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Everything posted by Riku
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][CENTER]Day 2- 11:06 AM, Garden[/CENTER] Rinoa jumped up and lifted her right leg to kick at the opening Ayumi left, but was blocked by her quick thinking. Ayumi quickly lifted up her sword and blocked Rinoa's kick, blocking her foot and stopping her in midair. With the one idea on her mind, Rinoa leaned forward to gain momentum and swung backwards, flipping through the air while gripping onto her sheath. While landing on the grassy ground, she sprinted towards her fallen opponent and slashed vertically at her body... yet only to be blocked again by Ayumi's sword. Whilest Ayumi was blocking Rinoa's slash, she slowly stood up and continued to taunt her. [B]"What makes you think you're so special, huh?"[/B] she sneered, using all her strength to hold her guard while Rinoa kept pushing her sword, [B]"just because Kyo talks to you doesn't mean he wants to know you."[/B] The audience of girls continued cheering as sparks flew from their swords. Rinoa had a serious look on her face... she had to win to show that she wasn't a weaking. Suddenly, one of the girls on her right side kicked her ribs... causing her to cough up more blood and kneel down on the ground. Ayumi found this the golden opportunity to attack, slowly raising her sword over Rinoa's head. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] Havok couldn't take anymore of this. He finally backed away from the window and headed out the door. [B] "Wait Havok!"[/B] Sakura yelled, [B]"she needs to fight this on her own!"[/B] [B]"I understand that,"[/B] he yelled back, still running, [B]"but you can only do so much by yourself!"[/B] He continued running down the halls, determined to stop the fight before anything horrible happened. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] [B]"It was nice knowing you, little girl."[/B] Ayumi was playing around with Rinoa's life, wondering wether or not she should actually kill her. Rinoa tightly gripped her waist, wondering wether or not she should just die right then and there. [B]"No... I can't die,"[/B] she thought to herself, [B]"there's so much I have to live for..." [/B] Then suddenly.. she thought about all the good times she was having with her friends. Sakura, Ayame, Kyosuke, Alex, Lazarus... and Havok... she couldn't die, not with her friends still around.. She then slowly tilted her head back up and lifted her sword over her head, blocking the death swing that Ayumi was about to bring down. Struggling and shaking to keep her sword up, she got up on her feet and looked Ayumi seriously in the eyes... letting her know that she wasn't about to give in. [B]"Guh... d.. don't think you're scaring me!"[/B] Ayumi falttered, starting to weaken her grip on her sword. Rinoa saw the opening and then jumped backwards, standing on her feet but still gripping her hand around her waist. All the girls started laughing along with Ayumi. [B]"Hah! So you really are a weak little mouse!"[/B] [B]"Not really,"[/B] Rinoa quietly exclaimed, [B]"but.. maybe you should change your shirt?"[/B] Ayumi gasped, then looking down at her shirt. It was still intact... but then in a few seconds, it started ripping to little slivers of cloth. The group of girls gasped, surprised at the sudden change in mood. Ayumi blushed red and tried to cover herself with her arms and hands. Then suddenly, Instructor Caliver came running out with Havok by his side. [B]"What in the world is going on here?!"[/B] he yelled, looking at a half- naked Ayumi and the group of amazed girls. Rinoa then sighed with relief and slumped to the ground, clutching her bleeding shoulder tightly. Havok ran over to her side and picked her up in his arms. [B]"Rinoa!"[/B] he said, [B]"Rinoa are you okay?"[/B] She slightly looked up at him, her eyes half closed yet still smiling at him. [B]"Di..did I.. did I win?"[/B] she whispered. Havok smiled broadly and nodded, [B]"Yeah... you did. And it was awesome!"[/B] She sighed again and smiled, slowly closing her eyes and unleashing herself into the calm darkness. [B]"Rinoa hold on!"[/B] she could her Sakura yell. [B]"Take her to the Infirmary immediately!"[/B] Instructor Caliver explained to them. Havok scooped her up into his arms and started running back to the Infirmary, a feeling in his heart that he has just seen her grow from a gentle friend to a strong warrior. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]OoC: It's my fault that Ayame wants to do "evil" things to Kyo, everyone... I'm sorry. XD *looks at Kitty and giggles* OoC: Woo.. sorry it's so long.. I had this storyline in my mind. [CENTER]~*~ Day 2-10:41, Infirmary [/CENTER] Ever since Ayame had left the Infirmary, Rinoa realized that it was time that she would also get ready for her exams by praticing her sparring and fighting moves. Since she weasn't the one who was the greatest at fighting, she thought she should get a move on it. She finally got up from her seat and smiled at everyone while gathering her things. [B]"I'm sorry to leave you guys,"[/B] she said, [B]"but I have to at least train once so I can be prepared for the trials."[/B] Everyone nodded and she smiled, waving to them as she headed out the door and closing it softly. Havok got up from his seat and was just about to follow her until his arm was lightly held back. He slightly turned around to see Sakura holding his arm, her face a bit serious. [B]"Hey, what's up?"[/B] She chuckled a bit and looked up at his serious face, [B]"You know... you're not a puppy,"[/B] she replied, [B]"she's not a child, she can go places by herself you know."[/B] [B]"Oh come on, Sakura,"[/B] Alex replied, laughing, [B]"Havok's a fool in love, what do you expect?"[/B] [B]"But I do agree with Sakura,"[/B] Kyo entered in the conversation, [B]"Rinoa's an adult and even if she does have a calm and silent deminor about her, she needs to grow up a little."[/B] A bit offended by what he had just said, Havok totally understood, sighing and sitting back down. [B]"I know I need to leave her alone,"[/B] he sighed, [B]"but... something makes me just want to be there when she needs me[/B]." Lazarus laughed, finally engaging in the conversation. [B]"You loser... that's what's called love... duh."[/B] Sakura laughed a little, then placing her hand gently on Havok's right shoulder, lightly patting it. [B]"It's okay. It's not like something horrible's going to happen to her, right?"[/B] Havok sighed deeply and nodded, agreeing with them and staying where he was... but letting his mind wander off, worrying about her. [CENTER]~*~ Day 2-10:56, Main Garden[/CENTER] [B]"Alright... it's time to practice."[/B] Rinoa had brought her Katana, Sakura Crimson, with her to the garden to practice her sword moves. Her mother gave the sword to her, hoping that she would carry on the Ryuzaki generation.... but, she wasn't that kind of girl. She sighed, shaking her head and placing her feet and body into somewhat of a samurai pose. [B]"I've learned some techniques from father," [/B] she thought to herself, [B]"so, I'm not that stupid in sword fighting."[/B] She slowly unsheathed her sword, metal rubbing against the sheath and glowing in the bright sunlight. Her sword was finally in place, in front of her body and gripping it lightly... a serious look swept across her face. She swayed the sword down harshly and brought it up quickly, pointing it at the direction in front of her. She then brought it over her head and then moved quickly, unleashing several sword slashes looking as if she had only produced one. After she had finished the previous sword move, she slowly placed the sword back into the sheath... then running forward and slashing a leaf quickly, putting her sword back into the sheath while the leaf slowly cut in half after the recoil. She turned around and sighed, wiping her hand against her sweaty brow and sighing. [B]"Okay... so I may not be as good as father,"[/B] she sighed, [B]"but... at least I'm not out of practice."[/B] She placed her hands on her hips and nodded, headed towards Instructor Caliver for some weapon techniques... until a group of girls stood in her way. [B]"Well well well,"[/B] a voice was heard, coming closer to Rinoa,[B]"look who it is... and without her popular posse, huh?" [/B] Finally, the producer of the voice came within looking reach... it was the [URL=http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/5893/picblue4ac5.jpg]girl[/URL] from this morning... yet this time she was laying a samurai sword just like Rinoa's on her shoulder. Rinoa gulped loudly and tried to get through. [B]"Um.. excuse me,"[/B] she uttered, [B]"I... I didn't mean to make you mad this morning..."