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Everything posted by Jakehammaren

  1. Good lord... it's as if some of you have never heard good guitar work. I was expecting Avenged Sevenfold to come up, seeing as for some strange reason people think they are actually above-average guitarists (which they most definitely are not). I'm just really glad no-one has mentioned the god-awful DragonForce. I was expecting them to come up right off the bat, and they never did! Bravo, people. Bravo. Tom Morello has come up more than once, which makes me sad, because his playing is unbelievably underwhelming. And then out of left-friggin'-field, someone brings up Dimmu Borgir, who's guitar players are also beyond unremarkable. Okay, enough snobbishness. I'm going to throw the incredible [B]Jari Mäenpää[/B] into the suggestion pool, seeing as this guy can actually play. Whether it be slow and soulful or mind-bendingly technical yet weepingly melodic, he can cover it all with outstanding virtuosity. He writes incredible music that never ceases to impress, and I definately think he's one of the greatest musicians of our time. So yes, cheers to him.
  2. [quote name='Avenged666fold']...Eh? Let's not steryotype rap and country. There is a lot of deep stuff out there from both gernes. Also tool does not fall under Metal. I don't care what anybody says. They are NOT metal(ask any metal head!).[/QUOTE] Thank you. I'm surprised to see that you are knowledgeable about such things, based on your screen name (if it is indeed an Avenged Sevenfold reference), but either way, it's good to see that someone got to it before I did. I actually lol'd a bit at the whole "Tool used to be thrash metal" thing... whoever wrote that very, very obviously has never heard thrash before. Ever. As for Tool, I do indeed enjoy their music. They used to be my all-time favorite band, back around the time Lateralus had just been released, but I've grown out of it since. The thing about Tool is that they're not nearly as deep as I think a lot of their fans would like to believe. And many of their 'deep' songs are actually just about sex (which I think is awesome, because the band themselves know that their duping a large portion of their fanbase). A Perfect Circle is pretty good as well, and have produced their fair share of interesting songs. Puscifer isn't actually a band - it was just the name under which Maynard and his cohorts released the couple of songs they did for the Underworld soundtrack.
  3. Right now I'm listening to [B]October Falls - [I]Funeral Pyres[/I][/B]. If you've seen my last.fm lately, you've probably picked up on the fact that I cannot get enough of this genius band (erm... solo-project, technically).
  4. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well Jake, I intend to get [B]Pale Folklore.[/B] It's best to start at the bottom and work your way to the top. So I'll start from the first album, and if I enjoy it (which by the way everyone's talking I will) I'll buy the next two in the order they were realesed. But, if the store is out of [B]Pale Folklore[/B], I'll have to get what I can find. I also intend to buy a [B]Coheed and Cambria [/B]album as well. I heard [B]The Suffering[/B], and it sounds really good so I'll see about that. But I still need to find [B]Saturate [/B]from [B]Breaking Benjamin[/B], or maybe the second [B]Disturbed[/B] album. Ugh... I need a lot more money. >_> But I should have enough to buy two albums. If not, it's [B]Agalloch[/B].[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Alright, but if you don't enjoy Pale Folklore, don't stop there. As I said, they've gotten better and better with each release.
  5. [quote name='0ber0n the Neko'] However, Blind Guardian still sucks. There's nothing pretentious about them. Maybe you should listen to some Meshuggah?:p[/QUOTE] No. So Premonition, which Agalloch album do you think you're going get?
