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Everything posted by Riku

  1. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well, I know I've supplied you with enough of my crappy avatars, but I wanted to give you some of my better ones... I guess. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/GJA3.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/GJA2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/GJA.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/ByakuyaA.png[/IMG] Hope these are okay... they're not all that bad, so I'd like to think.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Pretty frickin' sweet, cancer! I'm absolutely in love with it ~
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Really nice choice of words, Allamorph. It really looked as if you have something really spiffy to cook up a team song with. I'm just saying, though... perhaps we could do something where we talk more about our team instead of others? I don't know, but it just seems like we're kind of cheering for others instead of just ourselves, yeah? Anyway, you're helped us out a lot, Allamorph, so me and Shy will handle it from here. Shy, I'll PM my part of the second chorus when I'm done with it. Also, what should the theme for our graphics be? Please don't put anything too... weird... because then... I would be really scared. :P[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Tahoma]There the four Genin were, waiting for the Hokage to come and announce what they had to do before thousands of others and assign them to a mission that nobody knew of except a selective few. Everyone one was either ready or waiting for excitement or was scared of what was to come? and Kaoru didn?t know what to make of her emotions as of this moment. [b]?I? I don?t want to let anyone down,?[/b] she thought to herself slowly, looking downward and her eyebrows narrowing to show a sad yet worried expression. She didn?t really know what to feel or what to do... she wanted to be a strong ninja for herself and everyone else, but something inside her said that she wasn?t capable of anything? that she couldn?t protect anyone, much less herself. Kaoru slightly tilted her head towards Ichiro sitting next to her, his arms crossed and his face ready for any fighting that was about to take place in the stadium. She always admired him for the fact that he could basically face anything that not one shred of fear could be shown from his emotions. Basically, he reminded her of? Sasuke- sama and Neji- sama, both elders whom she greatly looked up to. [b]?You can?t be like them,?[/b] she sighed, then turned her eyes back towards the ground, her hands on her lap and her palms sweating, [b]?you don?t have the guts to risk your life for anyone? you know that.?[/b] Her thoughts were correct, she didn?t have the guts to protect anyone, not even her own parents whom she saw get killed. All these years she blamed their death on herself, her weakness, wondering why she was so weak and couldn?t be like everyone else. What was she even doing here? Why was she even a Kunoichi, anyway? She didn?t have her mother?s courage or her father?s expertise? she was just a nobody. A nobody whom thought she could change the way she acted, the way she felt? but, that was all just a lie that she blended in with all her feelings so that she wouldn?t have to face the guilt of realizing what she really was? ..A Nobody. [b]?Kaoru- chan? you okay??[/b] Mai replied, tilting her head a little to see Kaoru?s depressed face, her hair falling over her shoulders. Kaoru met her blue eyes with Mai?s, making a fake smile and nodded. [b]?I?m okay,?[/b] she replied, [b]??just? a bit anxious, is all.?[/b] Mai nodded and smiled, her face a soft red as she turned her head back towards Kuro and started talking with him, his face a little lit up. She didn?t realize it? or maybe she didn?t want to believe it? but, Kuro looked a bit happier when Mai first showed up. Kaoru was jealous, even though she didn?t know what they were talking about or how much they actually liked each other. Kaoru probably knew Kuro a little longer than Mai did, and she really, really liked him enough to want to become closer to him. But? seeing them together made her realize that she probably didn?t have any chance with him, that? she wasn?t the one that was making him happy. Nobodies didn?t make Anybodies happy, there were just there to take up oxygen? to make everyone else feel better about themselves. She was just here to lose in order to make herself realize that she wasn?t going to become anything. [b]?What?s up??