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[QUOTE=Ryli][COLOR=DarkRed]What does this mean? You scared him off plain and simple. You can never really force anything. Maybe he doesn't want a relationship now, or...he only sees you as a friend or little sister and nothing else. Don't go looking for love, let it find you.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]I totally agree with Ryli and with what she said at the end. I think that you kinda scared him off by repeatingly telling him how it would work and why you two should go out. You should have just accepted the answer that he gave you and realize that either he doesn't want to go out with you or he might not be ready to have a realitionship in any way, shape or form. Another thing I agree with everyone else on is that he might act that way because he thinks of you as his little sister. Everytime someone does or say something nice to/for you doesn't mean that he automatically likes you, it's just that your his best friend or he thinks of you as a younger sibling. When you stopped asking him, he probably felt that you understood what he meant. I think I might be wrong, so don't do anything drastic because of my reply. In the end, don't rush love because he might either be scared to ask you or there might not be anything at all. Maybe you're looking for love in all the wrong places[/COLOR][/SIZE].[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Heh heh.... I've had an answer to this question for sometime now. My idea that I thought would be a great game is that there should be a Final Fantasy fighting game, where you can play as Leon, Cloud, Sephiroth, Aeris, Rinoa, Sora, Riku and everyone else that was in the FF series that you would want to play as. You could customize their costume colors and their weapons,which would be totally awesome because you could give Sephiroth a rubber chicken and he could still kick your a**. Also, you can pick your backgrounds and play in different areas that you would recognize when you were playing that game; like Midgar, for example. I just had that thought for a long time and thought that it would be a really cool fighting game[/COLOR][/SIZE].[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Oh man... I just couldn't pass this thread up..it's so inticing!! For those of you that don't know me, well, here you go.... :animesmil Name:Tiana Lovett Gender:Female Age: 16 Location: England Race/Culture: Hawaiian, English, Japanese , Cherokee, Italian and American Likes: Anime, manga, drawing, video games, anime merchandise, J-Pop and everything else normal people don't like Dislikes: People saying that video games are stupid when they haven't even tried it. I summon Sephiroth on their a**es. Favorite Anime: Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Outlaw Star, Rurouni Kenshin, Spirited Away, Naruto, Inu Yasha, Fullmetal Alchemist and a whole lot of other things... Favorite Video Game: Kingdom Hearts. Hands-down. Favorite Characters: Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh! and Riku from Kingdom Hearts Personality: Happy-go-lucky, nice, cheerful, funny, friendly, weird and caring. Favorite Band: L`Arc~En~Ciel In conclusion, I'm the type of person that likes anything that has to do with anime, video games and manga. I also really like Kingdom Hearts because it is so close to me and I have a special connection with it. Riku didn't mean to be evil.. he was just confused. Anyways, if you want to know more about me, you can PM me or visit my profile and My Otaku site at: theotaku.com/users/bakurasgirlfwend. Sayonara[/COLOR][/SIZE]!![/FONT]
Anime What anime/manga character would you go out with?
Riku replied to punk alchemist's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Well, that is a really hard decision because there are a lot of people that I wish were real so I could go out with them...hmmm, but I would have to say that I would want to go out with Riku from the Kingdom Hearts game and manga series. Everyone who knows me probably knew I was going to say this[/COLOR][/SIZE].[/FONT] :nope: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]He was very close to me throughout the whole entire series because of what he had done for someone else. I would definitely go out with him if I had the chance. He's so cute, charming, thoughtful, caring, loving, handsome and would do anything to bring his friends back. In the end, he wasn't really evil, but actually a good person. Heh.. I really like to give Riku credit because he wasn't bad, just confused. But, I would go out with him if he was real. He's so handsome and cute, no?? [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT] :love2: :love2: :animeblus -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Everyone who knows me knows that I would definitely say Riku from Kingdom Hearts because he is so charming and cute. But, this is anime, so I'll pick someone else that I also think is cute. I would have to say that Bakura, Malik and Dartz from Yu-Gi-Oh! would have to be my pick. And yes, everyone, I still like Yu-Gi-Oh! and still find it as great show thank you very much[/COLOR][/SIZE].[/FONT] :animesmil [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Anyways, I really think that these guys are really cute (not hot. lol) because they are so beautiful and handsome to me. 1)Bakura because he is very cute, charming, childish and very handsome. He was the very first person that I liked because of his cuteness and child-like innocence. And his smile... I still blush and giggle like a little girl as if he's really smiling at me. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT] :animenose :animeblus :animeshy: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]2) Malik because he really is wonderful with his tan and light blonde hair. Other people might have hated him, but I was all like, "Go Malik!!" His hair is so long, which is what I find very attractive about him. Spikey at the top and long and straight in the front and back.... I actually wanted to reach into the screen and hug him and his beautiful hair[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]. :animesmil [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]3) And Dartz. Oh my... have any of you seen him? His manly body, light-green long hair tied at the end, his green and yellow eyes.... and his eyelashes. I just can't get over those cute eyelashes!! Even though he was evil, in the end, he realized what he did wrong, so he apologized. I was all like, "Awww.. it's okay, Dartz." I know, I'm so weird, but I know that they aren't real, so I'm not all possesive of them, but, I like to dream and think that they're actually real, you know[/COLOR][/SIZE]??[/FONT] :animesmil :animenose :animeblus :animeshy:
