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Everything posted by Riku
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Aizen watched Syrus walk down the hall until she saw him turn a corner and sighed. She didn't want him to worry about her anymore than he needed to and besides... she was probably worth molesting, anyway, helping boys get their cheap thrills off of her young body. She lightly looked down at her chest and wrapped her arms around herself, closing her eyes with saddness sweeping across her face. [B]"I can't keep being weak like this,"[/B] she whispered to herself softly, [B]"I have to take a stand for myself."[/B] She then looked out the window into the blue sky, sealing her resolve and heading down the corridor onto her next destination. She had wanted to thank Kristos for practically saving her life and seeing what an amazing feat he had done just a little while ago made her want to get to know him a little better and ask him to help her with her pathetic excuse for dancing. As for Syrus, she felt that was actually worried about her and wanted to ask him if he could help her out with her fighting techniques later on. [B]"Maybe I'll go ask him later today..."[/B] Her voice trailed off, looking across the hallway where the incident happened, she remembered Kristos comforting and reassuring her in his arms. She held her hands close to her chest and slightly glowed red, remembering feeling safe and warm in his calm embrace. [B]"I'm sure he must have been slightly embarrased by doing that,"[/B] she said to herself as she continued down the large hallway, [B]"but I have to thank him for everything he's done."[/B] She walked down towards the end of th hallway and turned the corner, hoping desperately to find Kristos and thank him for what he had done. After that, she would go to Instructor Shavers and ask him if he could help her out with her fighting abilities. She didn't want to live her life this way, meek and helpless... she wanted to change. She saw her friend, Alex Gleason, act happy and okay, but she knew he was lying because she puts that mask on all the time. Looking for Kristos, she wondered if he had thought mildly about the hug too. Aizen meant to look for him only to thank him... but, was that just an excuse to see him again? Did she actually grow feelings for him? [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: Cliff hanger. :P[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]OOC: Omg, Engel, that was really artistic in such a short post. Would you mind if Aizen was that girl? :D [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] Aizen quickly ran into her dorm room and changed into her regular outfit: a flowy silver and light green shirt, a short denim skirt, and a pair of black leather boots. She slowly walked over to her full- length mirror and looked at her attire, embarrased at what she had actually put on herself. [B]"I can't believe mom actually made this for me,"[/B] she thought, spinning around the mirror a few times to see if she was dressing a little too skimpishly. Her mother had always loved to make clothes for Aizen ever since she was little, making her frilly dresses or extra cute clothing... she always adored her little girl being so cute and gentle that she just had to dress her up like a little doll. ...But, that was in the past, when people never actually made fun of her and teased her...so, she was feeling kind of worried about it. But, she didn't really have anything else to wear, so without worrying about it any longer, she walked out of her dorm room and trotted towards the Cafeteria to meet up with Syrus and everyone else. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] Walking down the hallway, she accidentally bumped into a pretty girl with long black hair and quickly apologized, only to be greeted with the girl storming out of her way. It must have been her imagination, but... was she angry? As she continued walking down the huge hallway, she noticed some guys looking at her and whistling as she faced them. She ignored it at first, until one of the two guys roughly grabbed her arm and turned her around to face him, pushing her onto a nearby wall. [B]"Hey, hot stuff,"[/B] the guy sneered, putting his face and bright blonde hair near her face, [B]"mind if I spank some of that ass you got there?"[/B] His black haired friend got closer, both of them starting to laugh. [B]"Uhm... I um..."[/B] Aizen tried to speak, but she felt overwhelmed by the two huge men trying to seduce her. She then took a deep breath and tried to speak calmly, [B]"I...I have something to do right now."[/B] Aizen tried to get out of the boy's grip and walk away, only to be pulled back more harshly and slammed against the wall, her face whincing from the pain. [B]"Oohh! I have something to do right now!"