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Everything posted by Riku

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Huzzah! A new banner and avatar set!! Seriously, though... I think I'm going to keep this one a it longer than the others because I've been switching them around a little too much. Lol, I bet a lot of people are sighing with relief. What can I say?? Making sets for me and other people are really fun! XD Well, Angelofthe Rain, I give your set a 7/10. The picture in the banner is ok and all, but the word font doesn't really match it all too well. The purple doesn't blend in too much, either. The avatar is, well.... a little too small for my taste. I like to make my sets stretch to the limit, so maybe that might be it. And the picture, too, is kinda pixilated, so you might either want to make it bigger or save it under another format. PNG is good, too. :D Other than that, I really like the blue angel and your text. Purty cool. XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Well, I really hate it when Mother Nature makes it rain so much that you can't go anywhere and do anything fun. That happened to me two times in one year. Needless to say, I was really pissed at her. She must be so jealous of me. XP Well, the first time she smited me was when I was back in Nort Carolina. My old school was going to take the high schoolers over to Carowinds to ride the rides, see the amusements and go to a concert to see the awesome christian band, Third Day. I was so excited because I've never been there before and I was going to see a concert on top of that. The friday before the trip, we were in our last period of class and talking about how much fun we would have, until the speaker came on and said, "Due to continuing storms and raining, the high school trip to Carowinds has been cancelled. Please come to the office to refund your money." I was so mad and sad because this was the ultimate trip of a lifetime and now we couldn't go because Mother Nature decided to ruin it for us. Geez... thanks. :animeangr The second time it happened was when me, my sister and some of my family in Maryland was planning a trip to Six Flags. I couldn't wait because I've never been to a Six Flags before. When we were driving there, it started to drizzle a little, and then it kinda stopped. But then, when we got to the entrance of the park, it started pouring and would not let up. We had to cancel the whole darn thing and go to the mall that was right around the corner. Sure it was fun, but not as fun as Six Flags would have been. So, too much rain makes me really angry when you can't do anything. Gnats, on the other hand, are annoying creatures too. :D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I don't know if I've ever come across a bad ending because I like all the endings to my games, but I think that the most suckiest one has got to be in FF VII when [spoiler]everyone went on the airship and saw that Meteor was coming and they didn't destroy it in time to stop it, so they realized that they were all going to die. But then, this green aura comes out from the earth and tries to stop it, seeing Aeris smiling at the end. And then... it ended.[/spoiler] Needless to say, I was very appaled at the way it ended. I was like, "What happened?! Gah!!" But, I guess that's what FFVII Advent Children is for, huh? The most best ending to me was Kingdom Hearts. That sucker made me cry the whole time I was watching it. [spoiler]When you could see Sora fading away in the distance and stars falling from the sky. The Destiny Islands coming and growing back together, Kairi smiling at the sky where she last saw Sora. When Kairi walked into the Cave and saw the drawing of her and Sora, the passing memory of the goofy smiled Sora, Kairi laughing and crying at what he had done and drawing herself giving him a paopu fruit.[/spoiler] That indeed made me cry a lot because it was so cute. Of course, the thing that made me cry was [spoiler]right after you beat Ansem, Sora closes the door with Riku in it and Riku says, "Take care of her, Sora..."[/spoiler] That definitely made my eyes flood with tears. Kingdom Hearts is probably the only game that is very close to my heart. The ending credits were nice, too. n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Almost all the dreams that I have deal with my favorite anime guys or Kingdom Hearts or TLoR.... Legolas.... *drool* :D Anyways, most of you don't want to hear my most secret fantasies (yes, you all know you dream of them too.... you freaks. XD jk) So, I guess I'll just tell you the most wierd one I've ever had. Well, I was in a bowling alley and in the part where they have the arcade (if you know what I mean..). And, I was playing this wierd game where it's like DDR, but you control these people in the game how they fly on some sort of kite thingie and manuver them around and help them avoid hitting things. And then, out of nowhere, Haku from Spirited Away came over to me and hugged me!! I guess I knew him and all, so we walked out of the bowling alley and that's where the dream ended. I was kinda confused when I woke up, but I kinda liked the hug. :animesmil :animestun I need to write me wierd anime dreams in a journal or something so I can relieve all my hugs and kisses and adventures. Whoops... I said too much, huh?? XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]OMG!! I had so much fun making the cute 'lil chocobo banner and avi!! Who loves you, chocobo?! *hugs all four chocobos* XD Anyways, I finished what you asked for and I hope that you like it! [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/ChocoboAvi.