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Everything posted by Riku

  1. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]OoC: Alright, Sakura-chan!! I can't wait 'till this starts up. It's going to be a blast fighting as Riku and Sora. ^^ Oh... and by the way... I've made up some of the moves in the ablities and aslo used cure... hope that's okay, Sakura-chan. n.n; [CENTER]*~*~*~* [B]Name:[/B] Riku [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/93/rikurp2.png[/IMG] Since it's been extremely hot lately, Riku loses the black zipped-up shirt and wears only the white and yellow vest, leaving it unzipped with no shirt under it. Instead of wearing his usual pants, he has loose denim cargo shorts which goes a little past his knee and is dully tied at the bottom with blue strings. As for shoewear, he wears white and black slip on shoes, which is open in the back and tied so that it doesn't loosen off his feet. He still wears the white arm glove which covers his wrist and lower forearm and has dark-blue shades adorning his forehead. [B]Personality:[/B] Riku is mainly the parent when it comes to him and Sora. Unlike his best friend, he is calm and cool in any situation... especially when it comes to fighting. Ever since he came back from the darkness, his heart and sense of justice has become even stronger. He likes playing around with his friends, weather it's sparring or even fighting. People around him admire his sense of maturity and calmness, but when with his friends... he's an even more lovable person. [B]Weapons:[/B] [URL=http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/4079/souleateriz8gq3.jpg]Soul Eater[/URL] and [URL=http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/4836/waytodawn28riku27skeyblade29qp5.jpg]Way To Dawn[/URL] [B]Abilities:[/B] [U][I]Counter Attack- [/I][/U] Attacked at the right time, Riku deflects any attack that tries to hit him and strikes back at the opponent with a five hit combo. [Counter> Parry> Shadow of Darkness] [U][I]Aerial Sweep- [/I][/U] Riku sprints towards the opponent and swings his Keyblade to send them flying and unleashes a deadly combo of attacks, ending it with a energy attack that sends them flying back to the ground. [Aerial Sweep> Freedom> Freedom's Limit] [U][I]Blitz- [/I][/U] Riku zooms in and strikes multiple times with powerful sword combos. Then, after finishing the combo, he swings both his swords and ends it with a finishing blow. [Data> Blitz> Rage] [B]Magic:[/B] [U][I]Fire-[/I][/U] Unleashes a small burst of flame. [U][I]Stop-[/I][/U] Prevents the target from taking action for a limited time. [U][I]Cure-[/I][/U] Restores a little HP to the caster.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well... I was thinking about #10... If you use me Your language becomes a lot less colorful And a lot harder to read. ...Would it be l33t? Lol I have no idea how I thought of that. n.n;[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Ahh... this was so much fun, Pumpkin. After all, XXXHolic is such a wonderful and sexy anime... and I love Hiwatari and Kimihiro...XXXHolic is the sex of all animes. XD Anyways... I didn't use any pictures that you provided because I found a rather beautiful one with Hiwatari and Yuko. It was fun... and I hope you like it. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/XXXHolicA.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/XXXHolicB.gif[/IMG] Tell me if you want to change anything!![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][IMG]http://img478.imageshack.us/img478/1830/khlogojr2.gif[/IMG] [I]It is that time once again for the heros of the light to stand up to the demons of the darkness..... It is time for the world to vanquish the evil in the heart and finally be cleansed of poison.... It is time.... for us to step forward and realize this wish[/I].[/CENTER] [CENTER]+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+[/CENTER] It was already nightfall... the darkness has spread throughout the island and only the bright shine of the evening stars illuminated the sparkling ocean. Everything was quiet and everyone was inside their houses, asleep and dreaming of fantasies that could never be truly fufilled. The Destiny Islands were quiet and uneventful as usual... nothing ever happened, everyone played outside on the beach and the only way you could ever get out of that place was to look up at the sky and dream of your own adventures.... Riku looked up at the bright, starry sky... thinking of everything that had happened two years ago... wondering what would happen to this peaceful place. He then looked up at the moon that was shrouded in dark clouds and closed his eyes, letting the passing breeze cool his hot face, his long silver hair shining in the dim moonlight's rays. [B]"I wonder... we've just come back here from our long adventure[/B]," he calmly whispered to himself, [B]"..but... I still have this feeling that something is going to happen. Something that makes me want to get off this island and leave forever...."[/B] He then sighed again and climbed out of his bed and sat on the balcony of his window, gently laying his head on the wooden side and continued to look into the sky. [B]"Hey Riku!"[/B] Riku gasped softly and looked down, only to see the brown-spikey haired Sora calling to him from below, still wearing his black attire. [B]"Sora? What the hell are you doing up?!"[/B] Sora grinned a big grin and pointed at the direction of the beach being overlapped by the waves. [B]"I couldn't sleep... and I thought you would be awake too. So... you wanna sit down in front of the ocean?"[/B] [B]"Well... I don't know. I mean, we always do that everyday, anyways."[/B] [B]"But the waves are more special when you look at them in the moonlight!"[/B] Sora nagged, really wanting to see the ocean. Riku sighed and chuckled a bit. [B]"Fine, fine. Don't throw a temper tantrum... I mean geez, how old are you?"[/B] He kneeled down on his window pane and jumped onto the sandy surface, mumbling at the slight pain in his foot. [B]"I'm younger than you, old man. So I get an excuse to act like a little kid!"[/B] He smiled again and lifted his hand out to Riku. Riku looked up at his best friend and took his hand, smiling and then giving him a small noogie. [B]"Who are you calling old man, kid?!"[/B] The two laughed and played around for a little while. Riku had finally let go of Sora, only to have him look up at the port, revealing a man in a black trenchcoat, a hood covering his face. Sora looked up at Riku with a confused look. [B]"Riku... hey what's wrong, man?"[/B] [B]"Look. Over there on the port."