[/B] the black- haired boy mocked, then getting closer to her, his hands ready to do certian things to Aizen. [B]"Yeah, come on... let's see what you got under that skirt of yours, little girl,"[/B] the other sneered, slowly trying to put his hand up her shirt. She started to scream and cried for help, but in the empty halls, no one heard her fearful cry. The two boys started to feel her up, laughing evil as they were getting their cheap thrills until they heard someone coming down the hallway towards them. [B]"Such gentlemen shouldn't treat ladies like cattle,"[/B] the young man said as he walked towards them, his hands folded across his chest. Aizen recognized that voice and that soft blue hair: it was Kristos, whom she had seen a little bit in her Dance Class. She hadn't really talked to him, but she always admired him for his graceful dancing and gentle figure. She watched helplessly as he got closer to them, tears running down her flushed cheeks and her arms tightly pinned to the wall by the tall boy. [B]"Oh great, it's everybody's favorite sissy, Kristos. What do you want?"[/B] the blonde boy finally replied, still holding onto Aizen with one hand while his hand up her shirt with the other. [B]"I want you to get your hand out of her shirt and let the poor girl go,"[/B] Kristos replied sternly. [B]"And what makes you think I'm going to do what you tell me to, huh, punk?"[/B] [B]"I'm sure the Headmaster would like to hear how you two have always been 'feeling up' innocent girls every single day, hmm?"[/B] And with that threat, the boy sharply swung Aizen towards him and gently licked her cheek, causing her to shudder and twinge at the action. [B]"Here, you can go f*** her yourself, dork!"[/B] he then replied, throwing Aizen in Kristos direction, causing him to catch her before he fell. The two boys laughed and walked away, pleased with themselves of what they had just accomplished. Kristos gently stood himself and Aizen up, trying to see if she was alright from the current incident. [B]"Are you alright, Miss Skye?"[/B] he quietly responded, remembering that she was in his class, but always quiet and meek. She looked down at the floor, trembling a bit, but not answering. [B]"I know that this must be very overwhelming for you, but I..."[/B] And then suddenly, out of nowhere, she covered her face with her hands and started to cry, surprising Kristos a little, but realizing that it was just natural. Why was this happening to her? Was she that vulnerable that guys could do whatever they wanted with her? Would she always need to be protected by someone else? [B]"There there, it's okay. I understand,"[/B] Kristos replied, gently embracing her in his arms and reassuring her with his gentle voice. He didn't actually know her that well, but he saw that she was a quiet yet gentle girl, a little like himself. They stood there in the hallway, Aizen crying and Kristos gently holding her and tending to her sorrows. ~*~ OOC: Omg, I am so sorry... that was fluffy and mushy and everything. I just didn't know how to get Aizen aquaintted with Kristos, so this was the only way. I promise I'll do better posts next time. Engel, I really hope this is okay for you. I think Kristos is so kind and sweet. n.n OOC: NOO!! Kitty! You posted before me!! Okay... let's imagine this happened after Momo talkedto Aizen, alright? Imaginations, people!!! XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]OOC: It's all good, BK, after all, Aizen is a fragile girl and she is a little clumsy, hence some girls making fun of her. And also, I'm guessing that it's lunch time, so... she'll be emo today and eat all by herself unless SOMEONE REALLY NICE *cough* BK *cough* tries to sit next to her. XDD [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] It was time for lunch and friends sitting together. ...Great. One, Aizen didn't have any friends because everyone basically ignored her. And two, lunch was her most hated part of the day because of her being unpopular. She sighed to herself as she got out of the lunch line with a tray of steaming food and looked around to see if there were any open tables left for her to sit in. Hmmm... let's see.. nope, the one to the right is full of the preps and jocks. How about the left? No... those were full of girls who squeeled and giggled about their recent crushes and girly things like that. And the middle table in the center... Aizen looked into the group of people whom she recoginzed from her Advanced Magic History II class in the beginning of the day, watching them study for the history exam Instructor Morris was giving out soon. Of course, since she was the top student in her class, she didn't really need to study any more than she wanted... But still... she looked into the group and saw Syrus, whom she had a small crush on from the beginning of the school year. He was always so nice to everyone he talked to and he offered to help anyone that needed it. She always