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Everything posted by Riku
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I agree with BK on this one. I think it's everyone's fault for only sticking to a few people to talk to instead of interacting with everyone. Me, for one, has only been talking to Kristos as of late, thus ignoring Syrus and everyone else... I dunno, I'm lame like that. n.n; Anyway, my next post I'm having Aizen interact with other people so that she'll get to make some more friends. So, if everyone did this, we'd have a good thing going. And fyi, it's not our fault that everyone's hormones are raging for some apparent reason. Give us a break... we're people that need love. ;D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]And without further notice... here is your 100x100 avatar!! As you notice, it's totally different from your set, but I hope it's okay because I just wanted to try something different. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/LightA-1.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Don't mind the crown at the top, that's just my ensignia I always put on my work somewhere. Yes, people, that crown is on everything that I make... look for it if you want... but only I will know where it is. XD Anyway, hope it's to your liking! I'm off to watch some Ouran Host Club and make myself a hot set of Tamaki.
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Yeah, I remember the good days back when Pokemon was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I even remember when McDonald's had those toys where you put your Pokemon into those plastic Pokeballs and you hang them onto your belt loops.... everyone thought it was so cool, they had bunches of them hanging on their pants. It was funny really because I remember I had billions and people woud think I was cool... now, I'm just a nerd. XD But anyway... yeah, I miss those shows like [B]Thundercats[/B] and [B]Sailor Moon[/B]. I used to watch them everyday and love what each episode was dishing out. I especially used to adore [B]Pokemon[/B].... anyone remember the Poke Rap song? I would totally memorize each and every song, thus having me cursed with knowing every single old Pokemon on the planet. XD Remember when [B]Fullmetal Alchemist[/B] started out? It was about two years ago and I was at Walmart, looking around at the Anime DVD sections when I saw a half- naked blonde haired boy with a mechanical arm on the shelves. I picked it up and looked at it, thinking to myself, "Wow... this looks like it's going to be one of those greatest hits of all time..." And then, it was, what with the whole FMA fad going on, people obssessed and buying any FMA product they can grab, crying over what they had to go through, etc. Now, seeing that FMA is already over... I feel kind of sad because it's been a great ride watching those two grow up. I'm a fanatic over this show and I feel that it is one of the greatest shows ever... I miss it when it first came out. Now it feels as if it's one of those 'oldies but goodies" type, which makes me feel as if sooner or later, no one is going to really remember FMA as we used to. Sad, isn't it? ; - ; Oh I almost forgot... don't forget [B]Rurouni Kenshin[/B]! I remember when that show was totally kick *** when it came to CN, thus changing the view of anime in all of America watching it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I'm really sorry I haven't posted up my set yet! It's just because I've been so busy buying people christmas gifts, choir concerts, school work, etc. Please forgive me... I promise I'll never do it again. :3 Anyway, here's your set as promised! [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/LightB.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/LightA.png[/IMG] Here's what listening to hours of Gorillaz music can produce for you. XD Seriously, I had no idea what to do unitl I put on their music and then it all came to me, thus starting my artistic ability. Gorillaz helps you, kids. Anyways, hope it's to your liking... I might even use it later for mysehlf. :3 Btw, Jamie... I adore your christmas banner. Orange as usual and Hyung Tae Kim work, no less![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]...That's when everyone realized that Alien Rape was definitely something they wouldn't put on their To- Do List. Yeah.. AVP... *shudder*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma] [CENTER][B]Thursday, 35th of Estembre 6:10 PM[/B][/CENTER] Aizen, Leon and Kristos all walked towards the Infirmary, going to have Leon become treated for his wounds he recieved from Kristos when they were fighting against each other. As they entered, a nurse came over and took him into a room while he and Aizen waited for him to heal right outside in the hallway. She leaned her arms onto a railing and sighed, then raising her head up and looked out the window. [B]"I can't believe I was actually used like that,"[/B] she thought dully to herself, watching as some birds played around on a tree branch, [B]"I'm always being used as a pawn to become someone's winning streak..."[/B] Aizen cursed at her weakness and sighed again, pushing herself away and looking down... trying to get rid of the weakness that was inside her heart. Without even noticing him, Kristos walked over to her and gently put his hand on her back. [B]"You okay?"[/B] he replied, looking at her with worry on his face, [B]"has inhailing the smoke gotten to you?"[/B] [B]"Oh no! I'm okay!"[/B] she said, standing upright and scratching her head, not wanting him to worry about her. It was time to be strong and show him that he wouldn't have to protect her every single minute. Aizen then gently placed her hands in front of her and bowed low, her head hung low and her hair falling towards the floor. [B]"Thank you for saving me... I know I must annoying..."[/B] Kristos chuckled a bit and motioned her to stand up straight, smiling and crossing his arms. [B]"You have no reason to thank me,"[/B] he replied, also looking out the window, [B]"it's always the man's suty to protect the lady."[/B] She watched his face as he looked out at the clear blue sky, wondering if he had anything else weighing heavily on his mind. Aizen busted out on him, letting her anger go and whatnot.... and because of that, she felt a little dissapointed in herself knowing that he already had some troubles of his own. Suddenly, Aizen took a deep breath and began to talk to him. [B]"Kristos... when you said... you killed your family... what did you feel after that?"[/B] [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: Meh, I guess this is a good time to let Kristos' past be known and a good chance for Aizen to get to know him better. :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Aizen's eyes widened in fright, watching Leon's eyes turn into fire as he got ready to attack again. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad was gong to happen... something... not right. She'd felt that way before when she saw her whole family die right before her eyes... and her boyfriend in her arms. It was a feeling she'd never forget... always scared, always tense. [B]"I guess you're not all that bad,"[/B] Kristos sighed, lowering his ice shield and crossing his arms, trying to piss Leon off even more. [B]"Don't act like you're not scared, you damn runt,"[/B] Leon scowled, letting him know that he wasn't going to back down from a fight. Leon wanted to prove himself to Kristos, no matter what the circumstances because he felt that he didn't leave a very good impression on him. [B]"No matter what, I won't let you run away this time," [/B] he then pointed his gunblade at Aizen, staring right at her. [B]"Or your girl for that matter... she seems easy enough to take down."[/B] Aizen gasped and started to sweat, fearing what Leon might actually do to her. Suddenly, Kristos stepped in front of her and raised his arm, blocking her from Leon. [B]"Don't get her involved,"[/B] he said coldly, his eyes with a slight glaze, [B]"It's between me and you... not her."[/B] [B]"Kristos..."[/B] she meekly said, astionished that he would try to protect her. [B]"Don't get so brave... I'll get her sooner or later,"[/B] Leon growled, readying his gunblade. He lifted up in his sword pose and readied himself, not going to let Kristos get away with it. [B]"See if you can get through me first,"[/B] Kristos replied, summoning his ice weapon and also posing himself to attack. Before Aizen could say anything more, the two boys leaped towards each other, attacking with all that they had. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: Lionheart, Engel... please don't forget all about Aizen. Use her to your advantage and make her the damsal in distress. That's the only thing she's good for. XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I'm more of a artistic and creative person, so I'm good at certian things in that area. I guess I should say what I'm known at being good for is writing stories or RPs, singing, drawing, GFX, talking while being funny and giving hugs to everyone. I'm one of those people that don't really care what anyone says and do what I love to the best of my ability to make great things. It's just the way I am... lawls. I would say what I'm most awesome at is taking care of live things, such as puppies, babysitting, etc. I get a lot of recommendations and people call me all the time to babysit their kids. I love and adore kids and puppies because of how innocent and cute they are (well... sometimes maybe). But, just because I like taking care of other people's kids, doesn't mean I want any of my own when I grow up. >.>; EDIT: Oh my gawd, I can't believe I forgot to say that I'm good at video games!! What the heck?! XD Anyways, I'm pretty awesome at RPGs, fighting games and DDR. No one can beat me at the last two when they come over my house. It's so awesome cause they're all jealous and try to play me again.. but I lose. I even started the DDR fad at my school because everyone thought it was so awesome and wated to beat me sooner or later. Go figure. :P[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Psh, man... there are a lot of things I'm not good at. :P I guess my main problem is that I'm not good at holding a conversation too long. I mean, yeah, I have a lot of friends and we talk a lot... but give me someone I'm just starting to talk to and my brain is going blank. An example of what a conversation would be like: [B]"Hi, My name's Tiana!" "Hello, my name's *insert hot name here*." "So... how are you doing?" "Umm.. fine. I'm new here, so, yeah." "Um... that's great." *Scilence* "Well, I don't know what else to say to you so I'm just going to leave you. Kthnxbai."[/B] Okay, I don't technically say the last part, but I always freeze up when I talk to people that are new or people that I really want to meet. My awesome and loveable friends on the OB that I first talked to... you know what I'm talking about. XD Another thing that I'm horrible at would have to be taking compliments people give me. No offense, I love it when people say nice things about me... but I just don't have any idea what to say. I mean, I can't just go up and say, [B]"Lawls yeah, I know, right? *giggle snort*"[/B] because that would make me sound like a stuck up prep. All I really say is, [B]"Aww... thanks, but.. I don't think I'm the best..."[/B] And then my friends give me this speech about how I am and stuff. Kinda makes me feel good inside, though. :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]OOC: Okay, Engel... here goes a heartbroken Aizen, juat like you ordered. >.> *cracks knuckles* [CENTER]~*~ [B]Thursday, 34th of Estembre 5:21 PM[/B][/CENTER] [B]"Aizen, I'm so sorry, but I can't be with you..."[/B] Those words echoed in her mind as she stood there, dumbfounded by the speech he had just given her. He didn't even wait for a second to listen to what she had to say... he just went on and ignored her as he always did. He always did that: in class, after school, sparring, talking to others... he always was the one to go in head first. He never even had a second thought about her, she knew that... but, couldn't he had let her speak before he said anything? [B]"So, anyway,"[/B] he resumed, putting his hands behind his head and laying down on the bed, [B]"did you wa..."[/B] Aizen interuppted him, looking down on the ground and her bright green hair covering her face. [B]"So... that's how you feel..?"[/B] He turned his head and looked at her. [B]"What?"[/B] [B]"That you're thankful for me being there to stop you from killing someone..."[/B] her face was still looking down. [B]"W...what are you talking about?"[/B] he stuttered, sitting upright on the bed, [B]"Of course I am!"[/B] She suddenly turned her head up and looked at him, tears running down her flushed cheeks and her hands tightened into fists. [B]"I bet you think that you're hot stuff, huh? Always impressing everyone with your brains and brawn, always getting the first word in,"[/B] she blew up at him, letting out all her anger, [B]"You never, ever listen to what I have to say...!"[/B] He got up and slowly walked over to her, putting his hands on her shoulders. [B]"That's not true... you know I listen to you all the time!"[/B] She wanted to stay that way, him holding her and caring about her... but he probably didn't care either way. With all her strength, she moved out from his hold, making him have a confused expression. [B]"Don't try that on me because you know it would make me shut up! I'm probably just another boring girl to you anyway... but you know what? I was going to tell you that I feel the same way you feel... how your parents died and you lost everything!"[/B] [B]"Aizen..."[/B] he replied, trying to make her calm down. [B]"My parents died too, you know! Hell... I lost my whole family because of me trusting people! I even lost my boyfriend because I trusted the wrong people... people I thought I could believe in..."[/B] She stopped for awhile and looked to the side, tears formed in her eyes, but having an angry expression. Kristos frowned and tried to hug her, but she only moved back more. [B]"Don't try to feel sorry for me... I know you don't care."