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Everything posted by Riku

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][U][B]Name:[/B][/U] Todd Saotomi [B][U]Birthday:[/U][/B] September 18, 2002 [B][U]Gender:[/U] [/B] Male [B][U]Username:[/U][/B] Gippal [B][U]Appearance: [/U] [/B] [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/34226422/]Gippal[/URL] [B][U]Faction:[/U][/B] Fire [B][U]Class:[/U][/B] Fighter [B][U]Weapon:[/U][/B] A enormous sword that he calls Blue Inferno. It has strange markings on the blade and Gippal makes it look as if it's just a simple blade. Glows blue and fire flashes around it everytime he gets into a fight or senses when enemies are near, hence the name. [B][U]Known Spells:[/U][/B] [B]Fire Rage-[/B] Only having recently learned this technique, Todd is still trying to perfect it. Holding his right palm out in front of him, fire surges through his arm for a few minutes. Then, with the slightest twitch of his hand, Gippal can control the fire at free will and strike many foes with the flames. Although, he can't use it for long because it tires his body. [B]Sonic Boom-[/B] Wielding his heavy blade, Gippal swings it towards his enemies and creates a huge explosion with pyro outbursts. It hits at random, so he's very careful when using this, trying not to hit his friends. [B]Unlimited Rage-[/B] Gippal swings his firey blade at the enemy and uses different sword combos for however long he can fight before he gets tired. [B]Fire Dragon God- [/B] Gippal lifts his sword in the air and the once bright sky turns black and grey, fire blazing all around him. Then, as the sword turns bright blue, the flames suddenly strike the blade and creates the image of a huge and firey dragon. Finally, holding the sword with both hands, he strikes the ground and the dragon flies off the sword and towards his foes, opening his firey mouth for a strike. [B][U]Skill Level:[/U][/B] Todd is a little new at this game, since he's played it for almost a year. He isn't a newbie to the game, but he still has a lot to learn from the other people he'll meet.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]*Sigh* I stand beside everyone else, but became lazy. I had such a hard time not using blue because it's my favorite colour... but, I thinkI did pretty good. Tsubasa was on my mind, so.... n.n Lol, I used the raindrops and clouds like my vector in my art thread. XD So, thus comes my version of the banner. [URL=http://img128.imageshack.us/my.php?image=obtsubasabanner0pw.png]Clicketh the Linketh[/URL] Like Retri, I only put borders on the sides and bottom. Oh, and thanks also, Retri, for teaching me how to do vectors. n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Ah well... I've been addicted to vectors lately. Basically because I always thought they were awesome and I wanted to see what I could do. So, with my very first try, my first vector. [IMG]http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/3184/rain0nr.png[/IMG] On this whole picture, it was made basically with the pen tool, so I'm super proud of it. The rain drops were a pain to make, but I really adore them. n.n Anyways, please tell me what you think!! There'll be more vectors.. trust me.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]LOL! All of these comics made me laugh, specially Pikachu's issues. All of these comic's drawings are really awesome, especially for drawing it on the compy! The expressions are awesome and the comic's alone are freaking hilarious! Keep them up, please, Nomura! These are awesome!! *~Numero Uno Fan[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well... guess what? I'M DONE!! Yay!! And it looks awesome! Well.. to me anyways. XP This thing was hard to make... specially the banner case blending all the people together was... nausiating... >.
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Tahoma]HOMG LOL!!! *rolls on floor laughing at Sasuke for dancing* Okay... this was, like, the most funniest one I've read so far. XD I loved it, Nom. I can't wait to read some more. XD *~Numero Uno Fan[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Wow... and here I thought I would never see you request something ever again... >.>; Anywho's, I'm a newfound friend of Lee-kun and I know how much you love him, so...I will attempt to make a set for you. n.n Notice I say attempt because I'll try... but it'll be nowhere near the sets you make. But... before I get kicked by a mod, I'll make it and post it up later today, alright?
