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Everything posted by Jakehammaren

  1. Sorta. I don't feel like explaining it more. Kam, you handle this. As far as vocal technique goes, I think death growls are the easiest, but black metal screeches are the most fun and most pleasing to the ears. I want to get my harsh vocals to sound like John Haughm of Agalloch. I think he has the most perfect harsh vocal. He and Mikael Akerfeldt of Opeth, albeit in a very different style. I [I]hate[/I] "inhale" vocals (you know, the whole 'bree bree or or" thing).
  2. Industrial. Now, industrial can be combined with rock and metal, but Industrial is it's own genre. For example, Rammstein is Industrial and Rock ("Industrial Rock"), but Industrial is not a form of Rock music. Make sense? Kam, I'll respond when I have more time.
  3. [B]@ Kam[/B], the new Nightwish vocalist is far better than Tarja ever was. Just sayin'. And again, I'd suggest checking out Arkona. ([url]www.myspace.com/arkonarussia[/url]) Check out the songs [I]Vo Slavu Velikim[/I] (be sure to listen to the point where the vocals come in) and [I]Ot Serdca k Nebu[/I]. Her voice is very unique and awesome, and the band plays an entirely addictive blend of metal and Slavic folk music. Highy, highly, highly recommended. Kam, I'm positive you'll add her to your list of worthy female vocalists after giving them a listen. Visual proof as to why she is awesome: [IMG]http://a984.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/117/l_b3b23dce1ef75b114710a08df5c2ab8f.jpg[/IMG]
  4. Oh, wait, I was wrong. I think I was confused as to which band we were talking about. Battle of Mice is a mixture of sludge metal, doom metal, and post-rock. So yeah, good call and good addition to the discussion. As for those of you discussing Job For a Cowboy, they started out as a stupid Myspace-Grindcore band, but their debut full-length debut, Genesis, saw them transform into a straight-up death metal band (and a very, very average one at that). And talk about mallcore...
  5. [quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1]Well, if it's for my good ol' buddy, Thor... [b]Julie Christmas[/b] is in a kinda-metal band, Battle of Mice (as well as some other non-metal bands). She has a really mouse-y voice with which she sings and violently shrieks. The contrast between the two is startling and it makes her an extremely powerful vocalist because of the emotions that she is able to convey that other vocalists simply can't. ([url]http://www.myspace.com/battleofmice[/url]) [b]Laura Pleasants[/b] is in the half metal/half punk mixture that is Kylesa. She's a wicked guitarist and pretty damn hot, too. You metal dudes will probably like some of their songs but not all of them. ([url]http://www.myspace.com/kylesa[/url]) Sorry, that's the best I've got.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] Battle of Mice, while good stuff, is not metal. Discuss elsewhere. Kylesa is actually a sludge metal band, and an interesting one at that. I'm down. :p Okay, since no-one seems to be able to offer any imput, I'll start off. Go actually listen to some of these so we can discuss. [B]Arkona[/B] - One of the best folk metal bands of all time, fronted by the lovely Masha Arhipova. They play folk metal of the Slavic persuasion (the best of their class, I think), and holy ****, it's catchy. Masha's vocals are very unique and very awesome. She's got a very distinct and well-controlled clean vocal that is layered into beautiful harmonies, and her harsh vocals are nothing to be scoffed at. Arkona is highly, highly recommended. ([url]www.myspace.com/arkonarussia[/url]) [B]Battlelore[/B] - This band has the nerdiest stage getup of all time. No joke. Do a google image search and laugh. But it doesn't matter at all, because they play some killer Tolkien-inspired metal that draws from all sorts of metal. It's very diverse, but there is one common thread between their songs - Battlelore is EPIC. Their latest album, "Evernight" is absolutely phenomenal. Great songwriting, catchy melodies and choruses, and Kaisa's voice is one of the most beautiful in all of metal. Definitely a band to check out. ([url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=pBzZLewtLAA[/url]) [B]Darkestrah[/B] - "Epos", their latest one track MCD featuring a song that clocks in at a half-hour, is black metal done EXACTLY how black metal should be done. Find this song (also titled Epos), listen to it, and revel in it's sorrowful, prideful, mysterious, triumphant, epic glory. Every single riff across it's length is absolute black metal art. Perfect. Oh, and the vocalist has one of the nastiest female harsh vocals of all time. Actually, she has one of the best black metal shrieks I've ever heard. Not a band to miss if you enjoy black metal.
