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Everything posted by Jakehammaren
Oh my Gods... the new Candlemass... Definitely - BY FAAAAR - the best album you listed there. Candlemass' latest is an epic, monolithic, unforgiving, mallcore-kid-crushing slab of pure ****ing DOOM. The gods of the genre have returned full-force (with the vocalist from Solitude Aeturnus, no less) and delivered an album that truly exceeded my expectations. It seems as if Candlemass simply cannot write a single riff that isn't the heaviest riff you've ever heard. There's something about the album that just makes you have to headbang. It's pure traditional doom metal at it's very finest. Oh, and the remake of Solitude? Perfect. It's somehow even heavier than before. This might - [I]might[/I] - even be their best album since the legendary [I]Epicus Doomicus Metallicus[/I]. For those of you who think you like heavy music, you haven't even heard heavy until you hear Candlemass's "King of the Grey Islands". And yes, this is heavier than whatever band you are going to try and say is heavier after you go and listen to it. [B]Best Doom Albums of 2007 (thus far):[/B] [B]1. Swallow the Sun - [I]Hope[/I] 2. Mael Mordha - [I]Gaeltacht Mael Mordha[/I] 3. Candlemass - [I]King of the Grey Islands[/I][/B] God, I love doom metal.
I do hate Meshuggah. They're guilty of the same crime as DragonFarce, except the song they've rewritten a billion times is far more annoying (and pretentious in a bad way) than DragonFarce's song (because yes, they only have one song). As far as Meshuggah goes, this post I made in another thread sums it up nicely: "I hate Meshuggah. Sure the vocals are terrible, but there are worse things about them. They have the Dragonforce syndrome: once you've heard 30 seconds of one of their songs, you've heard everything the band has ever recorded. All I ever hear from their fanboys is "YA BUT DID U HEER TEH TIME SINGATARZ??! TEY ARE LIEK CRAZY TIME SIGNATARZ AND THAT MAEKS THEM AWESUM!!!1!!11!!one1!!!1" and "ZOMGS POLYRHYTHMS MAKE ME TOUCH MAH SELF!!!1!1111!!" And then when I say "Nope, they're still terrible", they always tell me that I've obviously only listened to one song and written them off. No, I've tried. I really have. I've suffered through three entire albums in hopes that I'd understand why some people are so excited about these wankers, and guess what? I got three albums of the same exact song. Sure, they can play songs in time signatures like 143/75 and 27/Blue, but that doesn't mean they write good music. Awful, boring band that I'm sure I will be accused of not appreciating complex music for not enjoying their pretentious monotony." Haha! I'm awesome.
Well, [B]DigitalBoy[/B], it warms my heart to know you loved Blind Guardian! You're not even listening to their best albums, either! You may also like Demons & Wizards. It's a band formed by the guitarist of Iced Earth and the vocalist of Blind Guardian. They're not quite as good as either, but still a fun listen. I'm not sure what Blind Guardian has to do with Ensiferum, though... And I still say that Wintersun is the best power metal band (yes, power metal can have harsh vocals, so don't even start). [B]Revolver[/B], I need to stress, again, that Grindcore and Hardcore are NOT genres of metal. They are genres of Punk, and therefore do not belong in this thread. I do appreciate your effort of an on-topic post, however, and I'm sure your mistake was simply a misunderstanding. Also, almost all metalcore is very melodic, so I'm not sure what you're talking about there...
Listen to Rhapsody without watching their music videos. They're famous for their stupid, boring videos. But the music itself is brilliant - complex song structures, advanced chord progressions, magnificent vocal harmonies, etc. etc. Listen to Blind Guardian, too. It's better than Rhapsody, in my opinion, and of course (as is the case with pretty much every real power metal band) they're WORLDS better than DragonFarce. Blind Guardian's latest album is lame, but anything off of A Night at the Opera or Nightfall in Middle Earth is incredible. Plus they have the best choruses and coolest vocal harmonies out of any power metal band in the book. And that video you refuse to watch plays a bunch of DragonFarce choruses back to back - they're all in the same key, same tempo, have the same drum beat, and even have basically the same lyrics. You barely even notice the song is changing. It's absolutely pathetic.
