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Everything posted by Riku

  1. Riku


    [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Wow, Blase... I can see that you've used Photoshop before because I love the way you extruded some parts in the banner... it's very nice and I would also love to know how you did it. XD Anyways, something to say... I really love the way you focused on the picture of Ritsuka's eye and kind of worked around it. The graining kind of loses the focus of the whole picture, though... but it also feels as if it adds to it, too. Kind of like a good and bad thing? Lol I don't know. I'm not good at pointing out what's wrong with it. :/ Although I do have a good tip: next time, try to add a little more brightness to the picture and add something more to catch someone's eye. I mean, Ritsuka is just plain sexy, yo... show him off by making him more sexy!! XD But really Blase... I'm very anxious to see more of your work. Maybe one day you could make a banner for me? That would be so awesome. =D Anywho, I'm your fan right now and I want to see some more!! *Is your fan and friend* XD And btw, I didn't say this.. but One: that banner is really lovely. And two: Thanks for crediting me on your banner. I made it just for you. ~.O ~
  2. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior][img]http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/7664/quell4rf.jpg[/img] His name is Quell Danjer. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=54137]CLICK HERE[/URL] to see information on him (see my first post for the profile). He's a space bounty hunter from The Boss and my series [b]The Bounty[/b]. :) Have at him.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Sweetness! I claimeth him! *Claims the cool bounty hunter* I hope you don't mind that I make him more... pretty, DW. That's just the way I deaw guys, lol. Well, I'll edit within 24 hours!! ^o^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Ezekiel: Oh my gosh you made him look so sexy. His hair is so... green... *hugs and pets Rei* I love the chick, too. I think it's supposed to be me clinging to him. :O Thanks, Zeke. n.n Aw snap I would love to claim it, but I don't think we can do it twice in a row. :/ Ah well... I would love to get one of Zeke's characters. I just wanted to say that this thread is the awesomeness. It's great how you get to see other people draw your character in their own style, you know? ^^ Kick a**, yo.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Yeah, I totally agree with you , GTK. I mean, maybe leave it somewhere so it doesn't dissapear later on. I mean, I like looking at the old pics!! ^^ Anyways, here's my version of Delta's sexy man. I got lazy, so... mwahahaha. n.n; [IMG]http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/8439/delta5le.png[/IMG] Hope it's good. And here's my character, Rei. He's sort of ditzy so... lol. [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/34808829/]Rei Here.[/URL] [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Delta][IMG']http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/genkai-haretsu2.jpg[/IMG][/quote] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well, since a little argument has been going on and no one has claimed Delta-oneechan's sexy man (lol), I guess I'll claim it and have it done in 24 hours or less! *Sneaks in like a Ninja and takes teh sexy man for awhile* X3[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE=White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma] I'd say the ability to seduce any women I wanted, but I already have that power.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Don't worry, White.... I mean, heck, you've already swayed me! *wink wink* XD Anyways, moving on before I get smacked.... >.>; I would totally love to have the power of manipulating ice or fire. It just seems like so much fun controlling fire and make random forests burn or controlling ice and freezing anything I please. It just seems like fun stabbing bad guys with huge ice picks or burning them. Fun fun fun. ^^ *Is a crazy girl* ~
  7. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]It seemed as if the trio had been waiting for years just for someone to "drop in" so that they could get a start on their quest. Apparently, they couldn't move on until they had another team to venture into the maze with the three.. . or so the riddle in the inscription said. Gippal was sitting down on the jello-y like substance that they were standing on, sighing. He crossed his arms and sighed even more, as if sighing would make the time fly by even faster... ....But apparently all it did was make Juan Feng even more mad than what he needed. "[B]Will you shut up and stop with all that sighing?![/B]" he growled through his teeth. "[B]I'm sorry[/B]," Gippal grunted, "..[B]but I don't understand why we have to wait just because we don't have enough people[/B]." He stood up and walked around, looking for any sign of "cheating the system". He went over to a nearby wall and touched it slightly with his right hand. "[B]I mean.. can't we just sneak our way through or something?[/B]" he said again, looking at Ixi. "[B]Please, newbie....[/B]" Ixi sighed under his breath, already tired of all the nagging questions, "[B]Did you not see what just happened to my beautiful face?![/B]" He pointed at the little scar on his cheek. "[B]Psh, please...[/B]" Juan mocked, "...[B]as if we're all going to die just because your dodging skills suck ass.[/B]" Ixi narrowed his eyes towards the man and grunted, then looking back at Gippal. "[B]Anyways... try to break the rules, and you'll break more than just a couple of bones.[/B]" Gippal sighed and took another look at his surroundings. "[B]But... can't we just find a way out of here?[/B]" he nagged, "..