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Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Riku replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Dante: "A SPIDER?! WHAT THE CRAP IS WRONG WITH YOU VIDEO GAME DESIGNER PEOPLE?!?! INSTEAD OF DEMONS, YOU GIVE ME A SPIDER?!" *Thinks* "Hmm... although... this spider is a wee bit scary...eep... O.O;" XD Lol. I really couldn't come u with anything good. I'm just really excited cause I just saw the Gorillaz almost win a grammy the other night. GO GORILLAZ!! -
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Riku replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]HOLY CRAP~!! I'm so sorry that I didn't do this earlier!!! I've just been so busy with schoolwork and all that crap. n.n; Anyways, here are teh winners!! *applause* XD First Place goes to.... Illusion!! [QUOTE]Sora: "I'm really NOT in a good mood at the moment so if you would kindly step out of my way?" Unknown: "Nope" Sora: "If you DON'T move out of my way RIGHT NOW" Points to key blade " I will shove this in place you never knew existed!" Unknown: 0_o[/QUOTE] I just laughed really hard at this because it was so d***** funny!! GO ILLUSION!!! Second Place goes to.... Ikillion!! [QUOTE]"With his last desperate attempt. The unknown tried to moonwalk away from Sora's fierce keyblade.." Well if you look at it right you can see it.[/QUOTE] Actually, right after I read this, I tilted my head a little to the side and was like, "Woah! It really does look like it!!" And Third Goes To.... Gavin! [QUOTE]"Read what it says on my Keyblade, Bad Mother ****** !"[/QUOTE] Lol. I laughed really hard when I saw this. I'm very, VERY sure Sora wouldn't say this, but if it was like GTA, then I'm sure he would. n.n Anyways, good job, guys! This made me laugh really hard!! n.n -
[FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Lol. I kinda figured it wouldve been better, but I also thought that no one could see it. The black set actually does have a border, but it's white. n.n; I just thought it would go better with the flow of the colors, but I guess not. u.u, Oh well!! I'm just really glad you like it!! yay!!! Oh and yes, would you mind if I added you as a friend??
[FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Oh crap... now that Ezekiel's all in this, there is no freaking way that you'll ever use my set. *sigh* Oh well, Ezekiel is the most coolest person ever, so I'd prolly use her set, too. n.n; Anyways, I was just finishing your set until you posted that new reply. I was all like "Gosh-darnit, Ecstasy!! Make up your mind!!" XD Anyways, I finshed that one and made another one for you. Aren't you lucky?? Nah, not really... I was bored out of my wit's end. XD Well, here they both are: Akano June Set 1: [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/AJAvi.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/AJBanner.png[/IMG] Akano June Set 2: [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/AJAvi1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/AJBanner1.png[/IMG] All in all, I had a really cool time making these. They were really fun and purty easy, making the fact that you wanted it dark and all. Now that I think about it, I really like the white one, but I totally like the black one a whole lot better. I guess it all just depends on what you like, though. n.n Anyways, I hope that you like it and that I did a good job doing what you asked for. Ezekiel, you rock my socks. XD
[FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Wow.... I've been seeing a lot of these Shinobi set requests out for a while. Is this some sort of fad or something?? I wonder.... hmm..... O.O Anyways, ohmigodiwannadoecstay'srequest. XD Sorry... I totally love you so much, Ecstasy, so I am going to try to do this for you!!! *victory pose* I don't know why, but I SO FREAKING LIKE YOU!!! *hugs ecstasy* yay!! Oh and yes, even if someone else does make it for you and you use their's, I'm still going to make one for you, 'kay?? n.n-------->
[quote name='Ramen_Mido]Yes we shall my good friend and once again I apoligize I should have read more of the previous posts.Now we have cleared that up I heard that Auron will [spoiler] be able to fight alongside you in the Hades stage is it true?[/spoiler'] If so that would be truly awesome.[/quote] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Why yes, Ramen_Mido, you can actually fight along side Auron. I think you can actually control him, too. The attacks that you can do with him are totally awesome and it looks so cool. If you want to see some movies or screenshots, just go to ign.com and type up Kingdom Hearts II. I hope this helps. n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Uhm... I'm just really surprised at how people get so easily irratated at what people's responses are. O.o; Well, on another topic, I think that KH II is going to be one of the greatest RPG's ever in the history of RPG's. KH was really good, but I think that the sequel will be much, much better....and much, much harder. TT.TT I don't know why, but after seeing some