[quote name='Whoa, Mann'][COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="1"]Yeah, man. Those vocals have some special name...gutter..something. Comes from your gut. :D The drums are like...Yeah. YEAH. YES! And then...the techno bits are bit...off, but it's all good. Glad you like it.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] You do realize those are [I]computerized drums[/I], right? And this thread is about metal, so let's keep it to metal bands, okay? [B]Revolver[/B], we're not saying the bands you bring up suck because we hate everything. It's because you're in the [I]metal[/I] thread and trying to discuss [I]non-metal[/I] bands. That's all. [B]Avenged666fold[/B], it confuses me as to why you're so opposed to learning anything about the music you supposedly enjoy. I know this may be difficult to accept, but knowing a little bit about metal isn't necessarily a bad thing. [B]DigitalBoy[/B], did you watch that DragonFarce greatist hits video? You cannot watch it and say their songs have variety. And you have no idea how much credibility you've lost. Rhapsody, while cheesy, is theoretically top-notch (but that's only if you're actually paying attention to the way the music is written, which according to most people on this apparently doesn't matter at all because genres are stoopid an git in teh way of teh musik!!1!). This thread is making me sad.
[quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1]Thank you for going above and beyond, in a sense. I'll delete a pretty obvious post when I'm done typing this. As far as I care, if it has metal anywhere in the title, we should be able to talk about it in context/contrast to real metal, which is basically what we have been doing. As long as we don't get too carried away with Alternative Metal, I see no reason to talk about it to some extent. I'm glad new people are coming in and posting, if it's the same people posting over and over, it'll get stagnant. John listens to more metal than I thought! And Jake, I beat you to that video like two or three pages ago, man. Check for it, it was in good timing. I'm kind of done with this thread for the night, I just wanted to acknowledge things.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] As I said, it's hard to keep up with this thread. I'm kind of worried about going back and checking some of the previous posts, as I'm sure the ignorance of some posters would make my head explode. And no, Revolver, "alternative metal" isn't a genre. Neither Avenged Sevenfold or that other band you mentioned are remotely metal at all. "Alternative metal" is usually just another word for "mallcore". Soundgarden is grunge, by the way, though they traces of stoner metal early on in their career, so they could've counted as one point. But stop this "alternative metal" crap. It doesn't exist. And [B]Avenged666Fold[/B], Electric Wizard is NOT sludge metal. AT ALL. It's stoner doom. In fact, they're one of the stalwarts of the entire stoner doom genre. So they are a "faggy" ([I]real[/I] sophisticated) doom metal band after all. Do you have any idea what sludge metal even is? And have you even ever [I]heard[/I] doom metal to begin with? All signs point to no on both accounts. Candlemass = Doom Metal. Mouth of the Architect = Sludge Metal. Go figure it out now before you keep being wrong.