  6. GAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! Blind Guardian isn't folk metal! It's power metal, plain and simple. And Blind Guardian is far from "textbook power metal" - and that is exactly why I enjoy their music. Most power metal gets on my nerves very easily, but Blind Guardian's incredibly complex song structures and composition really set them apart. Their music (at least in their prime ["Imaginations From the Other Side" through "A Night at the Opera"]) is entirely based on rennaisance music, which makes for a very unique listening experience. There are countless moments across those albums that are straight-up brilliant on a technical level, and there is no denying that it's impossible not to sing along with their prolific anthemic choruses. Anyone who doesn't like power metal should pick up a copy of either "Nightfall in Middle Earth" or "A Night at the Opera" and re-evaluate their opinion. As far as Ensiferum is concerned, it's tough to say... To me, it sounds like power metal with a very, VERY distinct concentration on folk/Viking styling. As for whoever was asking about the almighty, ineffible [B]AGALLOCH[/B]... You're going to hear a lot of differing opinions on their three albums. They have developed and changed their sound for every single release. I am of the opinion that their latest masterpiece, "Ashes Against the Grain", is their magnum opus. I feel that the songwriting is most focused on this album, and I really like the fact that the post-rock influence gets a lot of attention as far as the proper songs are concerned. There is a very consistent atmosphere throughout, and every single song (not counting the final track, which is just white-noise and static) is a perfectly-crafted work of art. You can tell that every single note on this album was carefully placed to achieve the perfect effect. The entire thing is truly breathtaking. Many will argue that "The Mantle" is their best - this seems to be the most popular opinion, and for a long time, I was part of this camp. "The Mantle" is absolutely, positively brilliant and epic in it's own right. It has a far more 'woodsy' feel to it, as it is more organic overall. I really love the layering of classical guitar over distortion that happens at various points throughout the disc, the lyrics are pure poetry, and the instrumental interludes are absolutely engrossing. "Pale Folklore", Agalloch's first foray into genius, is my least favorite album of the three (but I still love almost every moment of it). My main complaint about this disc is that it seems very unfocused at times. The transitions are a bit abrupt or unseemly at various points, and some of the songs don't flow together as well as they'd like to. But again, Agalloch's incredible, omniprecent atmosphere cloaks every single note on the disc, and all of the songs are beautiful and captivating in their own right. But whatever you do, be sure to pick up at least one of Agalloch's albums. They are, without a doubt, one of the most unique, interesting, and straight-up awe-inspiring bands around. Highly, highly reccommended. No, that's not strong enough. Here, this should sum it up: [U]Agalloch is f***ing [I]mandatory[/I].[/U]
  7. Alright, [B]Agalloch[/B] is by far the most awesome band that's been mentioned thus far. That [B]Strike the Choir[/B] band was downright generic, and we can't have that on this thread. Keep going guys, there has been some cool stuff in these posts.
  8. [quote name='0ber0n the Neko']Jakehammaren, remember when DevilDriver's vocalist threw a temper tantrum onstage? You know, when he's arguing with the stage hand who politely asked him not to stomp on the venue's microphone? DD:"WHOSE MIC IS THIS!?" "That's... That's my mic." DD:*stomp stomp stomp* "WHOSE MIC IS THIS!?" "That's MY mic. Don't-" DD:*grrstompstomp* "THIS IS MY MIC!" "No, that ISN'T your mic. That's our mic, and it's very expensive-" DD:"TELL ME THIS IS MY MIC!" And like two drunk guys in the back were like "yeah!" and the rest of the crowd basically hid in embarassment. Also, he's a terrible, terrible vocalist. Godawful, in fact. I have to second that. Ratatat is a surprisingly well-orchestrated group, and they are very, very explorative musicians. Also, the entirety of the Grunge movement needs to be added to the list. In reference to Jakehammaren's comment, post-grunge is like basically saying that "We're the **** that sounded really terrible and died ten years ago, but with distortion and even more annoyingly nasal vocals." So, it fits Breaking Benjamin quite well. /Jake Dude, tolerance. You get pissy when people only listen to thirty seconds of your songs, so don't go blowing up in the face of some decent musicians because you didn't like one of