[B] I mean I sure as hell don't want to stay here for the rest of my life.[/B]" Juan Feng suddenly walked over to Gippal and punched him hard in the face, causing the newbie to go flying back and slamming against the wall. "[B]Will you just shut the hell up?![/B]" he scowled, "[B]Your whining is giving me a pain in my ass![/B]" Gippal sat up and wiped the blood that was dripping down his lip. Ixi tried to keep Juan from going any further, although he did think it was a little funnny and totally worth it. "[B]Come on, Mr. 'I get pissed off in a second'! Give him a break! I mean I totally understand....[/B]" He looked at Gippal for awhile, "[B]... but I kind of agree with Juan, here. Maybe you need to... grow up a little?[/B]" Gippal responded with a sorrowful yet understanding look. "[B]I know... it's just... I'm not used to this...[/B]" he said, sighing, "..[B] I mean, this is only my second time logging in...[/B]" "[B]Well... I sure as heck understand,[/B]" Ixi said, laughing, "[B]I mean, heck, if I was a n00b and this was only my first time... I would probably be screaming like a little girl![/B]" Juan interrupted, "...[B]and you still do that today[/B]." "[B]Anyways[/B]...." Ixi continued after glaring at Juan, "[B]I totally understand,but maybe[/B]..." he went over towards Gippal to help him up, "....[B]you need to act more... not.. like a newbie. You know... act more seasoned and depressed like Juan![/B]" He cracked a smile. Gippal smiled back, nodding. "[B]Yeah... I'll try to act a little more dignified[/B]." "[B]You sure as hell better because you're not going to slow me down. I'll leave you to die if I have to[/B]..." Juan turned around to stand at another spot. Ixi went over to Gippal's ear and whispered while pointing at Juan, "[B]He doesn't really mean that. In his own language... he's saying 'Welcome to the Team.'[/B]" Gippal smirked a little. -+-+-+-+- OoC: I couldn't really type anything else, just waiting for someone to drop in. XD Lol and I'll try not to make Gip such a n00b. He'll be more dignified and brave from now on. n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I didn't really make an avi for this request, so... if you want one, just ask. :P [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Naruto.png[/IMG] I really only did this thread because it had Hinata in it... if you want even more people to reply, then you might want to give conditions or else you might not get squat. No offense, but that's the truth. This forum is serious, yo. :D
  9. Riku

    PlayStation 3

    [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]As many people have probably said before, when I do get my own PS3, I'll have to wait until the price goes down because I'm he person that asks for donations from my parents! And I'm trying to be more responsible... I guess. :P Anyways, I'm hoping that you'll be able to play PS and PS2 games on it because if it did, I would be able to sell my PS2 (though I don't want to.. ;-;) and then save money to buy it. It's more easier that way instead of having two of almost the same systems. Although the only reason why I would like to get a PS3 is because of the FF games. I mean, Square Enix is following Sony and I love them so much, so yeah... I'll be like the cool people. XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]When I was [B]CloudsOnly189[/B], I was new here and I guess I wanted it to be known that I like Final Fantasy and video games. I wanted to be known better around here and make some friends. My posting quality wasn't all the wonderful, hence having some beat-downs by moderators. I didn't really care how I wrote as long as my idea was known. Now that I'm [B]Keyblade Wielder[/B], my postings have gone way better and I almost know everyone here, but especially in the Art Studio. I'm now a graphic artist and I help people whenever they need it. I try to be nice to people as long as they follow the rules and (almost) everyone around here knows me for making their banners. lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well, I got mentioned twice! W00tness! I feel so popular. ;-; [B]Ezekiel[/B]- I almost freaked when I got to talk to her because I felt inferior, but once I got to know her, she was really nice. She's also a great drawer. Maybe when I meet her, she can me with some drawing tips? XD [B]Retribution[/B]- to show him that I'm not a complete n00b at graphics. Seriously... he's nice... but he makes fun of me. ;-; [B]White[/B]- we have random conversations and he's a total sweetie. I luff him no matter what. :3 [B]Kazuwa Nomura[/B]- this guy right here is my number one fan and I love him. He's always there, we always talk and he always supports my graphics. I thank him so much. *hugs* [B]Delta[/B]- just because she's jsut freaking awesome. And anyone else if I forgot. Gomen. n.n;[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][I]This is my reflection. My painful past, my happy memories, my thoughts, my ideas.... my everything. Sometimes I feel as though I am nobody when I see my reflection. I wanted to be someone else and not become a boring person. But then I realized that I was special and different from everyone else.... ....and then... I died.[/I] It was something that I thought fit it. :P [URL=http://artpad.art.com/?j1j1p9zm05s]Mine.