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Everything posted by Riku

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Don't worry!! This vortex of eternal darkness is totally safe and secure! What could happen?! LOL!! I just thought it was so funny[/COLOR]!![/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Well... there are so many villians to choose from, but I would have to say that Seymore from FFX is definately on the most bad *** villians list. Something about Seymore just makes me want to punch him in the face over and over.... [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animeswea :animeangr [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I mean, he just has that aura around him that kinda makes people hate him, example: Tidus, Yuna, Auron, Wakka, Rikku.... FLIPPING EVERYONE IN SPIRA. I mean, he totally violated Yuna by kissing her at the wedding when she didn't want to... :animeangr Come on, ladies.. we ALL know that that's just wrong. And then there was that time where he did those three huge, pretty hard bosses in the game... okay, Seymore, we get it that you hate Spira and want to kill us to rule the whole world.... but could you PLEASE just die already after we've flipping killed you FOUR TIMES ALREADY?!?!?!?!?! In other words, Seymore is totally annoying and evil to the core, so he should at least be mentioned. I also agree with the people who voted for Sephiroth.. NO ONE can beat this bad *** off of the number one villian list[/COLOR]....[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Furuba is one of the most greatest animes of all time because it is both funny and heart-breaking. Everyone that is cursed has a deep trouble inside of them because of the things they can't do because of the way Akito treats them. But, for the sake of everyone finding true happiness within themselves, Tohru would do anything, even sacrificing her life for their happiness[/COLOR]..[/FONT] :animecry: :animecry: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]If you have never cried about this shows story plot, then you are truly hard-core, my friends..... [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animecry: :animecry:
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Well, on RPG's I use guides all the time because I really need all the help that I can get. RPG's are so hard to finish because of all the extra mini-games and all of the monsters that try to attack you and you cant even see them... [/FONT] :animeswea [/COLOR] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Does anyone get my drift[/COLOR]??[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Wow... well, they're so many anime/manga guys that I would love to go out with, but I would have to say that the person that I would really, REALLY love to go out with would have to be..... Bakura!! Well, I pick Bakura because he was the very first anime guy that I fell in love with.. :animeblus :animeshy: I mean, his long silvery hair, his dark brown eyes, his sweet kind caring and loving attitude, his cute little voice and the way that when you just look at him.. it makes you want to just hug him!!! [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animesmil [FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=Navy]I mean I would go out with anyone else because I love almost every guy that isn't real, but, I would have to say that I would definately go on a date with my cute, little Bakura. [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animesmil :animeblus :animeshy: :catgirl: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Man, it's so hard to choose who you would want to go out with... [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animesigh
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I think that these people should besome anime/manga legends because they are the best: Riku: He was the most loyal and kind person in KH and he was also the most bravest Edward and Alphonse Elric: They sacrificed themselves just so that they could see their mother again... I mean, come on... they gave up a right arm, left leg and an entire body just so that they could see her smile... Sasuke: He is the most calm and collected person I've ever seen while also carrying a curse on his back and last but definitely not least.. Kenshin and Kaoru: I mean, they've been through a lot together and they still have no reason whatsoever to leave each other. They live just so that the other person would be happy[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]There are too many for me to count with both my hands and feet[/COLOR]!![/FONT] :animesmil [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Well, I would have to say that a couple of my favorites are from the FMA manga and anime. FMA is one of the most funniest things ever!!! "Colonel.. you know you are useless in the rain.." -Riza "Look, Elicia, your big brother Ed is here!!" -Huges "Welcome to the brig..." -Al and, of course, "Where'd you go Ed?? Oh! There you are!! I didn't see you under all my paperwork!!" Ed quoting Mustang But, my favorite of all time, "Can I eat him??" -Gluttony[/COLOR][/FONT] :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil
  8. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Oh, I know!! FFX is the very first game I have ever beaten and it is so sad.... especially when they [FONT=Comic Sans MS]try to hug and Yuna cant feel it..... sniff..... so sad...[/COLOR] [/FONT] :animecry: [COLOR=Navy]Gah, has anyone ever beaten FFVIII??? SO hard[/COLOR]...[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Man... I don't know who'll win.. Kenshin's Hiten Mitsurugi sword fighting style or Inu Yasha's Wind Scar..... Oh man, both of these guys are really good..... hmm...... I guess I'll have to go with Kenshin because he is really strong and noble. I'm not saying that Inu isn't, but I think that Kenshin is so much more mature, no[/COLOR]???[/FONT] :animesigh :animeswea
  10. [QUOTE=TailTactics]Go Here \/ [URL=http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/game/197344.html][B][COLOR=Navy]Help with whatever gaming you need[/COLOR][/B][/URL] Its all just click and pick from here :rolleyes:[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=Navy]Arigotou, TailTactics!! I now have a site that I can put on my Favorites and click on it so that whenever I need help, I can just go to it!! Thankies once again[/COLOR]!!!![/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I don't really fear animals/bugs that much, but I do fear one thing.... Heights: I hate going high in a tall building and looking down... that is so scary. I know, don't look down, but Im trying to get over this fear and so far I have gotten over it Now I can do rock-climbing, go on an air-balloon, anything and I can/will do it... but, I still hold onto the railings real tight...[/COLOR][/FONT] :animedepr :animeswea :animestun
  12. [QUOTE=gothotaku06]I don't like Viz because they censor! I think they've done horrible things to the Inuyasha manga, and because of them, I can't stand to look at it! On the other hand I think Tokyopop is cool but they need to work on their dialouges better. I've seen spelling and grammar errors in their books. That's my two cents! :D[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Does VIZ really do that??? So far what I've read in other mangas like RuroKen, they didn't censor anything out... or so I think... Anyways, I think that the best manga company is Tokyopop hands down. So far what I've seen is that they do a really good job on the mangas that they've brought here, but, maybe they could just work on their displays a little, no?? [/COLOR] [/FONT] :catgirl:
  13. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Kyaaahhh!![/COLOR] [/FONT] :catgirl: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Syn-san, these avatars and banners are soo awesome and kawaii!! I totally love the way that you did the almost hte same thing with the banner and I totally love the blue shade you did with the avatar!! Everyone did Riku justice!! I bet that he is really, really happy with what everyone did!! *hugs Riku* Anyways, the only problem is which one's to pick...hmm... dilemmas dilemmas..... I can't wait to see if anyone else will send in anything!! Arigotou again[/COLOR]!!![/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Well, I don't have a boyfriend yet because i haven't found the right person, but, I hope thar he would like anime as much as I do... just, maybe not be too obsessed with anime girls as I am with boys.. heh heh[/COLOR][/FONT] :animeswea
  15. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Well, let's see... I read my very first manga a long, long time ago, but I still remember what it was... Lum Uatsuri*Yatsura (I forgot how to spell it[/COLOR]....[/FONT] :animeswea )[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=Navy]Volume 1 was my very first mini-manga that I've ever read. It wasn't in the regular graphic novel form when I got it, but, after I read some of it, how can I say it... I was hooked to manga from then on. Rumiko Takahashi's works are so awesome that they probably would make anyone convert over to anime/manga. Thankies to Rumiko Takahashi for converting me to the manga world!! If it wasn't for her, my life would be boring today!!! [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animesmil :catgirl:
  16. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Do video games count??? I would want to be like Tifa or Aeris because I really like them both from FF VII. Tifa because she's so pretty, kind, kind of a loud mouth and she can definately kick some ***. I mean, has anyone seen the trailer?? Isn't the way that she fought flipping awesome?? And Aeris because she's really pretty, she has long hair like mine, she's helpful, kind caring, calm and collected, would die for anyone she cares about and she was also my favorite character. I love Aeris[/COLOR]...[/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Thankies to everyone who has posted and is going to post in this thread!! All of them are soo good that it'll be hard just to choose two!! Please, if you would like, continue to put up awesome things in this thread!! If I knew how to do this, it probably still wouldn't look good..... [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animedepr [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Anyways, arigotou to everyone once again[/COLOR]!!!![/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Wow.. I totally love the pink and white that you used for that picture! And you said that you hope we like it...pshaw!! I really like it and I wonder if you could look on my avatar and banner request and please do something for me?? I would be greatly honored, your greatness... *bows[/COLOR]*[/FONT]