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/ChocoboBanner.png[/IMG] Haha! I totally relate to the Dud chocobo too cause he's so funny!! Well, I used the color yellow because there was no other color I'd rather use when playing around with chocobos! I also used your fav. chocobo in the avi because I knew you liked him. The font for the 'huh?' was pretty snazzy too. Anywho, I hope you like it and if there's anything you want me to change, just post it in this thread, ok? I totally love your chocobo's and will steal them all away from you! XD BWAHAHAHAHA!!! All the cute and cuddley chocobo's of the world will become mine!! ALL MINE!!!! HAHAHAHA!!! XDXDXD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Lol. Don't like the KH II set I've made for you already?? What a shame.... Ah, who cares. XD Anyways, yay!! Chocobos!! I would be so glad if I could make this for you! It would take some time, of course, but I would love to make it for you. I heart chocobos!!![/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Well, needless to say that I am one of the warriors going aganist that counsel dohicky thingie of most utter evil.... the XBOX. (Wait... what's an XBOX? XD) Anywho, I know that the XBOX is one of the most anticipated counsels of the year because of the neat and awesome graphics that it can make, what awesome games it has and that XBOX Live is probably really popular. But, to me, I think that it's just a bunch of Hi- tech crap to get people to notice it better. Heck, I know that it has some pretty good graphics; I've seen the trailer of DOA 4 and I was absolutely stunned. It also left me wondering if my King, PS3, could pump out as good of graphics as this. But, I think, to me, that the PS3 will be the best next gen system because I was practically raised on the Sony systems. It all depends on what you like, though. I'm the kind of person who loves RPG's, Final Fantasy, anime games, DDR and Kigndom Hearts, so my first choice would be the PS3. To me, it doesn't wholely and surely depend on how good the graphics are or how much crap-load of high- tech stuff you can get. Hey, the less crap I need to buy the more appealing it is to me, baby. It depends on how good the story is or what I mostly like to play. If you like all that gun-toting and good graphics, then you go and get the XBOX 360, and if you like the nintendo favorites, which I know I do, then go ahead and get the Nintendo Revolution. Simple and Clean as the song. XD Anyways, the only question I have to ask is why are there stupid debates going on about which counsel is better? Like, debators saying, "Oh, the XBOX 360 is, like, so much better." Ok, now if you rewind what you just said and listen to yourself a bit, then you can hear the slight stupidness in your voice, no? Like I said, it really doesn't matter to some people about how stylish their counsel is (Oh look, my Nintendo Revolution is so pimp! Come on! Who says that?!), all that matters is what you like and look for in games and their counsels. But, on the other hand, everything else is a piece of crap and I'm totally for the PS3, no matter how sucky and how painful the controllers will be on my poor little button-mashing hands. XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]O.o;; Woah.... are you flipping serious that you drew all these?? They look so.... real... Your artwork is... totally amazing... I can't get over the fact at how good these drawings really are. I like the detail and the shading that you did to it. It makes it look so much more realistic and humanlike. My most favorite one is the "Taking a bite Out of Crime." Lol. That one made me laugh. Keep up the awesome work!! 10/10!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Yayy!! Thanks so much, Desbreko-san!! Fat Man: I didn't mean this when i said I won't go on a diet until pigs can fly!!! XDXD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hah... Simple and Clean, eh Darkartic?? XD Hmmm.... well, even though I have millions of games that I love, I would have to say that Kingdom Hearts is my most favorite game. It brings back emotional moments because I am very close to that game. It is the only game to which I have cried so many times even though I know what's going to happen because I have played it so much. :animecry It is a game that is very close to my heart. n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hey!! I saw this thread before and I am glad that I'm not the only one that sees X marks the spot instead of the pic!! XD Maybe you should fix it, Monster...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]O-kay!! It is now time for the KH II caption winners!! Sorry it took me so long... AGAIN!!! I've been busy... you know, all the school crap and tests. Why is that so important?? XD First Place shall go to..... The Monster! [QUOTE]Onlooker 1- Is it just me or does that seem a little unbalanced? That dude has a huge wicked Sword and that runt has a key. Onlooker 2- It's not unbalanced; The kids using a keyblade- Its a big Key but its a blade. Onlooker 1- Hmmph; I'm sure that makes all the difference. Key Blades. Someone smoked some crazy stuff when they made that.