their albums. You've heard "Catch 33" and "Nothing". "Catch 33"'s songs all sound the same because the [i]entire album is one song[/i]. "Nothing" all sounds the same because, well, many of the tracks [i]do[/i] sound the same. A lot of that is due to the fact that later on in their career, Meshuggah opted for a more unified sound. Listen to their album "Destroy Erase Improve". It's a little earlier on in their career, and there's a lot more track variation. I just hate it when people flame because they (yes) don't understand the music. There's a lot of really strange and interesting bands that not everyone will like, for example, the entire Drone lineup. However, that doesn't mean they're "terrible", it just means you don't like them. Objectivity should not only be limited to bands you like, Jake. Correction: Synth Rock is not a genre [i]yet[/i]. Eventually, people will start listening to Ratatat, and when that happens, cue ****** knockoff bands![/QUOTE] Sure, I've only heard "Catch 33" the entire way through. Twice. I've heard "Nothing" the entire way through twice. And "I". And "Chaosphere". So yeah, I've [I]totally[/I] only heard 30 seconds of one of their songs. I do understand the music. It's rhythmically complex. Whoopdy-do. They've written a bunch of albums full of the same song. I don't care if they can play in time signatures that don't even exist because they're too mind-bendingly difficult to comprehend. They're downright repetitive. They're as - if not more - repetitive than DragonForce, and that's saying a lot. Hell, you yourself flat out said: [QUOTE]"Nothing" all sounds the same because, well, many of the tracks [i]do[/i] sound the same.[/QUOTE] There you go. In fact, I'm getting suspicious that you only defend them so that you can say "oh, you just don't understand it". And this is coming from the kid who says that Blind Guardian "only plays barred chords on the 8th, 10th, and 12th frets", when their music is entirely based on Rennaisance, a style in which that progression doesn't even exist. In other words, no, they never, ever use that progression. You simply don't understand it on a very fundamental level. THAT is not understanding a band's music. So don't start making stuff up about me writing off Meshuggah after "only listening to 30 seconds of their songs" when you [I]know[/I] I've endured many an album of their material trying to appreciate it. I don't like them because they try to pass of the fact that they can only write one song by throwing in as many ridiculous time signatures as they can. I'm not trying to change your opinion of them, I never was. I just can't stand their crap. I understand that you like it, but I promise you don't understand it any better than I do. You and I both know I count time signatures better than you can. So really, I understand Meshugga's music better than you in the first place. And guess what? I still hate it.
  9. [quote name='vegeta rocker']Just wanted to say I plan to look to this thread often since i am trying to expand the music i listen to. So please continue on, its kind of cool to have a thread centered around accomplished music.[/QUOTE] Good for you, sir. It's cool to see someone wanting to actually look past their esablished taste and find some great new music. I'm going to bring up another all-time favorite band of mine here: Blind Guardian. These guys have some incredibly complex sound structures, and some of the most ridiculouly awesome vocal harmonies/layering of all time. Definately, definately worth checking out.
  10. [quote name='PWNED']I don't think any Breaking Benjamin fans consider them metal, they've been specifically noted as being post-grunge. And to use them in comparsion with a band like Hinder? For shame. Compare 'Lips of an Angel' by Hinder with 'Polyamorous' or 'So Cold' by Breaking Benjamin, Hell of a lot of difference in quality.[/QUOTE] No, there's not. It is, as stated above, all the same. And they don't even deserve a pretentious sub-genre like "post-grunge". But if you want to be specific, it's [I]technically[/I] Generic Radio Rock. And I'd like to add a few bands to the list: Aryan Terrorism, Nokturnal Mortum, Temnozor, Warhead... this list could go on. They're all NS bands (National Socialist - basically, they're all ignorant, racist Nazi ****s). And yes, I do add these all to the list of Worst Artists Today based solely on lyrical content and ethos.
  11. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I am not. [B]GWAR [/B]are totally awesome. Okay, so about 75 percent of their songs suck total ***, but there are 25 percent that are hilarious, fun, and a good time![/COLOR][/QUOTE] ...Thus my hope was shattered like glass beneath the hammer. Hmm... that's a good song lyric...
