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Everything posted by Jakehammaren

  1. One word: [SIZE=4][B]AGALLOCH.[/B][/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE=Clurr][FONT=Arial]I changed the title of the thread, just so people will know what the thread is about before looking into it. Desertphoenix, if you don't really have anything to contribute to the thread, please don't post. It's best if you leave moderation (no matter how subtle) to the actual mods. [/FONT][/QUOTE] There was absolutely no reason to change the name of the thread. The point of the title was to alert people who would be interested in pirates to begin with. No-one knows what "Battleheart" means, but anyone who loves pirates would have been alerted by the original thread title.
  3. I absolutely cannot stand [B]The Cure[/B]. They're right up there with [B]Creed[/B] and [B]Slipknot[/B] for "Worst Band Ever".
  4. If you like pirates, listen to this IMMEDIATELY: [url]www.myspace.com/battleheartofficial[/url] Start with the epic, swashbuckling, plunder-inducing "Wenches and Mead" and the incredibly addicting sing-along drinking anthem "Nancy the Tavern Wench". Oh, this band makes me so happy :D Plus, 2 minutes and some-odd seconds through "No Quarter", they totally bust out the "He's a Pirate" theme from Pirates of the Caribbean. Beautiful.
  5. [QUOTE=White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma]Well, I don't know what you were expecting. I mean, before anything else it's a [b]kids[/b] movie. It's not going to have some deep, intense plot. It won't be a 3 hour long adventure like LotR. Kids will fall asleep. I don't mean to single you out or anything, I'm just curious about [i]why[/i] you think it was such a disaster.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I know it was a kids movie. But look, there are some excellent children's movies out there (Shrek, Nightmare Before Christmas, etc.). As for why it was a disaster: the voice acting was terrible, the one-liners were at a record low, the animation was even iffy at spots... I'm just saying that for such a legendary children's series, they could've done it far more justice.
  6. Honestly, I'm far too tired to read the rest of the posts, so I don't know what everyone has been saying, but I for one will say that it was absolutely [I]horrible[/I]. There's no way around it, TMNT sucked. Perhaps I'll explain tomorrow. Perhaps not. It was an awful movie, which sucks, because I grew up on the Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles and it's sad to see the latest was such an abomination.
  7. These guys have joined the ranks of the greatest bands America has ever produced. Sure, the U.S. isn't exactly a hotbed of awesome music to say the very least, but we've got our moments of pride (Agalloch, Leviathan, Nachtmystium, Novembers Doom, and Isis come to mind). I picked up their debut, "Diadem of 12 Stars"... it's truly breathtaking. All you fans of inspiring, powerful, mournful, passionate beauty in the form of an album, this is essential. Absolutely f**king essential. Four songs comprise the album, each topping 13 minutes. The band is from Olympia, Washington, so it has a great nature feel to it. You can utterly picture the landscapes of the Pacific Northwest... vast, dark forests, looming mountains, grey skies, rainy days, it's all in there. I can't imagine a single note on this album being different. If you like Metal at [I]all[/I], make sure you pick up these guys' debut. "Diadem of 12 Stars" will not disappoint.
  8. [quote name='Fyxe][size=1][color=slategray]For metal... I'd recommend [B]Moonspell[/B], [b]Scar Symmetry[/b] (This is a GREAT melodic death metal band. I can't get enough of their stuff.), and maybe [b]Arch Enemy[/b][/color'][/size][/quote] I'd actually steer clear of Scar Symmetry. They're painfully generic. If you have to go with melo-death, stick with Insomnium, Kalmah, Dark Tranquillity, and old-school In Flames (basically, anything before Clayman or Reroute to Remain).
  9. Scandinavia does it for me, hands-down. Nearly all of my favorite bands hail from there, and there seems to be no end to the talent pouring out of those Northern mountains. I don't know what the deal is. I think Scandinavian babies directly out of the womb with flying-V in hand, ripping out massive solos. Everyone already knows about Finland because of the endlessly boring H.I.M. and extremely popular Children of Bodom and Apocalyptica - but let's look beyond that: Finland gave birth to Moonsorrow, one of the greatest bands ever to grace our world with music. Ensiferum hails from there, and they're a very high-quality band. Many of you also know of Finntroll, who has also put out killer album after killer album. You've got countless bands from Norway and Sweden that are absolutely incredible, so I won't bother to mention them. These countries are absolutely crawling with amazing metal bands. I swear it's in their blood.
  10. Jakehammaren