trailers showing the gameplay, bossfights, how you have to fight with other characters and that new drive thingie where can also get new clothes.... I really get that feeling that it's going to be ultra-super hard. But, I think that with the more hardness, the more fun it's going to be and the more worthwhile when you get those awesome movies. Holy crap.... I so cannot wait for it to come out!!! ^o^ V Oh and yes, if you would like to see some of the trailers and scenes that I saw, just go to ign.com and type up Kingdom Hearts II. They show the most coolest movies and pictures... and they have tons of them, too!! If you watch all of them at once, it'll take, like, at least half an hour or so. My eyes were so dry from not blinking. O.O XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]My most favorite color in the universe has got to be either blue or purple. I don't know why, but thse two colors always make me feel better for some apparent reason. Like, everytime I'm sad, I always look to the sky and I'm like, "Blue.... yay!" And I'm automatically happy. Yeah, it's pretty weird, but I really like those two colors. n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1]You always make the coolest banner and avi sets, Nomad. :D Anyways, I give your set a 8/10. I really like the banner with the kid and chains wrapped around his mouth, but the pic looks kinda pixilated and the white and black swirls don't really match with the brownish-yellowish colored theme it goes with it. But, hey, I still like it. n.n And, for some apparent reason, I really like your avatar. I don't know why because it's kind of plain, but the robot T.V. head is kinda cool to me. n.n Anyways, like the set all in all, but I think you could've worked on it a little bit more. n.n;[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
Request Fullmetal Alchemist banner and avatar request
Riku replied to Tyler Koregaten's topic in Creative Works
[FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Yay!! I really had a lot of fun making your Ed banner!! Ed is, like, the coolest!!! XD Anyways, here is you set. I think I followed the guidelines you wanted. n.n; [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/EdAvi.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/EdBanner.png[/IMG] I couldn't put the other thing that you wanted because I thought it wouldn't look right, but if you want me to change anything, just put it in this thread and I'll do it for you, ok?? Hope you like it. n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] -
[FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Well, here is one of my fanfic stories about Sasuke that I've recently started. I know that it might not be that good because I don't really know that much about Itachi, but I think it might be a good story anyways. I'll be writing down the chapters until it's done, so yeah. If you could post comments and stuff, I would totally appreciate it. n.n [B]Chapter One[/B] The wind was blowing harsher than ever on this night, for a raging thunder storm was coming from the west and it was coming in fast. It was pitch black as far as the human eye could see and only the pale light of the moon showed what the wild terrain produced. Two shadowy figures were standing on the branches amongst the trees; the leaves blowing and the wind howling louder and louder. Sasuke stood on the branch, clasping onto the tree trunk to steady himself from the violent wind before it totally blew off his balance. He kept his right hand tightly locked onto the tree and put his left over his eyes so that he could see the other figure in the moonlight before losing him in the deep darkness. "I have to keep myself hidden," he thought to himself, sweating from keeping himself steady on the branch, "Crap... it's hard enough to keep my balance in this blistering wind and to hide..." Suddenly, he looked back to where his enemy had been hiding, only to see that no one was there but the shaky branch of the tree. "Damn!" he thought loudly, grabbing a kunai out of his right leg holster while steadily continuing to hold onto the tree, "Lost in my own thoughts and it caused me to put down my guard carelessly," he continued. He hopped from branch to branch, frantically looking for a mistake to give his attacker away. Finding nothing, he stopped onto a tree branch and thought slowly, "I can't find him rapidly searching like this... I must stay in one spot and listen closely to his moves...? Sasuke then hopped onto the nearest branch and steadied himself, closing his eyes and shunning out of his mind the unnecessary noise made by that of the wind; solely focusing on mysterious noises of any kind. Then, he heard the ring of a sword from behind him and yelled, "Attacking from the back, eh?!" He then jumped up and twirled his body around in the air and threw his kunai (that he had held all that time) toward the attackers back. The shadowy figure turned around just in time to block the flying dagger with his samurai-like sword, causing it to bounce off of his sword and fall down towards the never-ending line