  19. [quote name='wayofthreversed']I think that you get to know Riku a bit better if you play KH:COM in rebirth mode and you see him accept his darkness but not become evil.[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=Navy]Gah... I have that game, but I haven't beaten it to that point yet. And I so want to play as Riku[/COLOR].. [/FONT] :animecry: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I need a tip: In Hollow Bastion, you have to start fighting those big-bellied Heartless. Well, everytime I try to hit it, I recoil back. I hate it when that happens!! Grr.... Can anyone give me any tips on any good deck cards I should buy or use[/COLOR]??[/FONT]
  20. [QUOTE=Anime Pet][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hey, my dad got Lulu's Sigil from the Lightning Dodger, thanks to Desbreko's tip!! Yeah!! And my bro and dad got Kimahri's Sigil, and my bro just got Tidus' from that race! We've never done it before. :animesmil On his second try, my dad got 248 dodges. :animestun I couldn't believe it! Thanks for the hints![/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]That is so cool that your dad likes to play FFX!! Kudos for him!! Anyways, the only person's Sigil that I've ever gotten to complete FULLY would have to be Yuna's. Everyone else's is so hard to get the requirements for it. Could someone please give me some tips as to how to do them all?? I mean, I have everyone's special Sigil, but, I can't do all the things that needs to be done. Can someone help[/COLOR]??[/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]One of the reasons, as it's been said before, that most people dont like anime is because it is what the name refers it to- an animated show. Probably the reason why most people don't watch it is because once they see something anime, they automatically think that it's a kiddy show and turn the channel. If I didn't learn more about anime, I,too, probably would've thought it was stupid (no offense because I totally DON'T think that way now). I remember one time I was watching Samurai X on TV, my dad came in and said, "Why do you like watching those kiddy cartoon shows?" I explained it to him, but he really didn't seem to care much[/COLOR]...[/FONT] :animeswea [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Anyways, if people did watch some anime a little longer and get even more interested (shows like FMA, Paranoia Agent, Samurai X, Neon Genesis Evangelion.. you know the shows I mean..), then I think that they would understand that it is more than just a cartoon. WAY more. Oh, and if they first see some other weird animes (anyone you think is really dumb), then that's a different story[/COLOR]..[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Anything counts, right??? As for a weapon, I would have to say that Riku's Dark Keyblade and Sora's Ultima Keyblade would have to fit my space here. I can't pick just one because both of them are cool, but, I picked these because 1. they look awesome 2. I like the afte-effects it has and 3. because I love using them. Lolz. Now, for the fighting style, I would have to go with the Hiten Mitsurugi hidden techs from Ruroken. I mostly like the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu Sho Sen because Kenshin uses it most of the time and he just looks so darn cool doing it. None the less, it IS a very poerful tech, but he has even more powerful ones up his sleeve. Go, Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu sword fighting style!! WooT[/COLOR]!![/FONT] :animesmil :catgirl:
  23. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]OMG!! Thank you so much, Anxiety, for making me a great avatar/banner set!! It is so flipping awesome!! Please, anyone else who wants to submit something, go right ahead!! But, for now, I shall use this awesomeness avatar and banner!! Thank you again, Anxiety[/COLOR]!![/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Wow... I really like your artwork a lot! I can see that you have your own style and that you like RuroKen[/COLOR].[/FONT] :catgirl: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]I can draw, but maybe I cant color in that good... hmmm.... I dont know. Anyways, when did you first start drawing?? Because these are pretty good[/COLOR].[/FONT] :catgirl:
  25. Hola!! I was wondering if anyone could make an avatar and banner for me since I have seen my avatar around a lot. :animeswea Please have my screen name included in the avatar I would like anyone to make them for me because I would be very very happy and thankful!! Avatar: "Never Let me go.." or something else because I am such a dork :animesmil :animeswea Banner: "All I wanted was someone to care for.." or something, again.. :animeswea :animesmil [IMG]http://totallysquaredmedia.free.fr/kh/artwork/riku.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.the7thlevel.com/images/riku.jpg[/IMG] Thank you so much, everyone!!
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