[/URL][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Lol ok sure! I'll get around that tomorrow though... cause I'm dead tired. X.x I'll have it in by tomorrow![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I wanted to say that I was sorry for not making your other banner. I totally forgot!! But I see jigglyness made a great set for you so... everything's ok! Anyways, I saw this and I wanted to make it up to you, so... ta dah!! [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Welcome.png[/IMG] I hope it's okay. I didn't know which font to use, so I used this grungey cool type. Oh gosh and I love the circles and different patterns. I think it's so neat! XD Well, I hope it's to your liking and if you want anything else just ask, ok, friend? :3 *bows*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Gippal was lost. He was walking around the plaza, hoping to bump into someone who looked of the helpful sort. This was only his second time in this new world and he was totally lost at what he should do. Looking helpless, he wandered around the plaza amongst the crowds of people. "[B]Wow... I guess it'll be pretty easy to bump into anyone around here, huh?[/B]" he whispered to himself. He lurked around the shadows until he found a building with a sign hanging. [B]"Huh... Wind Faction..." [/B] he spoke outloud, [B]"...I wonder if this is where I have to go to get help?"[/B] Gippal walked inside the large and roomy hall. He saw a lot of people crowding around different areas talking about "missions" and "trade". He then took a deep breath and tapped a random person on the shoulder. [B]"What?!" [/B] the mean faced man replied, seemingly irritated. [B]"Uhm.. uh.."[/B] Gippal stuttered, [B]"uh.... is... is this where I can sign up for missions and stuff?"[/B] He made a half- cheeky grin, hoping to calm the man down. [B]"Duh! This is the place! What are you, new?"[/B] [B]"Well..."[/B] he looked down, [B]"..actually, I am."[/B] The man laughed and sneered. [B]"Well... I ain't about to help a no-good, useless newbie... so scat before I hurt you!"[/B] As the man turned around to look for more missions, Gippal looked around... wondering to find anyone that would help him on a journey... friends to accompany him. Suddenly, a finger tapped his shoulder. Gippal turned around to see a smiling, red-haired man in blue robes. [B]"Uhm.. hey are you lost? You even smell new..."[/B] Gippal gave a confused look. [B]"Well... yeah.. I am a bit lost..."[/B] The mysterious man smiled and nodded. [B]"Well... no matter. My name's Ixi and I'm of the Wind Faction, of course."[/B] He lifted his right thumb and pointed at a gloomy man sitting on the couch, [B]"And that emo guy over there is Juan Feng, a Wind Faction fighter. And... you are?" He lifted his hand to shake Gippal's.[/B] Gippal smiled and gladly took his hand. [B]"I'm Gippal... a Fire Warrior."[/B] -+-+-+-+-+-+- OoC: I hope it's okay that I did this, Ezekiel and Ikillion. I didn't know how to start and everyone else seemed like they were ready to go on an adventure already, so... >.
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I know I've seen that picture from an anime somewhere... but it's been so long... ;-; I'm just guessing.... but is it [B]Devil Hunter Yoko?[/B] I don't know how to spell her name... I hope it counts!! >.
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Before I say anything, I'm really glad you made a thread like this, Dare. It's great for people who want to talk about what they would like to see in future video games and such. ^^ [QUOTE=Dare][size=1]This is really good. I'm getting so many ideas for games and the such. When you guys say gameplay, can you give an example of a game which battle system/gameplay so I can understand what exactly you're meaning. Twists in the storylines do keep you on your toes. Do you like characters that you can relate to easily or someone you want to learn about? What kind of environments (worlds/fantasy/sci-fi) do you like better? [/size][/QUOTE] Well, for the first question, I would say something that I can be more involved in instead of just waiting for my turn and pressing buttons. For example, the Kingdom Hearts II battle system is more involved as how you have to press the triangle button to get more cool moves and such. Something that is more than just button smashing would be good. If my fingers do hurt after I play a video game for a certian time, I want it to be because I was more involved instead of just smashing buttons for no random reason, if that makes sense. >.>; For the second question, I would say that I like both choices. Any video game that I can really relate to the characters feelings or even when I find out something about their past rerally makes me feel closer to that game, which I want to see what happens next. Yes... I am very emotional about the characters in video games, but... if you feel that way, doesn't it mean that the video game is actually worth the suffering? As for worlds, I would say more fantasy and realistic are my type, like Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts. Like say, the place you are in looks just like a country in the real world, but there's so many unrealistic things in it... such as strange creatures or whatever, you know? Something like that really grasps my attention to the detail.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Wow.. this is so weird. I remember a long time ago that you answered a request for me... CloudsOnly189, remember? X3 Lol. Anyways, I really liked the stock, so I reply to this thread saying I'll have it by later today. This is so freaky... o.o[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Okay! These are awesome and they hep me out a lot! I'll get your set done by tomorrow, okay? ^^ Oh, and it's no prob. n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I would totally love to make this for you, Damphir... but maybe you could post pictures so that I could either use them or know what I'm looking for? Because, to be blunt.. I have a zilch idea on what you're talking about. o-o I would like to do this for you, though! =D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Without dragging this on too long, this pains me to only vote for one out of these two beautifully made pieces. Alas, it must be done. u.u, My vote goes to.... [B]Ezekiel[/B]. [B]sakurasuka[/B]- your