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Everything posted by Riku

  1. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Well, here goes more pictures of me... HUZZAH! And btw, Dagger is, like, teh sex, yo. Pimpin' too. :O Because pictures are fun when you love yourself enough to take it, here's some of me when I don't feel emo, kthxxxxx. ;D *First one is actually of me being bored and having fun with my FMA Ed plushie. Those are fun to have when you're bored and lonely at night. *Me on my Senior Day Out wearing someones hat and being gangsta. That day was so fun, even if I did freak out on all the roller coasters.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [quote name='Ezekiel'][SIZE="1"]Apart from the recent silliness, which I'm glad I wasn't here for, I'm very pleased with this new challenge.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"] I'm glad you weren't either. Heck, I wish I wasn't there for it, soap operas aren't really my thing... especially overrun ones. Anyway, I agree with Jamie, I don't care what place I end up with, just as long as nobody steals all the good anime cliches. :P Aswell, if you want to talk to me, just PM me or talk to me on AIM/MSN is you want. I have practically everyone here on my list, well... except you, Jamie, dear. =O [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I can't see the picture because the link doesn't work. Usually, when you hotlink from Tripod, it never works. So, if you could find another picture, I could help you out there. =D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Tahoma"]I agree with you, Shy. How about we all have an IM/PM session today? Unless everyone's busy; I know Jamie'll be gone until Sunday, so we'll have to do something so that she at least understands what's going on.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I'm guessing White wants to sit this one out? Lol. Anyway, I wouldn't mind being in this Challenge; it sounds like a lot of fun. I don't really care who goes first, but I really don't want to start. I'm more of a follower than a leader when it comes to RPs, really. So, whatever you decide I'll go with, Matt. But I think that you should start the first post, really.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [quote name='AJeh'][size=1] As an Englishman, I have only this to say: tea sucks.[/size][/QUOTE] [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Pssht, you have no idea what you're talking about. Tea gives you orgasms, duh... jeez. >_> Peach tea and Earl Grey ftw~! :D I myself, as a born and raised Hawaiian girl, really adore fruity teas and whatnot. They always smell really good and have great flavors that vary with different fruits. I particularly am really fond of Peach tea and Mango Chai, but I have more favorites in my cabinet. =3 Earl Grey is pretty swell, as well. I don't drink coffee and I probably never will. I just don't like the taste or the fact that most people are addicted to it just because it's good or everyone else drinks it. I do want to try some souped up Cappuccino, though, because they sound pretty good. As for what to eat with my teas, I just eat the usual snacks they serve here in English Tea rooms. They're always so fancy, I must say. I really, really adore [URL="http://www.nandyala.org/mahanandi/images/strawberryscones/strawberrysconesimagecopyrighted7.jpg"]Strawberry Scones[/URL] and [URL="http://www.epicurean.com/articles/images/tea-cakes.gif"]Tea cakes[/URL], no matter what kind or who makes them. They just make everything that much better. :D Check me out, my tea obsession grew more ever since I came here to jolly ol' England. Hope I don't acquire a British accent anytime soon (no offense to Jamie or anyone else.) or anything. I just love tea more than coffee, I guess. >_> [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. Riku

    The Hunters

    [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Melan started toward the remaining two warriors while leaving the two mages behind to fend for themselves. Several Yoma had surrounded the two men, Ky trying to fend the evil monsters from eating him while Joseph still had some fight left in him even though his shoulder was almost sliced open and bleeding a vigorous amount of crimson liquid. [B]"God dammit, Joseph!"[/B] Melan yelled loud enough so that the bearded fighter could hear the annoyance in her voice, [B]"we had a plan, dammit! Why couldn't you just have followed it without going on your own?!"[/B] But just before she was able to help them out, a weaker Yoma jumped out from behind her and wrapped his slimy arms around her thin neck, yanking her back towards his body and holding her tight. Its monstrous mouth was open wide enough for her to see it's sharp fangs shimmering with saliva, inches away from her flesh. [B]"It's too bad someone so captivating as you has to die in a horrible setting such as this,"[/B] it sneered, laughing at Melan's scrunched up face. Suddenly, a loud yet metallic noise was heard impaling the flesh of the monster's head. Its eyes rolled backward and its arms were hanging over her shoulders, only being held by Melan's sword running through the Youma's brain. Melan then quickly took her right sword out and watched as the monster fell to the ground, blood oozing out of the head wound. [B] "Actually, I'm glad you died a gruesome death such as that,"[/B] she sneered, wiping the demon's blood off of her gleaming sword on the grass. She quickly turned around, her cape swirling around her, hearing a sort of yelling grunt come from where Ky and Joseph were, only to see Ky wounded in the right arm by that of a Vivacious Eater's stretching limb. [B]"Crap... I almost forgot about those two,"[/B] she spoke under her breath. Melan then threw her left-handed sword towards the Yoma's limb that was impaled in Ky's arm, causing it to let out a devilish shriek. She sprinted towards it and jumped upward, spinning downwards and landing just close enough to have herself on its shoulders. As it tried to fend her off with it's other hand, she stabbed it in the head with both hands on the sword's hilt. Jumping towards Ky as the monster landed, she took her sword out of the Yoma's head and walked over towards her wounded team-mates, also taking her other sword out of the dead Yoma's arm. [B]"You guys okay?"