of trees. He then looked up toward the sky to see Sasuke falling rapidly towards him, fist first. Sasuke angered his face and tightened his fist, "Try to dodge this!! Rage of the Lions!!!" he yelled, plummeting his fist onto the attackers face, causing the figure to face the impact of the force and fall backwards. His arms were flying in the air and blood came gushing from his mouth. Sasuke then fell legs-first towards the falling figure and raised his left leg up high and yelled, "Force of the Dragon!!" in a loud voice, bringing his foot down hard onto the falling figures stomach, causing him to fall faster towards the never-ending bottom of trees. Sasuke teleported himself onto the nearest branch to look down towards where the figure fell. He then threw kunai and shuriken towards the bottom, just in case he didn't kill his enemy enough. "Heh," Sasuke snickered to himself, "I'll see you in the afterlife... only, you'll be in hell," he continued. "My dear brother, is that any way to talk to your older brother after such a long time?" Sasuke suddenly turned around to see the figure standing on a tree branch above him, his kunai and shuriken stuck in the flesh of the figure's body, blood dripping down from the open wounds. "What?" Sasuke stuttered, "But, from all that loss of blood, you should be..." "Dead?" Sasuke turned around to see another version of the figure on a tree branch beside him, except this version was unharmed and had no blood. Suddenly, the copy of the figure vanished, leaving behind a thick cloud of dark-blue smoke. Sasuke, engulfed in the smoke, closed his eyes and coughed until the smoke dissipated. He then slowly opened his eyes; his face and voice stern, "I see, the infamous art of the doppelganger...? he mumbled, then slowly turned to the real version on the side of him. He then grabbed his demon shadow shuriken from his brown pack around his waist, fully opened it up and placed it in front of his face, readying himself for anything his enemy was willing to throw. The figure crossed his arms and laughed a laugh that echoed throughout the forest; his eyes glowed bright red from the pale light of the moon. Sasuke grew angry at his laugh and yelled in annoyance, "What the crap is so damn funny?!" The shadowy figure then chuckled until he could regain the strength to speak, "*Sigh* Gomen, my dear brother," he paused and then continued, "I just thought that it was so funny when you pulled out the shadow shuriken because...." "Because what?!" Sasuke yelled, seemingly irritated by this conversation. The figure then focused his blood-red eyes toward Sasuke's, smirking and chuckling at the same time, "Why, you don't even know who I am, do you?? Was our years apart that long?" His eyes wide open, Sasuke tried to speak, "Wh....what are you talking about??? he stuttered, ?You....you can't mean that you're my...my...? The figure smiled an evil smile and started to speak in a kind voice, which then trailed on to a loud yell, "Why yes I do, I mean that from the bottom of my heart.... MY DEAR BROTHER!!!!" He then widened his eyes and yelled, "The Konhagakure Art of Paralysis!!" Sasuke looked deep in his blood-red eyes and tried to move, but his body would not obey his command. "Guh... my... my body won't... won't move..!" he tried to speak. "Why of course not, silly, weak brother of mine," the figure said. He then lifted his right hand up over his head onto his dark black coat and pulled it down, causing the whole cloak to come off from his body. "Now you must know who I am," he said. Sasuke looked on toward the figures body, his eyes wide open and his mouth agape. His body shivered and sweated from his fear of what he was seeing; he tried to talk from all his fear, ?It...it can't be...I...Itachi?? What?" He then lost his voice because of the fear that he felt. The figure stood before Sasuke, wearing a black coat with red outline and a red with white outline smoke design, his collar covering his chin, his long black sleeves covering his arms and white leg-socks cover his legs from knee to ankle. His Konohagakure headband glowed in the dim moonlight, revealing the everlasting deep scar over his metal Konohagakure leaf design. Itachi then crossed his arms and snickered, "Well, at least you remember my name, even if it did take you a while to remember..." He then reached to his left side to slowly reveal his gleaming sword toward the paralyzed Sasuke. "Why... why did you kill mother and father!? Why the whole entire Uchiha clan?!" Sasuke yelled, trying to hold back the tears, "What did you gain from it?! ANSWER ME!!!" Itachi lowered and shook his head; he looked back up towards the frightened Sasuke, "The same reason as you, my one and only brother... to gain the ultra secret power of the Uchiha Clan." He paused, then continued. "Even though I was one of them, I didn't care... as long as I got the power all to myself, no matter what needed to be done. And you, my brother, shall be just like me...? "Why would I want to be like a blood thirsty killer who only wants power?! " Sasuke yelled at the top of his lungs. "You