wanted to have a chance to talk to him, but because he was one of the more popular boys in school, girls crowded around him most of the time, causing Aizen to never learn more about him. [B]"Still, he is pretty nice and gentle,"[/B] she thought to herself, remembering him trying to start conversations with her and smiling as if he knew her so well. After she was done thinking, she mustered up all the strength she had and started to walk over to the table Syrus was at until some brown gravy splashed onto her head, causing her to spill her lunch tray all over herself due to the shock. She put her hands on her dress to try to wipe the mess off, looking around at the group of girls who had thrown it at her, pointing and laughing. [B]"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry,"[/B] one of them replied, evily smirking, [B]"oh well, at least I did you a favor... you look soo much better now!"[/B] And with that, everyone in the cafeteria started bellowing out laughter... except the table which Syrus and his friends were at. But, Aizen didn't notice due to the fact that she was totally embarrased and was covered in food. She saw Syrus looking at her and, thinking that he was going to laugh along with the whole cafeteria, ran out the door, her deep green eyes overflowing with tears. What did she do to those girls to make them hate her so much? Why was she here if everyone was going to make fun of her anyway? Why couldn't she just die to make everyone happy? After a few minutes, the whole cafeteria was still giggling at the little incident that just happened to poor Aizen. Syrus was watching the doors that she just ran out of for awhile, feeling sad and angry for what happened to her. He then slowly turned around to his seat and sat back down, thinking about what he should do next. [B]"I feel so bad for her,"[/B] Clyne finally said, looking back at the text book to study a bit. [B]"I mean, no one's ever tried to be nice to her, no wonder she's so scared."[/B] Clyne was one of the few people who talked with Aizen a little and actually thought she was a rather nice girl... scared and helpless... but a nice girl. [B]"I know, I can't believe those girls actually have the gall to do something as stupid as that,"[/B] Syrus replied, leaning his head on hand and tapping the table with his left index finger. He looked back up at Clyne and crossed his arms on the table, [B]"Are all girls who are ditzy mean like that or what?"[/B] [B]"They're just jealous because she's more beautiful and smart than they are,"[/B] she replied, still studying while talking, [B]"Aizen should be one of the most popular girls in this girl, but everyone takes advantage of her weak and timid personality in order to break her."[/B] [B]"So... you're saying you think she's more beautiful than any of those girls over there?"[/B] Syrus replied, looking at Clyne more intently. She raised her eyes and met his. [B]"Well, at least I think so."[/B] Syrus turned his body around and looked at the doors once again, thinking and talking to himself. [B]"You got that right... she actually is very beautiful."[/B] [B]"What'd you say?"[/B] [B]"Oh nothing,"[/B] he replied as he turned around and lifted himself up from the table and grabbed all his things. [B]"Hey, thanks for helping out with studying, Clyne. I have something really important to take care of, so I'll see you later."[/B] And with that, he started towards the exit doors, leaving a confused Clyne watching him leave. Before he left, the girls who threw the food at Aizen spotted him and waved him down, squeeling and trying to flirt with him. [B]"Hi, Syrus,"[/B] one replied, [B]"would you like to study our new techniques we learned in combat class today?"[/B] Syrus looked at them with an angred scowl and narrowed eyes. [B]"Why don't you just go find a real life and stop picking on others?"[/B] He then left, not knowing that the girls weren't actually scared of his comment, but giggling and talking about him even more. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] [B]"This brown stain won't come out of my jacket..."[/B] Aizen was outside, sitting in the garden and cleaning herself off from the lunch she had to endure. She got most of the stains out, but some were left, leaving ugly and unruly spots that probably would make the others laugh at her even more. She sighed again and gently put her elbows on her knees, leaning her head in her hands and wondering if she'll be tormented the rest of her life. [B]"I don't understand,"[/B] she said to herself, [B]"I never did anything to those girls... so why do they hate me?" [/B] She buried her head into her arms and started to cry again until she heard someone walking towards her. [B]"Because they're just jealous that you're more beautiful than they are."