piece is just beautiful. It's so calm and loud at the same time, not to mention cute. ^^ The lightness of the pinks and darkness of the oranges work and blend really well together and not to mention the very awesome border. The whole stock is simply wonderful and I totally fell in love with the creativeness of the vectoring and splatters. The little face by the text kicks arse as well. XD The thing I have a problem with is... well, the font for the whole saying. I know you've already pointed this out, but it just doesn't go well with the whole piece. And the stock just doesn't go with the whole Art-sy theme, I guess. Even though music is art... but whatever. But truly, this is just amazing... watercolours, you say? I'm absolutely stunned. Beautiful job, my friend. *cries and hugs you* ;-; [B]Zeke[/B]- the thing that got me when I first saw it was the wonderful brightness of this piece! The colours work oh so well together and it just.... screams in loudness and colour. Which I hope makes sense... >.>; Anyways, the stock went so well with the Art quote... Ebisu's like, "WTF?!" XD I love the way you made the text white and glow with orange. It's all placed in a very neat fashion and it just pops out at you with it's orangey goodness. I totally adore the stripe background... it's so beautiful and it's a hore... I'm telling you cause it's so shmexy! =D The font you used for the Art Studio and all the different artists was very stunning. And also when you Overlayed (I think =/) all of it with the background.... I just fell in love with it. *hugs and pets it* :3 The thing I don't like is the red border around the whole thing. I mean, you've got a pink and orangey thing going here... the red just... sticks out a little. And the pink stroke around Ebisu... not loving it for some reason. *pokes the crap out of the line* In other words, fantastic job on this piece, my friend, Zeke. I really love the ink splatters that you made by hand! It's all so wonderful and cute. Pixels really are dears, aren't they? Well, beautiful job again, sakurasuka and Ezekiel. You both definitely deserve to win. I just wish there was two 1st places instead of one. *cries and hugs you both* ;u;[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Oh no. I really don't mind, Kura. ^^ I had a lot of fun making the other one, so this one wasn't that bad.... I think it's actually more... better than the other set. XD Anyways, I took what you said to heart and made it to what your specific needs were (I think). There's some parts that are still a little light blue because I made the picture darker and the tweaking that I did actually affected everything else, so.... but I think it still looks good. [U][B]Banner:[/B][/U] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/CloudB2.png[/IMG] Hope it's to your liking this time. Couldn't do everything that I did in the other banners, but I tried. n.n; Hopes you likes! =D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Hee hee... thanks Illusion and Dream. I really appreciate you commenting and complementing on my work. Yeah, the second word of "Rain" was supposed go with the falling effect, but... with my shakey hands... meh. -_- Anywho... another vector, as promised and wanted! XD This time... something a little more... difficult. For me anyways... [CENTER][IMG]http://img501.imageshack.us/img501/1299/dream6ei.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Once again, I mostly used the pen tool, copying and rotating. It took me awhile, but I really adore it. I love the fading sqaures by "Being Free" and the squares haning from the clouds. Vectoring is so neat. :3 Oh and also... more banners that I made! I've been into the graphics mood. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/CloudA-1.png[/IMG] This is my most favorite avi.. =D [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/CloudBcopy.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/LovelessB.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/RobotBcopy.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/LeeB.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/CloudAndKadaj.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/SoraB.png[/IMG] BTW, if you would like to use these, PM me first and I'll make an avatar if you would like one. Once again, thank you for looking and leaving comments. I use them all to grow into a better artist. n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I saw this request at school when we finished our exam and wanted to do it, but I couldn't get around to it because I didn't have my laptop. >.>; Needless to say, Zeke's set is amazing, and I can only try to make it almost as good as hers. n.n Anyways, I'll work on it and have it up by today, if you don't mind waiting. Lol I haven't even seen AC yet, but I love Kadaj, Cloud, Vincent and Sephiroth. >w< EDIT: Finally finished it... and I'm really proud of it. ^^ It's all pixely and dark and pretty. XD I really like it and I hope you do to. n.n Banner 1 [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/CloudB-1.png[/IMG] My compy froze and I saved it just in time, so it has no text, but I thought it looked better without it. >.
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Sweet! Finally a drawing contest in the OB! w00t! Anyways, seeing as how there's so many awesome artists, this'll be a good turnout. I can't wait to see what'll happen in this tournament... :3 Anywho.... my piccys! [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/34762890/]Rei and Todd[/URL] [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/34226422/]Future Gippal[/URL] [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/33431383/]Math Class Blues[/URL] [Watch out.. this one's big, so it'd be image heavy. >.
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