[quote name='Avenged666fold']Oh and I disagree with Groove Metal being the lowest on the spectrum. I think that would be death metal. I mean a whole genre with vocals that sound like static and a toilet flushing? Gimme a break. Unless that doesn't cout nas metal now...[/QUOTE] You've obviously never heard a good death metal band (in other words, go listen to Amon Amarth and Unleashed and eat your words). And it's funny that you should diss on it so vehemently immediately after making an "OMG IM SO XTREME FUR LISTENIN TO NAGLFAR" who is a black/death metal band in the first place. Electric Wizard is the ****, however. I absolutely love the Dopethrone album. Plus they sing about H.P. Lovecraft's mythos, which makes them twice as awesome. Their genre, for anyone who cares, is Stoner Doom Metal. Stoner is probably my least favorite form of doom metal, but Electric Wizard is win. Speaking of doom metal, Candlemass, Swallow the Sun, and Mael Mordha are all amazing. I've been particularly into Swallow the Sun lately (it's really melancholic doom metal with a mix of death and clean vocals that boasts both beautiful, weeping melodies and skull-crushingly heavy riffs with atmospheric keyboards that actually add to the music instead of getting in the way like they usually do). Revolver, don't bring up blatantly non-metal bands in the metal thread. You've done it twice in a row now. Cut it out. And why are we wasting time talking about Trivium? Everyone by this point realizes that their banal and derivative metalcore ******** a) hardly qualifies as metal, and b) isn't worth anyone's time. Speaking of huge wastes of time, lol @ DragonFarce. Why hasn't everyone picked up on the fact that they've released three albums of the same exact song? Watch this video, it backs up my claim very nicely (and hilariously): [url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=MIleK5CRcjo[/url] It also annoys me that every mallcore kid in the world listens to them and thinks they are power metal fans when they've never even heard of Rhapsody or Blind Guardian. DragonFarce is the only power metal band in the mallcore circuit, and there is an obvious explanation as to why - their music takes absolutely no thought at all to listen to. Screw DragonFarce - listen to real power metal.
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Jake, that post id the epitome of tl;dr. For real for real.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] What the hell are were you trying to say there? And either everyone agreed with my previous post, or everyone was too lazy to read it. Either way, I rule. As for metalcore: surprise surprise, I friggin' hate it. Everything from Lamb of God to Bleeding Through - it's all the same, and it's all horrible. And sorry Kam, but I think Groove Metal is the lowest rung of metal (unless you count metalcore as metal, which it isn't, because really it's just hardcore punk that uses metal aesthetic). All the Groove Metal bands I've heard sound the same and also sound borderline mallcore. And I really, REALLY can't stand Pantera. Ugh. As for metalcore being the new Glam - yes. It most definitely is. It's just pop music with some screaming and guitars thrown in. Seriously. Take It Dies Today for example - chugga, chugga, chugga, ripoff Gothenburg riff, chugga, chugga, pop chorus... etc. And when I say pop chorus, I mean it - so many metalcore bands have straight-up pop choruses. All That Remains is another perfect testament to this. It's horrible. Metalcore has no integrity. It's all image. There are hardly any worthwile metalcore bands at all (Between the Buried and Me being one of the very, very few exceptions to this rule, and I still can't stand them, but at least they write good music). More and more kids are listening to it. The comment about it being too extreme holds no water, if you ask me. Extreme is a completely different thing today then it was when the Sunset Strip ruled the music world. Metalcore is the new "thing". And Revolver, I think you're very misled as to what the kids listen to these days. I really don't think Hip Hop has nearly the iron grip on the music circuit as you think it does. Sure, it's very popular, but so is rock and roll. I know more trendies that listen to Fallout Boy and the Used than rap 'music', actually. This isn't some jihad against rap. As Kam said, metal won't die. It survived glam, it survived grunge, it survived nu-metal, and it will survive metalcore. The underground will keep it alive and burning brighter than ever, of course. But things like this are why we get so picky and exclusive.
I'm listening to [B]Himinbjorg[/B]. Amazing band. No-one will listen to them anyway. [quote name='Avenged666fold'][B]Crowbar-I have Failed[/B] It's pretty good. I have liked every sludge metal band I have heard so far. (Acid Bath and Crowbar). Can anyone suggest to me some good Sludge metal bands?[/QUOTE] Mouth of the Architect is pretty darn cool.
