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Everything posted by Riku

  1. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"][CENTER][IMG]http://www.d-juiceman.com/image/4382046.jpeg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Strawberry Daiquiri[/B] *40-60 ml white rum *3-4 strawberries *20 ml squeezed lime or lemon *1/2 tsp sugar *1 cup crushed ice Recipes differ, but they're basically the same, more or less. Yeah, I'm more like Shy, I love girly and fruity drinks with a little bit of rum or vodka more than anything else. I haven't tried a lot, but I hope to soon when I go to Italy in the next two weeks. And the Bailey's Coffee in Lunox's post actually looks very tasty. I should probably try it out sometime. Btw, sorry Mage17, but I have to agree with Retri on the whole Corona with lime thing. It's simple and it tastes pretty dang good, with either a lime or lemon, lol.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]I'm finally done with mine and proud of it too.
  3. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]I agree with you all as well, thinking it's fake. Besides, I already knew I was a left-brainer, but I think I'm a little bit of both.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]*Insert dibs on making a set and many hours working on it here* >D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]I already had one made if you want to use it. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/LightB.png[/IMG] However, if not, is it okay if I use another picture of Raito? The one you provided is kind of blurry. :/ If so, thanks.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]Call on #36 since Delta got hers in now. = D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"][quote name='Korey'][FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Gray"]By today's standards, yes the graphics for Legend of Dragoon would be pretty bad, but you gotta remember, that game was released here around 97-98 right around the same time as FF7. So having full 3D sprites walk around in a pre-rendered universe was pretty cool back then. Now a days, this is the norm. So it makes sense that you would think that the graphics seem a little dated.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Oh, I wasn't dissing it by any means, I understand it came out during the time FF VII did. I thought it was a great game way before the PS 2 came out. Don't worry, I absolutely LOVE the game. I remember this was my very first game I played in my entire life and I thought it was so scary. So, honestly, [B]LoD [/B]made me like to play video games even more. :3 And yeah, it took me awhile to master Gust of Wind Dance, lol. But once I did, it was funny to see them stripper-pole dance over a spear like that. :rolleyes: I so want to play [B]Eternal Sonata[/B], but it's too bad it's only for the 360. I bet if they made it into a PS2/3 game, that company would make a killing. I did have a 360, but my mom sold it because she sayd I wasn't playing it enough. ...[I]Right[/I]. During exams and last days of school, I had so much time to play it. >_> I WANT TO PLAY [B]FF VII: CRISIS CORE[/B] FOR PSP! But I have to buy one first...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]Thanks for all your help, jiggly and Lunox, because I never knew what a portfolio was until they told me to bring one, lol. :animesigh Anyway, just to let you all know, [B]the college accepted my portfolio and I get to start majoring in graphic design in college in two weeks.[/B] TWO WEEKS! I thought I either had to start late or start three months from now. But this is great! The interviewer was very impressed when I told her a lot of it was self taught. So, because of this, she said I could excel and was up to par with her current class. [B]I'M SO EXCITED![/B] I get to learn more about graphic design!!!! YAY!!! Thanks OB, without you guys, I wouldn't have had this passion for graphic design. Now, it's a full-time job for me. Sort of. ;)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]Right now, I'm addicted to both songs of [B]Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger[/B] by [B]Daft Punk[/B] and the one by [B]Kanye West[/B]. I've loved Daft Punk for a long time now, so when Kanye West remixed the song and whatnot, I absolutely love it. Also, [B]D.A.N.C.E[/B] by [B]Justice[/B] has also caught my ears. Not only is the music video amazing, but the song is all around good in general. Who knew I would still love the older songs more than the new ones? :rolleyes:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]Currently, I've been playing [B]Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus[/B] because I'm trying to become better at sniping or shooting games all around in general. Sure SquareE is sucking the life out of the plot of VII, but it's okay because at least it's sequels are better than sequels of other games I've seen out there. Vincent is kick *** when it comes to his gun, which you can modify or make it bigger and send the enemies flying after you've shot them in the head. Which, in my