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Everything posted by Riku

  1. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well... after seeing Katana's banners, I doubt that you'd want to use mine... oh well. I added some stars if you could actually tell.... and I also added some brushes... I think. XD Hope you like![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]After seeing the fact that the great Illusion has responded to this request, I would like to try my hand on it. XD It's been awhile since I've responded to a request, so... you'll be my first comeback! Yay! XD As I'm very sorry that I don't have it right now, I promise that I will have it for you by tomorrow... just cause I'm too lazy right now... XP That's me.. the lazy Junior... XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I must say... these are very beautifully colored for someone as young as you. I'm totally jealous.. ; . ; Anyways,I guess I shall be the first to critique your artwork. Bwahaha... XD Top Drawing: I like this one because of the cigarette.. just kidding. XD The only real flaw I see in this picture is the shape of the arms. I'm wondering of the "cute" guy is putting his arms in front of or behind his body. Maybe enhance the size to make it stick out some more? Or maybe widen his waistline a bit? Maybe? XD Middle Drawing: I. Totally. Love. This. Picture. XD Gah... the one thing that sticks out in this one is... he has no eyebrows!! Either it's hidden in his hair or you just.. forgot about it. n.n Also, try to work on darkening the bottom left-hand corner of the guy's flesh.. just to make it more realistic. Awesome picture tho.. I heart him already. XD Bottom Drawing: Like you already said, his hand is a little small. Also, his nose... sure the two lines are okay.. but try to make it a little more distinctive or stand out. And the clothes... it's alright, but try to give it some wrinkles and shadow it out to give it some depth. That's all... Well, that's all I have to say... but I really like all your pictures. I can't wait to see some more in the future! n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]Rikku gasped and got up from her chair, running over to help the exhausted Kya. She helped her over to a chair and sat her down. "Kya... you didn't have to run all the way here," she chuckled. "Yeah, well... I wanted to make somesort of entrance," Kya grinned. After a few more breaths, Kya sat up and asked Rikku straightforward. "So... have they found out what's wrong with Kazuwa yet?" Rikku let out a heavy sigh and looked down at her feet while she spoke, "Well... they don't really know what's going on right now," she paused, "so.. they want to keep him for a few days to check out what's wrong." "I see.. does your dad know you're here?" She scoffed at the word, "As if... he never cares about me anymore. He always goes out to drink late at night and I'm always by myself." Suddenly, tears started to run down her face. "Rikku.." Kya said gently trying to calm her down. She sobbed as she covered her wet face with her hands, "Kazuwa's the.. the only family I have left.. and now.. now he's gone." "Rikku... you can't say that! There's still hope." "B.. but I... I couldn't even protect him... I'm useless.." Holding a crying Rikku in her arms, Kya gently tried to help her let out all those bad emotions. Suddenly, the door opened, letting in a tall and handsome boy (man.. whatever) with long silvery hair and purple eyes. He had a serious and sad look on his face. "Kelac..." Kya spoke, smiling. He smiled back and nodded. Then, he looked at the crying Rikku and walked over to her, putting his arm around her shoulder. "Rikku..."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Heh, yeah... I'm still trying to learn how to get some good and full use out of it! Maybe.. just maybe... I can be a great Photoshop Artist... *looks with a far off gaze*... yeah right. Anyways, continuing on.... [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Blue.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Here is my everlasting devotion to my favorite color... BLUE!! XD I just thought that since alost everyone has done something like this with a color, I wanted to do it, too. Yup, that's me... always wanting to be like the popular kids. X3 Oh yesh! And here's some banners that I would like to be graded! [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/HaruB.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/CloudB.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/ElfB.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/DNAngelB.png[/IMG] If anyone would like to use these banners and want an avatar to go with it, please PM me first and I will send it to you. Once again, Huzzahs! and WTFS?! XDXD Arigotou![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Huzzah!! Oh my goodness... it feels good to be back!! Yay!! Thanks Nomura... I so