[/B] [B]"But I do... I do care..."[/B] [B]"Oh yeah? If you did care, you would've tried to listen before you opened your mouth, but I guess that's too hard for you, huh?"[/B] She tried to hold her tears back and stay strong, but old memories of Rease smiling so tenderly came back in her mind, she cupped her hands over her face and cried to herself. [B]"Aizen, wait... I"[/B] Kristos stuttered, not know what to do next.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Wow, I'm astonished I haven't seen this request before... I love Death Note because of Light. XD Anyways, I'll get started on this right away, sir. Expect it to be done by tomorrow!![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][CENTER][B]Thursday, 34th of Estembre 5:17 PM[/B][/CENTER] Aizen headed towards the Infirmary, knowing that everyone that was wounded were headed there. And seeing Kristos pass out like that made her feel even worse... after all, it was her fault that he got so badly wounded. She ran faster, her arms going back and forth, giving her more speed. [B]"It's all my fault,"[/B] she thought to herself, [B]"I'm so sorry, Kristos.... I'm so stupid for calling your name out loud like that."[/B] Aizen wanted to talk to him about something, but she never got a chance to because it always seemed that things got in the way. Wether he had already woken up or was still unconcious, she would still talk to him, letting him know what was on her mind. She finally stood in front of the Infirmary door, huffing and puffing from her long sprint. She tood there for a minute, pondering at what she would say to him if he was awake. [B]"Well, either way, he'll probably ignore me again," [/B] she thought, sadness in her mind, [B]"but it doesn't matter... he'll have to listen to me, no matter what." [/B] And, with resolving her thoughts, she slowly opened the door and walked into his hospital room, seeing him sitting up in the bed. He looked at her with his new hairstyle and tattoo on his face, it seemed he was thinking about something because his face had a serious look. She was still breathing hard, but it had settled down a little. Aizen stood there for a second, her hands behind her back and her green eyes staring intently at his bright blue ones. Aizen knew that he would probably not even care what she had to say, but it didn't matter... she would get her point across. [B]"Kristos..."[/B] she started. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: Yay... I hope he doesn't ignore her this time. Alright, Engel, go ahead and type away. C:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Sign Up Super Smash Brothers Melee: Reunion [PG - V, possible L]
Riku replied to TheResplendent's topic in Theater
[CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/link.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][B][CENTER]Link[/CENTER][/B] It was a nice and calm day in Hyrule, everyone shopping in the town's Marketplace or playing on the green grass. Usually, everyone was hiding in their houses because monsters or powerful enemies would prowl around their city. But now that Link was here, everything was safe... and everyone trusted him to keep it that way Link put his hands under his head, laying his back against a tall oak tree and his blonde bangs swaying in the light breeze. It had been awhile since he had to fight Ganadorf or anyone else, so he was a little bored. Him and Princess Zelda would usually take a picnic on a day like this, but she was busy with royal duties and whatnot. [B]"Well... it's not everyday you can relax like this, huh, boy?"[/B] Link finally said, talking to his brown steed next to him, eating his lunch of grass. He smiled at his horse, then looked back up into the blue sky, playing with a blade of grass in his mouth. [B]"But, I'll tell you... it is getting kind of boring..."[/B] Suddenly, a Toad waddled next to him and jumped on Link's stomach lightly, causing the boy elf to jump up a little. [B]"Mister Link, Mister Link!"[/B] the toad yelled, frantically waving his arms around. Link rubbed his stomach a little and lifted the Toad by his shirt collar, raising him up to his head level. [B]"Oh great,"[/B] he replied, [B]"what do you want?"[/B] [B]"Mister Mario sends this letter to you." [/B] The Toad opened his brown sack hanging by his belt and handed Link a letter, which he quickly opened it and read it. After re-reading it again, he slowly lifted his eyes back to the Toad, seriousness covering it. [B]"Is he sure about it?"[/B] The Toad nodded. [B]"Very. He wants you to come to the Castle right away."[/B] And with a wave of his hand, the Toad summoned a portal leading back to Mushroom Castle, grabbing Link by his wrist and dragging him into it. [B]"H..hey, wait!"[/B] Link replied, holding back a little, [B]"I gotta tell Zelda that I'm leaving!"[/B] [B]"Don't worry!"[/B] the Toad replied, looking back and smiling, [B]"she's already been summoned by another one like me."[/B] [B]"What?!"[/B] he yelped, hesitant of knowing that she'll be fighting too. But, without a moment's wait, the Toad pulled him into the portal, leading them towards Mushroom Kingdom. Link's horse looked up from his eating and watched it dissapear, leaving nothing behind. After a few minutes, it leaned it's head back down again for more grass. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Hells yes, you should've known I would be playing him, BK. I luff Link. Everytime I would play SSB, I would pick Link and all his different outfit colours. He is awesome... more awesomer than Pikachu!! XD Awesome RP, BK. SSB is effing awesome. Oh, and Links text shall be blue because I imagine him in a blue outfit. :P [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I have no idea why, but I keep on listening to [B]Get Busy[/B] by [B]Sean Paul[/B]. It's got a good beat and everything, so I'm repeating it over and over.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Damburaki][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Would you rather get a full body wax OR be tipped in hot tar?[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Being a girl and all, I know the horrors of waxing but at least it's better than tweezing....hells yeah. Being dipped in hot tar is just effing crazy... the only reason you'd probably do this is if you're on Jackass, the most greatest show ever. But, instead of me doing, I watch them do it. So, I'd pick a full body wax because I don't have a lot of facial hair all over my body anyway. :D Okay, so here come my question.. Would you rather watch the whole series of the most lamest show without stopping? or Would you rather watch your favorite show for five seconds?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Wow, good question... awesome. I would have to say that my inspiration would have to be my friends because they all could draw better than I ever could. That made me start trying to draw, but it was so horrible....really. But I continued to draw and I'm much better now than I was before. My friends have cheered me on until today, making me focus and train on drawing. Even though my style is also anime, I draw inatimate objects and other things like that. I want to focus art as becoming my carrer because I love doing it, be it graphic design or drawing.