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Everything posted by Jakehammaren

  1. [quote name='Kazuwa Nomura][COLOR=Magenta][B]Well the best (modern) bands in all history are probably Slipknot, Underoath, MCR, and Linkin Park based on all that technical crap, but my faves are a lil' different.[/B'][/COLOR][/quote] Please define "all that technical crap".
  2. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange] [B]Mogwai's [/B] [url=http://youtube.com/watch?v=1tuGrEynG68][B]Travel Is Dangerous[/B][/url] will be right up your alley for all you post-rock boys, plus the video is creative and interesting. Then there's also [url=http://youtube.com/watch?v=_G-d0_PzICM][b]Hunted By A Freak[/B][/url] which is creepy.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Hell yes. Mogwai rules. I just discovered them, so it's ironic that you posted these videos (I really, really loved Travel is Dangerous!). And yes, tree-hand FTW. And you know what? All those trolls with the war-drums FTW as well. See, the video will grow on you.
  3. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']Jake: That video earned two 'WTF's and an 'OMG tree hand!' Not a bad song, but the wideo is just strange.[/quote] Haha! I know, it's weird, but it makes sense if you know the story that the lyrics are telling. And you know you couldn't help but smile at parts of that song :D
  4. Okay, that made it official. I can't stand Mastodon. I'm sure I could come up with more/better than this, but the last video I watched and thought was pretty cool was [B]Finntroll[/b]'s [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1vumjWdqYQ][I]Nedgång[/I][/URL] (click song title for video). It's a cool thematic video, and the part at 2:05 is too catchy for it's own good (as per usual in the Finntroll camp). If you get bored, just skip to that part. Enjoy.
  5. [B]1. Explosions in the Sky - [I]It's Natural to Be Afraid[/I][/B] I absolutely LOVE Explosions in the Sky. Post-rock FTW. This song is beautiful (much like the rest of the album). Can't get enough of them. [B]2. Enslaved - [I]Lunar Force[/I][/B] Enslaved are pure classic. One of the coolest bands in the black metal scene, always progressing and evolving into something new and interesting. These guys will be one of my favorite bands for a long time. [B]3. Old Man's Child - [I]Twilight Damnation[/I][/B] I've hardly listened to this band at all, but I'm not a huge fan of cheesy symphonic black metal, so... eh. [B]4. Apocalyptica - [I]Quutamo[/I][/B] Everyone pretty much knows about this cello qaurtet by now. This is one of my favorite songs by them. [B]5. Leviathan - [I]Those Slimy Things Are Real[/I][/B] YES! This is my favorite Leviathan song! I love the atmosphere and cool song structures Leviathan churns out. w00t. [B]6. Sinergy - [I]Written in Stone[/I][/B] I'm not a huge Sinergy fan, but I feel that Alexi Laiho's guitar work with them is better than it is with Children of Bodom. [B]7. Botch - [I]I Wanna Be a Sex Symbol On My Own Terms[/I][/B] Botch is a talented band who's music annoys me... I'm not even sure why I have this on my iTunes. [B]8. Suidakra - [I]Signs for the Fallen[/I][/B] Suidakra is an immensely cool band who has released nothing but solid albums (with the exception of the metal-core wankfest that was Command to Charge, but it wasn't terrible). This is my favorite Suidakra album, methinks. [B]9. Pelican - [I]March to the Sea[/I][/B] Excellent band, excellent album, excellent song. [B]10. Pagan Reign - [I]I Boga Raspiali...[/I][/B] I just got this, so I hardly know anything about it. This is one of their first works, so it's a bit raw even for me, but who knows. [B]11. Marduk - [I]Perish in Flames[/I][/B] Black metal... yeah. Nothing that really stands out to me. [B]12. Protest the Hero - [I]Turn Soonest to the Sea[/I][/B] One of my brother's CDs. This band annoys me almost as much as The Numer 12 Looks Like You. Yuck. [B]13. Catamenia - [I]Freezing Winds of the North[/I][/B] Catamenia is a cool melodic black metal band from Finland. Nothing incredibly special, but they get the job done, and some of their songs are downright catchy. [B]14. Woods of Ypres - [I]Sea of Immeasurable Loss[/I][/B] One of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands. Hail Woods of Ypres! [B]15. Wolves in the Throne Room - [I]Face in a Night-Time Mirror, Pt. 1[/I][/B] Ah yes, the almighty effin' Wolves in the Throne Room. This band absolutely destroys most of the bands in this genre, and this album is entirely captivating every single time I put it on. A pure masterpiece.