  7. [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]Waiting inside the emergency room besides Kazuwa's sleeping body, Rikku was reading the e-mail that Kya had just sent her. After reading it throughly and flawlessly, she chuckled...."Why won't those idiot Heavy Axe players realize that this is much more than a simple virus?" She then looked at Kazuwa and sighed.... it was time for his hacking skills to take their toll and being a Moderator, she must realize that she had to take him in... but... she knew that he wasn't the one that they were looking for. She pressed REPLY to Kya's e-mail and started typing. ...//Mail//... To: Kya of the Twilight Sky From: Sakura of the Shining Abyss ..//Message//.. Kya, I realize that it's my duty as a Moderator to ask Nomura questions that's been leading up to the Virus, but.... I'm positive that he would never, ever do something as horrible as this. If anyone asks about this or for Nomura, tell them that they will have to deal with me soon enough. Also, about Nomura... he's still in coma and I don't know when he'll come out.... I don't want to log onto The World until I finally see him awake. Which... wich might be awhile... but I'm willing to do whatever it takes. If you can, please come see him... as I also want to talk to you about something important. And... please send this message to Kelac too, as he's also a very good friend of ours. ~~*Sakura P.S.- Have you seen Nomura's cat, Dark, around? I'm really worried that he's lost... please... if you see him, send him to my User file. Thanks. .....//Message Sent//..... She finally closed her PDA and sighed, wondering what will happen to all of them. She then put her hand on Kazuwa's and smiled. "It's almost as if the dot .hackers are coming back.... this is what you wanted.... isn't it?"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]The cold white hospitall room was buzzing and clicking with the medical devices around Kazuwa's comotose body. Rikku sat in a chair beside's the bed he was laying in... waiting for any sign of life to arrouse. She had stayed by his side ever since they came to the hospital... which was about 5 hours ago. So far, the doctors said that it would be a long while until he could regain conciousness again and that he needed to stay here for more tests. They had asked Rikku if she wanted to go home, but she replyed no and that she wanted to stay with him until somthing happened. She also knew that there was a meeting for all moderators to talk about what was going on in The World. "Oh snap..." she thought to herself, "I totally forgot that was today..." She fumbled her sweaty fingers... wondering what she was going to do. She looked at Kazuwa's sleeping body and sighed a deep sigh. She put her hand on his and rubbed it gently with her thumb... thinking of what to do next... OOC: I won't be here all next week... trip to Holland!! XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Huzzah!! Aside from all the spellchecking corrections, this issue of the Otakan News has been a most wonderful one! It kept me informed about the newest manga volumes of Fruits Basket and Kingdom Hearts, which made me really happy. n.n Needless to say.. everyone did a awesome job! *applause* Great articles, everyone.... kept me informed about everything!! Anyways, hope to see more this week... as I'll be gone to Holland. Think of me!! n.n w00t![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]You're so welcome, Samurai!! Glad I made this to your liking!! n.n Oh... and I just realized that I didn't put your username on it... gomen. u.u, Anyways, I love you too!! *hugs* Glad you like it![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Delta.... can I hug you? X3 Anyways, I love all your artwork... it's so beautiful and lovely. Makes me wonder if I could ever be just like you... XD About the wallpaper... I. LOVE. IT. Usually, to tell you the truth... I despise pink. Hate it. But, after seeing what you did to that lovely Bleach wallpaper.... I love pink. XD The waves are awesome.... all the details in it. I can't wait to see more! Keep it up, Delta.... and please... help me out here!! I love you! X3[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Outstanding banner and avatar set, Anime_Dark. *Applause* Outstanding, I say.... lovely. n.n This time around, I rate your banner and avatar set 9/10. 9 out of 10!!! It totally amazed me how your banner and avatar look. I love the texture that your background has... simply amazing... and the glow that your picture and text has... astounding. The Ichigo picture is at just the right angle and it matches with the color of blue. Lovely... just lovely. Your avatar is wonderful, too. Just the right angle of the picture and for some reason... it totally goes with you banner!! Kudos to Delta, the Art Master!! XD Again, 9/10. Lovely, I say again... can't wait to see more awesome banners and avatars like this! n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Huzzah!! Thanks, my Number One Fan!! Oh.. and BTW.. I'm totally loving your new sig. XD [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Depressed.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] Well, here's a new piece by me made just last night. I've always wanted to do something with Ed (yay!) and I found this awesome and sad pic.... so, I decided to make this.. picture... thing-y. o.o I totally love teh swirlies!! XD Again, Comments and Compliments!! n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Poor Nomura... getting ganged on by everyone. Anywho, reading what everyone has said so far... I believe that miracles can happen to anyone, no matter what religion they are. God loves everyone. Period. He wants to show all of us this because He wants us all to believe in him. Sure, maybe we can't see him or we can't feel Him.. but that doesn't mean he's not real. Why do you think so many miracles have happened to many people? Some might say it's just coincidence or good luck, but sticking to what I believe in, I agree that God has helped everyone all the way. Also, some might question, saying, "Then why do people go to Hell, even if they didn't do anything bad?" Okay, well... God is our Father... but He's also out Judge. Just because you haven't done anything bad... doesn't mean that you'll automatically go to Heaven. God's done everything for us... so why can't we pay Him back? In the