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I just wanted to say that Aizen has given up on Syrus (probably) and now has feelings for Kristos. I dunno, but it seems he's just ignoring her lately, even though she tries to show her feelings. But it's just the way he acts, I guess... men. Go figure.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][B][CENTER]Thursday, 34th of Estembre 6:37 PM[/CENTER][/B] [B]"Okay...almost there... you can make it..."[/B] Aizen was breathing pretty fast, running almost non-stop to get to the Arena to see what was going on. She had heard there was a fight going on between Strom and Alex, with Kristos joining in on the side....then she heard Syrus was helping Kristos out. What were they thinking? First they go and get themselves in trouble earlier today, fighting amongst themselves... now they're fighting [I]with[/I] each other? Why didn't any of this make sense.... [B]"Men these days,"[/B] she sighed as she finally got closer to the Arena building. [B]"Just can't get rid of their energy... I mean, what's a girl to do when a g...."[/B] Suddenly, her voice trailed off as she opened the Arena doors, finding Syrus and Kristos fighting off some fire magi coming from Leon fighting against them, a handful of Instructors and students just standing there watching them and a couple of others strewn on the ground, unconcious. Aizen quickly gasped and looked around, astonished that none of the Instructors were even lending a hand to them. [B]"What is going on?!"[/B] she thought to herself, running over to the unconcious without even thinking. She picked up the limp Clyne in her arms and slightly put her hand on her forehead, a bright glow emitting from her hand and necklace, healing the wounds that Clyne had suffered from. [B]"I can't believe the Instructors aren't doing anything!"[/B] she thought again, laying the unconcious Clyne down in a comfortable position. Noticing the bright glow coming from Aizen, two Instructors looked her way and walked over to her, grabbing her arms roughly and dragging her away. [B]"Hey! You aren't aren't supposed to help them!"[/B] one answered, holding her tightly. [B]"Hey! Let go of me!"[/B] she yelled, trying to get out of their grasp, [B]"Can't you see I need to help them?! Let me go!!"[/B] [B]"They don't need your help!"[/B] one Instructor applied, [B]"they snuck into this one on their own and deserved to be punished!"[/B] Aizen's eyes widened, her fight to get away stopping. [B]"Huh? What are you talking about? ...Are you crazy?!"[/B] They both laughed, letting her go and facing in the direction of the fight. [B]"If you watch, you'll understand what we're talking about..."[/B] Aizen looked at them for a second with a angry look, then faced towards the fight, watching Kristos and Syrus dodge Leon's fire magi attacks. [B]"Why is Leon doing this?"[/B] she quietly whispered, [B]"I mean, did the Instructors make him do it?"[/B] [B]"Damn! I'm pissed off that you're attacking for no reason!" [/B] Syrus yelled, grabbing his sword and running towards Leon, trying to slash him, but only being dodged. He suddenly unleashed a full combo of blows, but all were failures. Without even noticing he dropped his guard, Syrus took a full right upper-cut from Leon, causing him to fly upward and spit up blood. He then landed a few inches away, slightly bouncing off the ground and landing with a thud. [B]"Syrus!"[/B] Aizen yelled, mortified at what just happened. Syrus needed her help very badly, but no one would let her heal anyone. Then, to her relief, he slowly sat up and spit some blood, standing up but shaking a little. [B]"Damn this is... not good,"[/B] Syrus mumbled, watching as Kristos threw some Ice Spears at Leon. [B]"He's really strong... this might end on a bad note..."[/B] Aizen sighed with relief as she saw Syrus stand up, then turned her head as she saw Kristos trying to fend for himself against Leon. It seemed that Leon was faster than Kristos this time around, barely overpowering him. He threw fireballs left and right, with Kristos barely dodging them. Aizen knew that Leon was up to something, because for the entire time she watched this fight, Leon used far away attacks for almost the entire fight, but now he was getting closer with his fire magi every second. [B]"Could it be,"[/B] she thought to herself, [B]"that he's going to combine his fire magi and combat moves?!"[/B] Without even thinking, Aizen yelled out at Kristos in order to warn him. [B]"Kristos!! Watch out! He's going to launch a secret attack!"[/B] Suddenly hearing her voice, Kristos looked at her with a surprised look on his face, without even realizing Leon was going in for the kill. [B]"Kristos! Watch out!"[/B] Syrus yelled, realizing it was too late. [B]"Kristos! NO!"[/B] Leon finally came close to Kristos and punched him in the stomach, causing him to convulse forward for an opening. Without even thinking, Leon took the opportunity and summoned a explosion of fire magi around his arm and gave Kristos a flaming uppercut... blood splattering all over and causing Kristos to fly upwards. He then suddenly crashed into the ground, his arms strewn next to his body and his face in agony, blood gushing from his mouth. [B]"KRISTOS!!"[/B] Aizen yelled, tears streaming down her face and her hands covering her mouth. Not caring if the Instructors saw her or not, she sprinted towards his limp body and gently craddled it in her arms, looking and crying at what she was holding. She hadn't seen him this way before, so... helpless and badly hurt... it was her fault he was this way...if she hadn't called his name out like that... [B]"Kristos... I'm so sorry...!"[/B] she sobbed, hugging his body against hers, [B]"I didn't mean to get you hurt.... I'm so sorry..."[/B] [B]"Aizen!! Watch out!!"[/B] Hearing Syrus yell, Aizen looked up to see Leon looming over her and Kristos, hiis magi at full power and his face looking ready and waiting. [B]"So... have you come to help me rid of my nightmares too?"[/B] [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: Sorry, Engel... I had this idea in my mind and wanted to use it. Hope it's okay with you. Aizen likes Kristos... she feels so bad... come on, feel for the girl, man. XD Oh, and I hope I pictured Leon okay.. he just seemed like he was going a little crazy. Aizen is involved in this fight, too...yes![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][B][U][CENTER]Thursday, 34th of Estembre 5:23 PM[/CENTER][/U][/B] Aizen hurried to where the dorm rooms were, trying to find Momo's room and talk to her about the while incident. Truth was, she was a little appaled at what she had said about Syrus just wanting to get into bed with her, but she had every right to say that. Momo had feelings for him and she didn't know what else to do, so she just blared out what she thought right that second. But, either way, Aizen didn't want her to stay mad at him forever, so she wanted to talk to her for awhile. After asking a few people and getting back on the right track, she stopped in front of Momo's room, pausing for a minute to think of what to say. [B]"Okay, just take a few deep breaths, Aizen,"[/B] she assured herself, [B]"It's not like she has razor, sharp teeth and is going to eat you alive.... right?"