[/B] Sora looked towards the direction, also seeing the dark man walking on the harbor. He gasped and lifted his hand behind him, summoning his Keyblade and growling. Riku quickly gasped and held him back. [B]"Wait! Don't you see if that's one of the Organization members, they'll feel the power of the Keyb..."[/B] Suddenly, the cloaked man stopped walking and looked towards the two as if he always knew where they were. [B]"Damn! He saw us!"[/B] Riku grimaced and lifted his right hand, summoning his verson of a Keyblade, which had a red and black fin for a blade and a little angel wing coming out of the handle. He stood ready for the attacker and awaited, only thinking to himself, [B]"Is... is the same thing going to happen to us like two years ago? ....Will I have the same fate of getting lost in the... darkness?"[/B] And then, the figure slowly lifted his hand and pointed straight at Riku.... a voice coming out of the darkness... [I][CENTER]It is time... for you to see if you belong in the darkness or the light... come... and show the world how strong your heart is... and then you will truly know wether or not you are in the right place. It is time..... for a new beginning.[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]*-*-*[/CENTER] And so begins the new quest of our heros in Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Fate! Just so everyone knows.... this isn't a sequal to the Kingdom Hearts series, just something that involves almost all the characters. And also... I won't be admitting way too many people... the ones that pass are the ones who will surely get in. [CENTER][B]Cast:[/B] [IMG]http://img478.imageshack.us/img478/10/rikurp3.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img364.imageshack.us/img364/6651/soralw5.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/9544/kairikk0.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img364.imageshack.us/img364/9452/roxasen2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img478.imageshack.us/img478/6467/ansemmv8.png[/IMG] (You can either pick any of these or make your own. No one may be able to take Riku because I will be playing as him.)[/CENTER] [B]Sign-Ups:[/B] [B]Name-[/B] You may either pick a character that is able to be selected, create your own or even pick a character in the KH game series that you would like. [B]Age-[/B] Create an age for your character. [B]Side-[/B] Choose either light or darkness. [B]Story-[/B]You can make up a history talking about why your character is in this war or even talk about how he/she knows Riku. Remember, everyone must at least know Riku or something because they will all team up eventually. [B]Personality-[/B] Talk a little bit about your character. [B]Weapon-[/B] Okay... plain and simple. You may use a Keyblade from the KH games or make your own weapon. A name and descripton is needed. You may show a picture or a very nice description of your weapon would be perfect. =D [B]Magic/ Abilities-[/B] Everyone will only start with a few abilities in the beginning and when leveling up from any random fights, new spells and ablities will be learned. [B]Picture-[/B] Post a picture of a character already made or supply your own. ---------- (You must read the rules before doing anything else!!) [U][B]Rules[/B][/U] 1. After posting your sign-up, please send it to me via PM along with a post from another RP you have been in. The RP post must at least be two paragraphs long or have a nice story... something among those lines. 2. No one can be Riku. There will be Sora and Kairi in this RP, but note that they won't be the main characters in this RP... this is mainly about Riku. 3. This RP mainly shoots around the KH games, so... I suggest that you either play KH, KH II or look it up and read into it before posting. ---------- Well... that's it! I hope you all enjoy this... as I will. I will post Riku's Sign-Up after I've seen how many people have posted, also including who has joined or not. Remember... we need light and darkness people, light being good and darkness being the Organization... I will only accept a few people for both sides. Also, more about the Worlds we'll be going to and stuff when this gets started. I can't wait to see how this'll turn out. n.n [B]EDIT: [/B] I also forgot that people can be members from Organization XIII. Such as Axel, Xemnas and etc. Although, they won't be part of that anymore... for I shall make a new team or something.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. Riku


    [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Yay!! I was waiting for you to finally post some new works you produced, Blase! I'm a big fan, you know. XD Anyways, continuing on... *ahem*... [B]NaruSasu[/B]: Ahh... my fangirlishness inside me runs wild when I see this banner. I love what you've done with the whole picture and making it look like an old photograph was an awesome idea. It was also a good thing not to add any text in there because it would lose focus on the actual picture... which I luff. XD I love everything abou it except the little two lined border on the inside. I feel it just loses the focus on NaruSasu and makes me look at the lines. Next time maybe you shouldn't put those there; it'll look better without those, I think. =D [B]Bound to You[/B]: And again, I love this one a lot... mainly because of the blur you did with the picture, the pink and black border and the stroked black lines... homg I loved those so much. I just love the quote and how you zoomed into the hands and also sticking with a whole pink-like feel. Only thing is where you see Ino and Sakura's face, they're above the border and that kind of loses the professional feel, if you get what I'm saying. When you put the border around everything, it looks a lot better. Trust me... I know. :/ [B]Last Petal Gone[/B]: Well... I like this one, but it isn't my favorite out of the three here. The picture of the woman kind of looks... bland among the reds and blacks. Maybe do some color balance and hue and saturation on her face. The red border with the flowers inside is nice, which I like. And also to what you said, the text isn't all that smooth. Try downloading some more cursive fonts or maybe try so pixel fonts. As I've learned from Ezekiel, if you want to put a lot in your banner, pixel fonts are the best.. and they're cute too. XD If you would like a site as to where you want to download them, [URL=dafont.com]here's[/URL] a good place to go to. Dafont is the best for getting great fonts... like the Kingdom Hearts font! OMG I need to download that! XD Anyways.... your work is so awesome by what I've seen. I can't wait to see some more!! n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Sakura sat up and yawned, stretching and rubbing her eyes from her long slumber. She looked around the room to see if she could find Kazuwa or Dark... but they were nowhere in sight. Then, she suddenly noticed that she was covered under a blanket and a note was laying beside her. She picked up the little piece of paper and read it aloud. [I][CENTER]"Sakura, you looked so cute when you were asleep, so I didn't want to disturb you. Me and Dark went out to look around the Net Slum to see if we could find any intresting information here. When you wake up, go outside and look for us... and be careful, okay? Love, Nomura."