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Everything posted by Jakehammaren
Favorite genre. And does your family like it?
Jakehammaren replied to Aberinkula's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="Navy"]On the subject of metal, revolver is a pretty good magazine. Especially their hottest babes in metal issue they had recently. You never really know how sexy Amy Lee is until you stare at her picture for a while. i find metal to be the most confusing of all rock genres.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I'm going to have to disagree [I]vehemently[/I]. Revolver is a terrible metal resource. An the "Hottest Chicks in Metal" issue was AWFUL. Most of the girls they featured aren't even in metal bands! They included Made Out of Babies and Evanescence, for Christ's sake! What the...? I thought this was hottest chicks in [I]metal[/I]! And they always make this big deal out of it, saying that "there are hardly any women in metal, so we're getting the few of them out there". NEWS FLASH: THERE ARE TONS OF WOMEN IN METAL. For the sake of the Gods, Revolver could have done 5 minutes of research and come up with countless metal bands with female members. I mean [I]countless[/I]. Everything from Battlelore to Equilibrium to Cthonic to Skumring... the list seriously goes on for miles. It's not uncommon. Come on people. Ugh. I hate Revolver. And they call Bullet for my Valentine a metal band, and even featured Trivium - one of most poserific bands of all time - as "saviors of metal". SHAME. And Premonition, I can understand what you mean when you say metal is confusing. It certainly is like that at first, but once you figure out the basics, it becomes pretty clear what's what. Again, PM me if you want to learn more. I don't know much in this world, but in the ways of metal, I'm pretty well schooled. -
Favorite genre. And does your family like it?
Jakehammaren replied to Aberinkula's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Lan'][size=1]I know, notice I said that I liked metal with core influences, instead of saying just straight out plain metal. Sorry if what I typed seemed to confuse you, Jake. Hahah, dammit. I got my arse handed to me by the Metal God of OB. I feel like a fool. But you must admit that a lot of the bands listed have a majority of their sound rooted in metal over hardcore! Like Between The Buried And Me, perfect example, right? Or not? Haha, I should look into that metal archives more before posting from now on.[/size][/QUOTE] Haha! It's all good. Actually, I *GASP* enjoy a portion of BTBAM's stuff, believe it or not. They're very talented and creative musicians. And Metal-Archives does in fact allow metalcore bands that are more metal than core, although the issue gets debated on the forums quite often. Their view on it is that, while it isn't real metal music, it is influenced enough by it to allow some of the stalwarts of the genre to be archived. But either way, straight-up hardcore bands are regarded as an offshoot of punk and therefore not on the archives. -
Favorite genre. And does your family like it?
Jakehammaren replied to Aberinkula's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Lan'][size=1]I have a really wide range as far as the music I listen to goes. I can go from Frank Sinatra, my favorite artist ever, to Bring Me The Horizon, my favorite band. So, Jazz to Deathcore, haha. Quite a range. But the majority of the music I listen to is Metal. I really like the core sub genres that go with it, hardcore and what have you. I like there to be a beat and the occasional breakdown does tickle my fancy, haha. I really enjoy music from the following: Between The Buried And Me, Bring Me The Horizon, Glass Casket, The Human Abstract, The Devil Wears Prada, Architects, At The Throne of Judgment, As Blood Runs Black, Underneath The Gun, Elysia, Knights of The Abyss, Suicide Silence, and the older stuff that Job For A Cowboy made, just to name a few. As you can see by the list of bands, I like when bands have core influences incorporated into the music.[/size][/QUOTE] Sorry, here I go again. Hardcore isn't metal, it's punk. And all of the bands that you listed that I've heard of aren't really metal either, they're metalcore, which is an offshoot of hardcore (with the exception of Job For a Cowboy, but only their latest album is metal, and even then, it's just generic death metal). -
Favorite genre. And does your family like it?