[/b] Ichiro finally spoke up after long moments of silence, his back leaning on the back of the bench and his face looking in Kaoru?s direction. [b]?You aren?t as talkative and chipper like you usually are? so, I assumed you have a lot on your mind.?[/b] Kaoru glanced her eyes in his direction and sat up straight, her hands slightly shaking in her lap and her long brown hair covering her eyes? her tears that were dripping down her confused face. [b]?I? I don?t think I?m cut out for this, Ichiro,?[/b] she replied, using her right wrist to wipe her nose,[b] ?I?m not like you or anyone else that can do anything on their own??[/b] Ichiro?s eyes widened a little and let out a slight sigh, his expression different from the one he usually gives. He was? a little surprised at the fact that she told him that he inspired her? nobody ever told him that in a long while. Kaoru didn?t notice, but... Ichiro blushed a little bit, not really knowing how to react to something like that. He sighed a little bit to calm his nerves and gently laid his hand on her shoulder, Kaoru slightly looking up at him with small tears in her eyes. He smiled a brief smile? yet, one could feel the emotion that was in that short happiness. [b]?Don?t disbelieve in yourself just yet until you actually see what you?re capable of. Nobody knows what their talents are until they see it in others? which is why we become jealous because we don?t realize what we have.?[/b] Kaoru kept quiet as he let out what he wanted to say. She? never really saw him act this way before in front of her, but? with his hand comforting her and his words piercing directly into her thoughts? she knew exactly why she had this feeling every time she was around him. [b]?So? just don?t worry about it, alright??[/b] he stuttered as he saw her slightly smiling at him, his face turning towards the arena and his face red and in slight embarrassment. [b]?If it all comes down to it? I won?t leave you alone until I know you can do something on your own.?[/b] Kaoru smiled as she saw him slightly shy, realizing that he hadn?t removed his hand from her shoulder yet? but, she wasn?t going to tell him that. She wanted? to let this moment go on a little bit longer until they actually did have to go. [b]?Ehhh? Does that mean you don?t trust me when I do things on my own, Ichiro- chan??[/b] Kaoru laughed a little, placing her hand on his to let him know that she was okay. He looked at her again and sighed, turning his head towards the stadium again as he closed his eyes, his face even more red as she started to laugh. [b]??Baka.?[/b] Kaoru giggled as her face blushed with happiness as he uttered that word under his breath. It meant that he actually did care about her after all. [CENTER] ~*~ [/CENTER]OOC:I just wanted to let people know that even if Kaoru is cheerful on the outside, that doesn't mean that she isn't depressed with her feelings. Her parents died awhile ago when she was still in Training, but you'll all know of that soon enough. It's because I love romance, Matt... so, let Ichiro be a gentlemen, okay? ;][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Fantastic idea, Lunox. This way, indstead of seeing more completed works, we can look on how OB artists sketch in their spare time or a bigger project they're working on. [B]Lunox:[/B] Very nice, wonderful sketches. I can't wait to see the finished animation, as how the drawings look great and animations are hard to make in general. [B]Retri:[/B] Wonderful shirt designs, Retri. I absolutely love the Star logo, what with the rainbow and the "3" in one of the stars. I'd say that it would look fantastic on a white or light blue tank top... I'd most likely buy it, very much so. I also should suggest making it a different variety of colours, attracting to people's liking. I would love to see more of these in the future. ;] As for me, well... I'm currently working on a few pictures ATM, but this one is one that I just recently started colouring. [CENTER][URL=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Artwork/ReaseWingcopy.png]Broken Wing[/URL] [/CENTER] This is my original character, Rease, and one of his wings. I'm going to go around a dark/gothic/emo perspective, but what do you guys think? And also, my latest banner works. I dunno where my style is going... I'm just toying around with old and new methods. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/GrimmjowJB3.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/UlquiorraB2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/Ayatocopy.png[/IMG] Yes? No's?