[center][img]http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/3158/trigunmerylmilly5jk.jpg[/img][/center] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Meryl: Ahh... isn't it nice to sit and have a picnic in the desert?? Milly: Yeah...it's so nice to see sand flourishing around us. Meryl: So, what's in the bag? I brought a sandwich, chips, dip and some Kool-Aid. Milly: Really? I brought a whole turkey, mashed poatoes, KFC, cookies... and a salad. Meryl: Oh... on your diet again, huh? Milly: Yup... I couldn't think of anything else.... [/COLOR] [/SIZE] ^ ^;;[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Fruits Basket is my most favorite manga that I have in my whole manga collection. Although it seems simple, it actually has a very deep and dark plot into the story. Takaya is one of the greatest manga-ka ever to arrive in America and I hope that more of her stories will come here and also be loved by millions of fans worldwide. I also have the whole anime box set and it is totally awesome. It is very different from the manga because it goes through volumes 1-8 and it doesn't introduce the horse or rooster, which kinda sucks because the both of them are really cool. There might be season two, but it has left to be discussed. Let's just hope the director will change his answer and make it to please the pleas of millions of Fruits Baskets lovers[/COLOR][/SIZE].[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Well, there are a lot of different that I'm waiting for next year. 1) My step-brother is coming to live with me and family during this summer, so I can't wait until he comes. He likes playing video games and doing a lot of the same stuff that I do, so it'll be great. I'll probably hang out with him than my other sister. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT] :animesmil [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]2) Graduating from the 11th grade. I can and can't wait until I'm a senior because it means that I'm exiting student life and soon entering the real world, so I hope that I'm ready for it. And the last thing that I can't wait for is Kingdom Hearts II and maybe even FFVII: Advent Children!! I know we've all been waiting a hell of a long time, so when those two come out, I'll already be in the store with money in hand and buying my copy of these two games. Heh heh[/COLOR][/SIZE].[/FONT] :catgirl: :animesmil
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy]After reading some new posts displayed on this thread, I totally agree with each and everyone of you. Personally, I don't want to have or have anything to do with video games that have sex in it because it's just not my type of thing that I would want to see. But, with all the things going around this topic, I would have to say that yes, sex should be allowed on video games. Not thst I like it but, hey, some mature teens like that kind of stuff, so, why should we take it away from them?? Just a thought. Basically, what most politicians against sex in video games say is that it is the gaming compines fault that these types of games are being made and sold to kids who are way too young to see this type of thing. I was watching the news and they had this story and some politician came up there and said, "It is both the video gaming company and present consumers who are supporting them that are roting our young childrens' minds with sex." Okay, as soon as I heard that, I was just about to knock my T.V. out because I was so mad at what she had said. First of all, it is not the gaming compaines fault that their games are getting into the hands of many young children; it's the parents fault because they aren't paying attention to the ratings of the games that their children are asking for. I hate it when parents blame video games that it had vulgar things on it, but they were the ones that bought it for their kid. Hello... there's something called an ESRB Rating in the front AND back. Geez, how can you not see it?? Secondly, why does she have to bring video gamers into this? What did we ever do to deserve a bad renark? It's not like we say, "Hey kids, look! A sex-fillied video game!! You should buy it!" Heck, all we do is buy games that we like from that company because duh... it's what consumers do: buy from a company so that they can make money. I mean, come on! Why don't they blame the blasted kid's parents instead of the people who are just buying entertainment? Thirdly.... look, people, sex isn't just vulgaraity, you know, it's something special in which someone gives up their life to another person. It's supposed to be beautiful, not banned just because some younger kids see it. Besides, they're going to have to learn about it one day, so,why ban it? Also, maybe the ratings should go just a little bit higher in which how much sexual content is in it so that store owners know that they can't just sell this game to every person who buys it. but someone who is old and mature enough to play it[/COLOR][/SIZE].[/FONT]