[/CENTER][/I] Sakura laid the note down and sighed. [B]"Aw damn... I wanted to get up before them and walk around too."[/B] She scratched her head and yawned again, not really wanting to get out of bed. She'd been battling for quite sometime and she's been worried for Kazuwa on end... never really being able to rest that much. Maybe this was a chance for her to sleep in a little? After all... this was supposed to be the safest place in The World. She didn't need to worry much about Kazuwa and Dark. She slowly laid back down in the warm bed and covered herself with the blanket, slowly closing her eyes and falling back into her well-deserved slumber. --------------- [B]"Sakura.... Sakura of the Shining Abyss...."[/B] It was dark and no light was shining, but Sakura still heard a little voice echoing in the darkness.... the voice of a little girl. [B]"W... who's there?"[/B] she responded. [B]"It is I, Aura, awaiting to see if you are ready to give up everything for the one's you love..."[/B] [B]"Aura? What do you mean 'give up everything?'"[/B] [B]"In order to protect The World and everyone in it, you must give up your whole life to do it.... are you ready for when that time comes?"[/B] Suddenly, the little girl Aura appeared in front of her and softly touched Sakura's face with her soft and gentle hands. Sakura gasped, but then she looked down and sighed. [B]"Well... if it means saving all my friends.. and Dark...."[/B] she paused and continued, [B]"..And even Nomura... then I'm ready to risk anything I need to in order to keep them safe..."[/B] Aura closed her eyes and smiled a tender smile. [B]"I thought so... I'll be there when the time comes..."[/B] And then, she started to fall back... dissapearing in the dark abyss, still smiling. [B]"W..wait!! Aura-chan!" [/B] Sakura yelled, lifting her hand to reach Aura, [B]"Where are you going?! I still have to ask you about....."[/B] -------------- [B]"...Sakura? Sakura?"[/B] Sakura gasped and she opened her eyes,looking at a slightly worried Nomura laying her head in his lap and watching over her. [B]"N.. Nomura? W... what happened?"[/B] [B]"Well... while everyone else returned from our walk and went back into Kya's room trying to figure out a plan, me and Dark came up here to check up on you. You were sweating and talking in your sleep, so we watched over you for a couple of hours."[/B] Sakura then sighed and then sat up, putting her right hand on her hot forehead and slightly sweating. [B]"Did... did I say anything weird...?"[/B] Nomura put his arms around her and laid his head on her back. [B]"Not really... but it seemed as if you were struggling to reach someone."[/B] Sakura sighed a little and turned towards Nomura, gently hugging him. Then, suddenly... Dark came running from across the room and bounced into Sakura's arms, hugging her tightly. [B]"Sakura-chan! Are you okay?! I was so worried about you!"[/B] She giggled a little and embraced him in her arms. [B]"Yes... I'm okay. I just had a bad dream..."[/B] she looked over to the other side of the room, her face in worry. Nomura noticed her expression and wondered what had happened.... [B]"Oh yeah!! We found a lost little girl in the street... so we brought her here!"[/B] Dark replied. [B]"Really?"[/B] Sakura said, her face in surprise. Suddenly, a small little girl came from the other room and walked in front of the group, smiling with her hands behind her back. [B]"Hello!"[/B] Sakura gasped loudly and covered her mouth. ....Could this be.... [B]"Are you okay, Sakura?"[/B] Nomura asked, worried. [B]"I... I am... but..."[/B] she stuttered, [B]"...she almost looks like Aura-chan... and she was in my dream..."[/B] +~+~+~+~+~+~+ OoC: Okay... I hope that was a good post. I wanted to make it small yet dramatic, if you know what I mean. ;D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Kaishou looked back onto the rooftop where the strange silhouette had disspeared from, rubbing the lower part of his chin with his right hand. [B]"...Now that's not something you see everyday... first the lights are out when they're usually on...,"[/B] he then turned his face over to his team mates, his shoulder-length blue hair swaying in the wind, [B]"...and now some mysterious figure has just suddenly appeared before us. Apparently this isn't just a normal Delta player or NPC."[/B] [B]"Apparently not..."[/B] Felix replied, still looking at the rooftop, [B]"...you'd think maybe he was hiding something from us."[/B] Momo stood in the middle of the two men, having them looking down at her. [B]"Do you think maybe he had something to do with the kidnapping of Master Callipso?" [/B] she questioned, her face in worry. All the men looked at each other as if that was the most smartest thing they had ever heard in their life. [B]"Now that I think about it...."[/B] Kaishou quickly replied, [B]"Instead of that being an enemy, do you think it was Callipso trying to watch over people?"[/B] [B]"What the hell are you talking about, Kaishou?!" [/B] Aleran yelled, [B]"Why would you think that the master of everything here would...."[/B] Suddenly, as if it were magic, the lights came back on and engulfed the whole street in light. You could then see the street leading to the second district and people were once again walking it.... it was back to normal. [B]"....Okay. That was just damn weird."[/B] Felix muttered, astonished. Kaishou smirked a little and crossed his arms. [B]"Well, anyways.... as I was saying... this shrouded person could either be Master Callipso or some tough NPC boss."[/B] Aleran shrugged and grumbled. [B]"Your point being?"[/B] [B]"That this isn't someone we should be taking lightly."[/B] Momo was the first to cross the street over to the Second District. [B]"Come on, you guys! If we don't hurry, all the inns will be closed soon!" [/B] She started running a little bit and then turned around, smiling as if she was trying to cheer everyone up. [B]"Okay okay! We're coming!"