  6. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Hmm... while all these song choices are really great, I'm going to have to go with B... I mean, Y.M.C.A. because it's a bit more catchy than the others and I'm postive that everyone here absolutely knows of that song. :D You thought I was going to say my song choice, huh? Fuu fuu fuu fuu... >> Anyway, alright, now that we've got that settled... deciding on words now, ne?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial]I know this might sound a bit off-the-wall, but what about using Green Day's [I]"Holiday"[/I']?[/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] [SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Hmm... sounds interesting enough. I remember when I used to listen to that song all the time, it was catchy. Well, that song takes my vote... unless someone wants to pick Billie Jean. :P No, really. Billie Jean rulez.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Alright, Matt, I posted like I promised and just so the thread doesn't die. It's too bad that Mary dropped out, but... let's not let this die, everyone! It's just getting good![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=White][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][b]?Matt, what happened? What?s going on??[/b] Matt remained speechless. [b]?So you?re as clueless as us, huh??[/b] Matt nodded. He looked up at the sky. It was still dark. No cars were on the streets. They were all alone. Aizen looked around at the other teens with her arms still wrapped around Matt's neck, her body slightly shaking from all the weirdness that was going on around them. As she gently placed her chin on Matt's shoulder, Aizen then realized... she hadn't done anything in the fight with Job as everyone else got beat up, stabbed, wounded... almost killed, in Matt's point of view. Yet there she was, just sitting there in terror and helplessness... watching everyone getting hurt without even trying to help them out. Sure, there was a brief moment of bravery as she summoned her sword in order to fight, but... after she saw Job just flick Matt into a tree like he was nothing, she felt... as if she would let everyone own if she fought... like if she even tried her best, it wouldn't be enough. It would only let them down... let that Ice Woman down... [b]"Hey... you alright?"[/b] Aizen's eyes quickly fluttered as she was brought back to the current situation at hand. Her blue eyes laid upon Matt's slightly worried face, his right hand on her shoulder while his other curved around her waist in a slightly friendly manner. She slightly blushed and put her hands on his shirt, tightly clenching them to show him that she was scared, terrified even, at the fact that she couldn't do anything to at least protect him or everyone else. [b]"Matt, I... I..."[/b] she stuttered, her light- blue hair covering her face and teary blue eyes. [b]"What's wrong?"[/b] Matt quietly replied, his voice hinted with worry, [b]"Are you okay...?"[/b] Aizen quickly nodded and gripped his shirt even tighter, tears already streaming down her cheeks and leaning her head on his chest. She wanted to be stronger, to be someone that everyone could depend on, but... at this rate... [b]"Sorry... that I let you down... and that I couldn't be there when you needed me."[/b] She then lifted her head up so that he could see her wet face, her eyes cheerful but full of tears, yet her mouth lifting a small yet kind smile. Aizen turned around and walked in the other direction of the dark place they were in, looking for a place to find out where they were, but to also be alone for awhile. Matt's face was a little confused, but when he saw her crying... something inside him ached out of pain. He then continued towards her direction, only to be stopped by the hand of Jonas. [b]"Come on, Matt... let's go find out where we are." "But... Jonas, I..." Matt stuttered. "I know what you're gonna say, man,"[/b] Jonas smirked a little as he hooked his arms around Matt's neck, [b]"but sometimes, it's best to just let things be for awhile."[/b] He then dragged Matt in the opposite direction, looking for clues or reasons for why these things were happening to them. [center]~*~[/center] Aizen stood by herself in a little spot in the Nowhere Place they were in while everyone else talked amongst themselves about the oddness that was going on. Lifting up her head slowly and wiping her tears away, she looked on at the nothingness that was there... just black and dark... nothing living or dying, working or sleeping.... just nothing. It wasn't so bad. This was a place just for her so that she couldn't see any more hurt go on, fights taking place. Just the place for a little nothing like her to live and rot to death. A place where she could just sit there and be nothing. [b]"Mmm... I see, no wonder you're so quiet all the time."