[QUOTE=Ryan][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=1]What attracts me to watch anime? A number of things. 1.) The artwork. Not just in anime, now that I think about it, but in a lot of animated television shows. I have nothing but the upmost respect and admiration for those who have the talents to draw extremely well and I take pleasure in watching it and thinking of the process it takes from pencil on paper to television. 2.)Anime is usually much deeper with more mature-related themes then what may show on Nickelodeon. Nothing against Nickelodeon, as I used to watch it whenever I was younger, but I've grown up (Hence the urge to watch something more grown up.) 3.)I watch because I can relate to it more. No, I cannot relate to a ninja saving the world, but I can to more of the internal conflicts the a lot of main characters, in any anime, deal with. 4.)It is just fun to imagine and daydream, "What if I was in *insert character's name*'s shoes." I think humans in general like to think about themeselves having magical powers or heightened abilities. I could probably go on, but I don't want to become too repetitive, so I will leave this as is. Nice question, by the way.[/size] [/font][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Very nice quote, Ryan. I totally agree with you when you said you can relate, but not to the part where a ninja saves the world. :animesmil Although, wouldn't that be cool if you could relate? You'd see that episode, and say, "That reminds me of when I saved the world just yesterday!" Lol, stupid my thoughts are, I know. [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animesmil :animeswea [FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=Navy]Anyways, the things that attract me to anime is the realness and unrealness between them. Like, there are things where you can relate to and things that you know the aren't real, but wish they were. Like, watching FMA, some of the things that Ed and Al do and say, that if I were in that type of situation, then, I would probably do some of the same things that they do. And the unrealness that anime gives me to wish that I, also, could do those types of things that they do but we can't. Like, being the chosen one and only you could save the world, or being a samurai and living in the past Meji Era. Whatever you wish was real, in the end, you actually want to do some of those things because it seems so interesting, you know??[/COLOR] [/FONT] :D :animesmil [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Another reason why is because of the story line, the characters and the artwork. If I can get into the story or the plot just makes me feel how it should, then that would make me stick to watching the anime. Also, the action and some drama that always keeps you guessing! I really like when an episode ends and you have to wait for the next one. It's really annoying when it's at a good part and it ends, but hey, that anime just made a new fan in itself, no?[/COLOR] [/FONT] :animesmil
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Rurouni Kenshin, Volume 9: Anji: "You must have a feeling for how difficult it is to make the mastery a reality. One week is impossible. You must reconsider." Sano: "Forget it." Anji: "...stubborn man." Sano: "There are four more days to this week. In four days... 'Even the piss in the river can flow to the sea." Lol. I just thought it was so funny. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE]Enjoying or seeking out fanservice isn't really what makes someone a fanboy, even if he does it excessively. There has to be an element of defensiveness & aggression & single-mindedness to the person's attitude to make him/her a fangirl or fanboy. That's the way I see it, at least.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I totally agree with Dagger-sama and I would like to apologize to everyone out there who think of this as calling them stupid.[/FONT] Gomen nasai. [/COLOR] :animeswea :( [FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=Navy]He is totally right. Everyone out there who loves anime and video games a lot is an otaku, which actually, in other words, is a fangirl/boy. If you totally love an anime show (as to how Dagger-sama put it), then, you are a fangirl/boy! I guess I am one even without thinking about it... I wasn't really thinking, but I only wanted this thread to talk about the things that people who are totally in love with anime guys and want to have their babies... not everyone in the whole world who just loves anime. Again, if anyone thought of this as offensive, I am truly sorry and I didn't mean it that way. Gomen nasai[/COLOR].[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Fangirls... yes, you've all heard this term before, if not, seen them in anime chat rooms. Fangirls are the people who have fallen hopelessly in love with anime characters and have probably fallen from the real world. Everytime they talk about an anime show, fangirls always have to say weird things like this: "OMG! I so totally love Inu Yasha because he is so hot!" Umm... okay... and others even scarier than that: "Yeah, I am so in luv with Sesshoumaru. He's so mine and no one else can have him!" Uh... I'm sorry, but millions of others say that, too. And... he's not real.. And the most scariest one that I have ever heard in my entire life: "Ed and Mustang should so make out with each other because them both together are so totally hot and it turns me on!!!" People!! Are there no bounds to the level of stupidity when fangirls say these kinds of things?! I mean, okay, calling an anime guy cute is okay, but hot and that they turn you on? That is so totally wrong[/COLOR]...[/FONT] :animeangr :animeangr :animesigh [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Ahem, anyways, if you have seen worse things being said from fangirls, please, post them and explain why you think this makes anime lovers look stupid and idiotic. Maybe, just maybe, we can cure this horrorific disease... one fangirl at a time[/COLOR]....[/FONT]
Manga What is the funniest manga that you have read so far?