[/B] she asked as she kneeled down and examined Ky's wounded arm and Joesph's torn shoulder. [B] "Yeah, I'm alright,"[/B] Ky replied as he nodded, holding the wound down with his other arm to slow the bleeding. [B]"Ah shut up,"[/B] an annoyed Joseph called out, standing up again as if nothing had happened to him. [B]"If it weren't for me, you know just as well as I do that the both of you would have been more badly hurt than I am now."[/B] Melan helped Ky up on his feet and put his left arm over her shoulders after she quickly bandaged his wound. [B]"Just shut the hell up and admit it already that we're not as weak as you thought we were,"[/B] she replied annoyingly yet cocky. [B]"I don't see me having any wounds on my b-"[/B] [B] "Melan! Watch out!"[/B] Llyra yelled quickly as herand Ellemere came running towards the three. "[B]Huh? Wha?"[/B] Melan questioned confusingly, only to be answered by being pushed violently backwards towards a tree from huge tentacles that protruded from the body of a Vivacious Eater. As she slammed against a tree, Melan coughed up blood and felt as if she couldn't breathe anymore. Her swords were sprawled out on the ground before her, so she was basically useless without them. Melan's body was tightly secured against the olden bark and her temple was pulsing from the pain as blood seeped out from her mouth and whatever other wounds she had just received. [B]"Stupid cocky elf,"[/B] the monster bellowed, tightening its grip around her body, causing her to wince a bit. [B]"Thinking you could just beat everyone of us like that without even thinking of the consequences!"[/B] Melan's consciousness was slowly fading, even though she wanted to kick this Yoma's *** just as easily as she did the others. Black was slowly surrounding her vision, yet she tried holding on to the bit of dignity she had left before Joseph could have the rights of bragging how right he probably was. [B]"Dammit,"[/B] she whispered to herself, "[B]I don't want to be the first and maybe only one to get knocked-out by this lowlife..."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Sweet! Thanks you guys for helping me out thar. :D Yeah, I haven't really seen or read Claymore, but it seems really awesome. Should watch it sometime when I'm not lazy. >_>[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I was wondering, could anyone maybe post a picture of what the Yuma look like? O_o I haven't really watch Claymore, so I don't know what our enemies look like. xD And that'll be a little hard when we start getting to the good and bloody fight scenes. It'll help a lot, so thanks to anyone who helps poor little Tiana the Hawaiian out. :3[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. Riku

    The Hunters

    [SIZE="1"][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Melan placed her gloved hands behind her back as she tightened her grip on the black hilts, her Yoki feeling the advancements of the Voracious Eaters and the other weaker ones coming closer and closer. She tilted her head to the right and saw Kyzallis standing there, becoming ready with his swords in their positions. Seeing as everyone else had already sided with someone, she bounced backwards next to him and placed her back on his, causing him to become more secure knowing that he wasn't the one left out. [B]"How about it, Ky?"[/B] Melan finally responded to his silent demeanor, already calling him by her own nicknames. [B]"You ready for anything that comes up?"[/B] [B]"Sure,"[/B] he replied with a tough-tone of voice, [B]"as long as nothing eats me, I'll be fine."[/B] Melan laughed a bit, her long-blue hair covering her smile. She then turned tense when she raised her head up and looked among everyone else, letting them know what she was thinking. Raising her swords out of their sheaths, she nodded Kyzallis and started walking up the forest path. Snarls and growls could be heard a little ways from the path, Melans Yoki pulsing through her entire body as a warning that they were near. She wanted to fight off the two bigger brutes, but she knew Kyzallis probably couldn't handle two at once and the stronger ones, such as Joseph and Leone, would probably want to play the 'bad-boy' card and take them down on their own. She thought awhile, then whispered towards Ky and made sure he understood her plan. Then, she looked around and locked eye contact with Ellemere's and spoke loud enough in which she could hear. [B] "Elle, me and Ky will sprint upwards towards the Yuma and surprise them with only the two of us. While we start to attack the weaker ones and occupy the Voracious Eaters while the rest of you sneak up from behind and do your damage there."[/B] She then shifted her head upward in a agreeing manner. [B]"That alright with you?"