[/B] She looked up and saw someone she thought would never come see her... Syrus. He smiled at her and sat down next to her, realizing that she was here to cry out her sorrows. Blushing, Aizen quickly wiped her tears away and sat upright, hoping that he wasn't here to make fun of her because of earlier. [B]"You know, you don't have to act all proper for me because you know that I'm more immature than that,"[/B] he chuckled, amused at her politeness. She looked at him and smiled a little, relieved that he was actually being nice to her. ...Maybe she could finally get to know him better? [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: Lyke, omg that was so lame, but whatever because I still love it. BK, I hope it's okay that I made Aizen have a crush on Syrus... I mean, heck, he is hot. XD Preppy girls arre so lame and ditzy, Syrus told them to eff off but they still love him. What the heck?! XDD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Holy crap... there's already a lot of posts from TODAY. I mean, I looked this up before I went to school and now there's a lot. WHAT THE FRICKIN' CRAP... some of us have school, you know!! XD Lol I kid. Anyway, yeah, it would be awesome if we got to interact with people from the previous CAF... I would love to see Rinoa now. :D Anyways, Aizen will have only four classes if that's alright... she's the type that doesn't want to interact with the [I]mean[/I] people, if you get my drift.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Since Delta is away for awhile because of certian things, she has appointed me as the Tutorial Bouncer until she comes back. So, since I can't really edit the first post, I guess I'll just put what's in progress now, ne? [I]* How To Make Borders by White is completed[/I] If anyone has any suggestions or would like to apply to make a tutorial, reply to this thread! :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Lyke, omg, I can't believe CAF is coming back with a vengence... I need to be in an RP so bad, it's unreal. XD Anyways, like I promised, Doublehex, I am going to sign up... heck, like I would miss it for the world!! Awww, I miss Abel and Havok... poor Rinoa, will never come back... but do not worry! Someone as nice as her will appear here soon enough! XD [CENTER]~+~[/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Aizen Skye [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Student Template:[/B] Free- Broken Girl (Meh. or if it's alright, the meek loner. Whatever is best for you, DH.) [B]Weapon:[/B] Javilen [B]School of Magic:[/B] Support Magic [B]Minored School of Magic:[/B] Elemental Magic (Wind Magic) [B]Abilities/ Spells:[/B] > Emerald Pheonix: A Cure spell that can heal any wound and revive characters to their full potential. But, it can only be used one time due to the stress it leaves on the caster. > Winged- Blow: With several swings of her winged sword, Aizen unleases multiple blows on the opponent, leaving them as if a tornado had hit them in the face. [B]Personality:[/B] Aizen is a very quiet and calm girl who only wants friends. During the years of growing up, she has lost everyone in her family and has had her heart broken many times. She is very free- spirited in her element when she wants to be, but mostly quiet when she doesn't know anybody, leaving her vunerable for bullying. The goals that she really wants to achieve is to be a master at magic and fighting, but also to find someone that will take care of her and love her for who she really is... if that's even possible. [B]Physical Appearence: [/B] [URL=http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/9154/1136244187gsofpurityof8.jpg]Aizen [/URL] [B]School Uniform:[/B] [URL=http://img485.imageshack.us/img485/6933/schooluniformgh4.jpg]Here.[/URL] (More of a silver, green and white getup to match her colours. ;D) [B]Snippet:[/B] "Miss Skye, would you please read this section in Chapter Three?" Aizen nodded and slowly stood up from her desk with the textbook in her hand, slowly but gently reading the text about why Support Magic is so important. While she was reading, she could hear the other girls in the class whispering and spreading rumors behind her back, laughing at her for no apparent reason. "Oh my god, do you see how lame she looks in that getup?" "I hear she can't even do simple magic spells. How lame is that?!" ...It was okay; she was used to hear negative comments about herself that she just ignored it every single day. She really didn't know why everyone hated her, but she didn't want to find out either. Anyway, it seemed that only the girls made fun of her while the boys didn't even notice, so it was all good. The bell finally rang and the whole class flooded out of the room, running to the Cafteria to get some food before the lines got long. Aizen slowly collected her books from her desk and started walking down the hallway towards her locker until a group of girls and a handsome guy bumped into her, knocking her and her books across