opinion, is the best. I've beaten [B]Elite Beat Agents[/B] for DS, but I'm playing it again because IT IS JUST SO DARN FUN. Listening to the music and watching people become so happy or angry anime style is just way too much fun to stop playing. It also has good song choices, by the by. Hmm... the oldies are coming back to me... I feel like play [B]The Legend of Dragoon[/B] again and beat it for the sixth time. Sure the graphics are bad, but the music, plot and characters make it oh so much better.:smirk:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Hey guys, I know I haven't been here for a long while, but I need your advice on something. Right now, I'm creating a portfolio for pieces of my graphic design works that I've done. I'm having an interview for the college I'm going to and I'm majoring in graphic design. Only thing is, they also wanted me to bring a portfolio of some of my works I've already done to see whether they should put me in the regular class or excel and skip one/two years. [I](British colleges are different from the ones in the US. In the regular class, I would already be two years ahead of them.)[/I] So, here's where my question comes in: How do I create a portfolio? Instead of making a PDF (since I don't have the software), is there another way to do it just on my computer? Thanks for any help you guys give me. I'll probably show some of the stuff I'll put in the portfolio and see what you guys have to say about that. Also, if you've seen some of my works and want to suggest which ones I should put in there, be my guest. ;) As how I'm sort of having problems of what works I've done I should put in there since the amount of pictures should be limited. Thanks again, you guys. [B]EDIT:[/B] Here are some of the things I'm going to put in my portfolio. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Artwork/ArtStudio.png[/IMG] v The next two I vectored a picture of Azusa from the manga, Hot Gimmick, and wanted to make shirts out of it. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Artwork/AzusaT.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Artwork/AzusaT2.png[/IMG] v Also made a shirt out of this one. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Artwork/FragileNight.png[/IMG] v Business card Front [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Artwork/MusicBC.png[/IMG] v Business card Back [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Artwork/MusicBC1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Artwork/RainRain.png[/IMG] More coming later, thanks[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Well, I guess not so many things make me feel old, as how everyone says I look 14 when I'm actually turning 18 next month. :/ But, when me and my friends were remembering old cartoon shows, toys and books we used to lover those many years ago, it reminds you that life goes by so fast and that you actually are old. Remember Thunder Cats? [I]Riiigghhht.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Hey, I haven't been in here in forever, but this sounds like hella fun. I'll claim and post it within 24 horas. :3 [B]EDIT:[/B] Yay for vectoring! I was going to go into shadow detail and whatnot, but I really don't have enough time, so. It was good practice, though. Seeing as how my college major is dealing with this kind of thing right now. : O [B]***HANDICAP LOLOL*** -Theme Handicap:[/B] Video Games [B]-Text Handicap:[/B] Insert the phrase- "Lol I pwned u. I am teh WINRAR!" [B]-Colours Handicap:[/B] No neon or girly colours, plz. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Ohh... this sounds like fun. :3 Well, I don't have it ready yet, but I have to go on a trip for a week, so. If you could wait until then, then okay. But Rach's banner set is amazing aswell. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Hey guys. I just wanted to say that I'll be gone all this week for a Christian Youth Camp, so... yup. If anything starts without me, good luck and I'll definitely do something when I get back. I'll miss you guys. ; 3 ; Good luck!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Your tutorials are very amazing and also easy to understand. I've always wanted to learn how to do that sort of graphic designing in sigs, so this helps me out a lot. Very colourful aswell. Will you be doing more? And will you also be showing some of your sig works?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. Riku


    [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"]Hey, Lionheart, is this RP going to start anytime soon? I've been waiting forever... D:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]My most outrageous purchase? [B]A prom dress.[/B] And the stupid thing is, it didn't even look as glamorous as it did in the picture. But at least I got to buy another one that looked better and was cheaper.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I agree with both of you, as how Sandy missed some in mine as well. But we can't necessarily blame him for that because there was some I didn't get in posts such as Shy's and BK's. But we won, so it's all good. Instead of water, The Sunflowers will be looking for blood as you said, Shy. Congrats to us, though! It was really fun remembering all those cliches and typing them out. :3[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. Riku