[/B] Ellemere nodded and alert the others to do just as the plan stated. [B]"Just be careful and try not to get eaten alive."[/B] Melan started upwards on the path as Ky trudged along with her, the elf giving Elle a thumbs-up.[B] "But that's the fun in it... attacking on the brink of death."[/B] Ellemere rolled her eyes. [B]"Oh brother... elves."[/B] [CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] OoC: Hope it's okay I gave you guys nicknames. :3[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Aww... that really sucks for Anomaly. I really started to like her, too.. she's so amazing. :( Oh well, I congratulate her for at least coming this far. Anyway, anyone want to change Team Captain anytime soon? I think Matt's a great Captain and we should just leave him there, but you know... I'm a bit crazy in the head. As in the great words of Joko, "Tiana, she so crazy." And I love it. :D Oh, we're in the ninth challenge of the OB Survivor! Whoo! Who would've guessed it? It'll be slim pickings from here, folks, so everyone do their best to keep The Aces going strong! :3[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]Name:[/B] Aiko "Ai" Niwa *cough* >_> [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Appearance: [/B][URL="http://www.darkmirage.com/images/blog/20060509_madoka.jpg"]Ai Niwa.[/URL] Since Ai is one of those girls that is calm, easy-going and is very shy when it comes to people, she usually wears that cream-coloured poofy sweater, a knee-length black skirt, knee-high socks and black boots. But, whenever she goes out with friends or a night on the town, she wears [URL="http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs15/f/2007/018/5/b/GaiaOnline___S_A_K_U_R_A_by_ippus.jpg"]this pink shirt outfit[/URL] (Copyright Ippus @ devArt), denim pants that follow her leg shape and a pair of white slip-ons. [B]Place of Origin:[/B] Hokkaido, Japan [B]Personality:[/B] Ai is very easy-going and is more of a follower than a leader, which she really doesn't mind at all. She's the type of person that smiles at every and any little thing that seems to make life a bit easier than usual. Ai is humble and merciful as well, helping anyone they need help with, doing favors for others and smiling whenever someone needs it. Everyone at her school flocks around her and feels comfortable with her kind demeanor, thus making her quite popular among the schools population. Girls admire her and are also jealous of the way she can never get mad, while guys adore her sense of kindness and think she is very cute when shy. Everyone seems to think her life is perfect, thus coming from a wealthy home and a happy family. Ai is pretty happy with her life, but she thinks that there is something missing... something that she ultimately needs. She's never done anything to show how brave or courageous she is, so she feels that she is weak and sometimes useless. [B]Adjutant:[/B] The Valkyrie [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs10/i/2006/110/0/7/Arttrade____Ery_by_Nekoshoujo.jpg"]Ery. (Pronounced Air-y.)[/URL] (Copyright Nekoshoujo@devArt) [B]Adjutant's Skills:[/B] [B]* Regeneration[/B]- When wounded with cuts and major wounds, Ery places his right hand on his chest and summons a Cure spell, healing his body back to its normal state. [B]* Dragon Scales[/B]- Ery places his weapon in front of him and a plate of dragon scales appear, protecting him from harms way with no side effects. [B]* Flowing River[/B]- Putting his sword and shield together, Ery concentrates his energy and creates images of himself that appear and disappear like a wave in the river, confusing his enemies and creating a chance to attack. [B]*Phoenix Heart[/B] (plllzzz? I wanna fight, too. D:)- Summoning an entity of a Phoenix, golden light revolves around Ery's body and boosts his strength power to a high for a certain amount of time. [B]Bio:[/B] [B]“Umm, hello? Anybody… here?”[/B] Aiko gripped her sweaty palms together and gulped softly before continuing onwards in the unknown and dusty labyrinth. It was built in a medieval fashion, what with the unusual stone walls, torches hung gracefully from the wet-mossy ceiling and hallways leading into different directions. Aiko was a bit scared, but she followed the path where her inner-self told her to which lead to a podium with a book on it, fog floating around wisp fully on the ground. [B] “Come, Aiko Niwa, my child. There’s no need to be frightened, my dear.”[/B] an older-aged voice echoed towards her shaking body. She slightly hid behind a pillar that was near to her side, but… something in her heart told her to keep going, that whatever was going to happen was going to make her stronger. Tightening her grip and gently biting her lower lip, Aiko slowly walked towards the mysterious man and the book. Her footsteps made a soft clacking noise as her boots echoed in the enormous area, her heat beating fast and faster as she stopped right in front of the podium. [B]“Sir,”[/B] she meekly replied, mustering any strength that was left in her, [B]“where in the world am I? The last thing I remember was looking up into the sunset and seeing this dull greenish glow in the sky… like an explosion…”[/B] She could barely see the man’s face under his brownish-black hood, but she could tell he was smiling, if only just vaguely. [B]“Yes, my dear,”[/B] the man slowly replied with his husked voice, walking towards the stone podium and picking up the book in his rugged hands. [B]“Everyone was able to see that flash of delicate green, but only some, such as yourself,”[/B] he paused a bit, then continued, [B]“have been chosen and called to wield this almighty power which deals incredible power.”