Riku replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I would have to say that Bleach would have to be the funniest manga I've ever read because whenever Ichigo does something wrong, Rukia gets all mad and then they start to fight. And whenever she draws her cute little animals, Ichigo makes fun of them. Hey, my sense of humor is kinda lame, so, what can you do[/COLOR]?[/FONT] -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I would have to say that the game I have spent the most time-killing on would have to be between The Legend of Dragoon and DDR. The Legend of Dragoon because it was the very first RPG that I've ever played and it was a helluv a lotta fun. I always liked turning into a dragoon and punding everyone with my magic. Lol. And I always went on the mini-games and leveled up, so, it was pretty fun. And then I say DDR because how can you just play it once? I mean, it's so addicting and fun and you can dance to a whole lotta cool songs. And, at least you lose weight at the same time, you know[/COLOR]?[/FONT]
[QUOTE=Lone_Link]Rouroni Kenshin is one of the best Mangas ive read!! Even though i havnt started from the beginning.. :animeswea ..But one of my GOOD friends introduced the series to me and I cant stop reading them..Ive only read volume 8 and 9 Though..But my friend has alot more that hopefully I shall read next week or soon!! :animesmil ..AND the shopette on base has finally started selling MANGA!!!So now i can buy volume 1, 7, and 10 of Rouroni Kenshin!YES..(plus FMA series!!). Ive also just noticed that they sell Shonen Jump at the shop too but ive never bought one..Ive read one and i was pretty impressed..It was entertaining..I might start a subscription when i get some MONEY..Whenever that happens!! :animedepr PEACE[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I am so glad that you think of me as your good friend, Mike. Lol[/COLOR].[/FONT] :animesmil :catgirl: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Anyways, Rurouni Kenshin is one of the best manga that SJ has ever started selling. I can't wait to start reading Vol. 20 and up, but, alas, some of us are very, very poor from buying other things.[/[/COLOR]FONT] :animeswea :animedepr :animecry:
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ky[COLOR=Navy]o: "What are you lookin' at?" Uo: "Oh, nothing much, really." Lol, it might not be that good, but I think that that's what they would say. [/COLOR] [/FONT] :catgirl:
Anime I Have or I did have a crush on an anime character!