Amen, Kam. I hope the following post is intelligent enough for you. It's very late, so it's not nearly as eloquent as it could be, but it gets my points across. Alright, here we go: Genres. People who know them can't stand when people get them wrong, and people who are too lazy to figure them out end up using the "GENRES ARENT IMPORTANT" or "GENRES ARE BASED ON OPINION". Those people are, in point of fact, wrong. Metal is probably the most diverse genre of music available today. You've got everything from Cannibal Corpse and Bloodbath on one end to Rhapsody and Falconer on the other - there's a HUGE gap in style there, but it's all metal at it's core. Sub-genres become very important at this point. If we're debating the roots of a band, and someone says "it's metal", that could mean literally dozens of things. The reason we (those of the true metal community) are so picky about genres is this: showing knowledge (or at least a willingness to learn) of the ins and outs of metal genres is to show a certain dedication to the music and the scene. With all the horrible poseur bands that are destroying in the public eye the scene we've worked so hard to create, we're very set on keeping it strong on the inside at least. Knowing the difference between death metal and black metal (which is very, very easy to figure out if you spend 5 minutes trying to learn it) shows that care enough about our culture to do a bit of research. When you sit there and blab incorrectly about genres and proceed to [I]refuse to learn about them or admit that they matter[/I] is what pisses us off. That kind of attitude is present mostly in mallcore kids who seem determined to undermine the integrity of metal at any cost. This will never happen, as the underground is far too self-motivated, but the mallcore scene is definitely a thorn in our sides. As for the "genres are opinions" argument: that's absolutely ridiculous. If you take a look at it, that argument is bottom-line stupid. If that were the case, I could sit here and say that the Black Eyed Peas are neo-industrial/post-rock/thrash/psychobilly/trance/bluegrass. I could say that Iron Maiden is R&B. Neither of which are the case. At all. You wouldn't argue with me if I showed you a blue crayon and said "it's blue". You wouldn't argue with me if I pointed at a pine tree and said "it's coniferous". We categorize species, do we not? We separate them into kingdoms, phylums, etc. etc. And guess what? There's a rhyme and reason to it. Scientists didn't just decide to set up that entire system for fun. No, they did to help them understand where everything comes from and where it's going. This is no different from music. Genres aren't amorphous categories that change based on the whim of the listener. They're concrete categorizations that are in place for a reason. It doesn't cheapen the listening experience if you know the genre of the music you're listening to, as I hear so often. On the contrary, it enriches it. If you know what genre the band is, you can trace it's roots, discover other excellent bands in it's lineage, research the history of it's genre, and perhaps uncover an entire musical sub-culture you never knew about. Ah... I really could go on, but I'll leave it at this for now and wait for some replies. And if you have genre questions, please ask me. I know this is going to sound out-of-this-world pretentious, but I know more about metal genres than anyone on this board - and I really do know what I'm talking about. If it's a genre question, I'll be right about it 95% of the time. Really. I'm very involved with metal culture. I'm in four metal bands, one of which is actually signed, and I've spent countless hours researching the history of metal and it's myriad genres. My knowledge on the subject is very deep, and I only say this with such confidence because I've dedicated so much time and effort into understanding it in all the facets I can. I'm a very, very dedicated metal fan, and any reg on this board will not hesitate whatsoever to back up this notion.
Good lord... by the way you guys talk about me, it's as if I've become some sort of mythological figure. Which, quite frankly, I'm totally okay with. Thanks for whoring out my music, Kevin. It is indeed appreciated. Did you check out the new Gallowbraid song, btw? And DB, I thought you knew better than to call Tool a metal band! I'm disappointed. As for Revolver... :animesigh Kevin wasn't being charming. He was simply trying to protect you. Lucky for you, I'm having an excellent day. I know I'm far past due for a spectacular metal-related rant of Odinic proportions, but today is not the day. Nu-Metal is not metal. The term was coined by the metal community in the early nineties as a joke - a mockery of the emerging fad of combining grunge, alt-rock, and hip-hop. The term itself literally means "not metal". That should clear up why the word metal is in the genre's title but not the genre's music. Secondly, NEVER LEARN ABOUT MUSIC THROUGH WIKIPEDIA. Here, use this: [url]www.metal-archives.com[/url] The Metal Archives, or Encyclopedia Metallum is an online database of every single metal band that's ever officially released material. It is maintained by members of the true metal community, and submissions are very rigorously screened before being allowed on the site. Basically, if it's metal, it's in the archives. If it's not, it's not. That might help. The only non-metal they include is either metalcore that is influenced more by metal than punk, non-metal side projects of musicians from important metal bands. I have plenty, PLENTY more to add to this thread, as any regs know full well, but I have to leave or I'll be late for a previous engagement. Expect much more, and be prepared to discuss. But please, for Thor's sake, keep it intelligent.