  6. Exhumed is Death/Grind (one of the only grind bands that's actually good). He may remind you of a black metal vocalist because he uses a high pitched shriek instead of a gutteral growl half the time (the latter of which is a staple of black metal vocal technique). Hopefully you realize that that one vocal technique is where similarities between Exhumed and black metal end. [B]METAL BANDS WITH FEMALE VOCALISTS! FOR THOR'S SAKE, PEOPLE![/B]
  7. [quote name='Gunslinger'][COLOR="77656"]Avenged you really need to stop complaining. Jake isn't always right ya know? So don't go off about how everything he says MUST be a fact, sometimes people are wrong so stop complaining when he's right. And Jake, at least Arch Enemy is metal, so there really isn't anything to pout over. Anyways, I don't know why people think Flyleaf is metal. They are less metal than my left nut. Flyleaf is like weak tin, more or less. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B]BEHOLD ME POUT WITH STRENGTH AND HONOR![/B] Actually, you're mistaken. I am, in fact, always right. And I know Arch Enemy is metal, but they're the only band that gets mentioned when people start talking female metal vocalists, so I wanted to have a discussion about female fronted metal bands that are actually interesting (because the Arch Enemy blabbing gets boring very fast and there are far better women in metal). And as awesome as it is that half this page is devoted to an argument over whether or not I'm always right (which, quite obviously, I am), why don't we actually discuss the topic at hand?
  8. [quote name='TimeChaser']I am a self-confessed music snob, which means I have to post here. After skimming through the rest of the thread, I came across a statement to the effect: There is no such thing as progressive rock anymore. I am here to say this is catagorically untrue. Progressive rock & metal are my favorite genres, and I know that they are alive and well and thriving. They may not have mainstream popularity, but that counts for nothing in the world of true music anyway. Some of my favorite bands include: [B]Ayreon[/B], [B]Dream Theater[/B], [B]Genesis[/B], [B]Kamelot[/B], [B]Nightwish[/B], [B]Pain Of Salvation[/B], [B]Pink Floyd[/B], [B]Porcupine Tree[/B], [B]Queensryche[/B], [B]Rush[/B], [B]Spock's Beard[/B], [B]Symphony X[/B], [B]Threshold[/B], [B]Vision Divine[/B], and [B]Yes[/B]. One of the best aspects of progressive is the concept albums. Some favorites are: [B]Ayreon[/B] - Into The Electric Castle / The Human Equation [B]Dream Theater[/B] - Metropolis, Part 2: Scenes From A Memory [B]Genesis[/B] - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway [B]Kamelot[/B] - Epica / The Black Halo [B]Pain Of Salvation[/B] - Remedy Lane / BE [B]Pink Floyd[/B] - The Wall [B]Porcupine Tree[/B] - Deadwing [B]Queensryche[/B] - Operation: Mindcrime / Operation: Mindcrime II [B]Shadow Gallery[/B] - Tyranny / Room V [B]Spock's Beard[/B] - Snow [B]Symphony X[/B] - Paradise Lost [B]Vision Divine[/B] - The Perfect Machine One place I go to to listen to this amazing music (and more) is Progulus Radio. [url]http://www.progulus.com/samPHPweb/now-playing.php[/url][/QUOTE] Being such a prog fan, I must know: do you enjoy Opeth? They're by far my favorite progressive metal band (later-period Enslaved, Communic, Symphony X, and Evergrey are a few more prog-metal bands I enjoy [I would say Kamelot, seeing as you've listed it, but they're not prog metal, they're power metal]). I'm particularly fond of Opeth's ability to work blatant 70's prog worship into such a dark, brooding, and contemplative musical landscape. Brilliant stuff.