  8. [quote name='ritsuka-chan][COLOR=Navy] I hope that they bring onto adult swim but i don't think it'll happen anytime soon.[/COLOR'] :animecry:[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Eh heh heh.... I don't think you should be expecting a show like Loveless or any shounen ai show to come on american T.V. Unless you have anime network or some sort of special channel, you're better off either downloading the episodes or even buying the DVD's. Japanese television is way more different from American because they allow certian things that..uhm, well... America doesn't. >.>; Anyways, yeah... I haven't been able to read the manga, too, but the show is still awesome anyways. Although, I have to say that the fighting scenes depress me... >.w< Wondering is anything.... shmexy would happen.. >.> By the way.... Yaoi-kun is freaking hilarious!! XD I totally love the way he outbursts out of nowhere! Got to love him.. XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well, I don't want to get a big ego, but.... lol. XD Looks- People mostly say that I either look like Tohru from Fruits Basket or Aerith from FFVII: AC. Cause I have long brown hair and a tanned complexion. Don't ask how I look like them... I really think that I look a lot like Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle except I have tanned skin and I don't braid my hair that much, I just leave it down. I would really like to be someone will awesome, but hey.. Sophie's awesome too. XP Personality wise, somewhat like Tomo from Azu Manga Daioh! and Kaoru from Rurouni Kenshin. Tomo because she's really hyper and oh so dramatic... oh, and don't forget crazy. That's me at sometimes, just to make my life more... anime-y! *cheesy dramatic music* And Kaoru because I care how other people feel and I always think about those before me... well, sometimes. >.>[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]Rikku looked at him and gasped. She put both hands over her widely agaped mouth and blushed a bright pink. "Wh..what did..." she paced herself, trying to calm down, "...what did you say?" She was asked the one question that every girl in the whole world wanted to be asked at one point in their life, and she didn't know what the hell to do. Kazuwa got down on the ground on one knee and shifted his right hand through his black jean pocket. Finally, he got out a small black leather box and opened it, revealing a small, yet beautiful diamond ring. "I said," he smiled, almost tearing up, "... will you... marry me?" "Kazuwa... I..." She paused. She wanted to so yes, but... it just wouldn't come out of her mouth! "Rikku..." he said, smiling, "I know that we've had a lot of hard times, but...." he paused, "... but I'll never leave you alone. I'll always be by your side.." Hearing those words, tears started to fall down her red cheeks. Without even thinking, she knelt down by him and kissed him. She then looked at his face and brushed her hand through his long, dirty blonde hair and smiled. "Kazuwa... yes!" she said, still crying, but tears of joy, "Yes I will marry you!" Kazuwa's smile grew bigger and even his eyes was swelling with tears. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her, while Rikku tightly hugged him back. Then they both stood up and kissed for a long while, the cherry blossom petals blowing in the gentle breeze... +-+-+-+-+- OoC: Yay!! Nomura's back!! *glomps* Oh how we all missed you. n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well, I've been into an artistic mood, so I've been creating many banners lately. :P I've gotten better, I guess.... but I decided to post the one's that I think are good here. X3 PM me if you use any of these. More to come later! C;[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well... I know that this Loveless thread is really old, but I didn't want to make a new one, so I looked around and huzzah! I finally found a thread dealing with the anime show that I completely adore. I've just got around to Loveless, as how I found out about it from my friend. She said it was an anime show that I just had to see. So, low and behold, on a night when I was really bored, I wanted to check it out. Going to youtube.com, I typed it in and watched the first episode. After seeing it, well... it made me so addicted to the show and I'm a total fangirl over it. XD I'm up to episode five right now and I haven't stopped loving it. The story's plot is.... really special (>.>; ), the artwork is amazing and the voices are beautiful. I especially love the parts where [spoiler]Soubi always take advantage of Ritsuka.[/spoiler] I mean, I fell sorry for Ritsuka, really, but.... Soubi is just that type of guy where he takes advantage of him. XD Anywho, this show is really awesome and I love it. Heck, I've gone fangirlish over just the first episode. n.n;[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Didn't know what you really wanted, so I just looked for random Sora pictures and came up with this. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/SoraB.png[/IMG] I really like it, so if you don't use it, I will! =D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Umm... maybe if you could put who you wanted and what you want it to say? More people would respond... but I did cause I