[/B] Aleran yelled as he started running towards her. Felix and Kaishou smiled, nodding and walking towards them whilest they were talking. [B]"So, Kai... you seriously think the person we just saw is that important?" [/B] Felix said, his arms crossed and looking at his best friend's calm face. [B]"Well...."[/B] Kaishou responded, still looking at the stars and then at his friend,[B]"... I don't really know. I guess it's just one of those feelings you get whenever you feel something's wrong."[/B] [B]"Yeah... I kind of understand what you mean."[/B] [B]"Oh really? Like how you started spazzing over that girl that tried to flirt with you today?"[/B] Kaishou smirked and put his arm over his buddy's shoulder, lightly hitting Felix's chest and laughing. [B]"Shut up! Don't act like you're good with girls either, Kai!"[/B] Felix yelled, slightly blushing. [B]"Well... I know I've had more girlfriends than you; in the real world and in Delta."[/B] [B]"Oh? So then doesn't that make you a pimp?"[/B] [B]"H..hey!! Shut up!"[/B] Kaishou's face fluttered with red from embarassment and anger. Felix laughed and kindly punched him in the arm... sort of like a friendly handshake between the two. Kaishou put his arms around Felix's head and gave him a noogie. Both of them laughed and hurridly started over to the rest of the team. They then got together and joked amongst each other, soon forgetting about the situation at hand. +~+~+~+~+~+~+~ OoC: I hope that was okay. I didn't really know where to go with the dissapearing shadow person, so if you would like me to edit it, Lan-kun, just PM me and I would be glad to do it. Oh and btw, Lan-kun, since you wanted Kai and Felix to be friends, I sort of made it like a really friendly fight... since... you know... guys are guys, I guess. XDD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]All right! It's finally started... I've been waiting awhile for this. I can't wait to see what'll happen in this RP, Lan-kun. As you've heard me say in our AIM convo... I'm so excited. =3[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I'll have to agree with White on this one. XD Kingdom Hearts II is so addicting, it makes you want to play it every second of everyday. It kicks major *** in graphics as well as the story line. I've beaten it already, but I'm playing it over again. As for say which world has my favorite story, I must say it's [spoiler]Halloween Town. It's so awesome that you can go to Christmas Land and actually see Santa! I so cracked up when Sora was so excited to see him and said things like, "HOMG! We're going to see Santa?! Yay! I hope I'm on his good list!!"[/spoiler] And I'm like, "Sora.. aren't you older than that?" XD But he's so cute when he acts all innocent and crap. XDD But for my favorite world, I must say it has got to be [spoiler]The World That Never Was. The whole scene is based on dark and moody,while Heartless pop everywhere at your mercy. So many bosses there and hot Organization XIII guy members... ho yes. That world was just plain sexy and hot.... loved all the hard bosses and the movies.[/spoiler] As a n00b would say... that world was t3h S3X!!1!!11!one XDDD So hot. XD Of course, Sora is awesome, but Riku is even hotter. I want to just hug him and pet his hair. *braids Riku's hair*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]OoC: Ooohh... okay. I didn't get to watch the series that much, so I didn't know... but I'm glad it's ok. n.n And Nomura...Cardcaptor no Ai? Lol Cardcaptor of Love?! That was so random... XD [B]Sakura was the first to step out of the portal into the Net Slum. She looked around in wonder at all the other people here, trying to keep safe as they were. There were many places for people to stay, stores, shops... everything as in the World... except for all the moderators chasing after them. She sighed and removed the black hoodie from her face, looking towards everyone else. "Well... I guess this is the safest place we can be right now, right?" Everyone removed their hoodies, Nomura was the first to nod back at her reply. "Yeah... we have to stay here and hatch a plan to get back without being captured and being invalid from The World forever." He looked down at the little Dark, holding his hand and swinging it back and forth, smiling. Dark looked up at him, smiling a little. But Sakura smiled and walked over to scoop him up in her arms, acting as if he was her own child. "Aww Dark... what made you change into this human form?" She asked, holding him in her grasp. But before Dark could answer to her reply, Kya had stepped forward... having a serious look in her eyes. "That'll have to wait until we find a place to stay among these ruins... we can't stay here for long..." Clipper looked at her, a little surprised, "But.. I thought this place was safe from mods?" "It should be... but you can never be too safe..." Kya started walking towards the nearest motel, putting on her hoodie as she walked. As everyone followed her lead, Sakura, Nomura, Kelac and little Dark stayed behind. Kelac crossed his arms and chuckled a bit. "What's up, Kelac?" Nomura asked him, wondering what he was laughing about. "I think Kya's a little cute when she acts so serious like this, " he replied, smiling handsomely. Nomura stared at him a little and then laughed. "So.. you like her?" "Maybe... I mean, she's got all the things I find in a woman.. and maybe more." "Huh... sounds like you've found someone close..." Nomura looked over at Sakura playing around with a smiling Dark. He looked down and chuckled a bit, " I... I hope I can protect the one that's left close to my heart...." Kelac layed his hand softly on his shoulder, smiling and nodding. "Well, so far what I've seen... you're doing the best damn job ever." Nomura smiled. Suddenly, Clipper ran over to the group. "Hey! Come on, guys! We've got rooms to split up into different groups!" ---------------- Everyone had gone into their rooms for the night, split into different groups. Kelac and Juno in one room, Kya and Clipper in another... and Nomura, Sakura and Dark in a big suite just for them because they had more people in a room. The three of them were sitting on a couch in the living room in front of a blazing fire. Nomura and Sakura were still awake, while Dark was laid out on the couch, sleeping on Sakura's lap. "Aww... he looks even more cute when he's asleep..." Sakura whispered quietly, stroking Dark's long black hair with her right hand while laying her head on Nomura's shoulder. "Yeah... I guess..." he replied, laughing a little, putting his hand around her. "Come to think of it... he looks kind of like... you." "You think so?" "Yeah. When you were really little.." she snickered a bit. "Sakura... about kids..." he paused. She looked up at him. "Well... I was thinking.. that... well.... we could..." "Have a family?" she said, smiling. He looked down at the couch, blushing. She giggled a little and kissed him on the lips lovingly. "You know... after I saw Dark... I was thinking the same thing..." She closed her eyes slowly and laid her head on his shoulder, wondering what their future would be like as soon as they got The World back to normal...[/B] +~+~+~+~+~ OoC: Yeah... this is so lovey dovey, I know... but I think it's so cute!! >w
