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Everything posted by Jakehammaren

  1. [SIZE=4]WHAT?[/SIZE] No! This can't be! Nightwish is one of my favorite bands ever! What the hell? I'm going to have to see this letter for myself. That's really sad. I just hope the rest of the band stays together! As long as they find another vocalist it should be alright. I hope this isn't the end of Nightwish. I think I'd cry.
  2. Jakehammaren


    [QUOTE=Unborn Lord Xion][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1] However, would you really want a movie based directly on the game?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] YES! I think the whole "hell on Mars" thing is WAY cooler than genetic mutations. And while the storyline is already in the game as you said, putting it in a movie would have provided a whole new look into it.
  3. ^^^ I think that second song is by Insane Clown Posse, not Slipknot.
  4. [QUOTE=Cat14][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=indigo] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=indigo]Bad part was that some one brought in drugs. People kept getting hurt. Plus, one of the bands kept saying F**k and A** H***. There were kids in the crowed that were 9 and 10 years old. I mean that not something you want them to repeating. Also some of the women kept flashing people at one point but that stopped quick. [/color][/size][/font] [/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] You'll realize that, as you attend more concerts, this is all very, very commonplace. Parents that allow their 9 and 10 year old kids should be expecting language. The whole drug thing is VERY LAME, and very common. [font=Verdana][color=blue]I also removed the same link from your quote (see the quoted message if you're confused).[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font]
  5. ^^^ I checked out Rikets - LAME. Okay, seriously. It took them 7 people to come up with a sound 3 teenagers in their garage could have pulled off with a week of practice. Plus, they sound sickeningly - [I]sickeningly[/I] - generic. They're just another image band full of packaged angst ready to sell to naive Hot-Topic clad 14 year-olds. Ew. No. P.S. Do you realize that the term "mallcore" is a derogatory word used to denote bands like Slipknot, Coal Chamber, and the like? Look at it this way: The "N" word is to black people as Mallcore is to nu-metal. Oh, and for more irony - the term "nu-metal" was originally an insult as well. [B]Here's a few of my favorite underground bands. You can click on the name of each for links to sample media:[/B] [B][URL= http://www.myspace.com/darkhaven ][U]DARK HAVEN[/U][/URL][/B] - I can't believe this band is not signed. I really can't. This is absolutely SUPREME Melodic Death Metal. The vocals are awesome, the guitar playing is amazing, and the songwriting is top-notch. HIGHLY RECCOMMENDED! *NOTE* If you click the link, be sure to scroll down and pause the live video they have so that you can hear the sample clips on the player! [B][URL=http://www.myspace.com/necrophacus][U]NECROPHACUS[/U][/URL][/B] - An AWESOME Death/Black Metal band from Salt Lake City, UT. They kick all froms of *****. Some killer hooks and melodies. If you live near SLC and get the chance to see them live, DO IT! They're a total blast to see. Plus they're an awesome group of guys. Nu-metallers beware: this is actual Metal. You probably won't like it. [B][URL=http://www.myspace.com/ornaannon][U]ORNA ANNON[/U][/URL][/B] - Totally kick@$$ Folk Metal from Sterling Virginia. They have some seriously epic melodic hooks and the lyrics are stories based on Norse mythology. I love 'em. [B][URL= http://www.myspace.com/malphrenia][U]MALPHRENIA[/U][/URL][/B] - Really intense and thrashy extreme Metal from Cottage Grove, Oregon. Serious intensity, and really, really heavy. Definately worth your time. [B][URL=http://www.myspace.com/folkearth][U]FOLKEARTH[/U][/URL][/B] - Epic Folk Metal from Sweden. No, I really mean epic. This is INCREDIBLE. Possibly one of the best Folk Metal bands I've ever heard. It's amazing. Check it out.
  6. Viking Metal (a style of music incorporating Black, Folk, and Death Metal stylings coupled with lyrics based on Vikings and Norse mytholody) is one of the most interesting styles out there. I'm curious as to whether there's anyone else on the Boards who's into such music, and if so, what artists are your favorites?