Jakehammaren replied to Aberinkula's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="Navy"]Actually I never pay attention to the specific metal brand I listen to. But most of my metal is Nu Metal.yet. my favorite band, Breaking Benjamin is a post-grunge/alternative band from New Jersey. I've researched them on wikipedia. They're also an influence for my lyrics. I'm the bassist of a Nu Metal band where I live but I'm probably the most skilled at writing. I'm working on a song that has been influenced by the Mothman of west Virginia. Very eerie and fascinating legend. The band is called Death Vapors, and I must say the name feels generic. But the lead won't change it to something more unique. Plus I'd really like to write something that has to do with my [B]Hungarian [/B]roots. I just remembered that one of my old relatives actually lived in Transylvania, another idea for a song write has just come to me! [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Nu-metal actually is not a form of metal in any way, shape, or form. The term "nu-metal" is very misleading, and was actually a term coined by the metal community as a joke ('nu' literally means 'not', hence "nu-metal" = "not metal"), and for some reason it stuck. So you probably actually listen to very little actual metal, if any at all. I'm not attacking you here or anything, just letting you know the difference. This a very common misconception, so no worries. A good way to check if a band is metal is to look them up at [url]www.metal-archives.com[/url]. If they aren't on that database, they aren't a metal band. Wikipedia is a very, very bad resource for researching metal, as any metalhead will be quick to inform you. If you're ever interested in checking out some true metal bands, hit me up with a PM and I'd be glad to introduce you to a few. -
Favorite genre. And does your family like it?
Jakehammaren replied to Aberinkula's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]My mom's all-time favorite band is [B]System of a Down[/B], who she is obsessed with and loves everything about, period. She's got more SOAD crap than probably anyone. She's also a pretty big fan of [SIZE="4"][B][U][COLOR="Red"]Satyricon[/COLOR][/U][/B][/SIZE], [B]Ministry[/B], [B]Jane's Addiction[/B], [B]Bauhaus[/B],[B] Nine Inch Nails[/B], [B]Revolting Cocks[/B], [B]Amen[/B], and [B]Mastodon[/B][/quote] What??? I mean, that's awesome, just so out of place with the rest of the bands, haha! -
Favorite genre. And does your family like it?
Jakehammaren replied to Aberinkula's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="Navy"]Everyone has a favorite genre of music. Rock, rap, Country, or Pop. and don't forget the sub genre's behind the scenes. But for some of us -like me- our family hates or dislikes our favorite genre. As for me my favorite is metal. I love the sound of the guitar, and the speed.It's like adrenaline pumps through me, you know? But my father, if the guitars get to noisy, or fast he'll turn the station and say something like "I hate that ****ing music." and usually i's a song that like. But there's one member of my family who loves this genre. My cousin Jake has a collection of great metal. A few weeks ago we had a a family gathering, he was there and he showed me some of his CD's. Now his mother would probably disown him if she heard his music. What's worse is that she is pure country. Now don't get me wrong, a few country songs I like, but I ate most of it. But my aunt sings and plays county. So metal would never be her forte, but my cousin did get her to play "Smoke on the water", which is funny as all hell to me. And he had an album from 3 Inches of blood, now after hearing them, I want to steal his CD! He likes dragonforce too, but they're good for 30 seconds or less. He has other bands as well. But the only one I can remember is Black Label Society. Anyways what's your favorite genre of music? Can be any genre too. And tell us what your family thinks about it. Do they like it or hate it?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] What kind of metal do you listen to exactly? Just curious. I listen to metal as well, and as anyone who has been on OB for a while knows that I'm all pretentious about it too. I'm very picky about my music, and I do not tolerate false metal. Anyway, my parents used to care, but they just tune it out at this point. They're very supportive, and they know how passionate I am about it. They're incredibly generous as far as allowing me to have band practice whenever I want, and they'd let us play all day if we wanted to. Of course, my mom actually doesn't mind when I pop a Kamelot CD in the stereo, and my father is pretty down with Hibria too. It's kind of grown on them, I guess. -
I was just reminded violently of another band I can't stand: I hate Meshuggah. Sure the vocals are terrible, but there are worse things about them. They have the Dragonforce syndrome: once you've heard 30 seconds of one of their songs, you've heard everything the band has ever recorded. All I ever hear from their fanboys is "YA BUT DID U HEER TEH TIME SINGATARZ??! TEY ARE LIEK CRAZY TIME SIGNATARZ AND THAT MAEKS THEM AWESUM!!!1!!11!!one1!!!1" And then when I say "Nope, they're still terrible", they always tell me that I've obviously only listened to one song and written them off. No, I've tried. I really have. I've suffered through three entire albums in hopes that I'd understand why some people are so excited about these wankers, and guess what? I got three albums of the same exact song. Sure, they can play songs in time signatures like 143/75 and 27/Blue, but that doesn't mean they write good music. Awful, boring band that I'm sure I will be accused of not appreciating complex music for not enjoying their pretentious monotony.