Clurr, I was actually a bit more fond of your solo project from what I heard... I like the tone of the guitar you were using (whether or not it was synthesized, it just had a nice timbre), and I prefer the way your voice sounds. So yeah. Just my two cents. But [B][COLOR="Red"]YES! I FINALLY UPLOADED MY NEW SONG!!![/COLOR][/B] It was actually too long for Msypace, so I had to cut in in half and post it in two separate parts. It's titled "Oaken Halls of Sorrow", and it clocks in at 13:37. That's right. My song is 1337. I'm so N1NJ4. But yeah, check it out if you get the chance. People are tending to be quite fond of the acoustic/piano section that starts at about 2:08 through the song. So I guess check that part out if nothing else. [URL="www.myspace.com/gallowbraid"][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]GALLOWBRAID[/COLOR][/U][/B][/URL]
[quote name='Mr. Maul'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]Well, I finally got around to creating a Myspace profile for my musical project with my friend:[/SIZE][/FONT] [URL="http://www.myspace.com/thesplitphaseexplosion"][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]The Split Phase Explosion[/SIZE][/FONT][/URL] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]Yeah...[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] I added you, because "Hip Hat" is downright swanky. And my band [COLOR="Blue"][URL="http://www.myspace.com/gallowbraid"][COLOR="Blue"]Gallowbraid[/COLOR][/URL][/COLOR] will have a new song up today in the mid-afternoon, so check that out if you like non-mainstream metal. In fact, also check it out if hate non-mainstream metal, because I want you to suffer.
Pretentious Music for Pretentious Musicians
Jakehammaren replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]You know if you reverse "fact" and "opinion" that you have a statement based in truth there? Interesting![/color][/QUOTE] You know that if you don't change anything at all about your statement, it will continue to be a glaring testament to you not knowing what you're talking about? Interesting! And Dimmu Borgir has been a full band pretty much from it's inception. Dimmu Borgir is a "them", not a "he". And again, they used to be pretty good, but after Stormblåst they started going downhill fast. Now they're just another goth metal band of the more extreme persuasion for Hot Topic to shell out to mallcore kids who think it's black metal (these are the same kids who wouldn't know their Darkthrone from their Mayhem and think that Burzum is hip-hop slang for a woman's backside). Oh well... at least they're better than Cradle of Filth. -
Pretentious Music for Pretentious Musicians
Jakehammaren replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Revolver'][COLOR="Olive"]Dimmu Boirgur(sp?) , was a really good band I heard a few days ago. I heard the song was called the Serpantine something, I forgot the name. ^^;; But it was enjoyable.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Behold, the Hot Topic generation. And for the record, Dimmu Borgir actually was quite good waaaaaaaaay back when they were a black metal band, but that ended a long time ago. -
Pretentious Movies for Pretentious Move-itions
Jakehammaren replied to Lethargy's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Lethargy'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkgreen]Ah, yes. I didn't have a chance to see it when it came out (I don't see very many newer films... [B]NetFlix[/B] is cheaper than the theater), but since it has made its way onto DVD, I will soon. I haven't really read anything about it, therefore, I can't discuss it, but based on the promotional images, it reminds me of the [B]Last Mimzy[/B] (although I am certain it is nothing like it at all).[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Yeah, Pan's Labyrinth is most definitely nothing like the Last Mimzy. It's very much an R-rated film. It's somewhat like a fairy tale for adults. But either way, it's brilliant in every aspect. It's well-written, artistic, original, intelligent, and entirely engrossing. -
Pretentious Music for Pretentious Musicians
Jakehammaren replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