cannot hide it," Itachi continued, "all these years, you've traveled in order to get stronger and to avenge mother and father by killing me. The only road you?ve walked is the path of an avenger, is it not?? He stopped, but looked deeply into Sasuke?s frozen eyes. ?Your eyes?,? he continued, ?they tell me that you have been alone ever since the day that the Uchiha clan was annihilated many years ago?? ?Stop acting like you understand my whole life,? Sasuke mumbled while looking down, tears coming down his flushed face, ?you ruin everything that I hold close to me and you still enter my life as if nothing?s happened?? Itachi watched Sasuke, as if his tears triggered something deep inside his soul? something that he? he never felt before in a long time. He stopped and thought about it and then said while clenching his heart, ?brother, if? if you truly feel this way, then?? Itachi removed his hand from his chest and grabbed hold of his sword, ?then I must kill you, for you are the one who holds the sacred Uchiha crystal deep within your flesh and blood.? Sasuke quickly looked up at Itachi, confusion on his face, ?What Uchiha crystal? Do you mean the one that is said in legend? It? it can?t be! It was lost thousands of years ago through the sands of time! I couldn?t have it in my body!? ??The great and almighty crystal of the powerful Uchiha clan shall be put into the one who shall defeat the coming evil upon Konohagakure village,?? Itachi said. He raised his right hand and pointed his finger straight at Sasuke. ?You are the only one left of our clan and you are willing to give up your life for everything that you hold dear. You, my sibling,? he paused, looking down, and then continued, ?are the one that will save us all from complete destruction.? He lifted his sword over his face, ?that is why I must kill you, for I want that crystal to not save the world? but to destroy it from within my grasp.? He then crouched down and lowered his sword, reading his attack. ?No, no you can?t! I have an oath to protect the people I love!? he yelled, trying to move out of the paralysis spell, ?you can?t?!? ?Sayonara, my brother,? Itachi said, ?may you now truly know peace in your chaotic soul.? He jumped from the branch towards Sasuke and raised his sword over his head, ready to slash Sasuke in one full swing. Sasuke yelled, ?Noooo!!? as it faded to black? ??Gasp!? Sasuke woke up in his bed, covered in glistening sweat in the dim sunlight. He was gasping for air; his fists clenched tightly onto his white sheets and shivering from fear. He then raised his right hand, which was also trembling, and put both hands over his sweaty face. ?Why? why does this dream continue to come to me every night?? he softly said to himself as if someone was listening, ?what does it mean?? He then looked down on his bare chest and put his hand over his heart, ?do I truly have the ancient crystal inside of me?? He bent his legs to clasp his arms around them and buried his head in. Scared and lonely, he wanted someone to lean on, ?what will become of me?? he said as his voice quivered. He then became silent, whereas only sobs could be heard in the dawning of the sunlight? Thanks for reading!! Please post some comments and rate this from 1 to 10!! n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[QUOTE=GTK]Seconding this~ *heart* (plus I'm pretty sure the end of CoM is where KH2 picks up...?) I also thought it was pretty cool how the intro (at least I think it's the intro) to KH2 features some things from Chain of Memories~ (and speaking of the intro, kyaaa~ the new song is so great T_T *dies* squee for Utada Hikaru~ )[/QUOTE] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Thirding this.... for reals. XD Anyways, yeah, I totally agree with you on that there. I saw the Intro for KH 2 and it was so awesome. The graphics were still great, the whole movie just made me want to play it even more and the whole thing made me cry, especially where [spoiler]Sora flies back to the Destiny Islands and Riku, Kairi and Sora are all sleeping and holding hands.[/spoiler] That's the part where I totally sobbed my eyes out. That whole movie was totally awesome and it made me want to play it even more. I totally loved the song Passion by Utada Hikaru also. It so totally did not help me stop crying. I dunno, but I think there's something in all of Utada Hikaru's songs that has a really deep meaning to it. Like, everytime I hear it, I always feel a connection to it. Utada is my most favorite japanese pop singers of all time. Can't wait to get KH II, even though it might take a longer time to get here to the UK than America, but, being the determined KH fan and longing to find out what happens to Riku, Sora and Kairi, I can wait all day for it to come. n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]I've seen a lot of songs from different games, but I still can't believe that no one has put up this one: Sephiroth's Theme. I mean, seriously, this has GOT to be an awesome theme song that at least everyone has heard. It is totally awesome, especially with the