[/B] But as she walked pass, the girl grabbed the back collar of her shirt and pulled her backwards harshly, Rinoa falling onto the ground on her behind. As the other girls laughed, she tilted her head upwards and smirked. [B]"Don't think your stupid apologies will work on me,"[/B] she scoffed, [B]"...you're not leaving until you beat me in a sword fight."[/B] [B]"You'll never beat Ayumi, you freak!"[/B] a random girl cried out, causing all the other girls to cheer... for Ayumi, of course. Rinoa slowly got up and wiped the dirt on her shirt, then looking up at her with a sad look on her face. [B]"Look... I.. I don't want to fight you..."[/B] [B]"Well.. too bad cause you are!" [/B] Ayumi swung her sword horizantally, aiming at Rinoa's hips, but she flipped backwards... missing the sword by a few feet. [B]"Hmph,"[/B] she scoffed, placing her sword back in her purple sheath and getting into stance, [B]"...at least you're not a weak mouse we took you for, otherwise this wouldn't be any fun."[/B] Rinoa sweated from the intense pressure she felt, but she knew she couldn't be scared and weak all her life... she had to fight to get stronger. She also got into stance, gripping her sword handle tightly as she tried to stare her oppenent down. Cheers from the group of girls were heard, readying themselves for the fight... but also telling others to come and watch. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] [B]"What in the world is that loud noise?"[/B] Nurse Mallon asked, walking over to a nearby window to see what all the commotion was about. [B]"What is it, Nurse Mallon?"[/B] Carrot asked as she got out of her seat to look out the window with her. She then suddenly gasped a little and then came running back towards the others. [B]"Guys! Guys!"[/B] [B]"What's wrong, Carrot?"[/B] Alex asked first. [B]"Hurry and come look! It's Rinoa against a girl... and.. and it looks like they're going to fight!"[/B] Havok was the first to gasp loudly and ran over to the window as Sakura followed him while Carrot helped Alex over.... and of course, Kyo and Lazarus slowly walking over to the window. Havok looked out the window, seeing the one he loved facing the girl who had slapped Rinoa this morning... but wielding a sword and surrounded by chanting students. [B]"Oh man,"[/B] Sakura said, seriously, [B]"this isn't good... that girl... Ayumi, is supposed to be a good swordswoman."[/B] Havok didn't answer, but watched intently to see what would happen... he of course wanted to run down to her rescue, but he thought he should see what she could do on her own... without him... for awhile. Everyone in the Infirmary watched intently, waiting for the battle to come and any moment if they needed to help their friend out.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]HOMG!! A Sakura- chan request!! *fills with anticipation* >w< Random, before I do this... I just wanted to say the second pic's link is screwed. That's what happens when you link before saving it to your own picture account. Anyways... just wanted to wait and see if you fix it. If not, I shall work on this right away!! ^^ [B]EDIT:[/B] Well... I started without the second banner picture... so I hope it's okay. >.< [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/SakuraB.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/SakuraA.png[/IMG] Gah... I've been obssessed with making things look like old photos. Anyways, hope it's to your liking and if you want anything changed, just let me know.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][CENTER]Day 2 - 9:54 AM, Infirmary[/CENTER] Rinoa was in the group of small friends, talking about what had happened and other stories. Her Weapon Training class had already started a few minutes ago, but Nurse Mallon had already said it was okay for them to miss this class period and that she had already informed their teachers that they would be absent. Carrot and Aaron were bickering amongst themselves, while Alex, Havok and Sakura were laughing... and apparently Ayame, Kyosuke and her spirit animal, Daiya was apparently gone for some sort of emergency. She sighed a small sigh and smiled, glad that everything was coming back together... slowly yet surely. But she then looked at the stretcher that was closed around it with the curtains. It seemed to her as if no one except Ayame really visited the person inside there... Lazarus. [B]"I feel kind of bad that he's alone,"[/B] she thought to herself, [B]"I mean... from what Alex says, he practically saved everyone. Maybe... maybe I should just go visit him for awhile."[/B] She nodded at the positive idea and got up from her seat, slowly walking towards the closed curtains and slightly opening them, walking in and closing the closed space again. Havok stopped talking and noticed her walking over to Lazarus. He got up from his conversation and walked outside the private area, stopping in front of the curtains and gently eavesdropping at what Rinoa had to say to the unconcious boy... [B]"I.. I'm not doing anything wrong,"[/B] he thought to himself, [B]"Lazarus may have helped everyone, but he's still a mean bastard... it would be safe if I just stood here in case anything happens."[/B] Rinoa sat down beside the strecher, looking intently at the unconcious teen: he had long dark blue hair that was spread out amongst the stretcher, some what of a nicely muscular toned body and a strong yet calm face. She had heard many girls talking about him during free time... some saying that he was a complete bastard for always bullying Kyosuke, while others loved his mean side and wanted to go out with him. She'd heard things about him, but didn't really judge him until she heard al the good things about him. [B]"I don't think you're actually mean, Mr. McCloud,"[/B] she finally said, leaning a bit closer to him with her hair falling over her shoulders, [B]"I think you're a caring person that would do anything to protect his friends... or at least the people he's mean to."[/B] She quietly laughed a little bit and then sat upwards, smiling at his calm yet peaceful face. And then suddenly, small moans were heard from him as he slightly awoke. His eyes fluttered open as he put his right hand over his forehead and slowly sat up, still whincing from pain. He then finally looked at Rinoa with a scowl on his face... which meant that he was obviously pissed. [B]"Who the hell are you?"[/B] Rinoa lightly leaned backward and took a deep breath before talking, thinking to herself that she shouldn't be scared. [B]"H.. hi, Mr. McCloud,"[/B] she replied, slightly bowing, [B]"I'm Rinoa... Rinoa Ryuzaki and it's nice to me..."[/B] [B]"Cut the frigging introductions,"[/B] he intterupted, [B]"Are you a friend of that bastard Alex and the others?"[/B] [B]"Uhm... yes I am,"[/B] she replied nervously. He then slightly chuckled and looked down for a bit, then looked back up at Rinoa, causing her to flinch. [B]"Heh... it's okay, I won't bite."[/B] Lazarus then slowly lifted his hand up tp Rinoa as a friendly gesture, [B]"It's nice to meet you... Rinoa."[/B] She then brightly smiled and took his hand gently, shaking it and realizing that he definitely wasn't the kind of person everyone had taken him for. [B]"And it's very nice to meet you, Mr. McCloud."[/B] [B] "I said cut it out with the introductions,"[/B] he sighed, [B]"My name's Lazarus... but," [/B] he tilted his head up and down, looking at Rinoa's body and features, [B]"But a cute girl like you ca..."[/B] [B]"Hi, you freaking bastard!"[/B] Havok came running in, sharply opening the curtains just in time before Lazarus finished his sentence. He smiled at Rinoa and got closer to Lazarus, acting as if he was talking to him like friends but actually pinching his shoulder. [B]"Look, you pimp daddy,"[/B] he whispered, [B]"You can flirt with every other girl in this school, but not her... she's not like others."[/B] [B]"Ow ow ow!"[/B] Lazarus moaned, but kept it down so Rinoa couldn't hear, [B]"... okay okay! Fine.... but that doesn't mean she won't want me, you know."[/B] Havok lightly slapped Lazarus' head, causing him to cry in pain. Rinoa stood up and walked over to his side, wondering what had happened. [B]"What's wrong?! Are you okay?