[/B] She shook her head to get her mind clear and knocked on the door, a little shy at first, but then strong. Nothing replied except for the other noisy students in the halls. Aizen wondered where she could've gone to, but she then realized that Momo probably needed some time alone somewhere else except her dorm room. [B]"Oh well,"[/B] she finally replied, waiting a few more minutes before giving up, [B]"I guess I'll just have to try to talk to her later."[/B] And after shrugging, she started off in the hallway, going to wander off somewhere. Suddenly, she overheard other people talking as they were running. [B]"Oh my gawd! I can't believe another fight is going on again! How sweet it this?!"[/B] [B]"I know!"[/B] the girl replied, [B]"It's Strom against a guy named Leon! And I heard Kristos interferred too!"[/B] [B]"What the..."[/B] Aizen gasped to herself, wondering what was going on. [B]"Another fight going off again?! Where are the Instructors?!"[/B] With that thought, she followed where the kids were going and headed for the fight. If it's Strom and Leon, it's probably just a spar. But to have Kristos randomly come involved.... there has to be some reason. [B]"Kristos... I haven't talked to him forever,"[/B] she thought, still running, [B]"I wonder... if I'll get to talk to him alone for awhile..."[/B] [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: Sorry I've been so poofy in my posts, you guys. I just got two Westhighland Terrier puppies Saturday night and since today, I've been watching them from using the bathroom in our house. I'll edit this later if I have time... damn, puppies are so cute. >w< I'll have Aizen come watch the fight later on, kay?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][CENTER]Thursday 34th of Estembre 3:36 PM[/CENTER] Everything was turning back to normal again, everyone walking out of the training center and going back to where they were supposed to go. It seemed as if the normal mood had come again... except of the fact that Aizen had just been yelled at by Syrus for stopping their fight. She stood in the middle of the Training Center, her hands on her chest and her eyes glued to where Syrus had just stormed out of. It wasn't her fault that she had to stop their fight with her Wind Magi... Instructor Kaya told her to, so she couldn't back down from an order. What else could she have done? And on the other hand, this whole scene caused Kristos to break down and practically reveal his whole life story to everyone, wether he wanted to or not. She slighty turned her head to her left, her green eyes catching him talking to two other students whom looked as if they were twins. She caught sight of his helpless expression, causing her to wonder if he, too, was also angry at her for stopping his fight. It was a little funny, though, because when he spoke of his past, it reminded her of her own sorrowful life, losing the people she loved left and right. She hadn't only lost her family, but also the only person whom had loved her for who she was.... the only person who had accepted her for her weakness... [B]"Rease..."[/B] Aizen whispered to herself, tilting her head back downwards to the floor, her face with a blank expression. Suddenly, she felt someone touch her shoulder softly, causing her to turn around and see Miss Kaya, smiling gently at her. [B]"I know your friends are probably mad at you right now,"[/B] she replied, trying to reassure Aizen, [B]"but it's only because they don't know what to do with their fists they've so carefully raised... I'm sure they'll come to their senses soon enough."[/B] Miss Kaya slightly nodded and patted her on her shoulders. [B]"I know... thank you, Miss Kaya,"[/B] Aizen replied, bowing and looking at her with one of her fake smiles, her face still in a sad and blank expression. She nodded to her and walked off, wanting to get out of the hectic room. Kaya watched her with a worried expression, but realized it was probably something she shouldn't meddle in. So, without thinking about it any further, she sighed and turned around, talking to the other Instructors. Aizen headed towards the door, her saddnes almost taking over and tears starting to form in her eyes. Before she headed out the doors, she turned her heels slightly towards Kristos direction and watched him for a little while. [B]"We're not so different, you know[/B]," she said to herself, nobody hearing her soft voice over the loud roar of the other people, [B]"...you're not the only one who had to go through a miserable life."[/B] And with that, she slowly opened the door and walked out, not noticing that Kristos had just then lifted his head up and captured a slight glimpse of her walking out the door. He looked at the closing doors for awhile, wondering what that weird feeling he had just felt right then and there. Aizen quickly walked out of the Training Center and headed towards her Dorm, wanting to get out of their so she wouldn't have to talk to anyone. Her head was full of thoughts: Syrus hated her, Kristos would probably never talk to her again, Alex was badly hurt and Momo acted as if she was superior to her. Why did everything always seems to go wrong? She did what she was told, but yet she had to deal with the consequences. Suddenly, without even realizing it, she fell to the marble ground on her knees and covered her face with her hands, tears overflowing and sobbing sounds coming from her tiny body. She needed someone to help her through all this, but it felt as if everything was going against her... she just wanted to run away and go to the person that knew what to do. [B]"Rease, why did you have to go?"[/B] she quietly whispered to herself, wrapping her arms around her shaking body, trying to assure herself. [B]"You don't understand... I still need you... I can't deal with this by myself..."[/B] She quietly cried to herself in the middle of the hallway, quietly repeating the name Rease over and over in between her sobs. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: Omg, here comes one of Aizen's hurtful memories. Rease was her one and only boyfriend, whom had died awhile ago. Just like Kristos, she was an orphan because her family died for the same reasons Rease did, leaving her alone to fend for herself. But alas, I need to send in the picture of him so everyone knows what he looks like. Holy crap, Kristos... you're not the only orphan, you know! Geez!! XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well, this RP is taking back it's rightful place as one of the most posted RPs ever and is taking it back with vengence... rawr. >:3 Anyway, I hope some more fights happen soon because I want to show how Aizen fights with her Javilen and Wind Magi... good God, I love writing fight scenes... that and making out scenes. Don't ask why, it's jst what I do. >.