  12. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]GWAR [/B]is one of the greatest groups to ever grace our puny planet with their almighty presence. If you do not enjoy GWAR, I will have a hard time respecting you :animesigh[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I'm going to hope with every particle of my being that you're being sarcastic.
  13. [quote name='Kam']Everyone should check out Moonsorrow's newest album. It's two songs, and more playtime than three post hardcore albums, or 800 grindcore albums. Both tracks start off incredibly slowly and, as I alluded to, each of the two tracks is twenty-five minutes+. Having said that, it's not something you pop in on a ride to the QuickTrip. You kinda have to make an event of taking it in. Having been a casual fan of Moonsorrow's older releases, I have to say that I was very surprised by the minimalism of the new record. It founds its soundscapes more in negative space than in the orchestral bedrock of previous works. It's rad. -Justin[/QUOTE] Oh, agreed in full! It is an absolutely monolithic undertaking. A lot of old-time Moonsorrow fans are complaining to no end about them losing most of their folksy flavour, but I really love the direction they've taken. It's beyond massive and epic without relying on symphonic bombast - and that, my friends, takes a considerable amount of songwriting skill. Moonsorrow are a group of musical geniuses, no way around it. That being said, I really do love their old work as well. [I]Verisäkeet[/I] is one of my all-time favorite albums (and I do like it better than [I]V: Havitetty[/I]). Anyway, thank you, Kam, for bringing up one of my favorite bands. Cheers!
  14. [quote name='Billy Shears'][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Buckcherry. Seriously? Trying to score some "edgy shock" points huh? Don't forget the song about being a porn star with a huge penis. Substance lol? Lemme guess, the next hit single is "Goddamn I Love Cocaine" from the album "All of Our Songs Are Explicit and Have the Same Stupid Riffs and Cocky Lyrics: Don't Forget to Say ****"[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Cheers, good sir. Cheers indeed.
  15. [quote name='Break']Three dollar bill was a good album though.[/QUOTE] No, it wasn't.
  16. Hmm... you guys should check out [B]Menomena[/B]'s latest album, [I]Friend and Foe[/I]. I bed you kids would eat it right up. Hell, even [I]I[/I] love it.
  17. Alright, there are a few of us around here on the 'Boards who are just to pretentious for our own good. I am, without a doubt, one such individual, as anyone who has been around here for a year or more will be quick to tell you. Now, there are plenty of threads I and my fellow pretentious music nerds pour over, derailing the entire thing into a discussion on the finer points of genre, composition, influence, dynamics, vocal technique, etc. Thus, I have decided to start a thread entirely dedicated to our need to discuss such things! Please, keep this thread devoid of lesser musical acts: we will only be talking about bands that would be impossible for someone with simple tastes to enjoy! I'd like to take this chance to begin with a band I am currently enjoying immensely through a nice pair of Skullcandy headphones: [B]Summoning[/B]. Austrian avant-garde atmospheric epic black metallers [B]Summoning[/B] have created a world of their own. Well, not [i]entirely[/i] their own, seeing as all their works are lyrically based on Tolkien, but the soundscapes they forge are definitely unique. By using only rhythmic wardrums in place of a standard drum kit and keeping the song tempos between mid-paced and quite slow and drenching everything in tasteful symphonic keyboard work, they put most "epic" bands to shame. Their latest album, [I]Oath Bound[/I], is a complete journey through the highest mountains and darkest forests of Middle Earth, and is so engrossing that you'll want to set aside time to just listen and take it all in. For fans of bands that are completely doing their own thing, [I]Oath Bound[/I] is an unbridled MUST. Discuss.