  11. [QUOTE=Boo][size=1]Now here's a next one: [b]MYMALIKESU[/B]. :) [/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]My Yoshi Molests All Lambs In Kentucky Except Stinky Undergarments Because I always used to hate Yoshi and all lambs in Kentucky deserve to be molested, I made him do it. As for the stinky undergarments... I dunno. Don't ask. =3 Yay Mine: ROFLMAO[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well... I have the Fruits Basket anime collection and all the mangas up to date from volumes 1 through 13 so... it's been a rough ride between me getting them all and the problems going on between Tohru and the Zodiac Curse. :/ I would have to say that I am a bit fustrated over the way Takaya-san always leaves you hanging just when you wanted to figure something out... especially when it's talking about something important to the series plot. The latest plot I'm really obssessed with is with the end of Volume 13, where [spoiler]Nabe-kun tells Yuki that he's intrested with Tohru and especially Yuki. Also dealing with that, Hanajima says that she's seen Tohru with Nabe somewhere in her life.[/spoiler] I read back on all the past volumes, but couldn't find anything.... so I guess I'll have to wait until the future volumes come out.. T^T I hate it but also love it when that happens. Furuba is a series that deals with every inner emotion you have in your body. All the characters make you feel as if you want to comfort them in any way possible because of their past hurts. The Sohma's particularly have no freedom because of the curse... and that makes me love it even more. Also, with the romance between almost everyone (lol), humor around every corner, sadness and pain in almost every chapter... and anything else you can think of. If you're looking for an action packed manga with a good plot, Fruits Basket is a good place to start. And by the way.... the hot guys addict me, too. Specially [spoiler]Kureno[/spoiler] and Hatori.. :3--[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Wow.. uh sorry it took me so long to make this banner for you! I've just been so lazy with all the crap that's been going on. =P Anyways, hope this meets the standards. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/RoyB.png[/IMG] Avi is on the way, but if you want anything changed just tell me, kay? o.~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Just so you know, Lan-kun... Haku's a guy. =3--- Yeah... It took me awhile to get that through my head, too. Anyways... Ah, yes... Haku-chan's wonderful bishiness... oh how I luff thee. XD Anywho, very nicely done, White. The scanlines were indeed a very nice touch. The font you used for the text is very sexy at best, but it just seems so white. Maybe add another touch or two to the font colour? As for the stocks, I agree with what Lan said for being great. And I also agree that I see some things messed a little with his hair. Although it might be part of the picture, but I just thought I should point it out again. And as for the coloured part of Haku, it, too, seems so bland... as if you didn't really do anything to it. Maybe hype up the Hue/Saturation a bit? Or add some colour balance? Anyways, very lovely. I expeect to see more Haku pieces soon. >:3[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][B]Sakura kept slashing at the monster with all her might melted into her sword, but it just didn't seem to work. She screamed and yelled battle cries as if they would also help with the damage, but.... it just didn't work! "How the hell are we supposed to defeat these monsters if they always get healed everytime we attack?!" she screamed, bouncing back towards the group. Kya had called Nomura over a little bit earlier, asking him what they should do. "Nomura... these things only seem to be getting stronger everytime we attack them...." "I know..." Nomura replied angrily, looking at the monsters and the others still fighting. "There must be some sort of cheating code added to them..." "But... isn't there some way we can break it?!" Sakura replied hastily, "I mean.. the monsters might be rejuvinated, but we can't last that long!" "I don't know how to break it..." Nomura grunted, thinking about all the possible solutions but nothing good coming to mind. Suddenly, Kelac and Clipper were hit and flew towards the group, falling a few meters away and landing on the floor. Kelac was the first to get up on his knees, wiping the glowing digital blood from his mouth. "Damn... those things are tough bastards..." He then ran back over for another chance, only to come flying back and hitting his back hard against the wall. Both Kya and Sakura ran over to him, only to be holding an mildly unconcious warrior in their arms. "Dammit!" Sakura yelled, anger fluttered all over her face, "Don't they realize that they're actually hurting real people?! This isn't just a game!!" Kya looked down at Kelac, wondering what they should do next... until, she saw the blood from his mouth glowing. "Blood... blood.... that's it!" She gasped and looked up at Sakura. "Sakura.... blood is the answer to kill those things once and for all!" Sakura looked up at Kya, confusion written all over her face. Nomura also joined the two's conversation. "What? Are you actually serious..." "Why would I be joking at a time like this!? When you both were gone, we had to fight off some other monsters that the administrators gave us. I was bleeding and when I said a certian word or phrase, they died automatically...." "Really?! But.. how do we know what to do?!" Sakura replied. "I don't know.. but I have a strong feeling that only you and Nomura can do it this time... not me..." "But how are we supposed to..." "Sakura! Nomura! Watch out!" Clipper yelled from behind them. Both looked behind them, only to see both monster's huge claws scratching them both and pounding them hard against the concrete wall, large amounts of digital blood running down from their wounds. And then suddenly... as if nothing