[quote name='DaSilva'][SIZE="2"][FONT="Courier New"]I'm going to have to agree with pretty much everything that's been said so far, with the exception of the Avenged Sevenfold supporters. I'm really surprised that no one has mentioned Nickelback yet. I really don't see whatever it is that their fans see in them. [/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Go back and read my post, I did mention Nickleback.
I hate everything you'd expect me to hate: God-awful poser wannabe bands whose fans actualy believe they're metal, such as Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet for my Valentine, Trivium, etc. Mallcore bands such as Slipknot, Devildriver, Ill Nino, etc. And Nickelback. No-one should like Nickelback. I don't even understand how they're still making "music".
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]2 months ago this would have been damn hilarious. Now that Jake isn't even around anymore, it's just monotonous.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Aw, you guys are always thinking of me aren't you? :D And I haven't been around because I've been in Europe for the last month. As for Ogrish Melanol, I only like their old stuff, before their original vocalist/guitarist Drulvurg was killed by his fellow bandmate Grishrith for commenting that cave trolls are way better than mountain trolls in an interview. Now that Drulvurg is dead and Grishrith is in jail, the songwriting has just gone to crap, in my opinion. I mean, they're actually selling records now, so they've obviously sold out. And I heard they just got banned from Rohan for sacrificing a horse onstage. That sucks, because now I'll have to catch them in Gondor, and that is quite the drive from Dol Guldur.
[quote name='Aceburner'](Excluding Techno. You ever try to play techno with a piccolo?)[/quote] Ha! I play piccolo too. :D
[QUOTE=Kazuwa Nomura][COLOR=HotPink][B] Speaking of bands and stuff. Jake. How many licks will it take to get to the center of the awesomeness that Elderfrost has?[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] LOL Um... lots and LOTS of time. Plus you need to have the great Heathen gods on your side, and being able to rock a jaw-harp is a must. Really, it doesn't take long to WRITE the songs, it's RECORDING them that's the most laborious part.
The Number 12 Looks Like You does have progressive and grind in there, but no metal. And it sounds like your genre would be... well, you'd basically be able to put anything and add "core" to it, really. Like "Acousto-grind Christiancore". Yeah, that'd do the trick.
[quote name='Cat14']I still say that Alice Cooper had some part in metal just like every band give something to the music they play. As for horror metal being real or not. I know its not real I was going off a website that i was looking at during the time I was writing the post. I was seeing what online stores put certain bands under and thats was what they had a few bands like Alice Cooper and such under at the time I looked. Sorry for the confussion.[/quote] Ah, well that music is what's referred to as "shock-rock". Bands from various genres fit into this catagory (Alice Cooper, Marilyn Manson, etc. - basically bands with an edgy theatrical image and 'shocking' stage performance). Alice Cooper didn't play metal, and didn't contribute anything to it either (I do enjoy some of his stuff though). No problem. The term "Horror Metal" just made me sad inside.