the hallway. While the girls started to laugh at her, the handsome boy looked at Aizen as if she was some freak and yelled, "Gee, nerd! Watch where you're going!" And with that, they started to walk off, laughing at the little incident that just occured. Her eyes wide and her mouth agape, Aizen watched at the group continued to laugh down the hallway. She couldn't believe that a boy so good looking could be so mean... but, could it mean.... that all boys think of her his way? A freak that no one notices? She slumped toward her books and slowly picked them up, tears starting to swell in her eyes and drip onto the marble floor. "I guess no one really likes me," she mumble to herself, "maybe I should just dissapear." "But if that happened, I wouldn't be happy at all." Gasping, Aizen looked up to see a red long- haired boy staring down at her, smiling and helping her pick up the books. He was even more handsome than the boy she just saw and his expression was so calm and gentle. He looked at her with his amber eyes and smiled, making her blush. "Don't worry about them," he finally replied, "they've always been like that." "Oh really..." He smiled again. "Yeah. Hey, would you like to have lunch with me?" Aizen stared at him and nodded, a smile sweeping across her face. "Okay, sure!" The boy smiled kindly and helped her up from the floor, walking her to the Cafeteria. ...Maybe school wouldn't be so bad after all... [CENTER]~+~[/CENTER] Okay, this boy is so random, but whatever. I hope Aizen will find someone that likes her for who she is... daaw! XD I hope I get in!! EDIT: THERE! I DID IT, DH! GO BOTHER SOMEONE ELSE!! XDD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue']I?d love to see one done by you as your work has such lovely vivid colors and striking textures. :catgirl:[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Thanks for fangasm as how it makes me really happy to know that people are amazed at my work. n.n Anyways, sorry it took so long for me to give this to you... school's just been on the busy side of late. :P Well, at least I turned in my project, so here you go! [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/silveronebannerhm6copy.png[/IMG] -Textures used here were used from a website unknown. -Stamps were made by me. (Except the default leaf stamp.) -Everything else made by me also. XD I don't know why I did that, but I just wanted to feel important. If I feel up to it, I'll send you some more... that is, if [I]school[/I] will let me. :P[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I'd like to take a shot at this, seeing as how the guy actually looks pretty hot. XD I'll turn in my project when I'm done probably in the middle of tomorrow because I'll be working on school stuff. See you then! BTW, Satori, I absolutely love that burst of white on your version of your banner... absolutely astonishing. Nice Gir set too. :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]If no one else is up to it, I'd like to do the Adjusting Colour Levels Tutorial as how I always use those in my pieces. It seems like fun and I'd like to show others what the different choices do. I love to use these because they're fun and they add a great deal of detail to your works if you use them properly. Anyways, I guess if people are giving requests for tuts, I'd like to ask for a tutorial that shows us how to do neat things to your text to make it stand out more instead of just leaving it the way it is if that's alright. [I]Request: Text Amplifiers[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Whew... I have finally finshed the Transparent Background tutorial, which almost killed me btw. I'm not tha good at explaining things, but I did my best. Check it out and tell me if it's alright.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=Purple]Every now and then, you see pictures with a unique background of it's own and probably thought, "OMG!!1 I've seen that picture before, but on a different background! How do they do that?!" Well, boys and girls, this tutorial will teach you two different ways how to remove a background from the picture and making it transparent, thus putting the picture on your own work. So, onto the magic making!! *insert applause here*[/COLOR] [U][B]Version One[/B][/U] 1. First, open whatever graphic program you always use. I'm using Photoshop 7.0, but you can probably do this on any other Photoshop program (PSP people, I don't know if you can do this on that program, but you probably could). Now, open whatever picture you would like to have a transparent background. Since it's Christmas time and I feel KH obssessed, I'll use this picture of Santa Sora. [IMG]http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/5376/1os2.png[/IMG] 2. Now before you do any cool things, you'll have to do a bit of duplicating. Some pictures are on a layer called Background, and is locked