ever happened, they both stood up in front of the monsters, the blood still falling... but their eyes looked as if they were hypnotized and they were holding hands. "What the hell..." Juno said, running towards the two, but Kya lifted her hand, holding them back. "This might be...." she said silently, "...the power of the two most famous .hackers in The World... Aura and Tsukasa..." Everyone looked up at the two, watching to see what would happen. And with such good luck, Kelac slowly awoke and saw them... but didn't do anything but watch. The two looked up hazily at the monsters, who were still growling and slobbering, ready to attack again. Suddenly, bright white and blue angel wings sprouted from their backs, adorning the whole hospital with white, angelic light. Sakura was the first to speak... [I][CENTER]"It is time... for the light to shine back and lead the lost flock back to the purest green meadow. It is time for the darkness to run away and the wolves to hide back in their secrets. Time for love to find it's way through the creases of night."[/CENTER][/I] And then Nomura spoke... [I][CENTER]"The world's sadness will never end, but there will be a time where everyone will be happy. Some people may have never kown love, but when the time comes... they will feel love's ever lasting gift. It is time for love to find it's way towards the people."[/CENTER][/I] And then they spoke together, their wings lifting and shining brightly. [I][CENTER]"And now it is time for you to feel the wrath of th light, unleashing the power of loved ones and hushing at the scilence of darkness... it is time to destory the demons of the night..."[/CENTER][/I] Then suddenly, the Behemoths ran towards the two and jumped, opening their mouths and readying to bite heads. [I]"Tsubasa no Ai..." [/I] Is the last thing the couple spoke, their eyes widened but still had a hypnotized look. And then... before the monsters could even attack, they froze and suddenly digitized... numbers and letters flying to an unkown abyss. After the monsters were gone, the two fell down towards the floor, the wings closing back up and the light returning to it's normal state. The whole group ran over to them. "Sakura! Nomura!" Kya yelled first, still astonished by what she had just seen. Sakura and Nomura both got on their hands and knees, waking up from their short slumber. "Wha... what happened?" Sakura said, her hand on her head. She fell a little bit forward, but Kya catched her before she could fall. "Something... miraculous just happened..." Kya replied smiling. Kelac had helped Nomura up on his feet and Kya did the same with Sakura. Clipper and Juno walked over to the two, their mouths in awe and also agape. "You.. you mean... you don't remember what happened?" Clipper said, astonished. "Well.. no but..." Sakura looked down at her chest, looking to where her heart was and gently placed her right hand over it. "... I remember hearing a small and soft voice coming from my heart... telling me to trust her with everything. And now... my heart feels so.. warm..." Nomura nodded and also placed his hand over his heart. "Mine too...." Kelac thought for a bit before he spoke. "Maybe.... maybe you both are connected to the most famous characters... Tsukasa and Aura..." The two looked up at him. "I don't know if they were lovers or whatever.." he replied, "...but I do know they loved each other very much..." Sakura then looked at Nomura who also looked at her. They both smiled. "Well... maybe you two will be the next legendary .hackers, no?" Kya said, still astonished but also happy.[/B] +~+~+~+~+~ OoC: Wow... I know I posted a lot, but I thought this would be a cool twist. Uhm... I dunno if Tsukasa and Aura even knew each other much less loved each other... but oh well... I just did what I thought. If this doesn't meet the standards, just tell me and I'll change it. =3[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][B]Real Name[/B]: Touji Satori [B]Age[/B]: 17 [B]Delta Name[/B]: Kaishou Setsaki [B]Delta Age[/B]: 20 [B]Team Name[/B]: Alpha Delta Beta [B]Class[/B]: Warrior [B]Player Rank[/B]: [B]Weapon[/B]: [URL=http://www.gungfu.com/pics_general/pics_swords/swords_fantasy_sword_of_darkness.jpg]Bushido[/URL] (But instead of having a skull on the end of the handle, it's a dragon's head.) - It is worn on a leather-like belt tied around his chest and hanging on his back. It may seem big and heavy, but whenever he needs to he wields it with ease. Glows blue whenever he's in battle. [B]Personality[/B]: Touji practically made Kaishou to act just like him: calm and cool, never worrying or losing his temper. He always acts serious even when trouble is among him and his team mates. Although, even though he acts tough and manly, his closest friends know that he has a soft and loveable side to him, making him a very likeable person. He's the type of person to think before he acts and always has a plan even in the worst of situations. He might seem cool and simple, but when his team or other friends are in trouble or his enemy is near, he changes into a different person and unleashes the true warrior within him. [B]Abilities/ Magic[/B]: [B][U]Unforgetable Nightmare[/U][/B]- Kaishou unsheaths his sword and holds in front of his face. Then, it ignites on blue fire and grows big with how angry he is. Then, Kaishou runs towards the enemy at high speed and unleashes dozens of sword fighting combs all over the enemy. At the end, he points Bushido at the wounded enemy and yells "Ryu no Pyro! (Dragon of Fire... :P) and large blue and red flames fly towards the enemy in the form of a dragon opening it's mouth and engulfing the opposing team in flames. [B]Picture[/B]: [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/adb02.png[/IMG][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]That's true.. I totally forgot about that part. :/ So... I guess it's almost the end. So we can either do that in the next .hack RP or just forget about it. Those hot springs sounded so good. >x