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Everyone walked down the steps of the Kilika Temple. After getting an acceptance from the temple preists about Gippal's digging group digging on the beach, they had all left to see his new airship and even help digging in the process. "So..." Gippal continued. Rikku and him had been talking for hours about what's been happening in their lives while Paine and Zelek just listened and had kept on walking. "... you, Paine and Zelek are going to look for the murderers that killed the two Al Bhed?" "Yes..." Rikku responded, sounding a little angry and sad. "Uhm... no!" Paine finally said, clearly angered by this whole conversation. "We're not going into another useless mission that has nothing to do with us!" "It's not useless!" Rikku replied, throwing a little temper tantrum while Gigi Jr. tightly hung to her shoulder. "We're going to hunt down those that killed the people of our tribe!!" Gippal sighed and put his hands on his hips. "Paine..." he said, looking at her, "... don't you think you're justs being a teensy bit heartless about this issue?" Paine looked at him and turned the other way, crossing her arms. "Well... you of all people should know me better by now." "Now, now...." Zelek intterupted, trying to calm everyone down. "Let's not have a fight amongst ourselves..." Gippal also crossed his arms and started to chuckle. "Yes... I do... but," he paused and looked up at her, smirking, "..I know deep down, you're a very kind person." Paine looked over at him for awhile, her mouth agape. Then, she rolled her eyes to the other side and sighed, her cheeks tinged with red. "Alright, alright.... we'll go find these murderers.... but after this, no more lame missions, okay?!" "Huzzah!" Rikku jumped up and down with joy, Gigi Jr. right along side her. Then, she suddenly patted Gippal's back and whispered in his ear, "Wow, Gippal... how do you make Paine blush like that?" "Simple..." he said, whispering back, "I can blackmail her with all the secrets that I know... like..." "Shut up before I smack the both of you with Chaos Timer!" Paine said, getting ready to grab her sword. "Yes 'mam!" the two Al Bhed replied, standing upright. Zelek laughed a little at the group's humor. Suddenly, a loud vibrating sound came out of nowhere. Everyone looked around to see if they could find the source. "Oh... totally forgot I had this... dur..." Gippal finally said, digging his right hand in his pocket. He took out a red and purple video phone and pressed the green button to turn it on. "Ohh.... nifty!" Rikku replied, excited at the neat machina gizmo Gippal smiled at her. Suddenly, the screen turned static and then revealed a picture of the Al Bhed officer that he had left in charge of the digging crew. "Oh man..." he finally replied, sighing, "don't worry.... I'm coming to order e..." "Cen! [Sir!]" the officer replied, a little worried and shaken, "Sorry to intterupt, but... but there was an attack on the digging crew!!" Gippal gasped, his face full of worry, "What?! What's happened?!" "Well... these men came out of nowhere and wounded everyone! They killed three of us..." the officer looked down, clearly sad. Gippal's mouth was agape, he was in shock. How could he not have told his group to be prepared for an attack like this?! "Okay..." he finally said, "have everyone help those that are hurt badly, alright?!" "Cen!" The officer tightly saluted and the screen faded to black. Gippal hurridly stuffed the phone in his pocket and started to sprint down the stairs towards the airship. "W... wait for us!" Rikku yelled, running after him. Paine automatically knew what happened and started sprinting behind him. "What happened?!" Zelek responded, running behind the others. "There was an attack on my digging group!" Gippal replied, not even looking back at them, "three were killed...." "No..." Rikku whispered, tears forming in her eyes. "Yeah... and when I get there, I'm going to find the murderers and kick their asses!" Gippal kept on running, his blonde hair gleaming in the sunlight. He was clearly angry... and he wasn't going to let the attackers get away so easily. The group kept on running towards the airship, ready to attack anything that would stop them. +-+-+-+-+- OoC: Whew... that took awhile... anyways, everyone get ready for a boss battle!! >=D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]As what jigglyness said... YEAH NOMURA!! GET BETTER PICTURES!! XD I say that with
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Yes! Sign me up!! I've been waiting for a chance to redeem myself after my crushing lost against White.. ;-; But, halleujah!!! I can't wait to get this started, do my very best (this time around.. >.>; ) and actually get an awesome piece of work. n.n Although, before this awesome quest of epicness begins, I have a few questions.. >.O 1. We can use all the colours of the friggin (lol) rainbow if we want to this time around, right? Oh crap I hope so... I don't work well with limited colours.. >.