so you can't move it. All you do to remedy this is duplicate the Background layer (ctrl- J), click on the four- way arrow on the duplicate to unlock postion (allowing it to move), and delete the Background layer (click either the trash can at the bottom of the Layers window or click Layer -> Delete -> Layer) and wah- lah! You can now do whatever you want with it! [IMG]http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/2793/2sp3.png[/IMG] 3. With all that done, it is time to do the magical part. Somce picture, such as this one, are easier than most because of it's white, simple background. There isn't any other crap that the Wand Tool can select. So, in this case, put a new layer under the picture so you can see what's going on, select the Wand Tool, click on the white background, causing it to select every thing but Sora. Now press the backspace button.... [IMG]http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/7135/3nz3.png[/IMG] And wah- lah!! You get a picture with no background!! [B][URL=http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=santasora1ri5.gif]Holy Night Santa Sora[/URL] [/B] ...but with a few holes in Sora's pants and such where the sonwflakes used to be. This occasionally happens when parts of the picture blend with the background. But, do not fret! That was only one way to cut out the background, which is more simpler than this one, but promises to cut out the picture all the way. [U][B]Version Two[/B][/U] 1. I opened a new Santa Sora picture with a background to let me see what I want to cut out. So, if you do this, do everything in the above tutorial until selecting the Wand Tool. Instead, we will select the lasso tool, which helps you out a lot more. Fine the Lasso button and hold it down until other options come up. Then pick the Polygonal Lasso Tool. [IMG]http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/2897/4pg6.png[/IMG] 2. Again, add a new layer under your picture. Then, zoom into your picture until it's big enough to see your picture pixelated. This makes it easier to hie your mistakes and such. Now, with the Polygonal Lasso tool, start to go around your desired picture with it, slowly and carefully so you won't mess up. 3. When you've finally selected a little bit, connect the lines together and click to select the part you want cut off. If you want to see what you've cut more clearly, zoom out and press the backspace button to delete it. Now some part of your picture is transparent! Continue to do this until you have cut out the whole background around the picture. [IMG]http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/955/5fw0.png[/IMG] And tah- da! You are now finally done cutting your picture out... thus letting it have a transparent background! Now all that's left is to save... *If you want your picture to be transparent, you [B]MUST[/B] always save it as a .GIF file. .GIF files keep the transparency safe and sound so you can do whatever you want with the background. *Click Save- As, name your picture whatever you want and choose the .GIF file to save. Then, another little box will come up, so make sure you have these settings. (Also, this is the settings on my computer and it always works, so you can do whatever you want.) [B]>Palette[/B]: Make sure this is on Local (Selective) [B]>Colors[/B]: 256 [B]>Forced[/B]: None [B]>Trasparency Box Checked[/B] [B]>Matte[/B]: Whatever color background you want it to be. (For the OB, the color number is # EDEDED.) [B]>Dither[/B]: None And there you have it!! In the end, you get this result... [IMG]http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/1357/santasora2hu3.gif[/IMG] If you have any more questions, comments, concerns or anything else, just ask me in this thread and I will help you to my fullest extent. If you'd also like to post what you've done from this tutorial and would like to show me, go ahead nad post it here! I would love to see what you've done. I hope that this tutorial answered your questions and helped you out so you can have your pictures on a cool transparent background.[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Heh, thanks for the fangirl-ism, Delta... I needed that. XD Anyway, okay I'll get started on it right away, but first I have one more question just to make sure I'm doing this correctly: Do we start the thread on our own or do we send it to you to open? Just wondering because I'm a bit slow today... :P[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Do you have a certian character from any of the KH games in mind? A certian colour scheme you would like your set to circle around? And perhaps you would like your banner to say a little something or maybe even nothing at all? I just wanted to ask all this before I start because graphic artists here in the OB need to know what youre looking for instead of trying to guess every single time and not even come close to what you're expecting. Just trying to help you out for future requests and stuff is all. :D Btw, KH pwns j00 a77 LOLZZ!!11!1!!1 Yay, I'm a n00b. XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I would love to do the tutorial on Transparent Backgrounds because it's one of my favorite things to do and I guess I just want to show people how cool it is... I really don't know. XD Anyways, when you talk about Transparent Backgrounds, you are talking about something like this banner below, right? V [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/RikuB1.gif[/IMG] Or perhaps something else that you would like to point out? I'm just trying to make sure so I don't mess anything up.