  9. [quote name='Mr. Maul'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=dimgray]Thanks. When I showed what you said to my friend, he said, "[B]Swanky? Ha ha![/B]"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=dimgray]I gave it a listen, and I must admit, it was impressive. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=dimgray]Though I'm not too fond of the harsh vocals in the beginning, the guitar work was excellent. [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=dimgray]Props.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] Well swanky was the first word that popped into my head when I listened to it. And I'm glad you found it impressive. Was it just the harsh vocals at the beginning that you didn't, or all the harsh vocals in general? I know they're kind of low in the mix during that first section of riffs before the acoustic/piano interlude, and the recording quality on them actually isn't as high as the rest of the harshes (I recorded them on different days in different environments), so I'm wondering if you picked up on that or if harsh vocals just aren't your cup of tea.
  10. Justin is right. And you seem to be forgetting that I actually don't have opinions, only facts that people mistake for opinions. Anyway, let's talk female vocalists in metal. Now, before we start, let me outline a few things. [B]1. OTEP IS NOT A ****ING METAL BAND. 2. THE AGONIST IS NOT A ****ING METAL BAND. 3. WALLS OF JERICHO IS NOT A ****ING METAL BAND. 4. FLYLEAF IS NOT A ****ING METAL BAND. 5. No-one gives a **** about Arch Enemy. 6. I don't care how hott you think Cristina Sabbia is. Don't bring up Lacuna Coil.[/B] Alright - any thoughts? Interesting bands including female vocalists that we should know about? Let's hear it.
  11. [quote name='Gunslinger'][COLOR="77656"]I don't know weather to laugh or die inside. I mean, that's funny casue Jake hates those bands. (or I'm just missing something) And I might die inside becasue the top 4 bands make me cringe.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] LOL @ YOU BECAUSE YOU ONLY SAID TOP [B][I]4[/I][/B] MAKE YOU CRINGE AND I ACTUALLY LISTED [B][I]5[/I][/B] BANDS THAT PLAY THE OPPOSITE OF MUSIC. @ [B]Woah, Mann[/B]: that stuff is WAY too hardcore. I mean, I could never be edgy enough to go against my parents' wishes and listen bands as angry and satanic as Slipknot or Korn.
  12. I'm coming to realize that, based on everything that's been mentioned in this thread, I hate almost all extreme music that isn't metal. I say 'almost' because Kevin mentioned Battle of Mice, who are actually pretty cool.
  13. [quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1]Kelly Clarkson, Jake. You forgot Kelly Clarkson.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] Nah, since she actually has control, technique, and good tone to her singing, I don't like her.
  14. [B]1. Green Day 2. Fallout Boy 3. Yellowcard 4. Hawthorne Heights 5. Linkin Park[/B]
  15. [quote name='Kam']Nightwish does have some fantastic stuff, if you look for it. I'm going to have to disagree about their new singer, though, Jake. I like the ore operatic stylings of their former vocalist much better. Tell me, Jake...what do you think of Moonsorrow's most recent release? -Justin[/QUOTE] She overdid her vocals so bad, though. Her vibrato was ridiculous and annoying, and they had her voice be the forefront of the music far too often. The new vocalist still has incredible range, control, and technique, but she fits the music instead of getting in the way, and her voice is actually pleasing to listen too. And the new Moonsorrow... holy ****ing ****... it's so amazing. This band can seriously do no wrong. None at all. And screw the people who say "OMG IT SUX CUZ THEY AR NOT AS FOLKSY AS TEY USED TO BE!!1!" You know what? Shut up and listen to [I]Suden Un[/I]i or a Finntroll album. [I]V: Havitetty[/I] is, first of all, musically genius. Secondly, it's so all-encompassing and epic that I have a hard time not climbing to the top of a snow-swept mountain in the far reaches of the North, raising my axe on high, and hailing the might and glory of my forefathers every single time I listen to it. It's an entire world and time captured on a CD. It's absolutely fantastic - every second of it. I think it's excellent how they really focussed on the atmosphere of their music this time. It's amazing. I love how Moonsorrow manages to progress and evolve with every album without losing integrity or getting self-indulgent. I don't know many bands who can pull off a half-hour long song without getting masturbatory with it (Darkestrah's [I]Epos[/I] is another excellent example of how to write a half-hour long song without getting egotistical). So yes, short end of it: I ****ING LOVE THE NEW MOONSORROW.