  6. [QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]All it takes is practice and easily exuberant victims as your target. What's funny is that when you first mentioned Agalloch like a week or more ago I listened and they were really good, lol.[/color][/quote] Hahaha! It's all good, man. :animesmil And DigitalBoy is right, it's really just that he and I are so outspoken. All genres are followed here, really. And DigitalBoy - I hate all the bands you mentioned. Rush, not so much, but Ayreon is so explosively pretentious that it's almost impossible to listen to without having a seizure. And don't even get me started on Dream Theater :mad:... And to continue DeathKnight's indie section, I'm going to have to pimp my favorite indie band right now: [B]Menomena[/B]. They're from Portland, OR (what is up with the Pacific Northwest and awesome music?). They write very unique songs with lots of atmosphere and experimentation. Definitely a band to check out. Go to their myspace and listen to [i]Rotten Hell[/i] and [i]Wet and Rusting[/i] or your balls will fall off (in the words of the eloquent DeathKnight). [url]www.myspace.com/menomena[/url]
  7. [QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]Oh yeah, speaking of. Have you guys heard of [size=4][b]PELICAN[/b][/size] They are this great band you really need to check out ASAP. [url=http://www.myspace.com/pelican]Here's[/url] their myspace. Check out Last Day of Winter! [/color][/QUOTE] I sure hope that I can be as witty as you one day.
  8. [quote name='DeathKnight][color=crimson']Nah, I was being sarcastic. Thanks anyway though.[/quote] I know. I was rolling with the punches :rolleyes: And advertising them does indeed have to do with this thread, seeing as it's about the "Best Music Artist(s) Today", a category under which they most definitely fall. It's no less appropriate than you advertising Pelican. Anyway, on to Pelican. They are indeed a good band, but as far as that particular style of sludge metal goes, Mouth of the Architect and Isis are superior. Granted, I haven't heard as much Pelican, but from the album I listened to, it wasn't quite as enjoyable as Mouth of the Architect's [I]The Ties that Blind[/I] or Isis' [I]Panopticon[/I].
  9. Yeah, Isis is incredible. But they sludge metal with progressive influence, none of this "post metal" business :animesmil (just giving you crap... but really, they are proggressive sludge) And Rifles, I should have told you before hand. You really need the Agalloch album [B]Ashes Against the Grain[/B]. You'd probably like it the best. It has the most post-rock influence out of all their albums, and it picks up more where it feels natural. I think you'd find worlds of listening pleasure within that album's dark, beautiful, perfect tracks. Go now and buy/download! As for Dreamscapes of the Perverse, I'm going to check them out, but my expectations are low seeing as you referenced Dimmu Borgir (who I hate [besides their really old stuff, such as the ORIGINAL Stormblast, For All Tid, etc.]) and BTBAM, who I'm not really fond of. I'll give it a listen though.
  10. [QUOTE=DeathKnight][/font][/size] [color=crimson] And yeah you NEED to listen to Agalloch. You NEED to. You absolutely, totally need to even if advertising the band has nothing whatsoever to do with this post. I just know you need to. If you don't your balls will fall off. *whispers* You need to.[/color][/QUOTE] See, Rifles? That's two for two, man. You better get on it.