[/b] Aizen quietly gasped as she heard that familiar voice in her head, also noticing that her breath had become foggy as it did when she was cold. She turned her head around to look for the direction of the voice, but couldn't find anything. [b]"Don't worry, I'm speaking to you through telepathy... no one else can hear what we're talking about." "I... see..."[/b] Aizen quietly replied, then tilting her head downwards and sighing. [b]"You know,"[/b] Shiva replied in Aizen's mind, [b]"it isn't your fault that you couldn't protect that other Devil Child, Matt. Job came at a random time, no one could've predicted what was going to happen." "Yeah well... if you saw what happened, why didn't you do anything?" "I did, my dear, but you didn't take the opportunity to lift Blue Winter. Call me whenever you needed, but your voice was caught in fear." "Oh, so now it's my fault?!"[/b] Aizen yelled, then looking another way, [b]"it's always my fault... everytime something happens."[/b] [b]"Look, love, not everyone can defend someone if they haven't fought anyone before... it's just a natural reaction. If you train everyday and let me help you, you'll be able to protect anyone in your sight." "...Really?" "Really,"[/b] Shiva replied, a happy tone echoing in her voice. [b]"Promise?" "I promise, love. I mean, I've been watching over you for so long... what makes you think I wouldn't do that now?"[/b] Aizen let out a small laugh and nodded, smiling and looking in the far off distance as her grip on Blue Winter tightened, her depression slowly fading away. [b]"Alright,"[/b] she finally replied, her smile growing wider, [b]"I trust you." "Good. Now, go help everyone at least a little... oh, and someone's coming, by the way."[/b] Shiva's voice then dissapered and became quiet, Aizen's breath returning to normal. A gentle grip landed on Aizen's shoulder, giving her a strong feeling of support. [b]"Feeling any better?"[/b] [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: The voice can be anyone, I just need to get to know others better. =D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Well, I really thought that people would vote me off as team capitain, but alright... I'll stick it out for you guys. ;P Anyway, ohh... the next challenge sounds so fun... except, I don't know what it is. Sorry for not being here for awhile... things going on. EDIT: Okay guys, it seems like we have to come up with our own theme song... which is especially nifty. It sounds like a lot of fun, but this could take a lot of work from the three of us. So, who would like to do what? Graphics I can handle, but song writing? I dunno...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]It had been a few hours later since Tsunade- sama had told all of the eligible Shinobi in Konoha to say good-bye to their family and friends and head towards the stadium to learn of more, if not to know their missions. Kaoru told all of her friends that she would see them later and that she would hold her head up high and do the best that she could... if only her mind actually thought that way. Kaoru never actually thought that she would go on an important mission this soon, but here it was, at the foot of her door... her training now going into the second level. Kaoru then headed home and packed her belongings together as she sat on her bed, flopping down on the soft mattress and looking up at the ceiling, sighing. [B]"I don't know... if I can do this..."[/B] she thought to herself, turning her head to look out the window. [B]"I've lived here in Konoha for so long, wishing for something like this... but the truth is, I can't muster any words that would describe how I feel right now..."[/B] She then turned to her side and drew a circle on her bed with her right index finger, wanting someone to talk to. Kuro left a little while ago so that he could pack, but... she felt as if something else was on his mind, too... or, for that matter, someone else. [B]"Stupid Kuro,"[/B] she muttered as she puffed up her cheeks, angry at herself for thinking such a thing. [B]"I don't know w..."[/B] Suddenly, a knock came to her door as she thought those things. She quickly sat up and raced down the stairs as she yelled that she was coming. Kaoru slowly opened the door and let out a small gasp as she saw the person knocking on it. [B]"...Ichiro?" "Hey,"[/B] Ichiro slightly waved as he stood up from his leaning position, [B]"I was wondering... are you done packing yet?"