[QUOTE=Nefertimon]Ah yes, Iron Maiden, the first and only metal band I like. [size=1](Their songs "The Number of the Beast", "Run to the Hills", "Fear of the Dark", and "The Fugitive" rock, literally.)[/size][/QUOTE] You should listen to some Judas Priest, in that case. Also, just because I've been really into them lately, I'd strongly suggest picking up a copy of [B]Falconer[/B]'s "Chapters from a Vale Forlorn". Excellent album packed with incredibly catchy songs, and you might just like it if you're stoked on Maiden. Hell, you just might like it if you like [I]music[/I]. [quote name='Johnny Justjohnny']Next to Canned Heat, the best use of the flute in a band ever.[/quote] Hmmm... I'm going to have to disagree with you here and go with [B]Falkenbach[/B] as best use of flute in a band.
[QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]That has nothing on the one for the remix of that one song with the digime vid. Today, I have this song [url=http://youtube.com/watch?v=qIYhbRiuVK0][B][COLOR=DarkOrange]Shut Me Up [/B] by [B]Mindless Self Indulgence[/COLOR][/B][/url]. don't worry, it's a clean track this time, lol. The song is addictive and awesome, but the winner is the sweet video. The guy at the cashier is a splendid actor and the effects are fun, especially when he starts killing the people in line. The bass, the rock, the mic, the treble, i like my coffee black just like my metal![/COLOR][/QUOTE] You have no idea how happy that line made me when I first heard it :animesmil And by the way, that video was directed by Jhonen Vasquez (the creator, illustrator, and writer of the infamous Johnny the Homicidal Maniac comics, for those of you out of the loop). So yeah, double points for that. I love the video, and enjoy the song.
[QUOTE=RiflesAtRecess][font=arial][size=1]He says it's all those things, but it's probably another Norma Jean clone. :) And Jake, I don't understand your beef with #12 Looks Like You. I know that scathing hardcore isn't your type of music, but those guys are extremely good compared to everything else in that genre. They have some jazzy bits and a whole lot of "urgency" to their music. Completing this are the Mars Volta lyrics sounding like they've turned to Satan or something, haha. They're just a really cool band.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] The jazz parts feel out of place, the urgency makes the music grate on my nerves, the vocals... don't even get me started. Ugh. Don't get me wrong, they can play their instruments, and they are most definately great at what they do - I just can't stand it at [I]all[/I]. But like you said - scathing hardcore is far from being something I enjoy. It's really just a personal taste thing, I'm not saying they're a bad band.
[quote name='Cat14']Alice Cooper and Black Sabbath are the ones I think have founded Horror Metal or the darker stuff when it comes to music.[/quote] I [I]promise[/I] you there's no such thing as "Horror Metal". Alice Cooper had nothing to do with metal. Black Sabbath founded the entire metal genre. Anyway, my favorite classic bands... King Crimson comes to mind instantly, as do the Beatles and Led Zeppelin. And, if you count them, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Saxon - NWOBHM in general. But I don't think they count so much.
[QUOTE=Kazuwa Nomura][COLOR=HotPink][B] [COLOR=Red]The Number 12 Looks Like You[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Underoath[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Flyleaf[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]As Cities Burn[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Scary Kids Scaring Kids[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Tokio Hotel[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Rise Against[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Unearth[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Arch Enemy[/COLOR]+[SIZE=3][COLOR=Blue]Opeth[/COLOR][/SIZE]+[COLOR=Red]Tenacious D[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]KISS[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]AC/DC[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Lynnard Skynnerd[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Ozzy[/COLOR]+[SIZE=3][COLOR=Blue]Iron Maiden[/COLOR][/SIZE]+[COLOR=Red]Haste The Day[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]The Agony Scene[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Arma Angelus[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Silverstein[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Comeback Kid[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Shadows Fall[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Beneath The Sky[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]The Used[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Demon Hunter[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Dragonforce[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Firefly[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]All That Remains[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]As I Lay Dying[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Norma Jean[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Coheed and Cambria[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Avenged Sevenfold[/COLOR]+[COLOR=Red]Alexisonfire[/COLOR]+Something completely original...=Thecopskilledkenny Did you get all that?[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] The bands in red are the influences you should cut out of your sound, and the bands in blue are the ones you should keep.