Bible, in Revelation 20:11-15, it talks about the Book of Life. Basically, if your name isn't in there... then you don't go to heaven. Sorry that it's so serious, but that's the truth in my religion. People can't just sugar-coat it and says "everyone's going to heaven!" I mean, sure... that would be nice... but, everyone can't go into heaven. Let's say that if you did something horrible that was against the Ten Commandments, and didn't even believe in God, then why should He allow you in His Paradise?? Now, if you ask for forgiveness with all your heart and ask Him to come into your life, then that's a different story.... All in all, everyone can't go into Heaven. Plain and simple. But hey, I could be wrong... there might not even be a God and we might just be reincarnated. But... until I see that with my own eyes and Death, I'm sticking with what I believe in all the way and continuing to talk to God. BTW, totally happy for your friends, Nomura. It was an awesome miracle that God gave them. I'll be praying for them! n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [QUOTE=sanzy]yeay! fruits basket!! i love hatori sooo much!!! ne? isn't akito a [spoiler] female? [/spoiler] O_O[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well... yes and no. In the anime, Akito is a [spoiler]man. Can't you see his bare chest? I know you can.. *drool*[/spoiler] Anyways, in the manga... you'll find out about Akito's past and read all about that he is [spoiler]actually a she.[/spoiler] But... just don't ruin it for everyone... I'm sure hardly anyone knows about Akito's skeletons in his closet. n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I added a few more spoilers to your post. It was just a little obvious what you were saying so I hid it a little better. ^^ -r2[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  16. [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]OC: Don't forget, Nomura... my Username is Sakura and my real name is Rikku. n.n IC: Sakura quickly ran over to Nomura, helping him up from the ground. She put his arm over her shoulders and slowly stood up... only to reveal Nomura yelling in angst and pain. "Nomura!! Nomura, does it still hurt?!" Sakura said, worried about the deep wound that the NPC gave him. He flinched in pain... trying to hold it back, but failing. "Gah... it hurts a lot." He tried to stand up, but flinching again, he fell back down.. grasping the wound on his left shoulder with his hand. Sakura bent down over to him, slowly removing his hand from the wound. She rubbed her hands together and placed them over him, slightly glowing with white light. "This won't hurt," she said, comforting him, "it's a Cure spell." Both Kya and Kelac came over, seeing the bright glow. "Wh.. where'd you get a Cure spell, Sakura?" Kya said, surprised. "I got it from a friend of mine," she said, smiling, "She won it... but doesn't play The World anymore, so she gave it to me." Sakura then noticed Kelac's face... it was in dismay and worry. "It.. it doesn't seem to be working.." he slowly said. Sakura gasped, then looking at the wound. He was right... it.. it wasn't working. In fact.. it looked as if it was growing. She squinted her eyes a little, seeing Nomura's body-structure slowly digitalizing. Nomura howled in pain, quickly losing conciousness. "Oh my god!! He.. he has to log out!! He's slowly digitalizing!!" Sakura yelled, summoning a portal to log out of The World. "But.. but why?!" Kya said, worried. "Isn't he okay?!" Sakura quickly put Nomura's arm around her shoulder and slowly lifted him up, Nomura still gasping in pain. "Somehow.. I don't know... but, the wound that the NPC gave him was real.. and he's going to be deleted!" Kya gasped and helped them towards the portal. "Well, hurry!" Kelac said, trying to hurry them up, "His real body might be in some sort of sezure!" Sakura nodded. Then, holding on tightly to Nomura, she walked into the portal... herself and Nomura logging out, and the portal closing. ~~* Sakura and Nomura Logging Out...//*~~ Rikku quickly took off her headset and turned off her laptop. She got off the bed and ran over to Kazuwa. She quickly turned off the headset and removed it from his head. His eyes were closed and his body looked lifeless. "Oh no.." she said, gasping, "..not again! He can't go into coma again!" She put her hands on him, gently shaking him. "Kazuwa! Kazuwa.. wake up!! Please!" Tears started forming in her eyes and flowing down her cheeks. She put her wet face against his, Kazuwa's face getting slightly wet from her tears. Suddenly, Rikku heard different sounds coming from his computer. She turned around, only to see that there were many differnt pop-ups covering the screen saying: VIRUS...VIRUS...VIRUS... THE WORLD WILL BE SHUTDOWN...VIRUS...VIRUS.. She gasped at the pop-ups, which was still coming on his screen repeatedly. "Wha.. what's going on in The World's main server?" She said to herself, then looking at Kazuwa's sleeping body.