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, he's just fine!"[/B] Havok smiled fakely, warning Lazarus to do the same. [B]"Yeah yeah... I'm freaking okay,"[/B] Lazarus finally mumbled under his breath. As soon as everyone else heard a commotion going on, they opened his stretcher curtians and added him in the conversation, laughter, friendly swearing and small bickerings going on. Havok stood by Rinoa, who was watching everyone, and smiled as he sighed. [B]"You know... he's not as mean as they say he is."[/B] He paused and continued, [B]"Okay wait... maybe he's retarded, but not a big bully."[/B] [B]"I know he's not,"[/B] Rinoa replied with a smile, [B]"...he just shows that he cares in his own way."[/B] Havok looked at her and smiled, agreeing with what she had just said and turning his head toward everyone, watching intently as the others talked. **Then suddenly, she heard Carrot yelling and staring at them, saying that she would look for both Ayame and Kyosuke. After she stormed out the room, Alex looked at Sakura, Rinoa and Havok seriously. [B]"Somebody should probably go after her and tell that Kyosuke and Ayame must've returned to the crime scene down at the basement..."[/B] Rinoa nodded to the others and lightly tapped his knee, [B]"Okay, we'll do that. Be back in a few!"[/B] she smiled and stood up, walking out of the door while the others followed her. ~*~ OoC: I just pictured Havok the way I thought a guy would do to a friend if he tried to flirt with a girl the guy likes. XD And omg the time does help... makes it a hell of a lot easier I tell ya. OoC 2: Dang, Sandy.. you posted before me!! XD Lol anyways... ** means it starts where Sandy's post left off.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]It seemed as if both Stephen and Ayana had been walking in circles in the tall grass, trying to follow these... creatures... that had been leading them. Ayana vaugely sighed as they continued walking, growing more and more annoyed that she was in a place that she didn't know, much less following some bird who already gave her a nickname... thus, it didn't take long for her to snap. [B]"Look, bird creature... thing, we've been wal,"[/B] she was suddenly intterupted by the talking bird. [B]"It's not 'bird creature thing', it's [I]Falcomon[/I],"[/B] he replied sarcastically. Ayana sighed and touched her forehead with her right hand, shaking her head and sighing, [B]"Okay... Falcomon, are you sure you know exactly where you're going?" [/B] she looked around at the tall grass that spread for miles and miles, [B]"I mean, we've been walking in this area for what seems like centuries ago."[/B] Falcomon looked around and nodded his head, [B]"Yup.. we're lost!"[/B] he replied with a big smile. Growing angrier at the bird, she reached down in her black skirt pocket and brought out that little device. [B]"Here, maybe this has some sort of compass in it to help us,"[/B] she replied, pushing some buttons to see what they would do. [B]"Uhm,"[/B] Stephen said, trying to stop her from pushing the buttons, [B]"..maybe you shouldn't press that,"[/B] and then suddenly, the screen flashed brightly and an arrow came up, pointing in the direction of their left. [B]"Aha!"[/B] Falcomon replied, [B]"Your Digivice must've found the others already!" [/B] He then lightly touched Ayana's wrist and pulled it towards that direction, [B]"Come on, Aya-chan! Let's go find them!"[/B] She moaned and sighed, then letting Falcomon pull her through the maze while Stephen was holding Swimmon, following and running right behind them. [B]"Well, I guess he [I]is[/I] helping me,"[/B] she thought, [B]"I suppose I shouldn't be too harsh on him..."[/B] And then the thought ran through her mind.. others? How many others? Was this some sort of coincidence.. or fate that brought them together? [B]"Oh well,"[/B] she shrugged, [B]"At least this saves me from the boredem of staying at home all by myself."[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]First, @ BKstyles... sankyuu. I feel appreciated now. :D Next.. well.. just to make it easier... (and following Acheron's time schedule. XD) Rinoa Ryuzaki's Schedule Class One: Support Magi, Instructor Shandala Class Two: Weapon Training, Instructor Cavalier Class Three:Leisure Time Class Four: Fire Magi, Instructor Atsu Becuase I was bored. :P[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Should we make up our schedules and write them here tomake it easier?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I was wondering the same thing too, Sakura... I figured we only had two classes, but I guess we have more. And @ BKstyles, sorry I already posted it in the day time... but I still left you guys asleep so you can still do your dream if you would like. :D And @ everyone, I was wondering if we could do a group study or something... to get the friends more.. together? XD That is, if Rinoa IS friends with all you cool people. ;-; I'm alone too in my classes with only Me and Havok in one and Me and Carrot in another... would anyone like to join me?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]The bright light of the sun flooded throughout the hallways and into the student's dorm room. It was already morning, yet it felt as if everyone had just gotten to sleep, turning over in their beds and grumbling at the light. [B]"Ugh,"[/B] Rinoa muttered, covering her eyes with her right hand so that she could still get a little bit more sleep until she had to wake up for her classes. [B]"Why... why couldn't be a holiday already?"[/B] she moaned as she sat up, rubbing her eyes and trying to flatten her poofed up blue hair. After getting out of bed, brushing her teeth and putting on her black, white and blue uniform on, Rinoa collected all her books and rushed out of the room towards the main hall, hoping she'd be able to talk to Havok at least before the bells chimed. As she was walking through the hall slowly, she saw a dozens of students collected in a little group, talking amongst themselves. Rinoa walked over to the group so that she could hear what they were talking so eagerly about.... [B]"Oh my gosh! Did you hear that some students went out late at night and returned wounded?"[/B] [B]"I know! I heard it was Kyosuke and some other lame students who were injured... oooh, I hope he's alright."[/B] Rinoa slightly gasped as she heard the conversation. [B]"What?!"[/B] she accidently yelled out, causing the group to turn and stare at her as if she was retarded. She then walked faster over to them and tried to ask them a question with a worried look over her face, [B]"Wh..what happened?! Who was injured? Is Kyosuke going to be okay?!"[/B] Suddenly, one of the more "popular girls" grabbed Rinoa's yellow tie and pulled her near, smiling sweetly yet evily in her face. [B]"I don't know, you freak,"[/B] she said, causing some giggles to be heard from other girls, [B]"but what do you know anything about Kyo, hmm?"[/B] Rinoa gulpped loudly... she was usually the one being picked on in fights, but she was always scared. She gently placed her hands over her tie and tried to make up some lame excuse, [B]"Uh.. uhm.. I was just talking to him the other day and.. well,"[/B] she paused a little before continuing, [B]"..we're friends... I guess."[/B] The girl snickered as she slapped Rinoa's right cheek with her hand, causing her face to turn sharply. [B]"Don't you go fantasizing, thinking that anyone, especially Kyo, to become friends with a nobody like you."[/B] Rinoa slowly turned her head back, holding her red cheek and almost starting to tear up... which some girls saw and started laughing at her. Suddenly, a familiar voice was heard from behind her, [B]"Hey, leave her alone and go cake on some make-up somewhere else."[/B] Rinoa turned her head to see Sakura crossing her arms, her head tilted upwards, and Havok a little bit in front of her with a scowl on his face and his hands on his hips. The girl scoffed and threw Rinoa towards them, causing her to land hard on her back. She summoned her group to follow her and walked off, looking at Rinoa one last time before she walked away. [B]"You okay?"[/B] Havok asked her as he and Sakura helped her up. Rinoa picked up her things and looked towards them, ignoring the slight sting coming from her cheek. [B]"Do you both know what happened to Kyosuke, Alex and Ayame?!"