  16. Kam has indeed provided an accurate history lesson. I'll break it down nice and simple: Death metal = technicality, brutality, down-tuned guitars. Black metal = atmosphere, haunting melodies, atmosphere, emotion, atmosphere. In a nutshell. They're vastly, vastly different. Really. If any black metal band heard you call them a death metal band, they'd have your head, no joke.
  17. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']And as you already know I like the other stuff by October Falls. It's a pity that metal bands don't release more instrumental versions without the singing, or do they and I'm just not aware of it since I don't really pay attention to this type of music? Because that style of singing is what turns me off to metal more than anything. Not the actual music since many of them are quite talented. I just can't get past that singing. XP[/QUOTE] Have you ever heard of Nightwish? They're one of the most well-known metal bands in the current scene, so you probably have. But if not, I think it'd be an excellent start for you. The genre in question is neo-classical metal, so that's an in for you right there. Their latest two albums include a full orchestra (that's actually very well done - these guys really do know their way around music), and their most recent album is actually a two-disc set - the second of which is the entire album featuring only the orchestral tracks to each song. If you can, find the song Ghost Love Score. I'm sure you'll love it. Unfortnately, I couldn't find any of their really good stuff in an easily accessible spot, but here's a link to one of their poppier (and downright catchy as hell, I have to admit) songs. Keep in mind, they have a new vocalist on the new album. The older one was extremely operatic, the new one has a smoother 'pop' voice (which I actually prefer, for some reason...). [url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=GdZn7k5rZLQ[/url] They only release their more conventional poppier songs as singles, but where their true form lies is in the really bombastic orchestral epics that they are capable of cranking out. Again, you really have to hear that song Ghost Love Score. It's incredible. Also, check out Kamelot. It's another metal band that is heavily influenced by classical and opera music, and the vocalist is classically trained. The song I've posted the link to is actually one of their most intense songs, so if you enjoy this, you'll enjoy most of their stuff. They're a really, really great group of musicians. I have to warn you - this is the band that has single-handedly gotten many of my classically inclined friends very much into metal. :p [url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=J-TUufvK0gU[/url] [B]@ Kam[/B] - The problem with melo-death is that nowadays it all a) sounds the same, and b) sounds like metalcore [albeit less annoying]. At it's inception, it was a pretty cool genre, what with Carcass, At the Gates, In Flames, and Dark Tranquillity leading the way. And this is back when In Flames was actually a really cool band, by the way - you know, before they turned into a Korn cover band with the tempo cranked up. But now, it's one of the most banal genres of metal, and is entirely devoid of integrity or anything interesting. The only melo-death bands I can think of that are still any good are Insomnium, Dark Tranquillity and Amon Amarth, the latter of which doesn't even sound like any other melo-death band anyway.
  18. [B]@ Revolver[/B] - Yes, I like a lot of music that isn't metal. Unfortunately, none of it is appropriate to discuss in this thread either. I don't like any extreme music that isn't metal, actually. All the other stuff I like is of a far tamer variety. I love post-rock, Northern European folk music, classical music, and some indie, some electronica and ambient. Actually, if you look at my last.fm page, my top listened artist is October Falls (which is really, really mellow melancholic acoustic neo-folk music). Yes, it's my top listened artist, even above Agalloch. :P Jeez guys, by the sound of it, someone should just start a "Music That Jake Likes" thread. :p
  19. Thank you guys for the kind words on my music! [B]@ Woah, Mann[/B] - It's cool, no worries. Metalcore without pop choruses is still metalcore (and therefore still belongs in the "Extreme/Heavy Music That Isn't Metal" thread). As for explaining to you what constitutes death metal, it's kind of difficult to do so without just showing you bands. Check out the following: Unleashed, Bloodbath, Necrophagist, Amon Amarth. The first band is traditional Swedish death metal, the second is just good straight-up death metal (still of the more Swedish persuasion), the fourth is the technical variety of death metal, and the fourth is a more melodic style. And no, Gallowbraid doesn't have a Purevolume. I should probably do that though, now that you mention it... [B]@ DigitalBoy[/B] - Haha! Thank you for the enthusiasm! I truly appreciate the kind words. I'm based out of Park City, Utah (as it says on the Myspace page), but me and the live group would be playing our shows in Salt Lake City. [B]@ Avenged666fold[/B] - Ah yes, Elderfrost. I'm glad you enjoy it. I actually have an entire new Elderfrost song recorded, I just haven't finished the vocals yet. I've been focusing my time and energy on Gallowbraid lately, so I just haven't gotten around to the Elderfrost stuff as often as I'd like. And no, I don't have a CD out, but you can download all the songs right off the Myspace!