  7. Jakehammaren


    I'm really stoked for the Doom movie, simply because I've been playing Doom since the time when Doom II was uber state-of-the-art (lol). Plus I've always wondered what incorporated first-person would be like in a movie, so it should at least be interesting if nothing else. [b][font=Verdana][color=blue]Edit:[/color][/font][/b] [color=blue][strike][/color]I know I'm double-posting, and I'm sorry, but I have to.[color=blue][/strike][/color] I saw Doom tonight (well, I guess it counts as last night now :rolleyes:). INTENSE! I loved it! That first-person-shooter style sequence toward the end was so epic I almost wet myself. It didn't stay true to the game, but oh well, I didn't expect it to. There were 2 or 3 funny little inside jokes in the movie that made it fun, and the acting actually wasn't that bad. The effects were great, and so was the music. I reccommend it because it's awesome. [font=Verdana][color=blue]It still was a double post so I had to merge them.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font]
  8. ^^^ Yeah, it really is that good!
  9. Serenity is possibly one of the most epic movies I've ever seen! It's funny, actioned packed, and epically awesome at all times. I loved it, and I recommend it to everyone! If you've already seen it and wish to praise or bash it, please do.
  10. [quote name='AnimeFront']Rammstein is the definition od thrash metal. NIN is the most ***** *** band ,besides greenday, known to man. I always wanted Rammstein to come to the US but ignorant people say "they're nazis." Just because they made a song "Hitler" does not make them nazis. Alot of black metal bands from Norway are not popular over here, but then again alot of those bands are nazis. But nightwish is sweeeeeeet.[/quote] :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Seriously, Rammstein "the definition of thrash"? Do you have any idea what Thrash Metal even is? Slayer, Anthrax, old Metallica, Megadeth, Exodus - THAT is thrash. Rammstein is nothing [I]near[/I] thrash. Hell, Rammstein isn't even a [I]metal[/I] band for that matter. Oh, and by the way, realize this hypocricy: [quote name='AnimeFront']I always wanted Rammstein to come to the US but ignorant people say "they're nazis." [/quote] Followed immediately by: [quote name='AnimeFront']Alot of black metal bands from Norway are not popular over here, but then again alot of those bands are nazis.[/quote] Okay, based on your comment about Thrash, I don't expect you to even know what Black Metal is, but realize that most of them [I]aren't[/I] Nazis. Just like Rammstein (I actually don't know whether they're Nazi or not, but you probably know a lot more about them than myself, so I'll take your word for it). Just do your research. I know I've been a bit harsh, and I'm sorry, I just really wanted to get your point across. If you want any information at all about Metal, I'd be happy to either give you info or point you to some books and websites that could help you out.
  11. CORPSE TORCHER = MY NEW FRIEND! I mean, if you're the Wykydtron, you must kick all forms of *****. By the way, I have the Axes of Evil floating in their crystal orb in my closet. Ironic, no? Anyway, worst concert ever: Backstreet Boys. Self-explanitory, I think. Best: [B]3 INCHES OF BLOOD![/B] Best show I've ever seen. Ever. Energy, craziness, and most importantly, METAAAAAAAAL! But I'm seeing Children of Bodom on Nov. 17, and I assure you, that will be the best concert ever.
  12. This is "Axes of Evil" by 3 Inches of Blood. I chose because it's AWESOME! I mean, just read it! What a story, man! METAL! [I]Hark! A scout has reached the gate, bringing news of war In a fortnight they'll be here, legions of the nameless fear Our king - he cannot lead! Our king is growing old With a courageous cry, a young man rises from the fold The answer we seek lies in the frozen wastes I leave at dawn with haste for... Axes of Evil! Astonished faces look his way, as the hopeful carry horror in their hearts Uncertain of a power that malice forged in steel I must face this threat that challenges our lives I'll strike out with vengeance, I'll reap from their demise No! You must not seek the blades, it's said that they are cursed Possesses you if they're found, to the dreadlord they are bound Cutting flesh for him to eat, bloody raw Lucifer meat Peril awaits you in the fjords, we cannot lose you to the... Axes of Evil, strong not feeble Axes of Evil, come on! Axes of Evil, our fates wrapped in steel Axes of Evil, come on! Come on! The future of our land lies in the balance You must go to save us all At last they're found floating in a crystal orb Speak the incantation written on the wall In a blinding flash the axes fly into his hands Too much power for him to bear, he'll wreak havoc on the land Wreaking havoc on the land Axes of Evil, our fates wrapped in steel Axes of Evil, come on! Axes of Evil will kill all the people Axes of Evil, come on! Axes of Evil! Here comes our hero, back from his quest Here to save us all, deliver us from death... On the fourteenth morning's chill, from the rampart he is spotted on the hill With a look of burning poison that fills his eyes with rage "I have returned to put an end to all your lives With no remorse I will reap from your demise!" Axes of Evil![/I] Come on. You know that was friggin' EPIC. And Metal.