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Holy crap... a Red Octurne DDR mat ftw! Those things are better than the crappy ones that I have now and they don't move all over the place. It's also more reliable and sturdy... ha ha ha, perverted joke there. XD Anyways, I go with Delta and Ezekiel for some gifts: manslaves and a figurine of Vincent Valentine... damn you both have good taste. XD Well, I guess what I really want most for Christmas is the [B]PS3[/B] and the reamake of [B]FF VII[/B]. Seeing as how I'm a PS girl all the way, those two gifts alone will just about rock my socks. I guess I would also want the latest volume of [B]Fruits Basket[/B], [B]Bleach[/B] and [B]Kingdom Hearts[/B] manga, just so that my manga collection can grow more and more. XD Well, since we ARE talking about what we really want for Christmas, I guess I'd also want Kadaj and Yazoo figurines for my book case... imagine all the fun stories I could tell with those.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]That's actually a very good idea, Delta, seeing as how the population of graphic artists in the OB is rapidly multiplying. I remember when I was first inspired by the artists here and wanted to start becoming graphically inclined as well... *sigh* those were the good old days. Anyway, I've always hoped that someone would come up with an idea like this and frankly, Delta, I'm glad it was you. :D We should give tutorials about simple and beautiful techniques that would help anyone with graphic questions. I say that even if you are practically a pro at PS, we all need some help now and then, so why not start now? I would love to see how many artists will come up when they've learned a thing or two and make the Art Studio become more lively again. When this does start up, are you going to take anybodys tutorials? Or only specific people who sign up ahead of time? Just thought I'd ask because I would surely love to join something as useful and resourceful as this. Wow, another great art thread... how long has it been? Well, I can't wait until this starts up and start to give some of my techniques that I've used forever... this'll be fun! But this also reminds me of a different thread that Retribution started awhile back until it died... something like 'GFX Class' of some sort?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I didn't know if you just wanted the image made into a banner or if you wanted your banner spruced up, so I just spruced it up if that's okay. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/LightBanner.png[/IMG] If you don't like it like this, just tell me and I'll just resize the original image for you, 'kay? C;[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Wow, a lot of these toys really bring back memories... and the fact at how cheap they were. XD Anyway, I can't believe nobody has said this yet, but I've always wanted the Easy Bake Oven when I was little... I mean, making food in a cute pink and purple oven! What more could you want?! Ahh, yes... when I finally recieved one, I had good times with it: making cakes and junk for my mom and me, always wondering why they tasted a little funny but didn't really care and thinking that I could actually cook for a living. This toy was my refuge for making me think I could make all kinds of food... ironic. XD A few weeks later, the damn thing's lightbulb burnt out and poof... no more junk food. I finally realized that the Easy Bake Oven really sucks... totally.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I think I can sum up Thanksgiving up in one word: FOOD. XD Anyways, I love Thanksgiving because it means that Christmas is coming closer and spending time with family and friends. Thanksgiving isn't all about the food (okay, I digress), but about remembering what to be thankful for. Every year, we always invite some friends over and watch the Macy's Parade while we talk. After a bit of that, my dad starts to fry the turkey (which is awesome, btw) and we all start making the food. I always make the cornbread to my fullest potential... I mean, I try. Come on, people... I TRY!! XDD After all the food is ready, we set up our fine china and pray for another fantastic year, then dig in. It's all in fun, really... seeing who'll gain the most pounds on that day.