  18. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]ZOMG FRUITS!! :O Anywho, awesome battle to you both... the pieces look so awesome that I want to go see both of them there plays! XD Anywho.. onto the voting!! =D [B]White[/B]: Wow... the blueness that is called the banana. This one really appealed to me because of the simpleness of the font and text, but they really work well together, thus creating an awesome poster. The blue banana is really awesome too because it just... pops out at you, I guess. Also, I must say that the font for The Blue Banana is really loverly.. what kind of font is that, may I ask? Anyway, this one really made me laugh and I enjoyed it. ..was it really a book and a television series? :O About the things that I didn't like oh so much... kind of simple and it has the stripes.. XD Maybe you should add a little bit more in it? I can't really say.. but I feel as if it's missing something.. [B]DW[/B]: ZOMG BABY EATING!! I've always wanted to see a baby being presented like a turkey. XD Anywho, this was an exciting poster too, but it just seems so cluttered to me. :/ The title font is great, but all the comments around the baby in white is kind of overpowering the whole poster... and also, the text of Stephen Ellerby (lol) is covering the baby's face, which is kind of distracting to me. And, last but not least... the cloudy background... I'm just wondering what that has to do with anything... :X Other than that, it really is awesome and I really liked it. XD Well, other than that... [B]White[/B] gets my vote. Good job to you too, DW. Let the epicness commense!! XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]OOC: I think both, lol. I saw that you were in Kilika, but I was thinking about Besaid.... is that okay if we add an extra island? If not, I'll just do edit it with Besaid, okay? n.n +-+-+-+-+-+- As Gippal walked through the forest, he was thinking about many things from his past, wondering what would lead him to his future. "I wonder why I don't really remember anything about my past..." He slowly lifted his right hand and brushed his long blonde bangs that his his eyes, his golden locks brightly glowing in the sunlight. He sighed again, only to have a small smile on his face this time. "Well... at least we're doing fine and no one's against us Al Bhed or our ancient machina." He chuckled a bit after thinking about what had happened not too long ago with his old friends. Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the bushes near him. He quickly looked towards his left and growled, already knowing it was an enemy. [CENTER][IMG]http://img273.imageshack.us/img273/1113/morbolyellow0kf.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Enemy Encounter With Morbol![/B][/CENTER] "Ah crap!" Gippal sneered through his teeth, "why'd it have to be something as annoying as this?!" Suddenly, he lifted his left hand towards his back to grab his huge machina gun dubbed Electrocity. He held it in his left hand for awhile and smirked. "Ah well..." he said, chuckling, "At least I'll be able to have some fun with this!" The giant land-squid swung a tentacle at Gippal's ribs, but it was too slow. Gippal kneeled down and quickly jumped up, looking as if he was flying through the air. Then, he did a quick roll and aimed the gun at the fiend when he was upright again. "Take this you ugly freak!" he yelled, his finger on the trigger, "Spitshot!" Suddenly, dozens of bullets came shooting out of his gun, all aiming at it's head. He kept shooting and rolled over to the other side of the monster, his head almost touching the ground. He kneeled for a little while, and then lifted his gun to his side, the enemy slowly fading away into pyreflies, all rising to the sky. Gippal then turned around, leaning his gun on one shoulder and his right hand on his hip. "Well, at least that nuisance is over and done with," he said as he widely grinned. [B]Gippal: Level 1> Level 2[/B] +-+-+-+-+- After walking a little further, he finally got out of the forest and right smack dab in front of the temple entrance. He sighed as he walked a little bit closer towards the stone building. "Damn temple has to go and be so freaking far..." he muttered to himself, making sure no one heard his unruly commment. "Ah well..." he continued, walking up the long stairway, "time to ask the preists to see if we can dig some serious sand here..." As he walked up the long stairway, he heard some nearby temple-goers gossiping. "Hey.. did you hear