[/B] They both looked dumbfoundedly at each other and then at her, their faces more serious. [B]"Well,"[/B] Sakura coughed, [B]"They were injured last night... badly. Now they're inside the Infirmary resting. We were just heading to your room to ask if you wanted to come with us."[/B] [B]"Of course I do!"[/B] she cried, turning to walk over to the Nurse's Room but then being held back by a worried Havok holding her arm. [B]"Are you sure you're okay?"[/B] he said, [B]"I mean... doesn't your cheek hurt?"[/B] She laughed a little before she touched her cheek lightly, [B]"It's alright... this wasn't the first time something like this happened to me."[/B] She then turned around and started walking towards the Infirmary, Havok and Sakura looking at each other before following her. As they finally got to the door, Rinoa lightly knocked before coming in... seeing people laying down in the strechers, still asleep or unconcious. Sakura was the first to run by Kyosuke's side while Havok gently nudged her into the office. [B]"Excuse me, Nurse Mallon?"[/B] he finally said, [B]"She needs to be treated on her right cheek."[/B] The nurse nodded and walked over to Rinoa, asking her and Havok to have a seat. As Nurse Mallon was treating her cheek, she asked, [B]"Uhm.. nurse? Will... will they be okay?"[/B] She lightly chuckled and nodded, [B]"Yes.. they will, but they need their rest for a little while longer."[/B] The nurse then looked at Rinoa's face a little bit longer until she laughed a little bit more, [B]"So... you must be this... 'Rinoa', huh?"[/B] [B]"Uhm... yes mam'm,"[/B] she replied nervous. [B]"Well... I heard from Mr. Vermilion here that you're friends with this group of students."[/B] She lightly nodded, [B]"Yes mam'm."[/B] [B]"Well then,"[/B] the Nurse replied, putting a bandage on Rinoa's cheek and standing up to put the medicines away. [B]"Do you have any idea what they were doing so late at night and why they were so horribly injured?"[/B] She slightly gasped, putting her hand over her mouth and sweating a little... Rinoa knew that Alex was up to something, but not this serious. [B]"What am I going to say to her?"[/B] she thought, nervousness sweeping over her. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OoC: I hope you guys don't mind me joining... after all, we're friends, right? :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Okay... NOW it's night time for me and Abel.. gawd you all are annoying. XD ... I kid. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] Rinoa was in her dorm room, her roomate still asleep while she was sitting on the stone window pane... watching the vauge moonlight through the clear window. Many amazing things had happened today... things she never thought would ever happen to a regular girl like her. [B]"I still can't believe Havok... made me flowers," [/B] she whispered, lightly blushing and putting her right hand over her heart... she'd never had anyone be so... romantic to her in her whole life, yet this person had always made her smile these past few hours. She then looked back up at the sky, wondering what he was doing what now... was he sleeping? Was he awake like her and thinking what had happened today? She didn't know, but what she did was that her crush on Havok was coming back again... and she hoped that he would like her too. Then, she thought of something to do before she went to bed. She slowly got out of bed and picked up a book that she had checked out of the Library... "Simple Knowledge of Magi." Rinoa then flipped through the book a little until she stopped at a page, pointing her index finger at a certian sentence and reading it intently. After a few minutes of looking through it, she gently placed the book down on her bed and cupped her hands together, raising it inches from her face. She then summoned a small yet bright flame, lighting up her face in the dark. After the flame flickered a little bit more, she slightly waved her right hand over it and gently moved her fingers... after she was done, Rinoa gently raised the flame to her mouth and lightly blew on it, causing the flame to wither greatly and dissapear. She lightly nodded and smiled, hoping that it would do exactly what she wanted. After looking at the sky one last time, she tucked herself into bed and closed her eyes, slowly falling asleep and thinking of him again. But, even though her heart felt as if it was in her throat, she couldn't forget her studies... after all, the exam was a few days away, she needed to study some more with her friends and train. [B]"Maybe,"[/B] she said before she fell asleep, [B]"... he'll help me train for the exam."[/B] After thinking this, she fell fast asleep.. hoping to see him in the morning tomorrow. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] Already midnight. Havok was laying down in his bed, his arms crossed behind his head and still awake, thinking of Rinoa's smile and kind actions. He'd always been popular through his days in this school... and many girls liked him, but he's felt as if they were just faking their emotions... and he didn't want to be around girls like that. Rinoa was the first girl he'd ever seen that was so kind, sincere... and maybe even a little clumsy. He chuckled at the thought of when she'd bowed to him and dropped all her books on the floor... but then again, it was something that he liked in her. [B]"I wonder,"[/B] he quietly thought to himself, [B]"why do I always act like a fool when I talk to her?"[/B] Havock then lightly patted his forehead and sighed, already knowing that love would make you do stupid things. Before he turned over in his bed, he saw a small flame coming from under his door. He sat up in his bed and looked at it intently, as if he was calling it. With the serious look in his eye, the flame slowly flickered form under the door and came floating to him, floating gracefully by his bed. He looked around to see if anyone was awake, and cupped his hands so that the flame floated into them. [B]"Where'd you come from, little fella?"[/B] he whispered to the flame as if it was alive. Then, the flame flickered lightly and changed into a heart, then suddenly into a rose. He smiled... already knowing that it was from her. The rose then flickered brightly, causing him to gasp as it had turned into a real rose... a blue rose. Havock gently held it in his hands, still amazed yet flattered at the little present Rinoa had given him. He raised the flower slowly to his nose and smelled it as he closed his eyes. As he pulled the rose away from his face, his eyelids began to feel heavy. Before he could think about what was happening, he slowly fell backwards onto his bed and fell asleep, dreaming happily... still holding onto the flower and lightly smiling. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OoC: Daawww.... I so love romance too, Abel. I loved your last post too... it made me giggle. XD You pictured her perfectly... and Havock is so sweet too. >w
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well, here's my version... sister. XD I felt bad that the Cloud banner I gave you kind of sucked, so I tried to make this one look good at least... [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/HotB.gif[/IMG] If you can see it, I put both quotes you wanted in it... just look for them. XD [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/HotA.png[/IMG] "Out of Luck" is here... again. Anyways... hope it's to your liking, sis. Cause I luffers j00 and the sexy guy. :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Make your own motivation poster! (56k warning! Image heavy!)
Riku replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
[CENTER][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Because there's so much Yuri out here... [IMG]http://static.flickr.com/65/203753935_1d643f1800_o.jpg[/IMG] Sorry.. couldn't resist. :P [IMG]http://static.flickr.com/60/203465644_d68ba56d3b_o.jpg[/IMG] PWNED. [IMG]http://static.flickr.com/61/203518152_9b7cd1c5d4_o.jpg[/IMG] But it's okay cause I LUFF HIM. [IMG]http://static.flickr.com/70/203479619_10e4e122f2_o.jpg[/IMG] It would help if you played FF X. [IMG]http://static.flickr.com/65/203491110_8bd9c70b4e_o.jpg[/IMG] Because all girls love guys who want their mother. :D And @ Sangome... I r owned j00. XD And I really love that FMA pic.. luffers it. kthnxbai.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] -
Make your own motivation poster! (56k warning! Image heavy!)