>; Well, I wanted to post a picture of Aizen's Javilen so you all know what it looks like. [URL=http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/741/celticspearnh1.jpg]Aizen's Javilen[/URL] I also wanted to apply that it's more of a green and silver colour, with golden designs etched around the staff and jewels tied around by the blade. She's so shy and so design oriented. ;D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][CENTER][B]Thursday, 34th of Estembre 3:10 PM[/B][/CENTER] [B]"Very good, Miss Skye... and that, class, is how you can make your Cure Magi even stronger,"[/B] the teacher said to everybody, then smiling and nodding at Aizen, asking her to sit back down in her desk. Aizen was a little late for her class, but [URL=http://img95.imageshack.us/my.php?image=naminc3a9xm0.jpg]Instructor Kaya[/URL] understood that she wasn't the type of girl to skip classes on a normal basis, so she let it pass by this one time. She taught them how to combine the Magi Element that was in their favor with Cure Magi, unleasing a bright glow that would heal anything that they wanted. [B]"In battle, it's not just the strongest or the fittest,"[/B] Instructor Kaya continued, holding a textbook in hand, [B]"but also in the mind and heart because without those, no one could ever win a battle they are faced with."[/B] And with that, she told everyone what their homework was and allowed them to have the rest of the class time to do whatever they wanted. With small cheers, the class scattered all over the huge room, talking amongst themselves or just falling asleep on their desks. Aizen collected all her books and put them in a neat order, wanting to test her new healing magic on a half- dead plant that was in a corner of the room. As she got up from her desk, starting to walk over to the plant, she saw from the corner of her eye that Miss Kaya had called her over to her desk. Without making a fuss, Aizen quickly trotted over to her, wondering what she wanted to talk about. [B]"Miss Skye, I must say,"[/B] Instructor Kaya started, smiling her nice smile at Aizen's face, [B]"the fact that you got this new technique so quickly is remarkable. Good job, my dear."[/B] [B]"Thank you very much, Miss Kaya,"[/B] Aizen replied, bowing low to her instructor. As she looked back up, Instructor Kaya was leaning her elbow on the desk and gently putting her head on her hand, gracefully crossing her legs and moving it slowly. [B]"Umm.. Miss Ka..."[/B] [B]"Don't think you can fool me like that, Aizen,"[/B] Miss Kaya playfully replied, a small smile creeping across her face. [B]"I know that you've grown so much this past couple of days... and don't think I haven't seen you talking to Kristos and Syrus a lot lately..."[/B] Aizen's eyes slightly widened with surprise, her face then beaming bright red and angled at the floor, causing Miss Kaya to giggle with amusement. [B]"You know, you aren't that different from me when I was in this school so many years ago,"[/B] she suddenly said, [B]"I was just like you when I was your age: quiet, timid and so horribly nice."[/B] [B]"Really?"[/B] Aizen perked up, wanting to hear what her mentor said. [B]"Oh yes, my dear. I always was made fun of because a lot of the gir...."[/B] [B]"Instructor Kaya!"[/B] Another teacher had run into the classroom, a look of seriousness across his scowled face. Miss Kaya slowly stood from her desk, standing beside Aizen and placing one hand on the surface. [B]"Yes, Instructor Raphael? What is it?"[/B] [B]"We need you to come quickly!"[/B] he replied, still trying to catch his breath, [B]"three students have gone out of hand we need your help to stop them!"[/B] She sharply nodded and headed out the door, but before she looked back, she met Aizen's eyes with her gentle blue ones. [B]"Miss Skye, I'm sure you could help me out a lot more than anyone else can... please come with me."[/B] [B]"Yes, mam'm!"[/B] Aizen quickly replied, running towards the door to Miss Kaya and walking down to the Training Center where everything was falling apart. [CENTER]~*~ 3: 21 PM[/CENTER] The three finally got inside the Training Center, where a whole crowd of students and even teachers gathered around, watching the fight go on endlessly. Instrctor Rapheal and Kaya asked the people to mave back as they got through, with Aizen behind Instructor Kaya and wondering what was going on that was so hectic. [B]"Excuse me... move please,"[/B] Instructor Kaya said to the people, trying to get to the front where she could see everything going on. Finally, when Aizen and herself got to where there was other adults blocking the students from moving any further, she walked up to another Instructor whom was at a loss of what to do. [B]"Instructor Shavers, what in the world is going on here?!"[/B] Shavers looked around at Kaya and slightly nodded to her, then continued to look onto the fight. [B]"Well... this started with Kristos wanting to spar against Alex Gleason,"[/B] he replied, crossing his arms, [B]"but that didn't turn out very well..."[/B] Aizen gasped and looked around, trying to find him, then seeing him unconcious and surrounded by a professional medical team, mending his wounds and borken bones. [B]"Alex..."[/B] she whispered to herself, covering her mouth with her shaking hands and wondering what had happened. [B]"I can't believe Kristos would do something so bad as this.... what's going on with him...?"[/B] [B]"Alright... but how did Syrus and Strom get involved in this?"[/B] Kaya replied yet again. [B]"Apparently, Syrus is a friend of Alex's and just lost his temper, while Strom just walked in on his own, entrapping Kristos in a barrier of ice that it seems he can't get out of..."[/B] Hearing this, Aizen gasped and turned her body in place where she could watch the fight going on. Instructor Shavers was right: Kristos was entrapped on the floor with ice enrapping around his body, his face angry and stressed, trying to get out of his cage. She looked a little to her left and saw Syrus with his sword to his side, readying for the final attack and finally, she saw another boy with water entrapped his hand, readying his final frontal attack also. She quickly realized that they were about to finish Kristos off, probably going to wound him and leave him in the Infrimary. Without thinking, she yelled at the top of her lungs, causing everyone in the crowd and even in the fight to stop and turn in her direction. [B]"No! Syrus!! Don't hurt him.. please!! Don't do it!!"[/B] she yelled, [B]"It won't make you a winner in this battle!! Please, don't do it! Please!!"[/B] Syrus looked at her for awhile, but turned his head back and started towards a stressed Kristos, his blade and Strom's water magi ready for the final leathal attack. [B]"Go, Syrus, Go!"