[/B] The inscripted black book then started to float a little bit over his hands, and then vanished into thin air. Just as Aiko was about to look around for it, the book suddenly appeared before her, slowly floating in the air. She gasped out of surprise, but then opened her hands to catch the book as it was floating downward. [B]“Huh…”[/B] she thought to herself as she traced her hand through the symbols on the cover, [B]“odd, it looks heavy, but it’s almost as light as a feather… and, I feel as if I’ve seen this somewhere before…”[/B] [B]“You have seen it before,”[/B] the man replied to her thoughts, surprising her a bit more. [B]“In your dreams since you were a small child in this old universe, not really understanding what it meant until now… read it, Aiko, and all will be clear.”[/B] the hooded man explained to her. He was right; she had seen this book before in her mysterious dreams that didn’t make any sense. She flipped the book open to the first page and stared in awe at the strange incantations, her hand gracefully touching the page as if it was compelled to do so. [B]“Do I… do I read this to start it all?” [/B]Aiko replied nobly. [B]“Yes, my child,”[/B] the hooded man replied, [B]“you must summon your Adjutant in order for you to join the other seven whom were called to fight in this war. When you all have met your Adjutant and come together, everything will then become clear.”[/B] He then nodded toward the book and chuckled a little. [B] “You won’t start anything if you don’t start to read… go and meet your Adjutant.”[/B] She looked at him for awhile and looked downwards towards the page, becoming lost in the symbols. Unknowingly, she started to read the incantation on the pages, as if her mouth just moved on its own. Momentarily, a flash of blue light ejected from the book itself, causing Aiko to shield her eyes from the bright light and yelp out in shock as the light encircled in the foggy area before her. The light shaped into a person wearing light-weight leather armor, metal arm and knee pads and wielding a short-sword with a light blue hold in one hand, while the same coloured shield in the other. He had flowing yet spiked black-blueish hair with his bangs dyed a silvery-white and his eyes flashed an intense Cerulean blue, almost as if pools of water were entrapped in his irises. His ears were pierced on both sides on his marrow with three sliver rings on one side and a sliver-cross on the marrow and a round earring with a white feather on the other. The handsome figure bowed gracefully towards Aiko, who was slightly blushing from his generous chivalry. He slowly lifted his head to look up at her and smiled a boyish smile, then softly lifting her right hand towards his warm lips, giving her a kiss on the hand lovingly. [B] “I am named Ery the Valkyrie, at your service, my lady,”[/B] he smiled at her as he stood upward again, a little bit taller than the crimson Aiko. [B]“You’re my master, huh… what a cute and beautiful creature I get to protect,”[/B] he replied as he leaned his face towards hers, [B]“your personality and attitude is one that I love the most…Ai Niwa, I hope you and I will be ready for your destiny that is about to come.”[/B] She slightly shivered at the sound of his soft yet toned voice, gripping on the book as her words became lost in his eyes. Yet, no matter what… she couldn’t help shake the feeling that he wasn’t totally human, though he looked it. [B]“Um… I…”[/B] she stuttered, but before she could speak, Ery smiled softly and touched her warm forehead with his arm-clad hand gently. And as she tried to say anything, she was back in her prim and proper room in her parent’s mansion… back in Hokkaido. Ai quickly but quietly got out of her bed and slowly opened her patio glass door, walking out into the cool night and looking into the sky… was it just a dream? [B]“Why… why did it have to be just a dream…?”[/B] she sighed as she wrapped her robe around her body to keep her warm. She walked inside again and shut the glass door behind her, slumping against it and sliding downwards until she was in a sitting position. [B]“I don’t understand…”[/B] she mumbled to herself, wiping away the awkward tears burning her brown eyes, [B]“why did it all have to be a dream… I wanted to do something important… I want to actually be someone and be of some use…”[/B] Suddenly, she felt something heavy on her bent legs, wondering what it was. Aiko then looked downward and gasped loudly, but covered her mouth and looked around to see if she had woken anyone up. She then looked back down and touched the book slightly, remembering its very touch as if she was in her dream again… was this real? Or was she still sleeping? [B]“My lady,”[/B] a familiar voice called from her bed, [B]“why would I ever lie to you about something that is important to the foundation of your growth?”[/B] Aiko looked towards her bed and saw the handsome warrior she had met in her dream, but this time… he was sitting on her bed and smiling at her, being… real. She stared at him awkwardly for a bit, then looked back down at the ancient book. Aiko felt it again, running her fingers at the leathery touch… it was real, nothing could change that. She looked up at a smiling Ery, also realizing that he, too, was real. Taking a deep breath and clutching the book in her arms, she stood up slowly and walked towards him, sitting next to him and looking at him with her eyes intent on listening. [B] “Ery… I’m ready. Tell me everything you know about what I must to.”[/B] [B]OoC:[/B] Sorry it's so long, I just got so into it. ^^; You already knew I was going to sign-up anyway, Matt. ;3 Sounds pretty good; hope I make it.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Ohmigawd, a Cardcaptor Sakura RP!! The world is spinning the right way once again~! :D Imma sign up later, if that's okay, Sakura. I really, really want to join this. I mean, I absolutely love CS and Sayoran, out of all people. :3[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. Riku