[/B] [B]"Well... yeah, I guess,"[/B] Kaoru meekly replied, her index finger scratching her cheek. She didn't really expect to see Ichiro knock on her door for awhile, but... it was good timing... she really needed someone to talk to. [B]"So... are you ready to head to the stadium or not?" "Oh, yeah! Sure!"[/B] she meekly replied, quickly running upstairs to get her things and saying good- bye to a picture of her parents before she headed out the door. After she locked it, she walked along the dusty road with Ichiro, her heart quietly thumping and her face flushed with heat. [B]"So, um... what made you come here to walk with me to our destination?"[/B] [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: Yeah, I'll type something later and if not, Matt, you know what to do, love. ;] Just wanted everyone to know I'm back... yays![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Hey, love. I just wanted to say that even if I don't have acess to a computer at the moment, I'll work on this for you if you'd like. Bleach is love, anyway, so... you know. Just don't really expect it to come very soon because my laptop is kind of crappy right now, so, just expect it whenever, 'kay? ^^ Though, I'm kind of worried you won't even use mine because so many people will give you such hot sets that mine won't even matter. XD But I'll try.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Mmm, Jamie... your avatars are so sexy... nummy. :D Anyway, I know you already got a ton from Jamie here, but I decided to give in my pitch, even if they aren't that great. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Cloud1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Cloud2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Cloud3.png[/IMG] Meh, hope it'd okay.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][B]?Okay? let?s try this one more time, from the top?? ?Come on, Kuro? if I don?t rest now, I?m going to exhaust my Chakra for two whole days!? ?Just one more time, Kaoru? I know you can do it this time.?[/B] Kaoru sighed, pushing her long- brown hair behind her back and resting a little as she leaned on her knees for support. It had been four straight hours since the two friends trained in order for Kaoru to become familiar with the new technique she just learned, but it seemed as all of it had been useless, what with her messing everything up and not even getting one attack into Kuro?s zone. But, for some reason, Kuro kept pushing and pushing her, wanting her to become more in synch with her moves and become the best Shinobi she could ever be? to become a true warrior. Realizing the serious determination in her friend?s eyes, Kaoru quickly stood up straight and stood in her battle position, now becoming true to herself and her oncoming move. They waited and waited for a few minutes for a signal to begin the fight? waiting? until a leaf from a nearby tree slowly floated onto the ground. [B]?Butsuriteki Danmaku no Jutsu! Physical Barrage Technique!?[/B] Kuro finally yelled at the top of his lungs, then quickly charging towards Kaoru with his hand behind him, ready to grasp her face. Realizing exactly what he was about to do, Kaoru leaped backwards, doing continuous back-flips in order to dodge his grasp until she realized that a tree trunk was in their direction. Without having another thought on her plan, she does one last back-flip in order to bounce high off of the tree while Kuro had to resort to quickly slowing his pace before ramming into the tree- trunk. While she was still in the air, Kaoru quickly grabbed the blue umbrella hanging by a sash on her hip and opened it, then throwing it into the air, causing it to float slowly towards Kuro. While landing onto the ground as the umbrella continued to float gracefully in the air, Kaoru made the usual ninjutsu sign with her hands as she focused her chakra into the her umbrella. Suddenly, the umbrella started spinning faster as Kaoru focused more and more on her concentration. [B]?Jouro Senbon!?[/B] she finally yelled, her eyes filled with faith. As the umbrella quickly moved closer to Kuro, sharp senbon needles started flying towards him, every needle locked onto his unique chakra. As the needles darted closer, instead of running away at first, Kuro faintly smiled and jumped out of the way of the needles until all of them were used up, the umbrella finally floating gracefully onto the ground. As the two of them dusted themselves off and caught their breath, Kaoru jumped up and down in ecstasy, squealing in delight that she had finally gotten the hang of her new technique. [B] ?Yayy! I did it!! I did it, Kuro- chan!?[/B] she cheered out loud as Kuro quickly ran towards her and picked her up in his arms, spinning her around as he laughed along with her. [B]?Yeah, awesome job!?