  18. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]OKAY! XD So, now we've got things running smooth and steady at the moment and I hope it'll stay that way until we've finished. :3 I luff the way the story's going so far... full of drama and all that crap. XD Any ideas that could make the plot more... dramatic? And by the way.. I've been meaning to ask.... are we ever going to the Winter Hot Springs? I was assigned to control that area but we haven't gotten there yet. Should we just end the story soon or drag it on a little bit more? I'm a bit anxious to see what'll happen between all our characters... specially your's and mine, Kazuwa. :3[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Nomura's eyes widened a little and he pointed his right index finger towards himself. [B]"Wha... me? Seriously?"[/B] Sakura giggled a little at his expression and nodded in agreement. [B]"I agree with them, Kazuwa. I mean... this is our story... all of ours... right?"[/B] she then smiled, [B]"and who better than for you to lead it to the end?" [/B] She slowly walked over to him and hugged his arm, looking up at him with confidence. Nomura looked down at her and blushed a little, then looking back at the others. [B]"But.. why me? I mean... "[/B] he sighed slowly, [B]"I'm the one who caused all this trouble for you guys... are you sure I'm the right choice?"[/B] [B]"Pfft! Duh! Of course you are!" [/B] Clipper sighed through her gritted teeth, her arms crossed over her chest. [B] "Seriously... who else other than you can spur so much 'fun' in one moment? And besides,"[/B] she chuckled, [B]"..I've gotten a bit bored lately."[/B] [B]"You're the one who seems to know all the answers, are you not?"[/B] Juno spoke with a noble look on his face. Kya looked at the two speakers and then turned her head towards Nomura and smiled, her hands on her hips. "[B]Well... I guess that's it for the voting then."[/B] She slowly lifted her left hand and pointed a finger at him. [B]"You're our new leader... sir."[/B] Nomura loudly gulped, his whole body a little tense. But the feeling of Sakura's warm hug comforted him a little. [B]"Well... I guess if you all say so.. then... I'll be in charge from now on!"[/B] A little cheer was heard from among the group, but they were soon hushed by a nurse of the grunty hospital. [B]"But... I have no idea what to do now..." [/B] Nomura whispered to everyone. [B]"Well... how about having a little 'chat' with the administrators?"[/B] Everyone turned around, all looking at Kelac... whom everyone had not known where he had gone. Being one of his closest friends, Sakura slowly ran over to him and gave him a friendly hug. [B]"Kelac! Where've you been?!"[/B] she replied eccstatically. [B]"Well," [/B] he said laughing, patting her head, [B]"I've been looking around to see if I could collect any useful information." [/B] He then looked at Nomura and nodded. [B]"So... leader... I've found out that all the moderators are out looking for you everywhere. They're going to cast a warning for your arrest im just a few minutes."[/B] Nomura and Rikku both gasped louder than anyone. [B]"Dammit!"[/B] Kya yelled, slamming her fist against the wall, [B]"...don't those bastards ever give up?!"[/B] [B]"Well... if they did,"[/B] Clipper sighed, [B]"...then they wouldn't be mods, now would they?"[/B] Kelac sighed and crossed his arms. [B]"Well... Kya is right. They are getting a little annoying..."[/B] Hearing him agree with her, Kya's cheeks slightly tinged red. Noticing this, Sakura giggled like a little girl just learning about a new secret. Suddenly, a loud buzzing alarm sound blared throughout the whole hospital. Out of nowhere, a screen showed up in front of the group, one of the moderators appearing. [B]"So... you criminals thought you could get away from our scanners, did you?!"[/B] He laughed a loud and obnoxious laugh. [B]"Actually no," [/B] Rikku replied with a sarcastic tone in her voice, [B]"we've been here all long... becoming bored with your slow-ass actions." [/B] She hi-fived Clipper, who loved to piss the mods off. The mod grunted and lifted his hands towards the screen, summoning two Behemoths in front of the group. [B]"Well... if practical jokes are all you have to give... then let's see if you all laugh when you die!"[/B] And then, the screen dissapeared, the alarms still blaring. Kelac sighed. [B]"Leave it to the moderators to leave us with bad jokes, eh?"[/B] He pulled out his sword and stood ready to fight the monsters. [B]"Please.... they never have any good crap to spill out anyways. I say we just finish them all once and for all?" [/B] Clipper smiled as she redied herself with a bored-dissolving fight. Everyone else got ready for an attack. Sakura stood ready with her Sakura Crimson samurai sword, while Nomura stood in front of her. [B]"Sakura... are you sure you're ready to fight? I mean.."[/B] [B]"Please, Nomura. You know me better than that. Besides... I've been ready for a fight ever since I got here."[/B] She then kneeled down and jumped high over the group, her samurai sword over her head and Sakura yelling, initiating the fight. Nomura chuckled a little. [B]"That's why I love you so much.."[/B] And then he ran over to the same Behemoth Sakura was after, getting ready to punch with all his might. [B]"Please... no lovey-dovey crap alright? Before I smack those smiles right off your faces."[/B] Clipper sighed angrily. Everyone else laughed a little and sped over to begin the fight. +~+~+~+~+~+~ [B][I]OoC: Yeah... so mini-boss battle!! XD There'll be mod cops after this, just incase anyone finished this in their next post, okay? Oh.. and since I have no clue who Kelac's player is, anyone can be him. PS-Dare... would you like something to go on between you and Kelac or no? Cause I thought it would be kind of cool... but I luff romance... :d [/I][/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]One day.... I just hated the world. I hated it so much for everything it has created: drugs, rape, abuse, unloved people, hatred... everything. Then one day, I wished that the world would just die. ....And then it exploded. And mine was inspired from the Lifestream of FFVII: Advcent Children. Gawd that movie is so beautiful. I luff's it. [URL=http://artpad.art.com/?j207c71a3byg]Clicketh the Linketh[/URL] [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Alright! This sounds like so much fun... I'll have a try at it! *fighting pose* #1 I am usually very round, sometimes I bounce around. I'm found in a lot of posts, not that I like to boast. [B]Smilies.[/B] Dang.. I hope I'm right. I've been hooked with FFVII: AC for awhile and I can't think... not that that has to do with anything... >.>;[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][B]"Oh great..."[/B] Gippal groaned under his hot breath, [B]"...Let me see... should I die of being crushed by walls with huge spikes on them? Die of being some monsters dinner? Or how about both?"[/B] [B]"Gippal... how about helping me defeat this dog-breath monster, please?!"[/B] Ixi sneered as he gritted his teeth at the blonde boy. It looked as if he was having a bit of trouble while the three headed mutt kept trying to chomp at his body. Suddenly, Ixi stood up at the precise moment and yelled, [B]"Fimbulveter!"