Orchestra and the Opera. I like the way that the Orchestra plays and the way that the people sing it... it makes it sound totally creepy. As which Sephiroth is!! XD Another song that I always listen to whenever I'm on my compy is definitely Scars of Time from Chrono Cross. That song has got the most awesome beat that just makes me want to do a lyrical dance to it, you know? It's like, that song is telling a story of everyone's past and future soon to come. Scars of Time is definitely a good song, hands down. Come to think of it, video game music has made me come to like Orchestral music now, which is a totally awesome music genre. I love listening to Mozart and Beethoven all the time. The only thing that I would really wish for is that the Orchestra who played Simple and Clean and all the other KH songs would come here to the UK and hold a concert. I would save my money just to see that thing. n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Riku replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Wow, I won again?! That is so friggin' awesome!! And I just thought about that too, seeing as there is no such thing as a Mario Dating Sims games. XD Anyways, I will edit this post tomorrow and add a picture, as I'm too busy to do it right now. Gomen nasai. n.n; Well, here's the picture now. I'm a KH fan, so my pics will prolly be all of KH. Yes, I AM obssesed with KH. Nya nya. :P Anyways, here's the piccy: [IMG]http://www.vidaextra.com/images/kingdomhearts2-thumb.jpg[/IMG] Sora: Come! I will show you the true mea... Unknown: Uhm, yeah. That's nice. See ya! Sora: What the crap?! I'm over HERE!! Unknown: Yeah... that's why I'm running THIS way. *maniacal laughter* The boy is Sora and the guy in a black coat is one of the Unknowns. Can't wait to see your comments!! n.n KH II coming out soon!! w00t!! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] -
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Riku replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Another reason why there is no such thing as a Mario Dating Sims game. LOL!! Well, it's true, right?!? XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] -
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Riku replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Yay!! Second Place!! W00t!! XD Snake: Whoops!! Damn that Otacon and his homemade bean dip! Gives me gas up the ying yang!! I start fires everytime!! XDXD Snake is stinky.... XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]All these pictures that you have taken, Sakura, are totally neat. The quality is awesome and the picture poses are totally nice. You are so awesome at everything, you are now my new hero. XD Anyways, I really like all your pictures because they are just totally awesome. I really like the 'heart' picture and the purple one. Your cat, by the way, is so adorable!! And, I just have to say it, I think that you are a very pretty person. Do you get asked out much? I would think so because you are very pretty. And no, everyone, I'm not gay. XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Riku replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Guy in Front: "Come... let us stand and look like heros and save the world.... AGAIN." Girl: "Good Gawd! How many times must we save this frickin' planet from evil?!" Fat Guy: "Ummm......." *counts with fingers how many Dragon Warrior games there are* XDXD Everytime I see another RPG about saving a planet or something, I always think of this. Let's see... I think the world has been saved about... aproximately 1, 900, 348, 405, 349 times... and counting. :animesmil[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I know that there are some good theme song for games out there, so I wanted to see which ones you guys think are the best or just your favorites. It could be any song from a certian game. Tell us what the song is, what game it's in and why you like it so much. I guess I'll start first... FF X: Otherworld- The one thing that I really like about this song is the awesome guitar solo in it. Everytime I listen to it, it makes me want to bob my head up and down to the awesome beat. The words are awesome and the music makes you want to jump all around the room. This is probably the only metal-like song I'll probably ever listen to. And the beginning movie to it was pretty snazzy, too. Kingdom Hearts: Simple and Clean (Remix and Original)- Just listening to this song makes me all fuzzy inside. Everytime I hear the music, I want to sing to it because I love the techno-y sound to it and the fact that the song is fliiping awesome. I also like the original version to it because it doesn't make you want to dance to it, but it makes you really think about the words of the song. Needless to say, everytime I hear the original version, I always remember the ending of KH. It makes me so sad. But, this is my most favorite song of all time. If you saw me walking down the street, I'd probably be humming it out loud. n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Anime What new anime/manga are you looking forward to?