Riku replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Ahhh... great idea, Charles... I can tell this is going to be addicting. Anyways, aimed at your first post... [CENTER][IMG]http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/8273/motivator9156803gf1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ..And this one's for Sangome. :D [CENTER][IMG]http://img425.imageshack.us/img425/9876/motivator9831495ub0.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Okay... done with the pwnage. XD [CENTER][IMG]http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/3250/motivator1847690dz6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/1619/motivator5766421na5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ...dude... this is going to be addicting to me... too much fun.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I just love Yuffie... so I couldn't resist making this set. >w< Anyways, here you go. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/YuffieB-1.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/YuffieA.png[/IMG] I tried to make it look like an old photo, so I hope it's okay. Hope you like it! And I would also like to commend White on helping me with the whole GIF thing... sankyuu.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]OoC: Yeah... time is a struggle in these posts so far. Mine's going to be following Sakura's, which is in the day, so... yah. :D And by the way, I know Carrot has fire ablities too.. but she doesn't have Elemental Fire as a class so... I'm just putting it as me and Havock. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] [B]"Well, that was rather fun and embarassing at the same time,"[/B] Rinoa sighed, remembering meeting new people, the falling incident she had with Kyo, seeing Havok again, apparently making Carrot embarrased and the few things that she was involved in. She lightly closed the book that she and everyone else had been looking at, put it back on the correct shelf and looked up at the clock.... almost 4. But before she walked out of the Library, she picked up the book that Alex was studying and some others to help her pass her exams, then walking over to the counter which the Librarian was ready to help her check out any books she needed with a smile. As soon as her books were checked out, she walked out of the Library door until she bumped into another boy. ....Oops... not again. She'd had enough of her fill bumping into people on accident, especially running into guys. [B]"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry[/B]," she replied, bowing low to the teen... but then also dropping all her books and papers onto the tile floor once again. She slightly sighed and lightly slapped her forehead, kneeling down and picking up whatever had dropped. She then heard a small snicker coming from the teen she had just said sorry to. [B]"You know... maybe if you weren't so polite, you wouldn't drop your books so much."[/B] This person's voice sounded familiar... Rinoa tilted her head up to see a smiling yet laughing Havock slightly waving at her and then kneeling down, helping her pick up the fallen items. She smiled a little and continued to pick up her things, also looking at Havok's features: dark brown raven hair with his long bangs covering his eyes and also his scar that was still a little dark but tainted with time. She sighed yet again, remembering that she had seen him in her class and also having a huge crush on him... but she decided that she had no chance anyway... he was popular, just like almost all the other guys in the school like Kyosuke, but... she was just an average new girl, what chance could she have with any guy? Her thoughts dissapeared when she heard Havock talking to her. [B]"Here you go and sorry for just standing there,"[/B] he stood up and handsomely smiled, helping Rinoa up also, [B]"...I guess you could say I was... uhm... waiting for you... you know, since we have next class together and all."[/B] He coughed a little bit, trying to hide his red face from her. Rinoa slightly gasped and smiled kindly at him, thanking him for helping her and walking together to their next class, talking about their exams and other things. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] [B]"Miss Ryuzaki, could you please explain to the class why fire magi is so important?"[/B] [URL=http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/3209/insructoratsufq3.png]Instructor Atsu[/URL] had asked her out of the two students that were in his class: Rinoa and Havock.. and apparently he just had to pick Rinoa to answer the question. [B]"Well.... um," [/B] she stuttered, always shy when being asked questions in fron of the class, [B]"Fire magi is just like any other elemental magi... except it's represented as the light of life and it helps with many problems."[/B] [B]"Very good, Miss Ryuzaki,"[/B] Atsu nodded, telling her to sit down. He then walked over to his desk and opened his right palm, creating a small flame of fire and creating the flame into the shape of a rose. [B]"Now you will learn how to control your fire magic by creating it into any shape you would like,"[/B] he continued, [B]"this teaches you how to control your magic to do what you want at will."[/B] Both Rinoa and Havock stood up and walked into the huge area in the empty class. Instructor Atsu had asked Havock to go first, so he slowly raised his right hand and opened his palm, also summoning a small amount of flame magi. His face then turned a little serious as he was concentrating on the image he wanted in his mind.... then, the flame lightly flickered and then turned into the shape of a Horse, whinning and running in his palm. Rinoa gasped excitedly and lightly clapped her hands, causing Havok to slightly tinge of red and scratch the back of his head. Atsu lightly applaused and smilied, nodding at Havok's well- done achievement. [B]"Well done, Mr. Vermilion... although I must say that I'm sure you were doing that for someone here..."[/B] he raised his eyebrow and lightly chuckled at Havock's embarressed expression. He then looked over at Rinoa and nodded, [B]"Very well, Miss Ryuzaki.... it is now your turn."[/B] Rinoa gulped loudly and nodded back, ready to try to do this correctly. She slowly raised her right hand and opened her palm. It took her awhile to summon her flame, but it finally came, flickering brightly in her hand. She concentrated on her shape she wanted the flame to turn into. [B]"Come on... a heart, a heart..."[/B] she thought hard to herself... until suddenly her flame slowly sparked into a heart. Rinoa smiled, excited by what she just did while the Instructor and Havock both smiled and clapped.... until the heart suddenly broke into two and made a small explosion, causing her face to be covered by black ash. Havock was the first to gasp and walked over to her with a tissue in his hand. She lightly took the tissue and wiped her face with it. [B]"Why... why can't I do anything right?!"[/B] she thought to herself, bringing tears to her blue eyes. Suddenly, she bowed low to Instructor Atsu, [B]"I'm sorry I can't do anything right, Instructor!"[/B] she exclamied, then turning around and running out the door, her right arm covering her face and making sounds of crying. [B]"Wait, Miss Ryuzaki!"[/B] Atsu yelled, trying to stop her. He then sighed and put his hand over his face, slightly shaking his head. [B]"She doubts herself too much... it's not that easy to perform for some people,"[/B] he said, [B]"well, best let her be for awhile and continue class, Mr. Vermil.."[/B] He looked around, just noticing that Havock was gone. He then lightly laughed and returned to his seat, thinking about his younger days at this school. Havock ran down the hall which Rinoa went, trying to find her all over the place. [B]"Aw man,"[/B] he said, breathing hard as he was trying to look for her, [B]"she didn't know that I had practiced this before... the same thing happened to me my first time, too." [/B] He then continued to search for her, almost giving up until he heard small sniffles coming form his left. He looked down over the balcony and saw her... Rinoa sitting in the garden on a small rock and crying to herself. He then walked down the hall and headed for the garden, going to cheer her up.