    The Hunters

    [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]"Ky!"[/B] Melan shouted as she got up from her sitting position and ran over towards him, kneeling down towards his level. She shook him a little, trying to wake him up, but he was knocked out from the wounds he'd just received. Her face showed a slight worried emotion, but she smiled a little, knowing that he would be okay. Joseph wiped the Eater's blood off of his blade and slung it over his shoulders. [B]"What a wimp,"[/B] he finally replied, only watching as Melan bandaged Ky's wounds. [B] "Just shut up, Joseph,"[/B] Ellemere fumed as she slightly bandaged his own wounds, almost annoyed at his prideful attitude. [B]"You know just as well as I do that he was a bit better than what you took him for."[/B] When she finished, she slapped him on the back as a gesture of annoyance and letting him know that she was finished. [B]"Feh,"[/B] he scoffed, walking over to a little area by himself. [B]"Everything okay here?"[/B] Llyra asked Melan, wanting to help in anyway she could. Melan slightly nodded and continued bandaging his wounds. Llyra then walked over to Ellemere and whispered softly in her ear. [B] "What the heck is up with her?" "I dunno,"[/B] Ellemere shurgged, crossing her arms, [B]"...maybe it has something to do about love or some sort?" "Whaa? Eww,"[/B] Llyra shuddered, not taking a liking to the word at all. [B]"But she barely even knows him." "It all depends..."[/B] Ellemere lightly smirked, [B]"find a hundred different people, and you find a hundred definitions of love." "Yeah, sure... love is sick."[/B] After Melan finished bandaging Ky's wounds, she sighed a little bit and smiled as he slept. [B]"Thanks for... saving me,"[/B] she thought in her mind, moving his hair out of his face and bandaging his forehead. She really was thankful because if it weren't for him, she'd probably be dead long ago. She smiled again and looked around to see if anyone was watching, then lightly kissed him on his cheek. [B] "Thanks again."[/B] [CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] OoC:LOLOLOLOLOL Romance ftw! BD And sorry this is so short, I just don't know what you want to happen next, White.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]?That sure was close,?[/B] Sasuka sighed a small circle of air as she plopped down on her couch, continuously stuffing her face with all sorts of junk-food. She had taken her friends back to their homes and made sure that they were safe. And if they needed any help, they would call her with the Magical Rainbow pens Sasuka had given them. [B]?Stupid Sasuke,?[/B] she puffed her cheeks like a balloon as she continued to consume chips and cookies into her tiny body. [B]?Why does he always have some kind of crazy scheme to ruin my life?!?[/B] A huge anger mark throbbed on her head as she ate some more and turned on the TV to watch her favorite anime, ?Love Love, Doki Doki.? [B]?There?s no way around it,?[/B] Fuzzers replied seriously, sitting on her shoulder and crossing his arms. [B]?You?re the D.W.S that?s supposed to save the world! What else do you expect from him?!?[/B] [B]?I expect him to leave me alone,?[/B] she fumed as steam came out from her ears. Fuzzers shook his head and sighed, waving his left hand in one direction. [B] ?You?re just a selfish little girl, you know that?? [/B]he sighed again as Sasuka turned the volume up on the TV. [B]?Shut up, Fuzzers!?[/B] Sasuka shouted back, sticking out a huge tongue and pulling the skin beneath her right eye downwards. She then got up from her couch and went into the kitchen to get some more snacks. [B]?I wonder what Kenji?s doing right now,?[/B] she sighed romantically and hugged the box of Rice Crackers closely to her chest, her face blushing red and her eyes in sparkles. Sasuka dreamed about Kenji riding in to save the day and leaning in to kiss her in a romantic background sparkles all around and a dreamy-like pink mist around them? everything was perfect. [B]?SASUKA! SASUKA!?[/B] A loud, shrill voice came yelling from the living room. Sasuka smacked her face into the kitchen wall and dropped the Rice Crackers. [B]?Owwwieee!?[/B] she whined, rubbing her cheek as her face was red with pain. She got up and ran into the living room to yell and hit Fuzzers with a giant fan, but saw mindless and hypnotized people crawling into her living room. [B]?Fuzzers!!?[/B] she yelled, grabbing him and jumping out to her front lawn through an open window. [B]?What is going on?!?[/B] [B]?I dunno!?[/B] he cried, watching as the zombie-like people crowded in on them. Sasuka started to cry huge tears as she saw her friends among the crowd, their eyes glazed and their skin a sickly colour. [B]?Mwahahaha!?[/B] Sasuke yelled atop a nearby building, crossing his arms and laughing a hearty laugh. [B]?What are you going to do now, Sasuka, now that your friends and neighbors are under my control?!?