  11. [QUOTE=RiflesAtRecess][font=arial][size=1] [URL=http://www.myspace.com/thiswilldestroyyou][b]This Will Destroy You[/b][/URL] is pretty much the best band around today. There is no one who would say otherwise after listening to "I Believe In Your Victory".[/size][/font][/QUOTE] I'm listening to that very song right now. The first portion of it reminds me of... Agalloch? What? If the guitar tone was a little thicker and the drums a tad more agressive, this could easily be part of an Agalloch song. Which is awesome. This song is amazing, Rifles. You're completely right. I'm definately going to look further into this band. Meanwhile, you NEED to listen to Agalloch. Go to their official myspace ([url]www.myspace.com/agalloch[/url]) and listen to the entirety of "Odal". It's post-rock leanings should have you hooked, especially when the song really kicks into gear after the minimalist intro. Enjoy.
  12. Aw man, when I saw that you'd bolded [B]Leviathan[/B], I thought you meant the US-based one-man depressive black metal band, not the album by Mastodon. I was all excited and whatnot. Aw, shucks! I cannot get into Mastodon, despite my efforts. They just annoy me, and nothing more. Eh, to each his own.
  13. [QUOTE=Kam]Pirates v. Vikings...Vikings win. But pirates do keep us all merry. -Justin[/QUOTE] Indeed. Viking metal is far more epic. But these guys do a great job, and you can't help but smile when you hear "Wenches and Mead", and there is no possible way not to sing along to "Nancy the Tavern Wench".
  14. [QUOTE=Insanity Hero][B]Nightwish[/B] and [B]Lacuna Coil[/B] a pretty good bands. If you want to get into Nightwish I suggest that you listen to their old stuff like [B]"Nemo"[/B] or [B]"Over the hills and far away" [/B] [B]Lacuna Coil [/B] is a good band also. [B]"Heaven's a Lie" [/B] is a very good song and [B]"Enjoy the Silence"[/B] is also a top fave in my book.[/QUOTE] "Nemo" and "Over the Hills and Far Away" are not their old stuff. "Nemo" is off their most recent album, and "Over the Hills and Far Away" is a cover that was released on a single/EP they did not too long ago. As far as their "old" stuff goes, Oceanborn is probably the best album.
  15. In resonse to DigitalBoy: Ah, [B]Opeth[/B]. They are my favorite band (well, this switches off with Agalloch depending on my mood). I love every album, but there are definately some that are superior to others. First off, pretentious metal genre correction: they're technically referred to as [I]Extreme Progressive Metal[/I]. The only real death metal element is Mikael's harsh vocals, but that's pretty much the only similarity. Anyway, I'll start by saying that [B]Blackwater Park[/B] is my favorite Opeth album. To me, it's aural perfection. Transitional metal has never been better. All the acoustic parts are exactly where they should be, when they should be, and the clean vocals are used to absolute perfect effect every time. The atmosphere on this album literally consumes [I]everything[/I] while you're listening to it. It's otherwordly, really. Every single song on this album rules. It's truly difficult to choose a favorite (although I am quite fond of The Drapery Falls, myself). Perhaps you should try revisiting Blackwater Park after not listening to it for a while... it might help you rediscover the whole thing. As far as their old stuff is concerned, [B]Orchid[/B] is absolutely incredible. So the production isn't perfect... but it helps add a bit to the atmosphere. "In Mist She Was Standing" and "Forest of October" are pure gold. The sprinkling of black metal influence on this album really adds a nice kick, if you ask me. [B]Morningrise[/B] happens to be the weakest Opeth album, methinks. It's just not nearly as interesting as the rest of their material. This one is really for Opeth completionists (such as myself :D ) [B]Still Life[/B] is probably my second favorite Opeth album, right next to Ghost Reveries. I can't really decide which one I like the best. The song [I]Godhead's Lament[/I]" absolutely destroys me every single time I hear it. It's incredible. This album really sets the groundwork for what was to come on later Opeth releases. Definately an absolute MUST for all Opeth fans. The rest was pretty much covered by Digital Boy (although I do think that Deliverance is better than you're giving it credit for, and it definately outshines Morningrise as far as albums in that style go).