    [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]This RP is appealing to me... I love you, Lionheart, and I always have. ;3 [B]EDIT:[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Cyril Rachkt (Pronounced Sai-ril Rach-ekt. Or, if he lets you, Cy.) [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/60612/doujinshi%20Yami%20BakuraXMarik%20page%201.jpg"]Cyril.[/URL] (He's the one with the blueish-sliver spikey hair. ^^) [B]Race:[/B] Aegyl [B]Personality:[/B] Cyril acts like he's the leader and boss of everyone, even if he hasn't met them before. He's a rough-houser, likes to fight whenever something that makes him angry or annoyed comes up, and usually smirks and laughs when he starts beating the crap out of someone. He's actually very distant at first and doesn't really talk much around people he doesn't know; his past about his murdered girlfriend, [URL="http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/51965/Elfen%20Queen%20Autumn.jpg"][B]Pyrena[/B][/URL], allowed him to never trust anyone whom his body tells him to. Before that, he used to be happy-go-lucky, smile and laugh a lot and even loved the life he was living; now he only does that with the people really close to him in private. He acts serious all the time, angry whenever he wants and rarely ever smiles, but only when it's a good day. Normally he has nightmares about his girlfriend being murdered and always wakes up in the middle of the night crying himself back to sleep, but he hides his weakness from everyone else. Cyril is about 5'9 and has a sleek yet well-toned body thanks to his skilled profession of fights and sword dueling. His wings are if the colour white tinted with blue, and he lets them open freely, ready to fight anyone who tries to kill him for his wings. He usually wears [URL="http://moecon.net/gallery/drakengard-caim.jpg"]this[/URL] when he goes around outside or something very important is going on. But, when he's by himself, he usually just dresses casual with an open shirt showing his upper body, no matter who or what is in his home. [B]Weapons/Armor:[/B] Armor seen in picture above. As for his weapon, [URL="http://tinypic.com/kf5dt3.jpg"]Yakumai.[/URL] (The main guy with the brown hair is wielding it and it does have the blue ribbon wrapped around the base.) If he ever gets Yakumai knocked out of his grasp, he has [URL="http://images.quizilla.com/T/TakuyaFire/1080379776_stardsword.jpg"]this[/URL] hidden just in case. [B]Job:[/B] Knight (I know that the Aegyls don't like the human population, but I wanted to be a Knight, so... if you want me to change it, I can.) [B]Example/Snippet:[/B] [B]"Look, you... if I said no, it means no, dammit!" "Cyril, I'm asking you to do this as a close friend of yours." "Tch. I don't ever recall asking you to become 'my friend',"[/B] the silver-haired Aegyl scoffed under his breath, swinging his sword around in the mid-day as he practiced his sword skills with the passing leaves. He was angry; you could tell by the way he quickened his steps and his swords swings were rash and had no meaning to them. Cyril didn't like it when people bothered him during his afternoons alone... especially if it was a human friend whom he used to be so close to before [I]that[/I] incident. Lloyd sighed as he pushed his brownish-blonde bangs from his brow, words eating away at him. [B]"Why can't you just let that grudge go and protect the town from any upcoming enemies? Even the King is asking anyone to do this, Cyril... I mean, the King!"[/B] Cyril turned around and gave Lloyd a passing glance, then walked past him a little to a nearby tree, cutting off some bark with his rage. [B]"Since when do the humans need any help from Aegyls if they have so much pride in themselves? How do I not know this might be a trap to steal my precious wings?" "Your 'precious wings' don't mean anything to anyone right now. Just the strength you wield in order to protect this Kingdom!" "So, when everything gets tough, you basically just throw away your morals so you can win?" [/B]Cyril scoffed as he sharpened his sword against the trees aging-bark once more. [B]"It's no wonder you humans are dying out so quickly... maybe then the world will become a better place?"[/B] As Cyril walked past him once again with his back towards him, Lloyd's rage increased that he was going to win this argument, no matter what he had to say. Even if it was something that he had to dig up from the past. [B]"Pyrena would've agreed with me, and you know it. She was a human herself, so why do you hate us so much?"[/B] The spiked-hair of Cyril's pricked up in a mad rage as he snapped and became violently angry, quickly turning around in a flash. He jumped up and flew towards Lloyd, knocking him downwards on the grassy plain with his sword right on his throat. Lloyd gasped and tried to use his strength to push off the angry Cyril, but it was in vain. Nothing could stop him whenever someone used his dead girlfriends name against him in rage... he hated it and would kill anyone who defiled her virtue. [B]"Never, ever use her name against me like that again,"[/B] Cyril hoarsely whispered, inching the sword to Lloyd's throat slowly, [B]"she was murdered because of you greedy human pigs... and for that, I'll never forgive you."