Haha! Kevin, I knew you'd love that. Just wait 'till you hear that song "Les Iris". Multiple bodily functions will occur completely out of your control, but it'll be okay because it's the good kind of that happening, you will cry and swept off into a realm of musical bliss, and then you will worship me to no end for suggesting it to you. This is all true. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Ah yes, I remember you brought them up before and their stuff (listening now) is amazing. If I was still buying CDs, I'd snatch this one up immediately. That is, after finally getting the disks from [B]Woods of Ypres[/B], [B]Ensiferum[/B], and [B]Maps and Atlases[/B], all of which I think deserve a mention in this thread. Woods of Ypres is like [B]Agalloch[/B] with more of the sorrow and slightly less of the atmosphere but all of the same brilliance in genre-fusion. Ensiferum, while not progressive at all, is simply amazing. It's empowering on a level above anything else and skillfully crafted. And then Maps and Atlases, whom I'm sure you have all heard of by now, has t3h mad skillz and most insane riffage ever. I'd suggest you go check them out on purevolume since they have 7 songs up there. Also, I'm not a time signature junkie, but if you are, you might want to check out blues-rok outfit [B]Pearls and Brass [/B]for some technical and witty riffs that make every song a joyride. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I don't think Woods of Ypres is that similar to Agalloch... I guess it does have the same feel to it (although the samples I've heard from WOY's upcoming album are not very promising...), but it's still quite different. And they're definitely not on the same level as Agalloch. And Woods of Ypres is not more sorrowful than Agalloch - in fact, the latter is more sorrowful, if you ask me. Quite a bit more. And speaking of Woods of Ypres, do you prefer "Against the Seasons: Cold Winter Songs From the Dead Summer Heat" or "Pursuit of the Sun, Allure of the Earth"? I think I'm a bit more fond of the former. To me, it has more focus and I really love the production and sound of the whole thing. Plus the harsh vocals sound better. And Ensiferum was awesome until Jari left. Their new album just doesn't do it for me at all... the riffs aren't nearly as good, the songs aren't as catchy and awesome, and the vocals borderline suck. But agreed, the first two albums are absolutely first-rate folk/Viking metal. -
Pretentious Movies for Pretentious Move-itions
Jakehammaren replied to Lethargy's topic in Noosphere
Well, I have one, though I know it ended up becoming mainstream in a sense as it was shown in select theatres across the country at one point. My addition is [B]Pan's Labyrinth[/B]. It was an absolutely beautiful film. -
Pretentious Music for Pretentious Musicians
Jakehammaren replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1]Rev: "Mostly just the metal metal, like Disturbed and all that stuff..." Jake: "And Disturbed is not "metal metal". Disturbed isn't a metal band at all, actually." Rev: "They are Nu Metal, which isn't metal at all."[/font][/size][/QUOTE] Epic lulz. And no, it certainly isn't a popularity issue. Opeth, for example, most certainly deserves a hallowed spot in this thread, and they are a widely popular, quite mainstream band. You see, "pretentious" (which we are using jokingly, as mentioned, as meaning music that is unconventional in structure and sound, uses complex time signatures and/or rhythms, is genre-bending, genre-blending, or genre-transcending, etc.) music isn't necessarily underground, and underground music isn't necessarily "pretentious". And I gotta add [B][URL="http://www.myspace.com/alcestmusic"][U][COLOR="Blue"]ALCEST[/COLOR][/U][/URL][/B]. Please check this out, especially you, Kevin. I think you'd enjoy it quite a bit. It's post-rock/shoegaze/black metal-but-no-harsh-vocals/acoustic-atmospheric/awesome. Go listen to any of the songs off the new album, "Souvenirs d'un Autre Monde". Find it anywhere. The Myspace page I linked only has two partial song samples, and not even of the best songs from that disc. Of the two on the page, I prefer "Printemps Emeraude". If you can find it anywhere, get the song Les Iris. You will shed tears of joy and nostalgia. It's beautiful. -
Pretentious Music for Pretentious Musicians
Jakehammaren replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Revolver'][COLOR="Olive"]My friend's favorite band is Mudvayne... I really don't know how to tell him that they suck. I like World so Cold, but even part way through I want to die. We don't neccererily listen to death metal, doom metal and all that stuff. Mostly just the metal metal, like Disturbed and all that stuff, we are soft-core in a sense. However, we do listen to some death metal. Well, not so much but it's isolated. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Mudvayne is not a metal band. And Disturbed is not "metal metal". Disturbed isn't a metal band at all, actually. Ha! I knew it. I was right. They don't listen to metal. And this is not my opinion - Disturbed, Mudvayne, Slipknot, Ill Nino, Korn, Mushroomhead, etc. are not metal bands. Again, this is a fact, not an opinion. -