    Dane Cook

    [QUOTE=BlueMoon]I don't think the problem is that the joke was offensive, just that it was incorrect. The joke could have been funnier if it played more off facts. At any rate, I enjoy Dane Cook. I don't like all his stuff and I think the HBO special he did was pretty weak. I think the fame is going to his head a bit, since his older stuff just seems funnier. But I must say, there's something about the Heist/Monkey skit that kills me every time. I do agree with a few other posters, though, about Mitch Hedberg being better. His delivery was something else.[/QUOTE] Every last word of this post rings true. :animesmil
  11. [QUOTE=Clurr][FONT=Arial] EDIT- Actually, I've got about twenty or so songs on my profile right now, and they range from punk and ska to screamo and acoustic and everything inbetween.[/FONT][/QUOTE] I don't think there [I]is[/I] anything in between. Anyway, I've got a song by an absolutely, positively, undeniably incredible unsigned band called Sworn. Their melodies are purely sublime... it's catchy, haunting, beautiful melodic black metal with no gimmicks whatsoever (no, not even keyboards).
  12. ^My song is about religion too. :D
  13. The song "Krigsmjöd" by Finntroll pretty much sums up my life: Blodet sköljer än en gång Skogens mossor och kala berg Kom alla hör min sång Vi tar deras liv än en gång Se forna tiders eld, beskåda dess prakt Dra ihop till dans i urgyttjans takt Kom töm ditt stop med trollkrigars heder Gammelfar nu dryckoslaget leder Sågtandat spjut och kniven så skarp Kristmän nu falla vi ta deras skalp Omhändertagen av forna minnens väv Krigsruset samlas ditt stop i käften häv Så vakna anden ny ilska alla får Med spjut och svärd vi på krigsstigen går Höj era stop för fiendens död Krigsrus nu väckas med sötat mjöd Vid månens sken vi dem tar Så vi renar vår skog Tills ingen kristen finns kvar Tills ingen kristen finns kvar
  14. I thought Ghost Rider was one of the most atrocious affronts to film. Ever. There was not NEARLY enough awesome to counteract the terrible acting and unfathomably vomit-enducing excuse for dialogue. It was terrible. In fact, it's the worst movie I've seen in a long, long time.
  15. Vocals: Lars Nedland (Asmegin, Borknagar, Solefad) Vocals/Guitar: Mikael Akerfeldt (Opeth, Bloodbath) Lead Guitar: Jari Maenpaa (Wintersun, Ensiferum) Drums: Kai Hahto (Wintersun) Keyboards: Henri Sorvalli (Moonsorrow, Finntroll) Bass: Marco Hietala (Tarot, Nightwish) Their Sound: Progressively-edged epic Viking metal. Huge, long songs that span a multitude of soundscapes with lots of accoustic/folk/mellow breaks. Lars Nedland would provide the epic layered choir-style vocals, while Mikael would provide the more soothing, melodic vocal lines as well as the harsh vocals. Jari Maenpaa would contribute his virtuosic leads and searing melodies, and perhaps some backing vocals as well. Kai Hahto is self-explanatory - the guy is incredible. Henri Sorvalli would basically drench the music in epic, and Marco Hietala would thunder along with his mad bass skillz (as well as providing backing vocals). So basically, there'd be tons of vocal harmonies, melodic guitar work, epic Viking atmosphere, and diverse songs all with a progressive tinge to give it that unique edge.
  16. Jakehammaren

    Dane Cook

    Mitch Hedberg? He's not at all like Dane Cook. Totally different style. And, in my opinion, much funnier. His jokes are more original, as is his delivery.
  17. Yeah, I don't think a prog influence on that style of music would be appropriate. My influences are coming from bands like Mithotyn, Bathory, Moonsorrow, Falkenbach and the like. Opeth and Agalloch are my favorite bands, but as a whole, I can't stand prog metal. I don't know why. And yes, Amon Amarth is an influence, but they're a melodic death metal band and I'm shooting more for Viking/folk/black metal.
  18. [QUOTE=Steel-Winged Angel]So far I don't like [B]The Mars Volta[/B]. I'm still unsure about [B]Dream Theatre [/B] and [B]Opeth[/B]. I think i liked a song or two from [B]Isis[/B] and [B]Agolloch[/B]. I love [B]coheed and cambria.[/B][/QUOTE] Ditch the Dream Theater and listen to more Opeth.
  19. Alright, my band ELDERFROST has some songs up now! Give it a listen if you so wish. [url]www.myspace.com/elderfrost[/url]
  20. Yup, I'm on Myspace now @ [url]www.myspace.com/elderfrost[/url]. "Of Trees and Trollfolk" has been the fan favorite, so I guess check that one out first. Have fun.
  21. [QUOTE=Roleni-Chan]Im not good in keeping track on what just came out. I listen to thrash, Death, Black meat and when I put in your perspective, I will give you three recommendations: .[B]Testament[/B] .[B]Overkill[/B] .[B]Slayer[/B] If not, then the Beatles ^^![/QUOTE] Good to see some real ****ing metal. And yes, Trivium is terrible. I'll definately second the Agalloch reccomendation, seeing as they are absolutely amazing. Ulver is also pretty cool. They started as a black metal band, but now they're playing avantgarde/atmospheric/ambient/industrial/art-rock rediculousness. Their latest album, "Blood Inside", is absolutely fantastic.
  22. They sound exactly like every single other band in their scene - so if you like them, you've got a whole slew of groups to check out.
  23. Jakehammaren


    Otyg's cover of Dio's "Holy Diver" is FTW.
  24. Jakehammaren

    Dane Cook

    [QUOTE=Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Wasn't it Dane Cook that was the antagonist of "Employee of the Month?" If so I love him. :p I actually haven't seen one of his shows yet, but I hear so many mixed opinions, I think it's time to make my own.
  25. Jakehammaren

    Dane Cook

    Actually, Athiesm is a philosophy with set guidelines, not just the opposition to the idea of the existence of god. Therefore, no, no Athiest would ever say that he'd come back as a tree. Dane could have had the character say "excuse me, I don't believe in God", or anything else, but he said Athiest, therefore displaying an ineptitude to grasp the very foundations of the philosophy. Cook, being a devout Catholic, was, to an extent, using the joke to portray the silliness he believes is inherent to Athiesm, but he botched it by not having the facts straight.
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