[/B] he yelled, still spinning her around,[B] ?See, I knew you could do it!?[/B] Kaoru smiled and hugged her best friend tightly, happy that he was so proud of her achievement. It had been awhile since she had these ?feelings? for him, ever since they first met, but? there was also someone else on her mind? someone that always popped into her thoughts? [B]?Excuse me. Am I interrupting something important??[/B] Both Kaoru and Kuro quickly turned their heads to see a slightly annoyed Nagata Ichiro leaning on a nearby tree on the training ground, his arms crossed and his eyes slightly narrowed. Kuro slowly put Kaoru down and scratched his head as the clumsy girl stuck her tounge at Ichiro and started walking towards him. [B] ?Who said you could come visit me while I was training, hmm??[/B] Kaoru teased. [B] ?Well, if I remember correctly,?[/B] he implied sharply, [B]?you were the one who told me to come visit you today if you don?t remember.? ?Gosh, Ichiro? you?re always so stuck up. You need to just relax and take that stick out of your ass,[/B]? Kaoru teased as she lightly punched the short haired boy while he chuckled a little, slightly patting her on her head. [B] ?So, what?s up, Nagata??[/B] Kuro finally spoke, his hands on his hips with a serious expression on his face. He was a little annoyed at the way that the two were playing around with each other? they were a little too close. Ichiro looked up at the annoyed friend and returned to his normal form of leaning on the tree while Kaoru lightly bounced towards Kuro and stood close to him. He coughed a little before roughly speaking in his mature voice, his eyes closed, then looking up at the two. [B]?I saw a few interesting fellows from the Land Hidden in the Sand wandering around in the village today.? ?Really??[/B] Kaoru gasped a little, [B]?More of them? I wonder what happened.? ?Well? I actually don't know..? [/B]Kuro said, his right hand stroking his chin as he thought, [B]?but I'm guessing you want to find out, right??[/B] Ichiro slightly nodded. [B] ?Exactly. I see you guys finished your daily training, so why don't we go meet some of the new people?? ?Alright! And maybe we?ll see some people we know, too!?[/B] Kaoru innocently added with a smile, the two boys slightly scoffing and rolling their eyes. The three then started towards the main area of Konoha Village, wondering what other members from other villages were doing there. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: There, I hope that's okay, Jamie. Also, I hope it's good with you, BK and Omega, as how I know you guys the most. :D Just something so that everyone can meet up somewhere.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Just because my pimp mommy, jigglyness, is giving it a shot, I think I will too. Lol, nah. I just saw this a little bit earlier but was too late to post first (darn you, jigglyness. Jk.). :D And also, because all these FF hotties are my favorites... so, yeah, over share. XD Expect my version today or tomorrow, 'kay? ;][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Hurry up and post, Matt! I'm sure not a lot of us can move on without you posting.... like me. >>; Anyway, I just wanted to ask: When is everyone going to interact with each other? It's just that we've been in different cliques that no one's gotten to know everyone. Just asking, is all. This RP is so much fun. :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Thanks for the support, Allamorph. I just wanted to try my best for my team. :] Anyway, nothing much is going on right about now... just loads and loads of school work... that and RP's. :P[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Yay, you finally posted who made it, Jamie! I was waiting and looking over and over to see if you ever did it yet. :[ Anyway, cells are great... awesome, even. I was just wondering, even if you already said something, just to make sure... can we talk and become friends with other people from other cells? Just because in my Extra Notes, I'm friends with a lot of people who aren't in my cell, so... yeah. >> Especially since I'm going with a love triangle with two other people.. *wishes she could be in a team with those two* But, *ahem* I digress. :/ But anyway... just wanted to make sure. :D AND OMG KAORU SHALL BECOME FRIENDS WITH IMI BECAUSE SHE IS JUST PLAIN SEXY!!!1one =D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]"Even piss in the river can flow into the ocean in a day." "One does not simply raise the sword in order to protect the secrets of the past, but to protect the innocent people of the future." "One person alone may be defeated, but when combined with others, they may take down armies."