  20. [quote name='Avenged666fold']An opportunity to ramble on about slipknot? Oh goody. Thanks Jake.(prepared to agitated!). Slipknot is my favorite Nu-Metal band. They have really tough riffs and can get you super pumped for whatever your doing. A lot of people make fun of the vocals because you can't understand them...well these people should try to decipher what As I Lay Dying is trying to say and then talk to me. Loud does not equal hard to understand it just equals loud. Anyway I like the lyrics they write as well. I can relate since I am an angsty teen and it seems to be aimed at angsty teens.[/QUOTE] Hey, as long as you realize it's not metal, I don't care. And lol/props to you for being able to admit it's angsty teen music :animesmil And loud has nothing to do with harshness and everything to do with how far you turn up the volume. :p
  21. [quote name='Inuyasha7271']My favorites currently are: Behemoth, Dark Funeral, Finntroll, Opeth, and Otep. Love em all I still love the symphonic metal though you know like Nightwish, Epica, and Artosis.[/QUOTE] Otep is not even remotely metal. They'd be a good band to discuss in the "Extreme/Heavy Music That Isn't Metal" thread. [B]@ Digital Boy[/B], Primordial doesn't really play black metal any more. Their albums up until the Gathering Wilderness were black metal, albeit a very, very unique brand of it. Now it's sort of a doom/folk/black hybrid. Either way, it's incredibly unique, and absolutely amazing. You're right about the emotion in their music - it absolutely pours through your speakers like a tidal wave. Good lord, I love it. I cannot wait for their new album!!!
  22. Alright, people keep bringing up NON-METAL bands in the metal thread, and it's getting a bit tiresome. So, here is the thread for you to talk about hardcore, metalcore, nu-metal, screamo, alternative rock, hard rock, industrial, etc. etc. The point of this is to keep the non-metal discussions out of the metal thread, so DON'T POST THE SAME BANDS YOU POST HERE IN THE METAL THREAD TOO! Cheers.
  23. I'm listening to the sound of me being right in the metal thread.
  24. [quote name='Clurr'][FONT="Arial"]They're Agalloch, Opeth, Moonsorrow, Swallow the Sun, and Wintersun. :] Riiiiight Jake? :P[/FONT][/QUOTE] Well [I]someone's[/I] been to my Myspace! Haha! Yes, my top favorites are: [B]1. Agalloch 2. Opeth 3. Moonsorrow 4. Swallow the Sun 5. Wintersun[/B] Keep in mind, the bottom two change somewhat often, but Agalloch, Opeth, and Moonsorrow have been my top three for a very long time. As you can see, I like transitional bands who write long, complex songs with lots of dynamics and atmosphere. Those three bands have all of these qualities in droves, they just accomplish them in different ways. Swallow the Sun has made it onto the top list because I've really been in a doomy mood lately, and they're simply amazing at it. The atmosphere of their music is perfect for what I've been wanting lately. Wintersun is on there because, simply put, Jari is an absolute genius. His songs are godly. No power metal band gives me that "holy ****, I'm in awe of this" feeling like Wintersun does. Now, I listen to a LOT of music. I mean a LOT. So if you want to know of any of the other stuff I'm into, just ask. And if you want suggestions