Pretentious Music for Pretentious Musicians
Jakehammaren replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Revolver'][COLOR="Olive"]Thanks Billy, even thhough it sounds like your giving me [B]the talk.[/B] I have the best music out of my friends though, which isn't saying much. I hang out with the Metalhead Clique. My cousin has asome good metal. 3 Inches of Blood, however not pretentious (as far as I know) they are good, and I'd like to hear more of them. Too bad you can't find good music where I live, it's only in a handful of times where good music is found..[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I can feel pretty safe saying I'd put a lot of money on the bet that the "Metalheads" you speak of hardly listen to any real metal at all. And no, 3 Inches of Blood isn't pretentious. Their music is fun, but they're as mainstream as Green Day nowadays. And I hate that all the stupid mallcore kids that listen to them think that no-one has EVAR sung in a high-pitched falsetto before. Yeah, no-one besides every other metal band in the history of music. Ugh. Stupid mallcore kids. -
[quote name='Andy'][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="2"]I'm currently listening to [B]War of Ages[/B]. Yeah, they're just this awesome metalcore band that I've just gotten into recently.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] I've only heard two metalcore bands that were even remotely tolerable at all: [B]Nodes of Ranvier[/B] and [B]Between the Buried and Me[/B]. And even then... :animesigh
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Do me a favor and go listen to the Mars Volta since they are by far the greatest band of all time *waits for Jake's bitching*[/COLOR][/QUOTE] If you haven't noticed, I never engage in bitching. I simply point out how everyone else's opinions are less awesome than mine.
[quote name='Rachmaninoff'][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzyi3C4gNnE"][U]In the Hall of the Mountain King[/U][/URL] An orchestral bit of music from the play Peer Gynt, written by Henrik Ibsen, though the actual music was composed by Edvard Grieg. I believe the play was first performed back in the late 1800?s. Anyway, it may be short at only just over two minutes long, but it is well known, though most often not by name or rather not by what it was taken from. It?s been used in a lot of other things as well, I understand that Savatage, a heavy metal band, has a instrumental version of it named ?Prelude To Madness? on their album titled ?Hall of the Mountain King? I have actually heard a tiny clip of that piece by Savatage but not the entire song since I do not have the album in question. And though I?ve not heard it, I understand that a cello rock group named Apocalyptica did a version of it as well. And since I just got through listening to the clip I linked to that is what I am listening to right now. For a short piece it is fun to listen to, very lively and entertaining.[/QUOTE] Haha! That Savatage rendition is actually really good, you should listen to it sometime. Apocalyptica, by the way, may interest you to one extent or another. It's a cello quartet that basically plays either classical pieces and adds drums/metal elements or plays metal songs and turns them into pure string orchestrations. It's a pretty cool band, but the novelty wears off after a while for me. Still worth looking into, methinks.
[quote name='Korey']Is there a difference between black metal and death metal? Not in my opinion...but I digress. I got the joke, maybe I just used the wrong terminology when describing it.[/QUOTE] Yeah, there's no difference at all... besides the fact that they're entirely and completely different on nearly every single fundamental level. In fact, black and death metal are almost opposites on the metal spectrum. You're actively proving the point I was making when expressing my problem with Metalocalypse and it's viewers. And your Wikipedia reference did nothing for you... the joke still had nothing in the slightest to do with death metal or Lord of the Rings. :animesigh