[/B] summoning a huge tornado with millions of sharp ice picks, ready to stab at Cerberus. But unfortunatly, with one sway of his three humongous heads, the wind blew the tornado away as if it were just a slight breeze in the springtime. [B]"What the...."[/B] Ixi said while his mouth was widely agape, [B]"...how the hell does my spell vanish like nothing?!"[/B] He threw a little temper tantrum, with his back turned at the dog... [B]"Ixi!! Watch out!"[/B] Gippal yelled as he was running towards the red head to tackle and move him out of Cerberus' huge paw swing. Pulling it out at the last minute, he unsheathed his giant sword and placed it in front of the paw, struggling to keep it from hitting them both. Ixi's eyes widened and he gave a little smirk at Gippal. [B]"Wow... nice skills you got there, dude. I'd say you weren't the average newbie I'd thought you were." [/B] He gave the blonde a thumbs up with his right hand. Gippal smiled and was finally happy that someone had accepted him into the group. But then, the huge dog lifted his paw again and swatted it hard against Gippal's guarding sword, sending him flying against a spiked wall. Ixi was shouting his name and tried to run over to him, but he was also sent over to a nearby wall. [B]"Ugh..."[/B] Gippal uttered under his breath and tried to stand up, but he whinced at the pain that was coming from the right side of his ribs. He looked down to see a few spikes stabbing him by his lower right side, blood dripping from his wound and also the spikes. With one hard tug, he pulled his body and fell towards the ground, his hands and knees holding his body up. He panted a little and looked towards Ixi, who was unconcious for awhile. He started to get angry and gritted his teeth, a new flame ignited in his fighting spirit. He reached his left hand over a little to grab his fallen sword and stood in his fighting pose, readying himself. Out of nowhere, his sword Blue Inferno had glown blue and fire started swirling around it. Then, he started running over to the beast, yelling as he ran. The dog heard him running and turned his mouth over to him, ready to bite. Gippal jumped up and bounced off his nose, holding his sword over his head. [B]"Unlimited Rage!"[/B] he suddenly yelled and then started hitting different sword combos at the dog's head, his blade and arms flying as if it was only in one swing. Kaiser whistled as he watched Gippal's mad sword combos. [B]"Damn... are you sure this is a newb, Juan?"[/B] he said as he fought the other monster, [B]"...cause he's pretty damn good."[/B] Juan chuckled a little and focused on fighting the monster. [B]"I'd say he finally saw real blood and grew into an actual fighter."[/B] ~+~+~+~+~+~+~ OoC: Woo I love battle scenes! I hope this was okay, because I referred the Cerberus to that of KH. =D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Gah, I just know someone else is going to have your set ready today, but I'm a bit busy... so that just won't happen in my case. >.>; Anyways, if you give me a chance, I would luff to make this set for you. I mean, it's got the loveable Mustang in it... what more can I ask for? XD Anyways, I also wanted to ask before I started... would you mind if I also added an alchemy circle in there? That way, it's more... alchemic... I guess. :/ Also, if I can't find a flamey font... would you mind if I used something more interesting? Because I have a few in mind that I think you would like. Well, if you do answer these, it would be most great. If not, I'll just start on my own version of your set tonight or either early tomorrow and I promise you'll get it before the end of tomorrow, the latest. So yeah... that's me.. the slacker. XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Ah yes... all kinds of different Japanese music are my favorites because I just love the words and the whole feeling when you listen to it. Kind of like it teaches you something about life or whatever. XD I might have to say I like it a little more than American music. *Gets kicked and her American rights taken away* XDD Well, I mostly love songs by Utada Hikaru because she has such a lovely voice and the softness and roughness of the different sounds in her music attracts me. Also... because her songs are on the KH games!! XD Some other bands I love are Orenji Renji, UNDO, L`Arc~En Ciel, T.M. Revolution and way more. I guess I'm pretty obssessed with it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well, I guess the most recent gaming moment I've had was when I had beaten Kingdom Hearts II. I've had that game since forever, but school's always been in the way, so I just recently played it again over the summer. I rushed through it just so I could get to finish it, but I think I should've savored it... ;-; One of them was when you always thought it would be Riku and then I would get so mad because it was always another Organization XIII member. Everytime I had to fight against that certian member, I always gave it my all. XD [spoiler]ANYWAYS, finally you see Kairi and Riku, right? Or a cloak covered guy that we all think is Riku. Anyways, Kairi goes in and takes off his hoodie and I'm all close to the screen ready to see Riku, until suddenly you see... Ansem![/spoiler] My mouth was wide open and I was like, "...WTF?! You freak! WHERE'S MY RIKU?!" XDD Needless to say, I was very dissapointed, but then when they explained it later, I was like, "Oh yeahhh..." And then I got to see Riku, which I was good after that. My god the tears were flowing.. >.>; But anyways, I loved the final boss battles. I loved the fact that it was more tough than the boss in KH and that I needed to pay attention to when the triangle button appeared. When I was fighting the first final boss, I was like, "Sweet! After this, I'm finally done with KH II!!" But then, after the final three kept coming over and over... I was ready to beat that guy's head in and scream bloody murder. Nonetheless, when he finally gave in and was defeated, I was a little happy, but also sad, muttering, "Aw... don't die.. I'm sorry!" But it was totally worth it to see the ending movie and all it's glory. I cried over that sucker! It was so sad but also cute. Well, I have way more moments dealing with KH II, but those were my favs. My sister was watching me the whole time and she laughed at all my expressions. I loved that game and I'll always have those moments close to me. Bwahaha... envy me, for I am emotionally emo when it comes to my games. XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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