but a solo nonetheless. 10. [B]Versus Terminus[/B] - This is a pretty cool song, but seems a bit lacking. The chorus is decent but forgettable, and the bridge doesn't offer a whole lot. Could be worse, but could be a hell of a lot better. 11. [B]Our Infinite Struggle[/B] - This one starts strong and offers some interesting music, but nothing extraordinary. There is a very cool mellow break during the bridge that switches it up very nicely. 12. [B]Vanishing Light[/B] - This one's pretty good until the verse, which is an annoying sticatto orgy, but picks up just before the chorus. Then we get another sticatto crapthrowing party, which is yet again rescued by the chorus. The bridge is generic, but a cool riff happens toward the end. Overall, this is a very average song. 13. [B]Your Bedtime Story is Scaring Everyone[/B] - This is just an outro track of sound-effects. Well, there you have it. The album is alright, but I want to hear better from the In Flames team. We've heard what they can do - let's pray they show us again.
  14. I just sort of got used to the screaming and growling after a while. I figured I could deal with the vocals seeing as Death Metal offers some of the most complex, technically advanced music available today. Nowadays, I barely pay attention to the vocals, and at times actually enjoy them. It's definately an aquired taste.
  15. Jakehammaren

    Heavy Metal

    Alright. *handshake* It's all good. :animesmil
  16. [QUOTE=Gothic InuYasha]P.S. [I]"Or if you want to know what Death Metal even is (because many people have huge misconceptions about it)"[/I] ...very funny Jake.[/QUOTE] I sure hope you're not taking this as directed at you. I started this post quite a while ago, before you'd even interacted with the other Metal post.
  17. Jakehammaren

    Heavy Metal

    Gothic InuYasha, you need to calm down. No-one was insulting your tastes (until you blew a gasket at everyone). And I never, EVER referred to myself as a music guru or Jesus or whatever, so stop throwing sarcastic comments at me. The only things I said were a) Cradle of Filth is not Death Metal, and b) your comment on Black Metal was ignorant (which I only made after you started ranting and freaking out on us in the first place). The fact that you cannot come up with a decent, civilized argument to help back your views does not help your position at all. Just yelling that you're right no matter what proves that you know little of what you're talking about. Please try to have a debate with us rather than just having a tantrum. Amorphous' first post regarding your comments was calm, collected, and structured like a debate, not an 'insult' or a rant. Anyway, Viking Metal. Ah, I see we have some true followers here! I would never have expected half those bands to show up (with the exception of Amorphous - from him, it's no surprise). Since everyone's already listed most of the notable ones, let' discuss the bands themselves. My favorite of the ones listed is definately Ensiferum. I love both the albums, and they only have one song I actually don't like very much (Slayer of Light). My favorite song by them at the moment is Eternal Wait. Something about that massive, sweeping chorus just brings my heart into my throat (in a good way).
  18. Jakehammaren

    Heavy Metal

    I'm not a huge Cradle of Filth fan (they tend to wear on me pretty quickly). I do, however, tend to find Cradle of Filth's more recent efforts a little more appealing. I thought the album Nymphetamine was actually a pretty decent work. The songs Nemesis, Nymphetamine Overdose, Absinthe and Faust, and English Fire are all pretty decent (at least moreso than all their predecessors). But, like Amorphous said, Dani Filth doesn't sound as good live as he does on the CD's. Anyone here into any Viking Metal?
  19. Jakehammaren

    Heavy Metal

    You know why we care? Because people say things like this: [quote name='Gothic InuYasha']Anything satanic is Black Metal to me[/quote] We only comment when things get really, [I]really[/I] ignorant (see above). Hence, Amorphous' post.
  20. Jakehammaren

    Heavy Metal

    [QUOTE=Gothic InuYasha]DEATH METAL IS THE GREATEST!!!! FAVORITE BANDS: Nile Behemoth Amon Amarth Cradle of Filth Deicide Leprosy Cannibal Corpse Arch Enemy [font=Verdana][color=blue]Please put a little more effort than "DEATH METAL IS THE GREATEST!!!!" into your posts. Maybe you should explain your choices?[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font][/QUOTE] Besides the fact that Cradle of Filth is DEFINATELY NOT a Death Metal band, those are some great choices! My favorite of all the ones you listed is Amon Amarth, hands down. I love their oceanic, rolling guitar riffs and passionate Viking themes. Absolutely amazing band, and even better live. Nile and Arch Enemy are my second favorites up there. I like Arch Enemy because they sneak in some great melodies and solos. I tend to prefer their older stuff, though... it seems like they're losing what made them so awesome before. I love Nile because their music is inspiringly technical and the Egyptian motif creates a very unique sound. They're incredible musicians. I'm actually surprised you didn't mention Bloodbath. Their new album (Nightmares Made Flesh) is pure, absolute Death Metal gold. It's brutal yet melodic at times and never gets boring. Every song is solid from beginning to end. I highly recommend this album!
  21. I'm with you, Amorphous: I loved this movie. It was great. I guess I don't have a lot to say, seeing as you wrapped it all up. I just felt like I had to agree. It was great. Subtle, dark, hilarious - awesome.
  22. [quote name='Sakurasuka']Oh, and the REO Speedwagon/Styx concert a few weeks ago in Atlanta was good, too.[/quote] Lucky! I'd love to see REO and Styx live.
  23. Jakehammaren

    Heavy Metal

    [quote name='The ever-ready Rifles']I've seen a bit of power metal coming back, but it really hasn't been that much, at least what I've seen. I've been checking out Line of Fire a little, considering the fact that Dr. Extremus Melodicus has one of the coolest voices out there.[/quote] Actually, I think Power Metal is making a HUGE resurgance - though nobody really knows about it, save Power Metal nerds :laugh:. Hopefully DragonForce's new album will help push the Power Metal scene into the spotlight a bit. (P.S. DragonForce effing owns) [quote name=' The ever-ready Rifles']*peeks out from covers* So it's safe now?[/quote] Of COURSE it's safe! You won my respect long ago, my friend. :animesmil Don't let me acting like a picky old lady scare you. :laugh: And although Disturbed is nu-metal, their nu album (heh heh, get it?) was actually a HUGE leap forward in the right direction. More complex songs, better everything, and they broke a big nu-metal rule - *GASP* there's GUITAR SOLOS!!! I'm gonna have my eye open for them in the coming years. They have serious potential. [quote name='The ever-ready Rifles']Welcome to the club. We have uniforms.[/quote] Yes we do. And they kick *****. And they're NOT jumpsuits *aghem*shameless-anti-numetal-plug*aghem*. I will give you a teaser, though - they include chainmail.
  24. Ah, the world of music genres. Some people love 'em, some people hate 'em, some hate to love 'em, and some love to hate 'em. None of this changes the fact that they exist, and the fact they are inevitably misconstrued. Does anyone have a favorite genre that is constantly being misused? Would you like to clarify what that style of music actually is, so we, the misinformed public can better understand the music you so passionately love? If so, this is the place to do it! (Note: PLEASE know what you're talking about. If you're going to post here, please have researched your topic first.)
  25. Ragnarok was here at last, taking ultimate toll Not a single man was spared, not a single soul
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