[/B] [B]?Oh no??[/B] she spoke softly, not knowing what to do. [B]?Fear not, fair lady!?[/B] A handsome voice came from behind them. A man with a mask jumped over the two and knocked out all the mindless around them.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Alright, got it. Right after the Sunflowers post, I'll start writing mine. Sorry I haven't been around here for awhile... I've been looking up Colleges in Hawaii and sending in applications for them. Ready and waiting to post whenever, though. Great job so far guys. :3[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I'll go after Shy, if nobody minds. ^w^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]"Everything else you must come to know, can only be learned in battle. Hence why you are all here, this is your trial. In thirty minutes time, you will all be sent somewhere for your Adjutants to test their skills, and for you all to test your skills as their masters. You must all work together to best the obstacles that will be in your way. Though it is a trial...it is very real. Be on your guard at all times. Now, if you all wish to converse with one another or do anything else you may wish before you are teleported, you may do so now. I shall see you all on the field."[/B] And with that, the man dissapeared as well as his young assistant into thin air, letting the eight chosen look around confusingly yet talked amongst one another. Aiko placed her hands in a shy position in front of her cream-coloured sweater as her long sleeves covered the gleam sweat on her pinkish flesh. She looked around anxiously, trying to find someone to talk to, but... everyone seemed already occupied with one another that she was already aiming herself to lose at meeting anyone. [B]"I... might not be cut out for this,"[/B] she replied meekly yet softly, causing only Ery to hear her nervous cry. She fidgeted around and started gripping on her sweaters sleeves, trying to at least keep herself occupied while she was being ignored. Sure she had a lot of friends at school and was okay with meeting new people, but... this was totally different. Bizarrely different. Though she was lost in her thoughts, a light touch of a warm hand was placed on her right shoulder. Aiko looked up and saw Ery smiling at her nervousness and lightly touching her sweaty hands with his other hand. [B]"Don't be worried, Ai,"[/B] he replied smoothly, his voice calm and sweet. [B]"I know you're nervous, but everything will be okay... no one's going to hurt you while I'm around."[/B] [B]"I... I know, Ery,"[/B] she sighed, still tightly gripping her right sleeve, [B]"I'm just... anxious, I guess."[/B] She looked up into his deep blue eyes and laughed nervously, wanting to let him know that she would be okay. Her Adjutant chuckled and kept holding her, letting her know that everything was okay. Ery knew that she wanted to stand on her own and be stronger, but... in all selfishness, he actually liked it this way. Knowing how fragile and soft-spoken she was, he didn't want anything to happen to her. Meaning that in any case, whatever was right or whatever was wrong, he protect her... no matter what. [B] "Ery... is there anything wrong?"[/B] A nervous Aiko softly spoke as she looked up at him. He stared at her for awhile, then smiled and nodded, ruffling her brown hair with his armor-clad hand as she smiled. [B]"I'm fine, Ai,"[/B] Ery smiled, then looking a little above her head and pointing in the direction behind her as he lightly placed his hand on her shoulder, lightly turning her around. [B]"Huh?"[/B] she replied shyly, turning around and seeing a slender yet tall boy wearing a darkish-green hat that covered the top of his head, dirty-blonde strands of his delicate hair flowing under. His left ear pierced with a cross earring and his clothes a comfortable fashion, he didn't seem like the type to care about what other people thought about him. His right hand was in his pants pocket while his left was lifted in greeting position, a smile escaping from his lips. Aiko blushed slightly, covering her cheeks with her hands as she felt the warmth rush to her face, not understand what it was all about. Though her not know, Ery knew what it was, and he chuckled a bit... whether it was in happiness or jealousy was anyones guess. [B]"Hey."[/B] The slender boy finally spoke slightly, his voice smooth yet slightly deep. His Adjutant was right behind him in a calm position, yet her claws, wings and her height slightly made Aiko anxious. But, with Ery right behind her and pushing her to meet this new person, she tightly gripped her hands on her sweater and summoned whatever strength she needed to answer back to the boy's greeting. [B]"H... hi,"[/B] she responded in her light, shy voice, her small smile and red cheeks causing her to be more embarrassed than ever. The boy however, chuckled a little and whispered something to his Adjutant, causing her to feel even more uneasy than ever. He then looked at her up and down with his gray eyes, then smiling a little bit wider. Aiko blushed a little bit more, causing him to chuckle and blush a little. [B]"You know,"[/B] he finally said, looking around at the others and then back at her, [B]"you don't have to act so nervous around me, I only think it's cute every time you do it.