[/B] A girl with long black hair cheered. Aizen had realized it was Momo, whom she had met before and saw her walking around with Syrus. Aizen gasped and cursed her helplessness that she had in this fight. She felt a hand resting on her shoulders, causing her to turn her head and see Instructor Kaya looking at her sternly. [B]"So, I see you know one of these boys?"[/B] she asked her. Aizen slowly nodded her head, [B]"Yes mam'm, but I don't understand why he would want to hurt Kristos so badly...,"[/B] she paused and looked to the ground, then turned to Miss Kaya and grabbed her hand, a worried expression across her face. [B]"Please, Miss Kaya! We have to stop them before they do something terrible!"[/B] Miss Kaya slightly nodded and gripped Aizen's shoulders gently. [B]"Aizen... you're a user in Wind Magi, are you not?"[/B] Aizen quickly nodded, wondering what she meant by that. [B]"And you can control your magi to do anything you want, correct?"[/B] Aizen nodded again. Miss Kaya nodded and sternly told her what her idea was. [B]"Then, Aizen... you're going to have to stop them. Use your wind magi to cause those two to stick to the wall and have them stop what they're doing."[/B] [B]"But... Miss Kaya..."[/B] she faltered, knowing that she would probably hurt the two boys. [B]"I know that Syrus is your friend,"[/B] Miss Kaya quickly replied, [B]"but if you don't, then you will probably lose two friends all at once. Do you understand?"[/B] Aizen let out a deep sigh and nodded, turning towards the fight and walking to where she wanted to steadily place herself. She gently lifted her hands in front of her body and raised them to her mid- level, causing Syrus to look at her with confusion. [B]"Aizen... wait, what are you doing?!"[/B] he replied, scared and confused at what she was about to do. [B]"What... what the hell?!"[/B] Strom replied, looking at her. She eyed Syrus with a sorrowful look in her eye and quietly mouthed her apology. [B]"I'm sorry, Syrus... but I have to."[/B] And, without a moment lost, she closed her eyes and unleashed a strong gust of wind from her palms, causing her uniform to wave around in the gust of wind and the people watching to hold on for dear life. Her wind magi got stronger and stronger, causing Syrus and Strom to try to block the wind, but becoming futile as the slowly slide backwards from the winds strong currents... then pushing them hard enough to throw them against the nearest wall, bouncing against it and whincing from the pain they had to endure. Aizen turned her head quickly, not wanting to see their faces in painful agony. She looked at Kristos, who was strongly secured and safe in the icey cage. His hair was blown around and messy, but he was okay. Finally, Instructor Kaya walked up to Aizen and placed her hand on her shoulders, telling her to lighten her wind magi a little just enough to keep the boys stick to the walls. The people around the room murmured about the astonishing feat that Aizen had just done and wondered why she was so timid yet strong. Instructor Kaya then crossed her arms over her chest, other Instructors also surrounding her with Aizen on the side, her palms still open and raised with wind magi clinging the boys to the wall. [B]"You both need to explain why you would stoop so low as to almost killing another student,"[/B] she finally said, [B]"I understand that Kristos has badly beaten up Alex, but two wrongs don't make a right... explain everything to me... now."[/B] Everyone slowly quieted down, waiting to hear what the three boys had to say in their defense. [CENTER]~*~ OOC: Okay, I'm so sorry that this is soo long, but I had this up in my mind and sorry for ruining your guys fight, but it would've probably been stopped anyway. Finally, Aizen gets to show her true strength and use her Wind Magi.... yay! Okay, go ahead and type away, everyone.[/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Thursday; The 34th of Estembre; 12:20 PM [B]"Opps! I'm so sorry!"[/B] Aizen apologized, bumping into a young man without realizing it. She bowed low and noticed he had a gunblade, one of the most powerful swords of all. She stood back up to see a boy that she'd seen walking around by himself and practicing his moves outside. [B]"Probably wanting to get stronger everyday[/B]," she thought, looking at his features, [B]"...like Syrus."[/B] The short, blonde haired boy smiled a little and nodded at her apology. [B]"It's no problem,"[/B] he replied, putting his left hand on his hip and his right moving his hair out of his eyes. [B]"It was my fault anyway, Miss...?"[/B] [B]"Aizen. Aizen Skye,"[/B] she replied, smiling and giving him a slight nod. [B]"Miss Aizen, then,"[/B] the teen replied, still smiling a little and slightly nodding. [B]"The name's Leon."[/B] Aizen smilied and wanted become friends with him, but realized she was already a few minutes late for class. [B]"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, Leon, but we're totally late for class,"[/B] she yelped, clutching her books and walking in the other direction. [B]"Hope to see you sometime soon!"[/B] she yelled back at him, waving and smiling. Leon gave a slight wave and continued walking toward his destination, appaled that some random girl could be so nice without even knowing the person. Usually, any other stupid girl would probably flirt with him and try to get him alone with herself, but not this time. It was actually... kind of strange. [B]"What a weird girl,"[/B] Leon sighed to himself, closing his eyes and smiling. ~*~ OOC: Edit later... gots to goes to school![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][CENTER]Thursday, 34th of Estembre 7:35 AM[/CENTER] Aizen woke up in her bed again, except this time, it was morning instead of night. She stretched in her bed and yawned, looking around and noticing she was the first one up again. [B]"I guess I got the most sleepiest people out of the whole school to bunk with,"[/B] she sighed, getting up from her bed and going into the bathroom to freshen herself up. She thought about a lot of things that happened last night, about Kristos and his slilence and why Syrus was acting so weird in front of her. She walked out of the dorm room when she was done and headed towards the cafeteria, seeing hundreds of students in line waiting for breakfast. She looked around until she saw Syrus, helping himself to a huge stack of waffles and pancakes. She ran towards him with a smile on her face, waving frantically and hoping to get his attention. [B]"Syrus!"[/B] she finally yelled, seeing him turn around with a pancake in his mouth. [B]"Umph.. uh hey, Aizen!"[/B] he replied, a smile sweeping across his face. [B]"Hey! I see you like the breakfast here today, huh?"[/B] she replied, laughing a bit. [B]"Yeah, they always make the best food here,"[/B] he said, smiling and helping himself to more items. [B]"So... what's up?"[/B] Aizen put her hands behind her back and smiled, causing him to smile back. [B]"Well... I was wondering if later on today, you could help me with my fighting techniques."[/B] She knew that Instructor Shavers had helped her out so much, but she knew Syrus was a very athletic fighter and wanted to see what he could show her. [B]"So... is that okay with you?"