[/B] He roughly got up and put Yakuami back into its sheath, then walking away from the fallen friend and back towards his house to drink away whatever memory was arising from the back of his mind. Lloyd slowly got up, rubbing his throat with his sweaty right hand and felt as if he had just killed his best friend. But, before Cyril walked away too far for him to yell, he sprinted up behind him and placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. [B]"What happened...? You were never like this before; it's as if you have no heart anymore..."[/B] Cyril shrugged off Lloyd's grip on his shoulder and slightly turned his head around just enough to take a glance at him, yet still looking downwards. [B]"I don't have a heart anymore... it died along with her."[/B] And with that, he continued walking without looking back towards his home. [CENTER] + + +[/CENTER] Well, I'm done with my sign-up now. If you want me to change anything, such as my gender, personality, etc., you just let me know. But I really, really want to be in this RP aswell. Hope I make it. ;3 [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Haven't seen one of these in awhile. But I'll have a go. :D [B]BKstyles[/B]- Because he's practically amazing and can always get on your good side, no matter what. He has some sort of air about him that just attracts you to him... well, that and he's cute. ;3 [B]jigglyness[/B]- Her graphics are amazing. I'd want to meet her and let her show me a thing or two. Cool cat, that she is. [B]Delta[/B]- Need I say more? [B]White[/B]- Cool shirts, awesome graphics, great writer and makes fun of you. When he does, though, he does it in a tactful way that you don't even notice. [B]Sakura[/B]- She's a great RPer and really, really nice once you get to know her. And me and her share fangirlish dreams like there's no tomorrow! xD [B]Ezekiel[/B]- Gorgeous, amazing and a great friend. She'd do anything for you if you ask her to, I'll bet. [B]Jokopoko[/B]- He always Mod Rods me and I just want to get back at him some day. Others I want to meet are [B]Sandy, Shy, Anomaly, Matt, RAR, Allamorph, Nomura, Premonition[/B] and a lot of others. Sorry if I forgot anyone. :( But really, the OB is full of great people.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Hooray, it's officially started~! :3 Anyway, hope I'm doing this correctly as you wish, White. [B]Melan[/B] the Black Flower (Keyblade Wielder) Melan has the ability to, by whenever means necessary, focus her Yoki and can speed her body up and fight faster and quicker than anyone can even describe. This last for however long she wants, though, it exhausts her physical and mental being slowly. Because of this, Melan only uses this ability when she is in a tight spot or wants something to end quickly. EDIT: Hope this is okay, White. ^^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Seems I have a lot of Mod Hate for my post, but whatever. >_> Personally, I would make it shorter, but more familiar as it already is. But who cares? The Aces win and The Sunflowers lose, right? :P I thought it was a grand idea, really. >_>[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Oh my gosh... I WON~!!!!! :DDDDD *jumps up and down for my team victory!!!!!* Wow, seriously, I didn't think I would win because the post was rather long, but... wow. I'm actually cheering out-loud in my own room right now! Oh my gosh... I'm so happy we won and don't have to vote anyone off!!! YUSSSS!!!1!!one I won for us, guys! I WON THE ULTRA-TIE-BREAKER!!!! Yayyyyyyyyy!!! *totally happy, totally* Oh and Shy, You're always amazing, and I love you for it. (even if you don't like Blake Lewis. :3) kthxxxxx. *goes to cheer some more*[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]OMG I WONZ TEH TIME GAME YEYYYY!!!1!!one RoFl. :D Matt, as I've told you on MSN, that joke made no sense. >_> I'm kind of immune to lame jokes with no pun, kthx. :P Jk, jk. Anyway, as you guys have probably already read, I've entered my post. I hope it's good enough for you Mods, Sandy and Shy. I put my heart and half my soul into that finishing piece. So, I hope it's a winning finale for The Aces. I did my best... really I did.. *opens arms for a hug from my team* ;___ ;[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  20. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"]Dangg... this thing took a week of thinking, typing up and fixing and two whole pages! It was fun, though; you Mods have it easy and fun. I'd want to be one in the future when pigs fly. :3 Sorry it took so long, but I had a lot of fun typing it. Also, the two girls names (unless they're guys :P) made me sick. I hate those kinds of names, really I do. [CENTER]* * * [/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]Okay, now, is this how a thread is supposed to act? No, I don?t practically think so, unless the rules and standards of OtakuBoards have changed without me knowing. But, that seems less than likely to ever happen. Well, I don?t like being mean because I understand that these things happen. Heck, I remember when I first started here. Not a pretty sight as well, might I add. So, here goes the low down on everything. ;) Well, well, well! Welcome to OtakuBoards, [B]amineluver1234[/B]! We?re glad to have a new member such as yourself on