[/B]" The boy smiled once again and lifted his hand towards her. [B]"My name's Ryuu. Tanaka Ryuu."[/B] [B] "Nice to meet you,"[/B] she smiled, then taking his warm hand. [B]"I'm Aiko Niwa."[/B] [B] "Heh, Aiko...doesn't the characters for that mean 'beloved'?"[/B] he responded, already acting as if they were good friends. [B]"It does,"[/B] she responded, smiling a little brighter. [B]"Well,"[/B] he answered, slightly rubbing his chin and thinking roughly, then smiling again. [B]"If that's the case, mind if I just nickname you Ai?"[/B] Ery chuckled for a brief bit, knowing where Ryuu was going with this, but also at the fact that Aiko was blushing even more brighter than before. No one had ever asked her to call her Ai besides Ery, but, here he was, Ryuu... a boy who didn't even know her, but was almost flirting with her. Hitting on her, even. She laughed softly and smiled at him, nodding in a girlishly manner. [B]"Okay, Ryuu,"[/B] she laughed, [B]"but, that means you'll have to let me nickname you 'Kawaii,' because I think you're pretty cute yourself."[/B] Ryuu's eyes widened a little and blushed at the random spur of girlishness Aiko had just emitted, only causing her, Ery, and even his own Adjutant to chuckle a little. He turned around and fumed a little at his partner, still slightly blushing. [B] "Reith! Shut up, shut up, shut up!"[/B] He tried to rant at her, but she only continued to laugh even more. [B]"So your Adjutant's name is Reith?"[/B] Aiko suddenly spoke as she walked over to the half-naked woman that stood next to a flushed Ryuu. He nodded in slight anger as she looked up at the tall woman, smiling and nodding in good mannerism. [B]"Nice to meet you, Reith."[/B] [B]"Pleasure to meet you, Aiko Niwa,"[/B] the winged-woman replied, her golden eyes smiling and her body slightly bowing towards her. She then stood up, nodding at Ery and speaking with him. [B]"It's been awhile, Ery."[/B] [B] "Hasn't it, Reith? You haven't changed much,"[/B] he chuckled and nodded back, then ensuing a small conversation between the two. Aiko smiled as Ryuu still blushed and frowned a little, the two watching on as others continued to mingle. [B]"By the way,"[/B] Aiko whispered as she leaned her head towards Ryuu, causing him to lean his head towards hers as well. [B]"Yes? What is it?"[/B] He whispered back, his golden-kissed dirty-blonde hair mixed with her dark-brown strands. [B]"...What did you whisper to Reith earlier when we were talking?"[/B] He chuckled a bit more and looked the other way as he put his right hand on his forehead for awhile. Ryuu pushed up his bangs and let out a little embarrassed sigh. [B]"Oy,"[/B] he replied, nervously, [B]"I told her that, well..." "Yes?"[/B] she smiled, encouraging him to finish. He looked at her again and crossed his arms, sighing yet again. [B] "Well... I told her that you were cute and that if we ever get back to the real world, that I would like to ask you out sometime."[/B] Aiko blushed yet chuckled, causing him to scratch the back of his head and laugh nervously. She thought he was so cute: his aloofness, kindness and sweetness. She didn't know, but he roughly reminded him of Ery. She leaned towards him and whispered in his ear. [B]"Well... if I had to answer now, I'd have to say yes."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I woke up that morning, the rays of the sun blinding my eyes as it seeped through the cracks of the window blinds. I groaned a little bit, cursing the mother fucking light to just go bother someone else for awhile. At least until we both left. That's right... there was someone else with me in my bed as I slept that night. He surprised me by being here, even as I got home late when the sun was seeping through the night. I rubbed my eyes as I rolled over to the opposite side of the bed, sleepily blinking as my vision slowly returned. Hunter's eyes were still closed, his breath paced slowly as he still lay asleep and his hair tousled over the pillow his head rested upon. The sheets and covers slightly covering his body, only showing the upper part that laid there for me to see. I moved my right hand from under my head and reached for his bare chest, lightly touching each crevice and feeling the warmth as his heartbeat pulsed, the motion making me shiver with light pleasure. [CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] That's right... I remember what happened last night. I came home late last night, and he was already here. Hunter. He said he had been waiting for me until I came home, wondering what I was doing up so late. I reminded him that it was none of his business, myself annoyed at the simple day that ended in a failure. But, he apparently wouldn't accept that as an answer. That's right, he didn't. Instead, he stood up and slowly walked towards me, surprising me and causing me