[/QUOTE] What were they thinking when they made the keyblade? Someone must really like keys... Made me laugh so hard! XD Second Place goes to.... Tatsubei Yagyu!! [QUOTE]Sora: Wait Auron...if you're an adult, then why is Tidus and Wakka a kid? Auron: Crap! Someone finally noticed this plothole!!![/QUOTE] LOL!! I always wondered why that happened! But, I am still happy that Auron is full grown. That way, I can use him!! MWAHAHAHA!!! XDXD And, for the great Third Place... Gaara Kun!! [QUOTE]Sora: Aww crap I forgot the next dance move! Auron: Me too..*pauses* screw this lets go play DDR[/QUOTE] OMG! It so does look like they're playing DDR!! DDR FLIPPING RULES!! And helps me with my thighs and hips. XD Anyways, congrats to The Monster!! *Throws random kkeyblades and such* XD But, in the end, Auron is the winner because he is FLIPPING AWESOME!! And if you don't think so, you can come and taste the losing in PLAYING AGANIST ME IN DDR!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! XDXDXD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]My old user name was CloudsOnly189 before, as you can see. But, to me, it sounded like I was immature or something and I wanted it to be known that I totally love KH, so I changed my name to Keyblade Wielder because it sounds a whole lot better and it shows that I love Sora and Riku, the two keyblade wielders. Let's just say, that I can't wait until KH II comes out. XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Hahaha! Sorry, I haven't played Resident Evil ANYTHING, so I didn't know. Gomen nasai... XD Anyways, here is your new and improved banner. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/ResidentEvil4Banner.png[/IMG] I hope it is to your liking now. I didn't add the words this coming time around because it didn't look very good. :animesmil I wish that I could've, but it didn't look good... AT ALL. Well, I hope that you like it and if there's anything that you want me to change... AGAIN... lol. Jk. Just let me know, okay? Sure! Yay!! Another new friend!! w00t!! XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]I really like a lot of CLAMP's work, especially in Tsubasa and XXXHolic. Their artwork and stories are totally amazing. I'm a big fan of Cardcaptor Sakura and Chobits because those were the first stories whereas I was introduced to CLAMP. After I read each of these mangas, I totally fell in love with CLAMP and now I read every one of their stories that they make. The artwork is extremely beautiful, the storylines and plots are to die for and the characters are so funny and lovable, how can you not fall in love with them?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well, my new custom title comes from the song "Feel Good Inc." by the Gorillaz and I totally love the part where 2-D sings "Windmill windmill for the land...." He has a really beautiful voice, I think so. No wonder I fell in love with the Gorrilaz! :animesmil Anyways, yeah... it's my most favorite song ever and I totally loved that part of the song, so that's why I have it. XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well, I like manga a lot, but I like the anime of my favorite manga better because you can hear the characters voices, see the actual sweat drops dropping down from their forehead and the sounds and music of the whole episode going on. Needless to say, I laugh at an anime way harder than a manga. For some reason, it's just funnier. :animesmil [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Fonts.png[/IMG] Yeah, I know that I have a lot of favorite fonts, but I use them all in a lot of my pieces. I have more of them, but these are my top faves. XD Batik Regular is a font that I love to use when I'm doing something creepy or I'm in a morbid mood. XD 123 And... is a cool font which makes the text look cool and awesome. Angry Blue gives a scratchy, gritty feeling to the words that I write. Bastarda-K is totally cool and I use it most of the time. Blackladder ITC is good if your in a crazy, curly mood. I don't use it on everything, though. Elvish Writing is one of my most favorites; I use it in a lot of TLoR stuffs. Evanescent is a really neat font and I use it most of the time, but it's not a good font if you need something small. n.n;; Fanjofey dh is what I use whenever I can't find anything else that's cool. Final Fantasy and Triforce are what I use when I'm in a gaming mood. Cocaine Sans, Kingthings Spikes and Neverwinter are the three fonts that I absolutely adore and use in almost everything I make. I less than sign three them all. XD Korn and A Theme for Murder is what I use if I'm in a murdery mood or want a creepy, scary font. Anyways, these are some of the fonts that I like a lot, but I also like Photoshop small and large just because it's fun and easy to use in anything. XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Does anyone know of any good Photoshop Brushes sites? I was looking around and wondering if there was any sites that you can downlaod brushes for free. I want to use ore brushes and be free with my creativity. So, if anyone could help me, that would be really great!