  13. Awesome thread topic!!! :animesmil RiflesAtRecess has the best band so far, IMO. Here's mine (kinda crazy, but I think it'd be soooo cool!): Vocals 1: Tony Kakko (Sonata Arctica) Vocals 2: Tarja Turunen (Nightwish) Vocals 3: Michael Åkerfeldt (Opeth, Bloodbath) Guitar 1: Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom, Sinergy) Guitar 2: Yngwie Malmsteen (Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force) Guitar 3: Jesper Strömblad (In Flames, Hammerfall) Bass: Marco Hietala (Sinergy, Nightwish) Keyboard 1: Trollhorn (Finntroll) Keyboard 2: Thuomas Holopainen (Nightwish) Drums: Jaska Raatikainen (Children of Bodom) Ha ha, 10 people! Slipknot, eat your heart out! Here's my logic, though. I've got 3 vocalists. Tony Kakko has amazing range and incredible technique. Tarja Turunen also has amazing skill. Her voice is just beautiful. The two would compliment each other perfectly. Michael Åkerfeldt has not only a beautiful, haunting, soothing, melodic voice, he's also got the most brutal, gutteral death growl EVER. Therefore, depending on what kind of vocals were needed at which point in the song, they could switch from male to female, clear to growl, high vibrato to soft and haunting. Brilliant! Next, I've also got 3 guitarists. Each has slightly different techniques. Alexi Laiho is a wild and crazy guitarist. I swear, the guy probably craps solos! He has a very keen sense of melody as well. Yngwie Malmsteen would be there to balance this out with his calculated, precise guitar attack. His Neo-Classical stylings will also bring a special depth to the music. Jesper Strömblad is the master of sweeping riffs and harmonies. He'd provide the epic, massive riffs upon which Alexi and Yngwie would shred! Marco Hietala is on bass because he kicks *****. Plain and simple. He knows when to be subtle, and where to put a blistering bass riff. Plus, he looks like a Viking. There's two keyboardists on the roster. Trollhorn is in the mix to add Folk elements. No-one can match him when it comes to putting in flute or accordian effects. He puts the fun into the music! Thuomos Holopainen, on the other hand, would develop symphonic elements. If you know anything about his work, you know what I mean. E-P-I-C!!! With just his keyboard, he makes it seem like there's an entire symphony behind the band! Jaska Raatikainen is on drums. He's fast and precise, and can solo like a mofo. I'd probably have Trollhorn write the lyrics (in English, though). He seems like the best candidate for writing about Vikings, pirates, elves, dragons, and the like. Yup, that's my band! STAY HEAVY! \m/ (>.
  14. I love Metal. I mean, real, true, honest Metal, not what the general public [I]thinks[/I] is Meal. Slipknot is not metal. Korn is not metal. No, I mean Metal! Metal's about being awesome and having fun. Metal is about slaying dragons and guitar solos! I love Metal in every way. All types of it (well, I don't like Doom Metal too much... it's a little too slow and depressing). My favorite bands are (in no particular order): Children of Bodom Finntroll 3 Inches of Blood In Flames (older stuff, before they turned on the "Suck" switch) Ensiferum Nightwish Opeth Into Eternity Vintersorg Kamelot Luca Turilli Kalmah Yngwie Malmsteen Elvenking Warmen Amon Amarth I just know I'm forgetting something, but oh well. I'll add stuff later if I remember. Man... too much to list! I just get totally lost in the world of Metal. There's something about just closing your eyes and letting a Children of Bodom song just wash over you... there's nothing like it. And listening to Yngwie Malmsteen rock out classical music on electric guitar is just sublime! Or feeling like you're in the middle of an epic battle between, oh I don't know, elves and demons during a Nightwish song. Or dancing a trollish jig during a Finntroll song. Or wishing you could play guitar like Alexi Laiho :animeswea. That's my favorite type of music (which makes sense - I grew up on Classical/Orchestral music, and Metal is Classical's closest relative believe it or not). And if you don't like Metal, send me a PM. I bet nearly anything I can find a Metal band that suits your fancy. Most people who dislike Metal haven't ever actually [I]heard[/I] real Metal. Sad, but true :animecry:
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