[quote name='Kazuwa Nomura][COLOR=HotPink][B]How do you guys feel about songs that are instrumental, or songs that are very long, with little vocals and alot of focus on the guitars and bass?[/B'][/COLOR][/quote] Welcome to Agalloch, Pelican, Wolves in the Throne Room, Weakling, Isis, Mouth of the Architect... there's plenty of bands that do that, and all the ones I just listed are effin' tops. You should check them out (mainly the first three) and see how each band approaches it. That's the way my band Gallowbraid is - the songs are generally 10 - 12 minutes in length, with very sparse vocals.
Ah, got it. By the sound of it, it seemed you really liked them a lot on the other thread, so to me it looked as if you got wind that the general feeling on the 'Boards was against Slipknot, so you changed your posting opinions to avoid confrontation. That's what I meant.
[QUOTE=Kazuwa Nomura][COLOR=HotPink][B]oh Deathrift is my word...for a riff that would potentially kill somebody because it is so bad ***. And when I say bad, I'll restate a old song "b-b-bad to the bone".... And yes...Slipknot sucks...except for #1 Joey Jordison...that dood rocks on the drums...and sure...the rest of the band is kewl...or whatever..psh. Anywho.[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Ah, I see. The sentence read that you wanted your music to be terrible, so I was quite confused. :animestun And on Slipknot, I just noticed that based on some other posts, you like them. To each his own, you don't need to change your opinion because I don't like them. But I will say that there i definately better music out there... :cool:
[QUOTE=Kazuwa Nomura][COLOR=HotPink][B]ah, I get like that too. I record vocals over and over as well as drums....over and over...because I feel that it's just not good enough. Good luck with your band, I recently made an awesome deathrift, but since I'm not the guitarist in the band, I can't play it in one of our songs ( I feel like that should be just Andrew, Steven, and Austin's job). I also feel a little left out..because everybody wants to be a little bit....easier going than me, because I want our music to be really really really bad but they don't want me to scream the whole time. But we should get it worked out...eventually.[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Wait, wait wait. Two questions: What is a "deathrift"? And why in the world would you want your music to be really really really bad? (which, by they way, you could achieve by being Slipknot).
[QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, seeing as we're both obviously very much a couple of elitists, there is no way around calling this a battle between two people who don't understand each other's music. You see, the most widely accepted use of emo is on bands such as My Chem, the Used, and their kin. Wether this term is correct is one of my business - in fact, i'm of the belief that if the word 'emo' is most commonly used to describe those bands, and in a way has been officialized toward them, then that's how they should be concerned. It's no different than how 'gay' became synonymous with homosexuality - it just did. When you think about how most of the people who [i]listen[/i] to those bands call it emo, it starts to take on that meaning. It's not right, but that's how i'm looking at it. After all, as Jake explained, you obviously don't understand black metal in the slightest.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Yes, but in rebuttal to your comments, look at bands like Slipknot, Korn, Ill Nino, etc. They're called 'metal' bands by plenty of people, but that doesn't mean they [I]are[/I] metal. As you know, Slipknot and their ilk are nowhere NEAR being metal bands, but the MTV community defines them as such. My Chemical Romance isn't an emo band, just as Korn isn't metal. And I wasn't saying he doesn't understand black metal, as I know nothing about his views on it. I was just saying that he misunderstood one aspect of it, that being that he mistook Cradle of Filth for being black metal.
[QUOTE=RiflesAtRecess][font=arial][size=1]AFI was a punk band until they ruined their sound by becoming something of an alternative rock band with black metal vocals thrown in to cash on the Cradle of Filth obsession that everyone got into several years too late. :)[/font][/size][/QUOTE] Oooh, oooh, my turn! Mentioning Cradle of Filth in relation to black metal is no better calling AFI or My Chemical Romance emo. Cradle of Filth has nothing whatsoever to do with black metal. And not all harsh vocals are "black metal vocals". AFI threw some screams in there - plenty of bands do that. I hardly think it had anything to do with Cradle of Fail.