in any specific genre, I can probably give you a pretty good list of bands (see, genres [I]are[/I] helpful). Some of my other favorite bands are as follows. I've bolded the ones I'm particularly fond of, but I do enjoy and listen to all of these bands, and own CDs by most of them: 3 Inches of Blood, Absu, Aes Dana, [B]Agalloch[/B], [B]Alcest[/B], Alestorm, Amon Amarth, Arcturus, [B]Arkona[/B], Asmegin, Autumnal, Avrigus, [B]Battlelore[/B], [B]Bathory[/B], [B]Belenos[/B], [B]Blind Guardian[/B], Bloodbath, [B]Burzum[/B], [B]Candlemass[/B], Crom, Dark Forest, Demons & Wizards, Diabolical Masquerade, Dissection, Dunwich, [B]Draconian[/B], Drudkh, Edguy, Electric Wizard, Elite, [B]Eluveitie[/B], Emperor, [B]Ensiferum[/B], [B]Enslaved[/B], [B]Epheles[/B], Equilibrium, [B]Falkenbach[/B], Faustcoven, [B]Finntroll[/B], Forest Silence, [B]Funeral[/B], Gamma Ray, Gallhammer, Goatsnake, Great Vast Forest, [B]Grendel[/B], Hallowed Butchery, Hammers of Misfortune, [B]Hibria[/B], [B]Himinbjorg[/B], I, Iced Earth, [B]Immortal[/B], Insomnium, In the Woods..., Iron Maiden, [B]Isengard[/B], Isis, [B]Isole[/B], [B]Judas Priest[/B], [B]Kamelot[/B], Kampfar, King Diamond, Kiuas, Korpiklaani, [B]Krohm[/B], Leviathan, Lumsk, [B]Mael Mordha[/B], Månegarm, Mayhem, [B]Mithotyn[/B], [B]Moonsorrow[/B], Mouth of the Architect, My Dying Bride, Myrkgrav, Mystic Forest, Nachtmystium, [B]Nazgûl[/B], Negura Bunget, Nevermore, [B]Novembers Doom[/B], [B]October Falls*[/B], [B]Odroerir[/B], [B]Opeth[/B], [B]Otyg[/B], Parabstruse, Pelican, [B]Primordial[/B], [B]Rhapsody[/B], Satyricon, Savatage, Sirenia, [B]Skumring[/B], Suidakra, Summoning, [B]Swallow the Sun[/B], [B]Sworn[/B], Symphony X, [B]Taake[/B], The Lord Weird Slough Feg, The Sword, Thurisaz, Thyrfing, Tristania, [B]Twisted Tower Dire[/B], Tyr, Tyranny, Ulver, [B]Vandød[/B], [B]Vinterland[/B], Vintersorg, [B]Weakling[/B], [B]Windir[/B], [B]Wintersun[/B], Wolfchant, Wolven Ancestry, [B]Wolves in the Throne Room[/B], [B]Woods of Ypres[/B], Wovenhand, Wyrd, Xasthur. [I]*A one-man acoustic neo-folk band that released one metal EP, hence it's inclusion on my list.[/I] AND OH MY GOD, KAM - LISTEN TO THIS RIGHT NOW: [url]www.myspace.com/fallentoruin[/url] The band is called Primordial. They're another favorite of mine. They have a new song... go to that link and listen to the song Empire Falls and tell me if you like it. This is seriously one of the most powerful songs I've ever heard. [COLOR="Red"]@ [B]Woah, Mann[/B] - please keep the metal thread discussion to metal bands only. [/COLOR]
  25. I've found that a lot of people who don't really appreciate the more traditional metal have a hard time getting into Candlemass. Try periodically trying them again, they might grow on you. And that's still pretty much one of the heaviest albums of all time, regardless. I'm glad you liked Swallow the Sun. They're one of my top 5 favorite bands for sure. All their albums have been incredible strong, very atmospheric, full of emotion, and good lord the RIFFS. The new album absolutely slays (hence it's #1 spot on my top picks for Doom Metal this year). You need to listen to the song "These Hours of Despair". Good lord. When the keyboard part comes in.... yeah. Holy ****.
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