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]It was mid-afternoon in the day... everyone settling down from their classes. Rinoa sighed a small sigh while she was in the Library, having a free class after her previous one... flipping through the pages in her text book while leaning her head on her right hand. She started reading through the pages quickly, becoming bored with every sentence that she read. Rinoa then noticed some noise coming from outside; looking out the window she saw a group of guys and girls talking and having fun. [B]"Damn this sucks,"[/B] she muttered to herself, returning back to her seat and slumping down on the desk, [B]"...I may have been here for awhile, but I still don't know very many people."[/B] ...Okay.. maybe she knew some people... like that jerk Alex whom she was trying to help out but totally dissed her. Just thinking about it made her want to punch him in the face... well, maybe not that bad. Rinoa sighed yet again and closed her textbook, grabbing it with the rest of the things and walking out of the library, heading to her dorm room to get angry by herself. As she opened the exit door, a young girl bumped right into her, causing all her books and pieces of paper to go flying all over the room. She sat up from falling down and rubbed her head a little, looking at the girl who had bumped into her picking up all her books and apologizing. [B]"Aaah! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you like that! My fault my fault!!"[/B] She nodded and reassured her that it was okay, helping with picking up her stuff and standing up, dusting herself off from her fall. [B]"Uhm.. thanks for helping me pick up my crap and sorry for running into you,"[/B] Rinoa bowed and tried to continue on her way until the girl lightly grabbed her left arm, causing her to turn around in confusion. [B]"Say.... you don't look like you really have any place to go," [/B] the girl pryed, her words aiming right into Rinoa's mind, [B]".. you new here?"[/B] Rinoa stuttered, amazed that this girl knew all this. [B]"Uh.. w.. well... yes I am. My name's Rinoa Ryuzaki,"[/B] she bowed low. The cheerful girl laughed and patted Rinoa's shoulders. [B]"Don't worry, it's not like I'm going to hurt you or anything. My name's Ayame, by the way... nice to meet'cha!"[/B] She kindly took Rinoa's hand and shook it lightly, smiling at her. [B]"Uhm... uh... nice to meet you too,"[/B] she answered surprisingly, amazed that someone would be so.... nice and friendly. Maybe this was her chance to get to know more people around here... after all, what did she have to lose? [B]"Ayame! You left your book at class!"[/B] Both girls turned around to see a boy with short black hair but had long bangs that covered his eyes and was wearing glasses running over towards them carrying a book. Ayame clapped and ran over to him, thanking him and talking to him for awhile until he looked up at Rinoa. [B]"And who is she?"[/B] Ayame turned around and dragged Rinoa over to him, who had bright red coloured all over her white face. [B]"This is Rinoa- chan! I just meet her as I bumped into her in the Library."[/B] Rinoa smiled a little but blushed an even brighter shade of red, obviously a little attracted to the handsome teen. [B]"H.. hi..," [/B] she finally replied, trying to speak, [B]"..my.. my na.. name's Rinoa."[/B] The black haired teen chuckled a little and smiled handsomely yet kindly at her, raising his right hand. [B]"Heh.. hi Rinoa, I'm Kyosuke from one of Ayame's classes."[/B] Rinoa slowly placed her hand into his and gently shook it, obviously shy by this gesture. [B]"P... please to m..m.. meet you."[/B] [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OoC: Kitty and BKstyles... I hope this is alright. I didn't really know anyone so... heh. n.n; If I need to change this, just tell me.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]As I said in my sign-up, Jamie... this RP sounds like a lot of fun and awesomeness. Your story is what dragged me in... what with you being an awesome writer. :D Anyways, I wanted to ask.... would you mind if the Urla people had elf ears or no? Just wondering if I have to change my sign-up a little.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][B]Name:[/B] Aizen Cloud [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Urla [B]Occupation:[/B] Doctor/ Healer [B]Position:[/B] Doctor in the army?? :P [B]Weapon:[/B] N/A (Unless she can have a small sword or something. :/) [B]Spells:[/B] N/A [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/9154/1136244187gsofpurityof8.jpg]Aizen[/URL] But instead of her hair and clothes colour being green, her dress is mixed with light blue and white with dark blue ribbons and her hair is a bright platinum blue. [B]Personality:[/B] Aizen is a calm soul, wanting to help any Urla or Malroy soldiers that are wounded in the war. Even though her people hate the Meram with a great passion, she wonders why Urla hates them so instead of hating them... such is her kind nature. She loves her village because of the snow that falls all the time, making the atmosphere beautiful, clear and even pure... something that she wants all people to feel after or even during the war. She's a very skilled doctor, taking in any patients that need her help and kindly accepting them for free if they don't have any money to pay. Her favorite part of being a doctor is that she helps people when they need it, giving them back the smiles on their faces whenever she can. Aizen is a really girly- girl at heart, loving to wear ribbons, lace and long flowy dresses whenever she can. She doesn't meet much men because she's so busy, but she hopes that one day she can meet someone who can understand her feelings. Needless to say, because she has a profession in healing... she can't fight much. Thus, she relies on the soldiers in the war and treats the wounded men far from the enemy. [B]Excerpt of Character:[/B] It was snowing even more beautiful again this morning... delicate white falling onto the trees and grass, turning them clear and beautiful. Aizen sighed as she looked out the frosted window, breathing her hot air onto the cold glass and drawing circles with her right index finger. She loved days like this.... watching everything turn pretty, staying warm in her cottage house... everything about her village she fell in love with. Needless to say, even with the war soon coming and the army recruiting people to help out, seeing the environment like this made her forget about what was happening... if not for a little while. [B]"Well... I just hope that don't summon me now,"[/B] she sighed, walking over to her kitchen and taking out a small cup to pour herself some herbal tea, [B]"...I'm busy with so many people from the village now..."[/B] It hadn't been long since the war that had passed a year ago, but the people from her village still held a deep hatered of their blood- line, the Meram. She wondered once in awhile what made the Urla hate them so much... was it something that they did wrong in the past? ...Or maybe some hidden secret that couldn't be told... Aizen didn't really know... all she knew was that she would help anyone and everyone, even if it meant having her village turn their back on her. [B]"Anyways," [/B] she finally said, bringing herself back from her thoughts, [B]"it would be nice to just stay here and watch the snow fall instead of becoming invloved in the w...."[/B] Suddenly, a knock came rambling on her front door, startling her a little. She got up from the kitchen counter and walked over to the door, opening it to a slender yet muscular man with black long-hair, wearing the get up of a soldier and having a serious yet calm look on his face. [B]"Excuse me,"[/B] he said, [B]"...Miss Cloud?"[/B] [B]"Yes?"[/B] Aizen replied... already knowing what he'd ask. [B]"We know that you're the best doctor around in Ashitaka Village... so we request that you become a healer in the upcoming war to help us."[/B] She gulped loudly... damn. This was exactly what she didn't want to do, become even more involved in the war. But... she was smarter than saying no to the man... nonetheless the whole army. She sighed and then looked back up at the man, sincerity all over her face. [B]"Alright.... consider me a doctor in the army."[/B] [CENTER]~*~ OoC: Once I read this, I automatically wanted to join. XD Jamie, your RPs are always so awesome and this was the first time I ever signed up for one of them so.... I hope it's alright. >.< Oh.. and would you mind that I added elf ears to the Urla people or no?