that someone famous came up to the temple recently?" the long haried women said, utterly amazed. "Yeah.." the young man replied, "I heard it's Rikku, one of the three girls that helped save Spira!" Gippal stopped in his tracks and looked at the two dumbfoundedly. Suddenly, without even thinking, he quickly walked over to the couple. "Excuse me..." he replied, ".. are you positive that Rikku is at the temple?" The women nodded, "Uhm.. yes.." "Are you sure?" "Very... mister.." Without even thinking, Gippal ran away from the two up towards the temple steps. "What was that all about?" the man asked, clearly annoyed. "Hey... do you think that was... Gippal, leader of the Machina Faction?" the women asked. As he quickly ran up the stairs, Gippal smiled widely and chuckled. "Rikku... Paine... don't you dare leave without me!!"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Yes! Finally I get to post in this thread! XD Sakurasuka, I know you haven't posted your character yet, but I guess I shall be the one to claim it when you do put it up, so I guess I'll be waiting! =D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]The giant blue and white airship got closer to the ground and stop before it could even touch the sandy surface. The small door shaft made a slight wooshing sound before it opened to let people off. A man with blonde hair quickly jumped off the ship and landed on both feet, as if he was trying to make an entrance. As he slowly got up, he brushed his sweaty bangs back and quietly sighed to himself. "Cina ec rud dutyo. [Sure is hot today.]" He looked around at his surroundings and chuckled to himself, excited at what was about to happen. Suddenly, another Al Bhed anxioously came running towards him. "Cen, tu oui fyhd dra sah du cdynd tekkehk? [Sir, do you want the men to start digging?]" the tanned man said, saluting Gippal. "Hu, fyed. [No, wait.]" he responded, stroking his cheek with his right hand and crossing his arm with the other. "I'm sure we just can't stop on Killika Island and just start digging for our own pleasure," he said, seriously, "I'll have to stop by the temple and ask some of the high priests to see if we can start digging for ancient machina in certian areas." The Al Bhed made a tight salute and quickly responded, "Cen! [Sir!]" Gippal slightly nodded, which allowed the other Al Bhed to leave him and get all the digging supplies off the ship. Smiling to himself, he looked up at the blazing sun hidden between the white, puffy clouds. "Now... Rikku, frana yna oui? [Rikku, where are you?] Looking back down, he walked over to one of the workers and told him where he was going. After talking, he started out of the beach and towards the forest, which lead towards the town. -+-+-+-+-+- OOC: I haven't started battling, since I thought this was a good point to stop. So I'll either edit this post or reply later with a lvl up. n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][B]Name:[/B] Gippal [B]Level:[/B] 1 [B]Weapon:[/B] [B]Blue Thunder[/B]- A huge heavy- blade sword that glows a bright blue whenever Gippal is angered. [B]Electrocity[/B]- A big machina gun that allows him to shoot anything he wants. [B]Ability:[/B] Whenever he wills it to, Gippal can combine his two weapons together to assemble a firey-blue gun-blade. [I][B]Level 1: Spitshot[/B] [/I] - Whilst aiming carefully, Gippal can shoot five shots without missing. Level 10: Electrokinetic Wave- Summoning a Thunder spell, Gippal shoots a huge wave of electricity, making it able to stun opposing teams. Level 20: Rolling Thunder- Using his sword, Gippal runs towards the enemy, unleashing different slashing attacks and fighting techniques, finishing it off with him pointing his blade and releasing electricity. Level 30: Holy Machina- Gippal quickly builds a machina with spare parts that can cure a medium amount of HP to weak team members. Level 40: Crazy Roulette- Using different bullets from his pack, Gippal randomly puts them in his gun and shoots them. Level 50: Sandstorm- Gippal violently spins his blade around, creating a huge sandstorm and placing it towards the opposing side. Level 60: Firaga Bomb- Gippal casts six Firaga spells all in one, not depeleting a lot of his MP. Level 70: Heavenly Grail- Using half of his MP, Gippal and deplete any status alignments a character has and make his team invincible for three whole turns. Level 80: Lucky Strike- If his luck is on the good side, Gippal can automatically KO an enemy with one strike of his