  16. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange] As for you, [B]Jakehammaren[/B]! You have just added to disks to my must-have list! After listening to a few songs on their website, I absolutelly love this damn band! [B]A Meeting Place And Time [/B] is an absolutely beautiful, deep, wondrous track. I know already I'll be reopening this webpage many times in the future![/COLOR][/QUOTE] Thanks man! I know, [B]Woods of Ypres[/B] is amazing. That song (A Meeting Place and Time) is off the rawer first album... I imagine you'd like [I]Pursuit of the Sun and Allure of the Earth[/I] even more! It's way, way more transitional, which seems to be something you like a lot in music. Definately try to find it for download (it's out of print and absolutely impossible to find - yes, even on eBay). Although apparently, they're going to remaster and re-release it after [I]Woods III - The Deepest Roots and Darkest Blues[/I] comes out.
  17. I really cannot wait to hear this. Oh, and just so you know, my band (Gallowbraid) might finally be playing it's first show! There'll be labels there scouting talent, too. Too bad it'll be our first ever show, but hey - maybe that'd give us leverage if we actually did well. We've got some killer material, but none of us have ever performed before. :animestun
  18. Wow, Curator effin' r0x0rz my b0x0rz. "Fried Chicken Sundae" kicked my arse three ways to... well, Sunday.
  19. I don't know how the hell I forgot these, seeing as they're on the top of my list! [U][B]Woods of Ypres[/B] - [B][I]Against the Seasons: Cold Winter Songs from the Dead Summer Heat[/I][/B][/U]: Woods of Ypres is so incredible... I get chills listening to them. This album is short (it was originally inteded as a long EP, but they re-released it with better production and whatnot, and it's pretty much their debut album). But what it lacks in length is utterly made up for by every track being incredible. "Sea of Immeasurable Loss" and "A Meeting Place and Time" are pure gold. Absolutely incredible songs, and worth the whole thing just by themselves. I love this album start to finish, and I wish it weren't so damn hard to find! [U][B]Woods of Ypres[/B] - [B][I]Pursuit of the Sun and Allure of the Earth[/I][/B]: [/U]Alright, so [B]Opeth[/B] and [B]Agalloch[/B] fans rejoice. Big-time. This band is right up your alley if you love the aforementioned masters of lengthy, melancholy songs with lots of atmosphere and transitional sections. This album is much less raw than "Against the Seasons", and has a lot more clean vocals, acoustic parts, what have you. Even the damn lyrics are good! Oh, and the first track "Intro - The Looming of Dust in the Dark (and the Illumination)... don't let the word 'intro' fool you. Even the intro frigging rules. If you're a fan of emotional, passionate, awesome transitional metal, find this album NOW. I must own a copy, but it's out of print and there aren't any on eBay (at least last time I checked), so this one's been tough. I'll find it one of these days.
  20. [B]Taake - [/B] [B][I]Nattestid Ser Porten Vid[/I][/B]: I want this because Taake is brilliant. This is simply one of the coolest black metal albums I've ever heard. It's not blast-and-screech Darkthrone worship. Every single song on this album has the most infectuous melodies and hooks, yet they still retain their vicious black-metal edge. There are folksy moments, epic moments, and grit-your-teeth-and-smile-'cause-you-just-gotta-headbang moments throughout without skipping a beat. I downloaded it, devoured it, and the album must be mine. [B]Taake[/B] - [B][I]Over Bjørgvin Gråter Himmerik[/I][/B]: See above. [B]Taake[/B] - [B][I]...Dødskvad[/I][/B]: See above. [B]Leviathan[/B] - [B][I]The Tenth Sub-Level of Suicide[/I][/B]: Sometimes, I'm just in the mood for some really, really dark music. This album encompasses it all: rage, torment, depression, hatred, longing, the works. I love the gritty, nasty sound of the production job, and the atmosphere couldn't be more tangible. I need the actual album in my hands, as I'm sure the booklet is very cool. [B]Leviathan[/B] - [B][I]Howl Mockery at the Cross[/I][/B]: This is a very cool black metal album that isn't afraid to stray from the traditional "rules" of black metal. And anyway, the entire album is worth the unbelievably f***ing cool "Those Slimy Things Are Real". I cannot get enough of that song. [B]Otyg[/B] - [B][I]Älvefärd[/I][/B]: There's no denying that Otyg is simply one of the coolest folk metal bands around. Every single song gets immediately stuck in your head, and you can't help but sing along (it doesn't matter if you don't know Swedish - you'll be singing along anyway :p ). I love every last song on this album. It's very, very difficult to find an actual copy of the CD, but I can't live with just a digital version for much longer! [B]Otyg[/B] - [B][I]Sagovindars Boning[/I][/B]: See above.