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=LightBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][B]"What in the world is going on...?"[/B] Aizen slowly walked towards Matt and crouched down next to him, scooping his sweaty body into her shaking arms. She quickly looked at his body, trying to realize what the symptoms were. His eyes were slightly dazed, his mouth was uttering words that she couldn't hear, his hands were violently shaking and his whole body was continuously shaking. It was as if something had appeared to him in his own vision... something that scared him half to death... [B]"Hey... hey! Wh... what's going on?!" "Matt... Matt, what's wrong?!"[/B] Aizen looked to her side to see the card- playing boy leaning next to her, also wondering what could be wrong with Matt. Without even realizing it, Aizen had remembered that this was the guy which she had made a fool of herself in the locker hallway, forgetting to even ask his name, but now... here she was, trying to comfort him in this chaotic state. She then looked at the boy next to her and tried to understand who he was and what was going on. [B] "Do you... know who he is?"[/B] The boy nodded. [B]"Yeah, his name's Matt... he's fairly new to this school, but... I don't understand... what's going on?" "Wait, you mean... he hasn't done this before?" "Not that I know of,"[/B] he replied while shaking his head, [B]"but from what it looks like, it seems like some monster appeared right before his eyes without us even realizing it."[/B] The boy then looked at Aizen's worried face and slightly nodded his head without her knowing. [B]"I remember... you're also new at our school... my name's Jonas, the one you were staring at."[/B] he said kindly, chuckling a bit. Aizen blushed slightly and apologized for her curiosity. She slightly nodded and smiled a bit, still a little shaken up from the action at hand. [B]"It's nice to meet you, Jonas. My name's Aizen Strife..."[/B] Before she could say anymore, a soft thud coming from the area in the Gardens where the two boys were fighting. The two looked up and saw the boy with spiky blueish- black hair leaning on the ground on all fours, gasping and sweating just like Matt... as if he, too, had seen a ghost. [B]"Him too..."[/B] she stuttered, nervously biting her lower lip. [B] "Seems like Zed also had a problem... something's going on here..."[/B] Aizen slowly turned her head to a thinking Jonas, wondering what could be going on. The name Zed rang through the back of her mind from a lot of gossip going on at the school. He was quite popular and mostly known for his great fighting skills, but also for being a total bully and a sharp attitude. She stared at him for awhile while he was still on the ground gasping for air, thinking about some thoughts of her own. [B]"So... I wonder how it feels to actually be kneeling on the ground in a loss instead of standing up and winning..."[/B] Suddenly, as if something had hit her head violently, a sharp headache came into her head, causing her to use her right hand for support with the other still holding Matt. In a few seconds, the pain grew more and more painful, causing her to lay her head onto Matt's body and her hand clenching her hair, small groans coming from her mouth. [B]"Aizen, are you okay?! What's wrong?!"[/B] Jonas quickly replied while he saw her in pain, his hands softly clenching her shoulders in order to keep her from falling onto the ground. [B]"I... I don't know,"[/B] she replied meekly, still holding her head and supporting her body, [B]"I just got this massive headache out of nowhere and..."[/B] Before she could say anything else, more pain came rushing into her head, causing her to yell and drop Matt onto the ground while holding her head with both hands as her body felt more and more weak. Aizen felt like she was about to vomit, so much pain flooding her mind, not allowing her to think straight. The pain became so intense that Aizen passed out, the darkness enclosing in on her vision. She was then on a barren wasteland of darkness, nothing standing in the distance except a cold wind blowing, causing her to put her hands around her body to try to keep warm. [B]"Wh... what's going on?"