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]1. "Undo"- Cool Joke 2. "Sleeping Beauty"- A Perfect Circle 3. "Black Water"- Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Soundtrack 4. "Rock It"- Gorillaz 5. "Points of Authority"- Linkin Park 6. "Lost Heaven"- L'Arc~en~Ciel 7. "Chop Suey"- System of a Down 8. "When It's Over"- Sugar Ray 9. "Serenade (Piano)- Fruits Basket Theme 10. "Water"- FFVII: AC Soundtrack 11. "Opening Theme"- Chobits 12. "Tearless"- Nittle Grasper 13. "You Spin Me Right Round"- Billy Idol 14. "Tactics"- Rurouni Kenshin Ending 15. "Moonlight Shadow"- Missing Heart My playlist is full of different genres of music, but mostly anime, techno, classical and instrumental. I'm a girl of weird tastes, so I like basically anything that has a good beat, that makes me think or is from my favorite show. n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well, [B]Thunder Cats[/B] was one of my favorites way back in the day. I can't say that I liked the old cliche idea of good against evil, but hey... it was animals in tights.. what more do you want? :D Anyways, my favorite show that I always loved to watch was freaking [B]Captain Planet[/B]. I loved that show to no end because I loved the cool rings and the fact that they actually saved the world.... no, not from evil, but from pollution! It was totally awesome and I would have to admit, some of the guys on there were pretty cute. XD Captain Planet was the best, especially when he would always give us morals at the end. There was another one, but I don't remember what it was called... it was about two motorcycle cats or something.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]My family doesn't really go crazy for Halloween, but we do the usual: carve crazy pumpkins, dress up, maybe host a party and so on. It hasn't really changed much except because of the fact that we're moving into a bigger house, my mom practically wants to do crazy things in order to show it off, so... meh. XD Carving pumpkins is my favorite part because my mom let's us do whatever picture we want and let's us dub the pumpkin our own. So,this year, I'm going with a PotC theme for my pumpkin and carving it out... Jack Sparrow style. Hey, it might seem lame, but what the heck...let my fangirl side stick out.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well, I've made a lot of geeky purchases in my life, but I would have to say the most geekiest one I've ever made was when I bought billions of Legolas crap: pens, buttons, notebooks, paper, shirts and heck, I even have a life- size cardboard stand in my room. This was when I was totally obssessed with him and LotR when it first came out... thus my complete obession with the blonde- haired elf hottie. I must admit, I still use all those things and repeatedly watch the trilogy, but my little obsession will probably never go away. It's a crap good movie and I'd say that this geeky fad changed my life in saying that: nerds equal heart. :DD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/TouyaB1.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/ShinjiB1.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/SasukeB3.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/HayateB.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/RyogaB.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/UryuuB.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/YuffieB-1.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/SakuraB.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/Riku.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/BleachB.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/LovelessB.gif[/IMG] Yeah, I know some of these are my best works, so please credit me if you use any of these. Seriously... credit or die. >C[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Request Bleach Avatar and Banner Requesst (Renji) lpics inside.
Riku replied to Kenshin DX's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I was wondering if you would like a quote or something on the banner and if you had a color preference. Well, since it's Byakuya- kun, I'll probably make it blueish- purple or some kind of pink if that's alright with you. C: I'll post my version of the set up later. EDIT: And finally I am done. I did it to Byakuya- kun's colour prefernce of what I thought it would be... so just go with the flow. :DD Yeah... I didn't know what you wanted the banner to say, so... [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/ByakuyaB.png[/IMG] I think this avatar is hot, yo. XD [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/ByakuyaA.png[/IMG] Well, I hope it's to your liking and quality. If not, well.... I'll use it later on. XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]