  21. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']If you are trying to say i'm not funy, I wasn't trying to be. I just hate music. Can I not do that without receiving flak? I don't point and laugh at you for listening to nothing but crap.[/COLOR][/quote] I'm surprised that with your affinity for complex, involved, progressive music such as Agalloch and Opeth you'd dismiss classical music. Sure, plenty of people can play violin, but that's not the point. It's the compositions themselves. Classic masterpieces are some of the most brilliant, epic pieces ever concieved. Maybe you just haven't heard the right classical. Check out Paganini and Vivaldi - metal music ows every bit as much to those two composers as it does to Sabbath, Maiden, and Priest.
  22. I've got two musical projects going on. Please check them out if you have a second: The first is [URL=http://www.myspace.com/gallowbraid][B]Gallowbraid[/B][/URL]. This is a full-lineup band. My position is guitar and vocals, and I write the music and lyrics (as for the recording on the MySpace, it's me on everything). It's a mixture of doom and black metal, so it's generally laid-back, long songs that rely more on atmosphere than guitar pyrotechnics. The other is [URL=http://www.myspace.com/elderfrost][B]Elderfrost[/B][/URL]. That consists of me on all the instruments with my brother helping out on drums. It's basic Viking metal (folksy riffs, epic atmosphere, use of flute/accordion/jaw-harp/etc., lyrics about Norse mythology... you get the idea), and it's gotten a pretty good rep so far.
  23. You see, a lot of your criticisms of [B]The Mantle[/B] are actually reasons I love it! I love Odal start to finish. The minimalist intro builds the atmosphere up to the point where it's absolutely engulfing you, and the song just comes cascading over it. It's beautiful. And that piano outro... it's so perfect! The melancholy melody coupled with a little reverb and the sound of the wind just destroys me. I love every second of that song. I'm not exactly sure what it is you don't like about [B]I Am the Wooden Doors[/B], but I can't get enough of that song. Hell, I can't get enough of this entire album! Funny thing is, my least favorite song on the album is in fact [B]A Desolation Song[/B]. The whispered vocals don't do much for me, but I do enjoy the lyrics, and the accordian was a nice touch. Anyway, if anyone wants to check out this band, start with the song [B]Not Unlike the Waves[/B] off the [B]Ashes Against the Grain[/B] album. That song sort of embodies Agalloch's incedibly unique sound.
  24. Interesting... I actually found [B]The Mantle[/B] to be far superior to Pale Folklore. Even the instrumentals between the three "metal epics" are absolutely perfect - "Odal" and "The Hawthorne Passage" are completely inspiring all on their own. I'd suggest anyone pick this album up before looking into Pale Folklore.
  25. Alright, I'll expand on why [B][SIZE=4]AGALLOCH[/SIZE][/B] is pretty much the sweetest band EVAR. First of all, no band sounds like Agalloch. They are their own entity, and that is for certain. If you like your music unique, there's no way you won't dig you some Agalloch. The amount of atmosphere these guys pour into their music is absolutely astounding. You cannot help but wander into a world of autumn rain and winter snowfall while listening to them. Every single song is a journey. Their music paints vivid, beautiful images in your mind, and the nature-inspired, sorrow-filled, poetic lyrics compliment it perfectly. Basically, Agalloch transcends genre. They have created an entire world of their own, and for this, I love them to no end. I strongly suggest listening to their music with a pair of really nice headphones while sitting somewhere peaceful outdoors. It's a moving experience. Also see: [B]Opeth[/B], [B]Wolves in the Throne Room[/B], [B]Woods of Ypres[/B].
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