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]As it was agreed that they would search the place to see where they should go, so they all had split up into different sections of the slums. Riku had gone off to a little section in the town where apparently the train station was... overseeing the whole town and what had seemed like a never- ending sunset. He then walked around for a few minutes, looking for anyone to ask any questions, but no one was around. After searching in and out of the train station, the bright- platinum haired teen walked over to the wall that seperated him and a long way down, putting his right foot on the edge and leaning the right half of his body on his knee. He sighed and wondered where they were and what they were doing here... sure, Sora said it was called "Twilight Town" where he said his Nobody, Roxas, lives... but why did they come here? Did someone summon them? Was the enemy toying around? So much confusion ran through his mind, not really selecting any obvious answer to the question. [B]"Obviously everyone else seems oblivious to the enemy,"[/B] he sighed, talking to himself as he watched the red and golden sunset, [B]"... but I have a feeling this all isn't just a coincidence."[/B] He layed his emerald eyes into the deep faint light that almost seemed like a burning fire, hoping that he could lose his thoughts in it's unique colour. [B]"Hee hee.... you haven't changed much, Riku..."[/B] Riku slightly gasped at the girlish giggling and quickly turned around behind him... only seeing the tain station quietly standing there. [B]"What the..."[/B] he replied, scratching his head, [B]"That voice... could it be that... [URL=http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/9315/naminc3a9xm0.jpg]Namine's[/URL] here?"[/B] He kept looking around for a little, still hoping to see her... but, a little thought ran across his mind... how did he automatically know this name of someone he didn't really know? And wasn't she Kairi's... Nobody? It was all confusing to him, nothing making any sense and things coming back to his mind that he never thought existed. [B]"Well... there's nothing here,"[/B] he said, turning around and walking out of the train slum, [B]"so might as well head out for another place."[/B] Suddenly, out of nowhere, dozens of [URL=http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/2773/nobodykhiigl9.jpg]Dusk Nobody[/URL] surrounded him, causing him to become trapped in a circle of Nobodies. He growled and summoned Way To Dawn, clenching it in his hands and starting to swing at the weird moving creatures. [B]"Where the hell did they come from?!"[/B] he yelled, trying to swing at the creatures but always missing them because of their twisty like moves. Finally, he slashed into one of them... causing it to dissapear and a glass heart floating upwards into the vauge sky. But another one took it's place, taking him by surprise and slashing the lower part of his right leg... his warm red blood trickling down the side. [B]"Damn..."[/B] he muttered, lightly holding the wound with his right palm, [B]"...if this keeps up like it is, I'll have no chance. Where's someone when you need them?"[/B] Suddenly, a boy with short blonde hair and a man with long firey red hair ran up from the entrance of the slum and became surprised at all the Nobodies. The blonde boy looked at Riku and waved, lightly smiling. [B]"Hey Riku!"[/B] he said, [B]"... looks like you need some help!!"[/B] [B]"What the..."[/B] he muttered to himself, raising his right eyebrow, [B]"..how the hell does he know my name?"[/B] He whinced at the dull pain in his leg, finally shrugging off the fact that he didn't really know him... hell, he needed help and they looked like nice guys anyways. He nodded at them and wielded his keyblade at the enemies whilest the two guys came running into the fight to help.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well.... I know I haven't really updated this thing that much and it is pretty old. But I didn't want to make a new thread posting my art since this one was going well. Retri, my pimp daday... don't kill me, 'kay? >x< Anyways, been messing around with a few tutorials lately and I came up with this piece of work. It's about my n00b obsession with Riku... thus it's my favorite piece evar. [CENTER][B]Past Memories[/B] [IMG]http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/2622/rikuphotographin0.png[/IMG][/CENTER] ...It took so many layers... different things done to them, adding things, erasing things... hell this piece was a pain in the ***. But, it's my favorite one of all my works... even if they all suck. Comments and Crit please... although not too harshly because 'tis my best- selling work of art.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Lolz. It's the One Winged Angels group, Rurouni. Only our most powerful enemies controlling the Heartless and maybe even some of the Organization... bwahahaha... Anyways, I forgot to add that we will see Heartless here... so prepare for fighting and leveling up maybe. When fighting a Heartless, please show a picture or either describe it. If using a picture, type in the sentence in your post and add a link leading to the picture... for example... [B]Riku and Sora started fighting the big [link] beast [link] with all their might.[/B] I think this is better than just posting a huge picture in the middle of your post.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Okay!! Since this is going so well, in the newest post I put, everyone has just been transported to..... [IMG]http://photo.hexun.com/p/2005/1225/7690/b_059A2A21E9167F7B.jpg[/IMG] [B]Twilight Town!![/B] And yes... everyone who was on the Destiny Islands, including Alexander and Ashley, we are now in Twilight Town. Everyone in the RP will probably meet up here... unless someone posts something where they transport to another world. So, we are now here in our new destination. Any questions, concerns or comments will be answered!! ...Hopefully. Oh yes... would everyone like to meet one of the OWA's here or what?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma ][B]"...Yeah mom... I know. He's just working hard so that he can give me a decent life."[/B] Ayana fell onto her bed in her blue and white room, hanging onto the wireless phone in her right hand and talking with her mother on the other end of the line. She flipped over on her stomach and rested her head on her right arm, twirling her fingers through her long black hair that was tied in two little buns at the top yet long hair hanging down her back. She looked out of her clear window door, sighing while she was listening to her mother talking about why her dad has to leave her so often... a speech which she's heard so many times. [B]"Honey.. I know you feel lonely at home all by yourself, but it's not like he's wanting to leave you all the time."[/B] [B]"Mom, look,"[/B] she then finally sighed and sat up on her bed, [B]"... I understand he's just working... but I never see him anymore. And everytime I come back from school, the only thing that let's me know that he was there is dinner already made and a note saying he'll be out late."[/B] She then sighed and continued to talk to her mother about the situation and other little things. Ayana then finally pressed the "Off" button on the phone and got off her bed to open the clear door leading to her balcony. She sighed and leaned her head and arms on the silver railing, watching the busy city nearby and the falling pink petals from the large trees. [B]"Well... at least I still have mom,"[/B] she said, lifting her left hand to catch a falling petal and clutching it in her hand. She then dropped it towards the road beneath her and sighed again.... until she heard a faint buzzing sound coming from her jean pocket. She turned her head and lifted her hand towards the back pocket and rummaged through it a little until she grabbed the small device that she had found the other night. Ayana finally grabbed it and slowly lifted the glowing silver-grey device in front of her face, wondering what it was doing. [B]"What the heck... how is it doing that?"[/B] She started pressing buttons to stop it from making noise until it suddenly started showing numbers and letters on the small screen, causing confusion to be written all over her face. And then suddenly, a bright light shone from the small device, engulfing her in it's brightness and causing her to sheild her eyes from it. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] [B]"Helllllooooo?! It's time to wake up, silly!"[/B] Ayana slowly awoke, blinking her eyes and sitting up on the unknown grassy area that she was in. She then looked down at her body which had on a black denim skirt, a dark blue Japanese style shirt with light blue flower designs and black boots which reached up to her knee. [B]"Alright,"[/B] she finally spoke, anger written all over her face, [B]"... what kind of trick is this?"[/B] She looked to her right side.... which she saw an animal which looked like something of an owl... no... it was more... warped looking. The weird bird smiled and waved it's light green wing at her, greeting her politely. [B]"Hi! It's nice to finally meet you, Aya! My name's Falcomon[/B]!" She let out a light shriek, shielding herself from the weird... thing. Ayana didn't know animals could talk, much less be polite. [B]"Uh.. uh... My name's Ayana.. not Aya."[/B] [B]"Oh I know!"[/B] Falcomon replied, still smiling, [B]"That's my nickname for you!"[/B] [B]"Uh okay.. that's... great,"[/B] she replied, still a little confused. First she get's transported to an unkown land.. and now she's got some weird bird- thing giving her nicknames... could this day get any better? Suddenly, in the small patch of grass near her.... a boy with blonde hair walked out whilest holding some kind of fish-thing in his arms. Falcomon turned to the fish and waved yet again. [B]"Swimmon!! Glad to see you found your friend too!"[/B] [B]"And you too, Falcomon!! She's real pretty..."[/B] the fish replied, smiling at Ayana. The young blonde boy looked at Ayana and blushed a bit, then helping her up to her feet. [B]"Uh.. I see you got transported here too?"[/B] She looked at him and smiled, still a little confused, [B]"Ah yeah, I guess.... this weird animal- thing just talked to me. Oh.. what's your name?"[/B] [B]"Stephen,"[/B] he replied, shaking her hand, [B]"but you can call me Steve."[/B] [B]"Hi Stephen! My name's Ayana...."[/B] [B]"Nuh- uh! It's Aya!"[/B] Falcomon replied happily. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OoC: Huzzah!! Done!! Awesomeness, Joko.. I are liking it. By the way, White... hope you didn't mind Stephen blushing at Ayana. After all, she is a girl... a sexay girl. :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]OoC: Good Gawd... sorry it took me so long to reply... been so busy. @.@ Anyways, tried my best... so if I need to change anything, just say so. Oh and it's okay if you used my character, Sandy... Rinoa needs some friends. XD [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] To her sudden surprise, Rinoa had suddenly conjured a fire wall of protection in front of the entire room. It wasn't that hard... all she did was create a small magi of flame and combine it with some healing magi, thus making a complete protection shield that would defend from any upcoming attack. After a few minutes of holding up the flame barrier, she let it simmer down back to the golden ring and slowly placed her hands in front of her face, astonished that she had actually done something so difficult as that. At first the classroom was silent but then a light applause was heard, causing both Rinoa and the other student, Carrot, to look at Instructor Shandala clapping her hands together. [B]"Well done, Miss Ryuzaki,"[/B] she finally said, [B]"Well done. That spell that you have just created is one that isn't easily done... may I ask just exactly what you did?"[/B] Rinoa ruffled her shiny blue hair on the back of her head, trying to explain exactly how she just did it... when she really didn't know. [B]"Uh... well..."[/B] she stuttered, [B]"...I read the chapters you gave us and a little bit further, explaining that if you add a generous amount of both magi together then you can create a wall of protective fire."[/B] She then looked at Carrot, who was crossing her arms and looking a bit angry... jealousy, as some would call it. Instructor Shandala then put her hands on her hips and smiled a bit, quite amused at what was happening between the two. [B]"Well then, Miss Ryuzaki... if you read ahead,"[/B] she then paused and put her right index finger on her chin, [B]"... then would you explain to me why you need the golden ring to help cast your spell?"[/B] ...Crap. Exactly what Rinoa didn't need, her instructor asking her something on what she got bored reading. Sure she read ahead on how to conjure the spell... but not really on why she needed the ring to help her. She twiddled her sweaty fingers on her uniform shirt, wondering what to say. [B]"W...well... you see...."[/B] [B]"You need the golden ring to help cast spells because it focuses all your energy into one being and helps to save magi energy.... thus making it easier than just recklessly throwing out magic."[/B] Rinoa looked over at the other girl, who was smirking a bit and crossing her arms over her chest. Obviously she was trying to show her up... which was actually making Rinoa like her a bit more. [B]"Thanks,"[/B] she then replied, slightly nodding. [B]"Very good, girls," [/B] the instructor then intterupted, clapping her hands and walking over to her desk and opening the textbook, [B]"...now, for the rest of the class... I want you both to read the three chapters dealing on why combining fire and white magi is so useful and how even though both are different are the same in a certian way."[/B] Rinoa groaned, lightly slapping her right hand on her forehead and tilting her head forward so that her long blue hair covered her face. She didn't exactly like studying time... how much longer was this class going to be until it was lesiure time?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]OoC: It shall be meh!! >:3 ...or so I hope anyways. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Rinoa Ryuzaki [B]Age: [/B] 17 [B]Student Template: [/B] The Aspiring Adventurer [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.morgus.cz/kulhanek/soubory/maintechnika/katana.jpg]Katana[/URL] (The bottom and top of her black sheath has a design of pink cherry blossom flowers and petals) [B]School of Magic:[/B] Elemental Magic- Fire [B]Minored School of Magic:[/B] Support Magic [B]Abilities/ Spells: [/B] [B]Fire Barrier-[/B] Rinoa lifts her hands and summons a barrier of fire that harms enemies and protects her team-mates. If she wants to, she can send a wave of fire over her enemies... but that can only last two minutes [B]Tsubasa no Ai-[/B] She waves her hands and casts a spell that cures any stats alignments and fully replenishes any lost health. [B]Personality:[/B] If anything was to describe Rinoa about the way she acts, it would probably be that she's playful and serious at the same time. Whenever she's resting or being lazy around her friends, she's calm and even friendly. She like to talk a lot about fun and exciting things that she would like to see once she starts on her adventure she's been thinking of. She easily attracts anyone around her with her charming attitude and loveable expressions. Most guys are attracted to her, causing her to flirt with them most of the time but only in fun. When it comes down to something important, she turns serious in a minute. She likes to fight because it let's her release her anger and also allows her to show off her moves and magic. Nothing much can be said when she fights... only that she'd give up her whole life to defend anything and everything. If she sees her friends in trouble or are going to become hurt, she becomes outraged and unleashes all the power she has in order to protect them. Although she may seem perfect, she has some flaws in her character. Whenever someone tries to talk to her, she can only listen for a few moments without truly becoming bored. It's not that she doesn't want to listen to what her friends have to say... it's just that she gets bored real easily. Another problem in her personality is that she doesn't show what she's truly feeling. If she's feeling happy, then she'll look and act pissed of at anyone who gets in her way, but if she feels sad or angry, she'll act happy so that she won't worry anyone. She feels that if she shows what she's really feeling, then it'll lead her to demise.... but it's actually helping her lose all her friends. [B]Physical Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/5614/rinoacx2.jpg]Rinoa[/URL][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]