[/B] Syrus finally got all his food and walked out of the line, walking to a table and sitting his tray down. [B]"Hey, it's no problem for me,"[/B] he replied, playfully flexing his muscles, [B]"I'll show you a thing or two!"[/B] Aizen slightly giggled, happy that he was accepting her as a friend already. She thanked him and walked off, also wanting to get some food. [B]"So... does that mean she still has feelings for me or not?"[/B] Syrus thought to himself, watching as she waited peacefully in line for her turn. He turned around and slumped, wondering what he would do with all this attention he was getting. He didn't really mind girls, but he certianly didn't want this attention all at once... he also didn't want to lose all his friends on a decision that could change everything... ....What would he do? [CENTER]~*~ 12: 15 PM[/CENTER] Aizen walked around the halls, getting ready for her first class of the morning: Supportive Magic Honours II. She loved that class because none of the really popular people were in there and casting healing spells was her forte. After collecting a lot of things from her locker, she headed down to her healing class where Instuctor Kaya would teach her a new healing spell. While walking down the halls, she noticed the back of Kristos and ran up to him, smiling and giving him her most happiest face. [B]"Hi, Kristos. It's nice to see you again!"[/B] she said, clutching her books to her chest. He looked up at her with his hair covering parts of his eyes and smiled, but sadness swept over his entire face. Aizen saw this and felt a little worried, wondering what happened to him to make him feel so sad... Kristos was the best student in some parts, so what was going on? [B]"Um... so, ready for dance class?" "Yeah... I guess," [/B] he replied, sighing with that sad look on his face. Aizen looked at him and stopped, causing him to stop and face her full front, his eyes wandering in her deep green eyes. [B]"Hmm? What's wrong, Miss Skye?"[/B] She took a deep breath and sighed, looking up at his face with concern and compassion. [B]"You can call me Aizen, you should know I'm your friend... which is why I'm wondering why you have such a fake mask over your true emotion."[/B] Kristos slightly gasped, acting as if he was surprised, but full- well knew where she was going. [B]"You know I can see through it,"[/B] she replied sternly, [B]"I wear it all the time.... but, with a person such as yourself that has so many good qualities... what's wrong?"[/B] Kristos looked at her for a moment, then looked down at the marble floor, wondering if he should tell her what was going on. [B]"You don't have to tell me, but you should know I'm always here for you..."[/B] [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: I'll fix it later, as how the family needs me. Anyway, Aizen is probably giving up on Syrus and putting her new crush on Kristos. Type away, Engel.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][CENTER]Wednesday, 33rd of Estembre, 10:45 PM[/CENTER] It was late and everyone else was asleep, dreaming of fantasies what would never come true. Aizen awoke in the middle of her unrestful slumber, not really being able to sleep after all that's happened in one day. She sat herself up in her bed and sighed, scractching the back of her head and looking out the window, the stars gently giving warm light in the dark room. [B]"Ugh... I can't sleep tonight,"[/B] she whispered to herself, hoping she wasn't waking anyone up, [B]"I need to get my mind off today and go somewhere."[/B] she gently hopped out of bed and put on her flowy white and green dress, put her hair up in a ponytail, grabbed her shoes and slowly walked to the room's door, looking around to see if anyone else was up and headed towards the garden, where she usually went for some deep or calm thinking. Aizen knew that staying up late past the school's curfew was against the rules and she could be penalized if she got caught, but she didn't really care. After training a bit with Instructor Shavers a bit, she wanted to change and got the confidence to stand up for herself, not wanting to be weak anymore. As she walked down the hallway's corridor, she heard a light bouncing sound coming from a dorm room next to her. She turned around a little bit with a surprised look on her face, hearing quiet moaning sounds and other different.... sounds. With zn even more surprised look on her face, she quickly walked down the hall, not wanting to hear any more "business" going on in that room. [B]"Oh my gosh,"[/B] she quietly yelped, [B]"I can't believe people are actually do..."[/B] And sharply, she bumped into somebody, quietly yelping and bouncing the other way. [B]"I'm so sorry!"[/B] she replied, lifting her head up to see a familiar and confused face. [B]"Syrus!"[/B] she whispered, smiling and relieved it was someone she knew. Syrus lightly gasped and waved frantically, his face flushed and hysterical. [B]"Uh.. uhm.. h.. hi, Aizen!" [/B] he finally replied, [B]"I had no idea you were going to be up this late!"[/B] [B]"Yeah me neither,"[/B] she replied, smiling, [B]"but I couldn't sleep, so I was headed out to the garden."[/B] [B]"Oh wow! That's really nice!" "Um... are you okay? You seem really uptight..."[/B] [B]"Oh he's fine, just a bit [I]flustered[/I] by what happened today,"[/B] Clyne finally engaged in the conversation, lightly punching Syrus in the stomach. Syrus yelped a bit and scratched his head, smiling an even more confusing smile. Knowing that something was going on, but not wanting to go into it even further, Aizen smiled and nodded, walking in the opposite direction they were going. [B]"Okay, then... I'll see you guys tomorrow!"[/B] she whispered loudly, waving as she walked down the dark hallway. Syrus and Clyne waved back until she was gone, Clyne then giving him a stern look. [B]"You do realize what you've done, don't you?"[/B] Syrus looked at the ground and sighed. [B]"I know... but... I don't know what to do..."[/B] He really enjoyed Momo's company, but something about Aizen made him feel as if he'd just done something terrible. [B]"Well... guess you'll just have to do this on your own,"[/B] Clyne replied, turning and walking with Syrus down to their destination. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] Aizen finally reached the gardens and sighed, looking up into the sky and stretching. It was a really beautiful place that no one even heard of, which is why she liked the quiet and calmness of the night. She quietly walked to the direction of her normal sitting rock, going to look up at the sky and think until she saw a familiar shilouette sitting on it, also looking at the sky. She walked near the person a little more into looking range until she recognized who it was. [B]"Kristos?"[/B] [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: Omg, Syrus and Momo were getting their freak on. XD I think eveyrone in this school is horny. I'll bold things later, as how I have school now. >w