  18. [quote name='Kam']I just like how DevilDriver is allowed to be the 'anti-hardcore' metalcore band. That, and they blow in terms of music. It's boring, repetitive, and annoying. I'd also hardly call ole' buddy from Glassjaw a vocal genius. That whole style of music focuses on [I]lack[/I] of technique. Which just sounds awful to me.[/QUOTE] Very well put! I hate metalcore vocals for that reason exactly. Harsh vocals are NOT just screaming, like so many people think. It's an actual controlled vocal technique that takes practice to develop correctly. In almost any -core band, the vocalist just yells/screams, completely doing away with any form of control or technique. I can't stand it at all.
  19. [quote name='vegeta rocker']Why all the hate against Devil Driver?[/QUOTE] Because they're one of the worst bands in existence. I saw them live, which was one of the worst shows I've ever seen in my life (I sat through them to see In Flames, who I hoped wouldn't play much off their latest two albums, which were absolutely atrocious, and luckily they played plenty of stuff from their back catalogue). But anyway, Devil Driver was awful, and the singer threw a temper tantrum when they had a little sound problem. When I say temper tantrum, I mean he stamped on the ground like a two year old and threw the mic. He then continued to yell some of the most immature **** I've ever heard come out of someone's mouth. It was awful. And then he got all the stupid Hot Topic-clad mallgoths to flip off the sound guy. Ugh. Secondly, Coal Chamber just wanted to be Korn. Which is sad, because Korn is awful too. Which brings us to this: anything mallcore can be added to the "Worst Music Ever" list.
  20. [quote name='Bombu'][color=darkred]Yeah, that guy is pretty insane. I think that the Cannibal Corpse and DevilDriver vocalists are pretty good too, from what I've heard that is, since I don't really listen to them. But everything in music is an art, I reckon, whether you play the triangle, or scream instead of sing. It still requires skill (unless you're in Slipknot and your required skill is to run and jump around the stage).[/color][/QUOTE] DevilDriver is one of the worst bands of all time. Cannibal Corpse are very talented musicians and their music is very difficult to play, but I hate it. A lot. I can't sit through a single song of theirs.
  21. You can indeed be a brilliant screamer. It's called being Mikael Åkerfeldt from Opeth. He's got a very well, controlled harsh vocal that is better than almost everyone in the music world, and he does it without destroying his voice, as can be heard in his incredibly smooth clean vocals. All hail the mighty Opeth!
  22. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Well... that's kind of different. If they are forcing that kind of thing on you in their lyrics, then that counts as part of their music. It's not like M. Shadows is singing about how much DEP sucks...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Actually, Burzum's lyrics were about Lord of the Rings and fantasy subjects. So really, it didn't come across in his music. So I honestly don't listen to Burzum because I disapprove of the musician behind it.
  23. Hey, I think it's perfectly fine to disregard a band based on it's members. For example, I refuse to listen to [B]Burzum[/B] based solely on the fact that I could never support anything masterminded by Varg Vikernes.
  24. I've been playing for 3 or 4 years. I started on an Ibanez entry model (which I will forever suggest to ANYONE, because that thing was cheap and still works beautifully. Now I play on a BC Rich Platinum Pro Pearl SE Warlock. Normally, I don't like BC Rich guitars (the action and muddy tone tend to annoy me), but mine is a really nice model I got for a price I couldn't refuse. Plus the white finish with black binding make for a very pretty axe. The action is nice and low, and I run D'Addario XL strings, extra light gauge. I've got a Crate half-stack (I don't know the exact model, and I'm not at home so I can't check). I just use the built-in distortion instead of a pedal. Crate has some excellent distortion models build right into their heads, so I'm perfectly happy with that. Besides practicing and writing my own music, I've been playing songs by [B]Agalloch[/B], [B]Battlelore[/B], [B]Falkenbach[/B], [B]Amon Amarth[/B], and [B]Candlemass[/B].
  25. Wow, I've missed so many chances to be pretentious and correct people during this thread, I think I could cry. Dangit! Oh well. I'll just have to come in at this: Synth Rock is not a genre. At all. Ever.
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