blade. Level 90: Destruction- Using both his gun and blade, Gippal can cause a great amount of damage to the enemy by shooting different bullets and different blade attacks. Overdrive: Justice is Served- Gippal combines his gun and blade to make a weapon called Omega. Then, he rapidly shoots and slashes for thirty seconds straight. Then, he gets closer to the enemy and does a few more slashes; to finish, he jumps up and summons a huge blue energy ball and throws it at the enemy. (The words that are bold and italic means those are his abilities he can use so far... dur.. :P)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Huzzah! More people signed up! Specially Dodeca! *tackles* I can't wait to see how this RP's gonna turn out. X3 Well, it seems that I've been in the artistic mood lately and everyone's drawing their character, so... I drew my new and improved version of him that will play in this here RP. So, without further ado.. to view my Gippal, [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/34226422/]clicketh here![/URL] If anyone has DA (you, Dodeca... XD), 'twould be awesome if you would post a comment cause no one loves me there.. ;-; Anywho, I also wanted to ask you a question, Sandy... about the battles... I know we have to post our new level ups in the Underground Thread, but in the story... how will we show when we're done battling? For example... Gippal had finally beaten the ferocious two-headed dragon. After it's aura had dissapated, he jumped up and down with joy to hear the words, [B]"Gippal Is Now Level Two."[/B] "Yes!" he exclaimed, ecstatically, "I'm finally Level Two and I beat that bad-*** dragon!" or Gippal had finally beaten the two headed dragon. [B]Gippal Attained Level Two.[/B] He sighed with relief and smiled to himself. "Damn thing was a pest.. but I beat it." So... would it be either they do know that the attained a new level and ablities or no? Just wondering so I won't do it wrong. n.n Can't wait to start playing! This'll be awesome! X3[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Lyk3 0^^G... my vote goes over to [B]White[/B]. [B]Boo[/B]- I really liked your piece because it looked as if you really enjoyed making it (so I'm guessing... o.o; ) The cogwheels and arrows really go together with the black and white. The thing that really bothers me (as I've heard before, I think) is how the cogwheels aren't really pressed together... it looks as if they're all about to fall. XD And the text that you used works for your picture, but it just seems so... bland, I guess. I don't know because if you had added more, it would look a bit cluttered. But, hey.. awesome job, man. =D [B]White[/B]- Ahh... the simpleness that is called White's Leaves. I belive you used this in your Ad, no? Anywho, two words I have to say about your piece: loved it. The way you used the leaf stamp was simple yet clean. Not too cluttered or squooshed in my case; the quote and text was awesome... the way you made Having No Colour glow whilest the other words are smaller and all non-glowey. And.. the thing I love most about it is how you took full power over your black and white border. The white leaves look like they're materialized from the white and the black keeps it all inside.... if you understand. XD Anywho... this was a really hard vote to cast, but you both did an awesome job. n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Awesome pieces, r2 and sakurasuka. They really are loverly. =D [B]Sakurasuka[/B]- You say that you traced the girl from somewhere else? It's very good, considering you just traced it... although I have NO CLUE on how you did that. XD I really, really adore what you did with the circles and the way you placed the font. The only bad thing that just really bothers me is where you put Colorless World on the girl. It's just that I can't really see the rest of the S in the word and it just gets to me... argh! XD Lovely piece, though.. truely. [B]r2vq[/B]- Wow... your piece is absolutely amazingeh! It looks like something that took you forever to do and that I would be way too fustrated to even try!! XD I give you points on that and how you rotated the text AND the ribbon hole!!! I loved that!! Only thing is... all I see is text, text... and more text... not to be mean, but it seemed kind of plain. Maybe add a picture or something in there next time? But really, kudos to you my friend... you recieve a heart from me!! *gives you a heart*
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