Riku replied to darkartic's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Well, actually, I really cant wait for the Black Cat XIII anime and manga series to come out soon. What I've read about and heard so far, it seems like a really cool show that I would like to watch. Train looks really cool and he looks like he could kick anyone's a**, if you know what I mean. XD Oh yes!! I also can't wait for that new Paradise Kiss anime that's stil very new in Japan. I've tried to read the manga, but it doesn't appeal to me that much. The anime looks way better and it looks like a really funny and hilarious show. n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Finally, I know how to that double image overlaying technique now. I've always wanted to learn how, but now I can now. Thanks, Retri-san. n.n Another question: How do you make a banner without a background?? Like that picture Imi made for you in this thread with the girl's hand out of the background?? And like Imi's cool new blood-splatter sig. I was always wondering how you could do that. Anyways, great idea for this thread, Retri-san. I can always ask questions dealing with these kinds of things. XD Oh and yes, another question: How do you make that dashed border with two different colors instead of a single line border with one color?? I've seen it done many times and I was also wondering how to do that. n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Art Drix learns how to Photoshop. [Image heavy]
Riku replied to Drix D'Zanth's topic in Creative Works
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Wow! These are really good!! And you said you just started learning about PS?? Pshaw, you're already better at it than I'll ever be for a while! I still don't know how to do that metal-like thing. My favorite ones are the metallic bonsai tree and the feathery-textured pic. They are really, really good. Seriously!! I am totally jealous and whenever I see you around here, I will summon all my muffins to clobber you just because you are really good at this!! And not just any muffins... no.... CRANBERRY ONES!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! XD Seriously, though... these are really awesome!! Mind if I add you as a friend? Arg... XP[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Aww.... no one rated mine yet... ;_; Anyways, Desbreko, I give your set a 8.5/10. I like it because it's very simple and it has one thing in mind: games. I like your chibi-people in your avatar. They're so cute. And I also like the women in your banner and the FF IV logo.... but, maybe it might be too plain for me. I'm the kind of person that wants people to automatically see my banners. But, in other cases, I really like yours, Desbreko. XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I would have to say that the Chocobo Summon from FF VII has got to be my most favorite summon ever. It was so funny because you'd never know if you would get a moogle rifing a chocobo or a fat chocobo falling from out of nowhere!! It was so cute and hilarious at the same time!! I cracked up everytime I used it!! Another one of my favorite summons is Anima from FF X. That sucker looked so cool whenever you summoned it. And when you do it's Oblivion attack, that was the most awesomest attack that I ever saw. Even though he was pretty hard to get, it was so worth it. :D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]My favorite season has got to be the first one because that's when I started to watch Digimon and I got hooked. My favorite guy was Matt because I thought he was, well.... cute!!! XD My favorite Digimon from that season has got to be Wizardmon and Angemon. They both were so cool. n.n I liked the season where the teens can turn into legendary Digimon, too. Although, I don't remember which season it was. I liked the red-haired and blue-haired guys; they were so cute.... XD My favorite Digimons were Agurimon and that wolf digimon thingie. I am so lame.... XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]