Riku replied to XxmoraiNAKIxX's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Lol. I've always wanted to answer a question like this.[/[/COLOR]FONT] :catgirl: [FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=Navy]Well, almost all the anime guys I've seen I've developed crushes for because they are all so unbelievably hot! [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animeblus [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I remember when I used to have a crush on.... okay, nobody laugh.... Ash from Pokemon!! Hey, I said don't laugh!! [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animeswea :animedepr :animeshy: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I mean, Pokemon was the very first anime I ever saw and hey, he did look kinda cute.... But, when Brock came on the scene.... HOLY CRAP I totally dropped Ash and went over to Brock because... well..... spiky hair is so d*** cool. Now that I look back, I'm kinda glad that I don't have a crush on them two anymore because all the animes that I watch now, I flipping fall in love with every single guy out there. Hey, don't hate me, hate the people who draw so d*** good. [/COLOR] [/FONT] :catgirl: -
[QUOTE=Mewprincess]How can you think it's awesome!!??? It totally freaks me out whin boys cry. Like, if my boyfriend cries over anything, I would soo break up with him, not to mention anime. But if girls cry, now that's a different story... :rotflmao: [COLOR=Magenta][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Umm... no offense, but what if your boyfriend's mother had just died and he had been crying for nonstop? Would you break up with him then? You might have not meant it that way, but other people might think of it like this so, sorry if that's not what you meant.. Anyways, no, I don't think that it's wrong for guys to cry over anime because they aren't heartless beings, you know; they're people, too. I mean, heck, if any guy saw FMA and they had soft spots for things sad, then they would probably bawl over where Shou turned his daughter Nina into a chimera because that was soo sad. I mean, hey, I did. In the end, if I was watching anime with my boyfriend and me and him were crying over something that happened, I would actually feel glad because he thought it were sad too. But, if guys cry a little too much over EVERYTHING, then I think that they've gone a little too far, you know??[/COLOR] [/FONT] :animeswea :animesmil
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I would have to say that The Legend of Dragoon's final boss, Melbu Frahma, was pretty hard for me because that was my very first RPG that I have ever beaten. Plus, he did look kinda scary.... [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animecry: :animedepr [FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=Navy]Melbu Frahma's final form was pretty hard because of all the staus alignments that he gives you with his magic. It was so annoying because Rose kept hitting Dart and Dart kept guarding and all that other crap that happens when your character gets confuzled.[/COLOR] [/FONT] :animeangr [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]But, in the end, when I beat him, I was jumping up and down and pointing at the screen, saying, "Yeah, that's right! Die, you freak of nature, DIE!!" And then everyone looked at me and I sat back down. But, oh well.... no one understands... But, yeah, I would say that he was the hardest boss for me. And I beat the game about three years ago, so, all I have to say is.... yay! [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animesmil :catgirl:
I would have to say that my favorite summon would have to be Shiva from FFX. I mean, really, it's so cool because huge blocks of ice come falling down and it reveals Shiva's reflection! Yay!! Oh, and no reason, but I havent been on for a while because Im moving!!!
[quote name='Anime Pet][COLOR=DarkOrchid']That would be really awesome. I hope they decide it's worth it to put on the PS3 and everything else. Hey, does anyone know if PS1 and PS2 games are going to be able to be played on the PS3?? I want to play my FF on it!! :animeswea [/COLOR][/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I'm not sure, but I think so... You know how you could play PS1 games on the PS2, well, I think that that concept will also happen with the PS3. If it doesn't, I will be so sad and dissapointed..... [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animecry: [FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=Navy]But, I would still buy the PS3 ONLY FOR the remake of FFVII. Dude, totally awesome game.... duh! [/COLOR] [/FONT] :catgirl: :animesigh
Manga What is the funniest manga that you have read so far?
Riku replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Mine would have to be RuroKen because whenever Kenshin-san says, "Oro??" it's so hilarious because the way he looks and says it is so funny. And some of the plot is so funny and it makes me laugh all of the time!! Like one time..... Sano: "We must go there!! AS IF IN FLIGHT!!!!" Saito: "Driver, could you please shake that trash off up there??" Sano: "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!!" Hahahhaa..... *sigh* Good times, good times[/COLOR]....[/FONT] -
Manga What new manga/manwha are you reading now?
Riku replied to Monkey_Orange's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Right now I'm reading the newest manga by SJ, Death Note. So far, it seems really, really creepy, but it kind of draws you into it because the story is so good. [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animesmil :catgirl: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I so love the artist who does Death Note because it's the same person who did Hikaru no Go, which is, like, the most awesomest manga of all. [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animesmil [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Also, what also caught me into it is where Light found the notebook and he can kill anyone in the world. To me, that it kind of weird, but, I mean, who the heck would pass that up??? Gah, I think I would...... [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animedepr :animedepr :animeswea -
[FONT=Courier New][COLOR=Navy]Well, I would totally take Uchiha Sasuke with me because of several reasons: 1. Because my fangirleshness has taken me over and I would so want to be alone with him.. lol [/COLOR] [/FONT] :catgirl: :animenose :animeblus :animeswea [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]2. Because he would be a great aspect to help us survive 3. Just because he is my most fav character LOL. I so love Sasuke, but I would really want to take him with me and I would never want to leave that island, although I think that I would be the type of person that he would tink as annoying. [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animesigh :animeswea :animedepr