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Whew!! I finally PM'ed you with my Art and Ad articles, Nomura!! All in all, I hope it was good because I just typed it in about 15 minutes. Sorry about that.... I'v just been busy with school and art. XD I hope I did a good job with it!! I kinda liked it.... but I'll do better!! Oh... and I'm sorry, but I can't send in an Art and Ad article next week... I'll be in Holland, Germany for a Youth Christian Camp. Skiing... w00t! Anyways, could you do it for me until I get back? I promise to make it up to you by writing an awesome article next, next week! n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]As blunty as I say it, I do believe in God and in Jesus Christ... and practically, I don't care what anyone says about it. I know that I was born into a Christian family, but I wasn't fully grown onto the whole "Christian" thing. Now, seeing that God has helped me throughtout all of my hardships and troubles... so I truly belive that God is out there watching us. And also.... I just can't believe that the world just CREATED itself.... I don't believe in evolution either. Not only what I've learned from church, but from what I've seen in mission trips to Panama... God's love is always spreading everywhere... no matter where you are. God does exist and loves each and everyone of us. That's what I believe.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Kyaahhh~! A Kenshin banner request!! And by the honorable Samurai Mix!! Huzzah!! XD Anyways, I will.. WILL make this set for you, Samurai... I totally love you and Kenshin... so why not do it?? Oh,
  20. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Most would wonder why Sora, Donald and Goofy are extremely happy.... maybe it's because they finally see some nudity in this stupid adventure. YIPPIE!! HALF-NAKED CHICKS!! Lol!! But seriously... they're all guys.... come on people. Even if it's sposed to be a rated E game... you can't just erase all their hormones. Right? Right?? XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]It was now time to get back at the person who had deleted the character, Nomura. Ever since that they had kissed and started having a real relationship, Rikku was now determined to fight to the very end to get revenge for Nomura. ~ * ~ * ~* ~ Nomura hacked his way back into The World, while Rikku was still signing in on her laptop. She was at his house, sitting on his bed with her computer on her lap, while Nomura was on his home computer. Finally, Nomura hacked his way in. He turned around to Rikku and smiled. "Ready?" She slightly blushed and nodded. They both put on the headsets and plugged it into the computer, digitallizing into The World. ---------------------------- Server: Battle Field of the Dead Both Sakura and Nomura digitalized into the dead and rotting field. It looked as if nothing had ever tried to live or grow in any of the rotting spots. Sakura looked around, her face in pure disgust. "Why the heck did we start in a place like this?" Nomura looked side to side, his face serious, "He's probably here.." "You don't think he...." "I do. He hacked into our character's systems to make us come here... to fight us." Sakura looked at him, worried and nervous. Suddenly, through the fog, she could see a dark and tall figure walking towards them. It was small, but then it continued to grow... taller and more vicious. Nomura stepped in front of her and stuck his weapon out in front of him. "Don't come any closer..." Suddenly, they both felt a tingling sensation up their spine. Sakura gasped, trying to move. "Wh... what?! I can't move!" "What the... it's a spell!" Nomura growled, seeing as how he was helpless already. The figure started to laugh, still covered in the mist. "You actually thought you could log out of here alive?"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Thanks a lot, guys.... makes me appreciate my artwork a little more. Anyways, here's some new pieces that I've made. This one is something that I played around with in PS. I was taking pictures for Art and I thought that this picture was amazing. It's big.. but pretty. n.n; [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/31391727/]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/31391727/[/URL] And this one.... is the very first picture that I learned to color in PS!! YAY!! XD It's Riku... so... yeah. Awesomeness... n.n [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/31392117/]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/31392117/[/URL] I know it might be huge... but if someone could tell me what a good size for these would be so that I could do that in future refernce, that would be great. n.n Please rate and there'll be more to come!! n.n [B]EDIT:[/B] I know... the beginning picture is so small.... that is why I'm disliking Photobucket now... lyk3.. 0MG!! XP[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/KeybladesArtisticCreations.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Here's the opening illustration to this thread. I hope it's to your liking because it's my favorite one so far. I so
  24. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Easy choice for me seeing as I don't believe in suicide, which means that simply waiting to die is the only acceptable choice. Trite yes, but such are my religious beliefs. [B]Would you rather kill one stranger to save yourself ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather kill one stranger to save your loved one ? [/B] [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I would say that for me, this is a very easy decision. I would rather be put in jail for killing someone to save my loved one instead of only saving myself. That way for me it's rather a win win situation instead of a losing one... if you know what I mean. n.n; [B]Would you walk up to someone that you liked and talked to him/her?[/B] Or. [B]Would you wait for him/her to walk up and talk to you?[/B] Lol. Lame-o. :P[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Umm... I would like to apply for the Art Section. It would be so cool to write about people's new works of art and new banner sets. Also, could I do the ad section?? That seems really fun, too. n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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