our message board! But, let me give you the low down on a few important things, ?kay? ?Kay. *nods your head for you* First of all, here once you start, we?re wanting all new members to read the [URL="http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?"]Rules[/URL] and [URL="http://otakuboards.com/faq.php?"]FAQ[/URL] before posting any new threads or replies that basically state what we expect here on the good ol? boards. Just follow the links I have supplied and read them with care, please. Secondly, we here expect the best from our members, no matter what. The OB wants you to pay attention in English class because we look for a few things in everyone?s posts: grammar, spelling, a thorough and detailed reply and a post which everyone can easily understand without having to read it once or twice. This especially proves most important when you start off a new thread and people need the opening posts to be explicit in detail so they can join in the conversation and have fun. :-D Also, posting a brand, ultra-spanking new thread just about yourself and that you?re new is something we Mods frown upon. That, instead, is considered spamming and we close threads just like this in a snap. *snaps* So, to make yourself OB friendly and to also let others know you are new, I suggest you join a discussion and introduce yourself in your post. That way, it?s much easier and everyone gets along better without any violence, maybe. If you have any further questions, just drop by a PM to myself or any other staff member here at the OB. We just want you to have a good stay here while making your posts non-spam and reader friendly, okay? *nods head* ^^ [B]Oldie[/B], as for a proper Mod Rod whipping, there are Mods here, so you don?t have to act as one, thanks. You should already know about this, since you?re already a known member here on the boards. When you do act like a Mod in a situation like this, you?re just adding more to the spamming, not helping; this just makes the thread more worse. So, please, any time you see something like this, instead of doing your own Mod Rodding, just contact any Moderator via PM and alert us that something of this caliber is going on. We?ll deal with it just as efficient and precise just as you did, so I?ll commend you on that point. ;) But anyway, next time, just do these tips here and also don?t forget that you used to new yourself a long time ago; your posts weren?t amazing either. I know that much, at least. [B]Snappy_Smurf[/B], I?m very displeased that you just made the situation more worse what with antagonizing Oldie and just adding more spam to the problem. You should already know we Mods frown upon that when something like this is dealt in a childish manner. Please keep away from that sort of behavior in the future and I won?t have to do any Mod Rodding to you anymore. I don?t like it, but if I have to, I will. *taps Mod Rod on the ground* And, last but not least, I leave my last piece of wisdom to you, [B]~*PrEtTyGuRl*~[/B]. After reading all these past posts, you should have already known that sooner or later, a Moderator was going to lock this thread. And also, you should?ve already known that this wasn?t an RPG to begin with and it wasn?t your thread to begin with. In the future, try to keep all threads and posts on topic and have some thought in it before posting. No more spamming, as well, for the sake of the OB and members alike. That way, us Mods will continue to be happy and the world will keep spinning as it should. ;) Again, if any of you have any questions, just feel free to PM myself or any other Mod anytime. We don?t mind, in fact, we?re all ears to your questions and any other problems you all may have. :3 *nods* Thanks to you all for reading and paying attention! Let?s make sure nothing like this ever happens again, okay? It?d make the world a happier and better place. Thanks again! [B]Thread Locked.[/B] -Keyblade Wielder[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I hope I?m not too late to sign up for this; it sounds like a lot of fun. I hope I can be able to join. Oh, and also, baby name websites are [I]amazing[/I] if you?re having a hard time finding a name that suits your character. :3 [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Melanctha Hurst (pronounced [B]Mel-an-cath-a[/B]) or just [B]Melan[/B] [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [B]See below.[/B] Melan is in her early twenties (about 23), which people often mistake her for not being an able-bodied warrior. Her light-cerulean hair lengths to the middle of her back, bangs always on the side of the contour of her face and some strands in the front with a single braid pushed behind her right elfin ear. Melan?s eyes are of a deep blue , allowing others to see how graceful and elegant she really is. Her skin is fair yet lightly-tanned, which is from living in nature her whole life since she and her entire family are of the elven race. Aside from her black choker and silver earrings, Melan doesn?t wear much jewelry and she doesn?t plan to. Melan is about 5?6?, about the size of an average female elf. Her body is slim, yet she can lift anything that is twice her size and weight because of her immense training. Even if she has a serious and graceful demeanor about her, Melan is actually happy-go-lucky and can be quite clumsy at times when with friends she trusts. [B]Society:[/B] First Offensive [B]Armor:[/B] Her bluish-black cape is worn around her neck, held onto by a golden accessory and laced with golden-trim. She has a lighter bluish-black cloth that hangs in front of her chest and ends at the beginning of her legs, which shields her from certain magic at times. She also has silver gauntlets covering her arms and legs to slightly protect them from sword slashes and other things. Other than that, she basically dodges everything when she can. [B]Weapon:[/B][URL="http://www.dantesknife.com/Swords1.jpg"]Twin Swords.