to back up against the wall. His right hand by my cheek, warmth emitting from his fingers as they touched me lightly. I tried to push him off, but... I remember all that ended in failure. I was still angry at him for whatever reason, which I forgot at the time, but instead, in a moment's insanity, I raised my hands towards his shirt collar and started to slowly unbutton his solid-black shirt. My hands touched his chest and collar bone slightly, I felt him shiver slightly as he brushed his hand against my cheek. He mumbled something about missing me and loving me no matter how much I hated him. I tried to fend him off, I really did. You don't understand when people say that 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," but that applies to me more than anyone else here in the world. Hunter didn't care, though, he knew I was weak for passion... for someone to long for me... for someone to just love. He lifted my chin with his right index finger and looked deeply into my brown eyes, shifting a lock of my brown hair that was on my face. I wish I remembered what he said... something about how he was done with his work and would be here with me forever, I believe. I looked away, not wanting to make it that easy for him, though it was futile. Hunter roughly postured my face to look at his and placed his warm face a few inches away from mine, teasing me as if he knew I wanted it. He leaned in and placed his warm lips on mine, his right hand still on my face as his left traced around the contours of my body and finally wrapped around my slim waist, roughly pulling me close to him. Once again, I tried to push him off, really I did. I don't give a damn if you don't believe me if I did or not, but, once passion surrounds your body that's aching for it... nothing can stop you. Not even your own will. I just let go of my grudge and wrapped my tanned arms around his neck, my hands running through his jet-black hair. My left hand somehow traveled downwards towards his stomach and slightly went up his shirt, our lips still kissing as the heat started to grow even more. I was slightly drunk, but I knew what I was doing. Nonetheless, I still wanted this, drunk or not. After that, all I remember was that we both went over to my bed and gently fell upon the already-made covers, clothes strewn all over... [CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] Then, my mind just went blank. Well, either that or I don't want to say anymore. The latter probably... yeah. Just fuck you guys and imagine whatever you want. A sigh escaped my lips and I moved my hand back towards my body that only had the blankets as covering. I thought about something a little, but flew it off and slowly moved over towards the sleeping man, his breath lightly blowing on my face. It was nice... though last night wasn't what I expected. I lightly touched his face with my hand and he surprised me. He grabbed my hand softly, holding it in the same place as he still slept on. Ring ring. What the...? Dammit... my cell was ringing. Ring ring ring. God damn it. I moved closer to Hunter, trying to hide away from the life I forgot about for a brief second. Ring ring ring. [B]"Damn..."[/B] I muttered to myself, already knowing the ringing wouldn't stop. I leaned over Hunter's covered body and grabbed my cell. Dammit, why now? I went back to the position I was in earlier and answered. [B]"Who the hell is this?" "Tiana, stop acting like such a bitch and get a grip already."[/B] It was Kitty... her voice sounded so annoyed yet still cute as it always had been. Hunter slightly moved and put his arm around me, pulling me closer and kissing me softly on my cheek. I let out a slight laugh and covered my mouth again. [B]"What are you laughing at?" "Nothing."[/B] I replied, covering my mouth. [B]"What is it so early in the morning?" "We have an order to kill someone."[/B] I perked up and rolled over, my face looking out the half covered window as the man I still laid next to clung to me. [B]"Who is it?" "BKstyles... from Brooklyn. Apparently, he hasn't done what he's supposed to, so now the Boss wants us to snipe him."[/B] BKstyles... that name sounded familiar, but, at this time, everything did. Although, something in my gut made me not want to do this. Damn, I hated those fucking feelings. I didn't even know the guy yet I treated him as a friend. [B] "What time you want me to meet you upfront?" "In about three hours." "Fine. Could you leave me alone now?"[/B] I replied sarcastically. [B] "Just don't be late... or I'll have your ass." [/B]She hung up on the other end. I closed my cell and threw it on the floor, then laid against Hunter again and propped my head against his chest, the light soon getting brighter and brighter. He held me tighter and place his head on mine, soon falling asleep again. I didn't care what happened. I would go and kill someone soon enough, but... now.. I just wanted to keep my sanity for a little while until I became the ruthless killer I had to be.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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