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I didn't think that the Heartless in KH was all that bad. In fact, I wanted more of them! They really hellped me lvl up a lot and I got a lot of stuff in order to get the final keyblade. So, all in all, I didn't think it was that bad. The most annyoing enemies would have to be those random animals from FF VII. Man, everytime you took just one step, there would be a random animal right there in front of you. No wonder why it took me so long to finish that dang game. XD But, I guess that was part of it's fun-ness too. XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I am so bad. I've seen this thread before and I wanted to make it, but I totally forgot. Sorry, I'll make it for you, okay? I'll just edit this post when I'm done with it. Go Cloud! XD Okay, I'm finished and I think that it looks very cool. I used some of my new fonts that I just downloaded and they are absolutly amazing. Anyways, here's your creepy Resident Evil 4 avatar and banner set!! XD [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/ResidentEvil4Avi.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/ResidentEvil4Banner.png[/IMG] Cool, huh? XD Anyways, for the border, I used a brush that almost looked like blood, but I still need to look for a site that has blood brushes. n.n;; To type in Biohazard and your username, I used a cool font called Cocane Sans, which is a pretty awesome font for these kinds of things. Oh, and for the blurry words in the banner, I used this old typewriter thingie and made it fade a little. It says, "When death comes knocking on my door, I will open it with no fear and shoot it in the head." I thought it was a pretty awesome quote and I didn't want it to look too plain, so I did that to it. I hope that everything is what you asked for and that it is to your liking. If you want me to change anything, just post it in this thread and I'll do it for you, okay? n.n Hopes it gives you the chills like it did to me!! XD Oh yes, and about teaching you on how to use Photoshop... hmm. Well, what I did was experiment arounf with different things in Photoshop, like brushes, filters, layers, fonts, the whole shebang. I also looked up Photoshop tutorials online, which really helped me out a lot. Oh, and why don't you ask Photoshop masters right here on OB? They'll be glad to help you if you just ask. You can ask me if you need any help, because I also know how it feels to want to learn how to use it. Heck, asking and experimenting is the way that got me to be a good Photoshopper anyways! XD Well, I hope you like your set! And again, if you need or want anything, don't be afraid to ask me. ~~*Keyblade Wielder[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  22. [font=Verdana][size=2][color=royalblue][color=teal](pretend there was someone named Loon90, whose post was deleted due to spam) -Syk3[/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Loon90, I give your banner a 6/10. You could work a little it more on the pictures and the image quality of it. And your words, you could work a little bit more on the text. Try to make it... stand out a little more, you know? Fool around with more fonts or download more fonts from a website. That always works. n.n And for your avatar, I rate it a 8/10. I like the picture of the flower.. very pretty. I wonder if you did anything to it?? XD[/color][/size][/font]
  23. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]OMG!! I seriously won again!? Flipping burgers awesome!! XD Yeah, I totally thought that that's what Rapael would say. And by the way, he is totally sexy!! XD Okay, since you all know that I love and adore KH II, here ish my picture!! [IMG]http://www.dignews.com/admin/screenshoot/kingdom_hearts_2_15.jpg[/IMG] My favorite character and the sexy one in red and the huge sword is Auron and the other cute one is Sora!! Can't wait to fight with Auron in KH II!! w00t!! XD Anyways, can't wait to read your quotes and see how funny you can make them!! My Caption. I just had to put it in because I thought it was funny. XD Sora: All right Auron, if we die.... Auron: Don't worry.. we won't.. Sora: But if we do... I wanted to say that... I always adored your pretty red dress.. Auron: FOR THE LAST TIME!!! THIS ISN"T A DRESS!! Sora: XDXD XDXD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well, not that anyone would care about what I like XD, but my favorite kinds of games would have to be RPG's, adventure and fighting games. I mostly like RPG's, though because they are my most favorite type of games ever. See my avatar and banner? Chrono Cross, an awesome RPG. That game is flipping awesome! Go Serge and Square Enix!!! XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Okay, I'm almost done with my version of your set, so just hold on a bit. I'll edit this post with them when I'm done, okay??[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Edit: Horray! Huzzah! Yayy! I'm finally done with your Alucard banner/ avatar set. Go Alucard! XD He rules among all half-vampires!! Well... except for D. XD Well, here they are: [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/AlucardAvi.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/AlucardBanner.png[/IMG] Well, I used some stamps, lines, text and colors on both of them. The avatar, I used a cool pattern stamp. For the banner, I used the same pattern stamp, lines, more stamps, your OB username and your cool quote. I hope that you like them and that they are what you asked for. n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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