[/URL] She wears the two of them on her back in a black leather sheath, ready to pull them out at her whim. [B]Abilities:[/B] She has a hidden ice power that when called upon, she lifts her hand upward violently and frozen jagged spikes arise from the ground. She may have other frozen abilities, but Melan doesn?t know about them yet.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Sorry it's taking so long, you guys. D: I'm waiting for The Sunflowers to post their reply first, but that's taking awhile. So, I'm still fixing it up and whatnot, but if they don't post their's by the end of tomorrow (by my time, lol.), I'll post mine up before theirs, then. In other words, if they're reading this, YOU WIN THE TIME GAME LOL ROFL.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  23. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] Would you rather: Write a ten page paper about your relationship with your ex having to dredge up every experiance no matter how painful while on your period suffering through the worst menstral cramps ever. [center]or[/center] Would you rather set yourself on fire, burn for like two minutes then jump in a pool to put yourself out.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Ohhh, even though the first choice sounds so wonderful and amazing, I already deal with the period part, and I know how horrible it is. That, my friend, is the most excruciating punishment you could ever put a woman through. So, you know, I'd pick setting myself on fire and whatnot because what with me being a pyro, that'd probably happen. And it sounds like a heck of a lot more fun anyway. >.> Oh goody, my turn. [B] Would you rather...[/B] Study a week night and day before your major math final that'll make or break you graduating, but then the exam day comes and you realize you studied all the wrong things. (True story, really. >.>) [CENTER]or[/CENTER] Scrubbing public toilets in a busy, well-populated city where everyone apparently misses the toilet and crap is all over the place. Oh, and you have to make it sparkle and you have no air-mask or luxury at all. Yeah... I'm amazing at thinking odd things. @_@[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]This really is a great thread, Sara, and very unique too. I don't understand why no one has posted their picture connections yet, since we have so many skilled photographers here on the OB. [B]Comments:[/B] Just to say, the quality of your images is [I]fantastic.[/I] The light is just fairly bright enough to not give the pictures too much light, and just the simplest view of the opened door in the first one is amazing. Even the simplest things when taken in the right angle look so impacting. The second one is amazing, too. But anyway, here's my connection to your "live picture". [CENTER] [URL=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/IMG_1808.jpg]Old Apartment Building in London.[/URL][/CENTER] [B]Connection:[/B] When my family and I took a day trip to London (for the fourth time, lol.), there are a ton of old buildings and statues that amaze me every time I see them. I love London because it is the shopping capitol of England and it's history seeps with old knowledge and art. For a photographer that loves old things such as myself, this place is great for seeing the old and even the new. Anyway, the actual connection to your picture is that this is a very old apartment building. It's actually a few centuries old, yet still stands and allows people to live in it, but also being able to have a modern flair about it. Well, that was a mouth-full of words, but what can I say? I just love taking pictures of something that impacts me. I want to apply Photography to what field I want to work in, so... you know. :D Here's my "live" picture: [CENTER] [URL=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/IMG_1811.jpg]Statue of a Woman.[/URL][/CENTER] My second image is now [B]"live"[/B], yay! So, next person, go ahead and find whatever connection you find from my picture and reply! Maybe something to do with another statue, a lady of some sort, the colour gray or even a work of art that resembles this. That's why this thread is so great; everyone's connections end up in one place. I just hope people like this thread as much as I do so it can keep going. I want to go again sometime. :3[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Okay, well, since this challenge is totally different and is scaring the shiz-nit out of me, I wanted to ask a question. Even if it sounds stupid, I'm still asking anyway. -_- How do you want us to reply?? Like... "Well, if I were in this situation, I would blah de blah de blah-blah and then blah blah all over them." Or like this... [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Keyblade Wielder[/B] Excuse me... *ahem* This is an example of something... so yah!! LoLzRoFL!!1!!one *thumbs up and Mod Rod-ing* :D[/QUOTE]So basically: Do you want us just to reply as if what we'd do or like if we were in that position right now? Just asking... because this new challenge is sorta freaking me out. @_@[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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