[/B] she slowly replied, small blows of cold air escaping from her mouth. She started walking into nowhere, looking around for some sign of life, until spikes of ice quickly shot up from the black ground, causing her to jump out of the way in time before she was stabbed. More and more kept coming up until it created a sharp array of ice spikes, the darkness now a bright yet shiny transparent blue. It had become more and more cold, causing Aizen's body temperature to decrease below normal. But, before she could feel the consequences of the weather, a blue woman with long icy- blue hair with strands wrapped around ice clips, her body and chest wrapped in a blue cloth with snowflake designs and pieces of ice in certain places floated in front of her with a sword in hand, landing gracefully on the ice. Aizen quietly gasped in awe of the woman's icy beauty, but also felt a sense of closeness to her as if she had known her forever. The woman stepped towards her with grace, trails of ice encased in the ground with every step. As she was a few inches away from Aizen's face, she leaned in closer and delicately lifted her right index finger and lightly tapping Aizen's nose, a small blue and white light glowing. Aizen flinched a little, but as she was slowly opening her eyes, her body didn't feel cold anymore... in fact, it felt... normal. She looked at herself in awe, then at the frozen beauty, whom was smiling as she placed her hands to her side. [B]"Young yet bold... small yet strong,"[/B] the woman started saying, [B]"Aizen Strife... I have known you for so long, yet you continue to grow in different ways that will help yourself and others in the future..." "B... but I don't know w.."[/B] Aizen was suddenly stopped with the woman's finger, an icy coldness sealing her words. The woman smiled again and lightly placed her hand on Aizen's head. [B]"My name is Shiva, I have been and will be watching over you from now on... the calm yet violent power of the icey depths will now be in your control... you must use it with utmost caution... for if you do not, not only will you suffer... but your friends and the others around you will fall apart... left behind in the blizzard of life."[/B] Shiva then lifted the sword and handed to Aizen's slightly shaking hands, the hilt glowling a soft blue. Aizen slightly gasped, remembering that this was her sword that was in her closet in her room ever since her father died many years ago. Before she could say anything else, Shiva gently placed her right hand on the sword and used her left to slowly lift Aizen's chin. [B]"Your blood weapon shall be that of your father's.. use it well..."[/B] she smiled and nodded, [B]"Blue Winter shall now be upon you... do not be scared, but trust in the coldness that surrounds the depths of your soul..."[/B] And suddenly, everything faded to black, all the ice and the woman named Shiva had dissapeared into nothingness. [B]"Hey, are you awake now? Aizen?"[/B] Aizen's eyes slowly opened, looking at the two boys whom she was with before she had passed out. Jason, whom was watching her, was relived while Matt, whom she was holding, was looking down at her, her head in his lap. She slightly gasped and quickly sat up, whincing from a slight twinge of pain. [B]"Woah, woah... easy now,"[/B] Matt replied, holding her before she fell down, [B]"you don't want to rush yourself after passing out."[/B] She looked at him while he was smiling, causing her face to turn bright red. [B]"What happened?"[/B] Jonas finally replied, [B]"First you're okay, then... you pass out suddenly..."[/B] [B]"I don't know..."[/B] she replied, her hands covering her hot, flushed face, [B]"but, something... happened.. something strange..."[/B] [B]"You're telling me,"[/B] Matt replied, pointing at her mouth, [B]"it's about eighty degrees outside, but your breath is letting out cold air."[/B] All three of them looked at each other in confusion as Aizen slowly put her hands over her mouth, becoming cold from her icy breath. [B]"Something astonishing happened... didn't it?"[/B] She slowly looked up at Matt, whom had a seriousness covering his expressions. Aizen realized that Matt knew exactly what she had just gone through... they had a sense of closeness while Jonas just sat there in astonishment and confusion. [CENTER]+++[/CENTER] OCC: Yay, finally, a long post from me! :D Hope this was okay for you guys, Matt and Revelation, because I had a lot of fun. I hope I get to meet more people along the way, aswell. :3 Also, I support the MattxAizen Fan Club all the way. *roots for Aizen and Matt* >;3--[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Hey, little sis. :D *hugs* I hope you don't mind that I'll be doing my version of an Ayato one. He's more smexier than the robot. XD Anyway, would you mind if I used another picture of him? Those look a little too pixelated for my taste and for the quality of the banner. Thanks, sis, and expect this by tomorrow! ;] EDIT: Hey again, sis! I finished making your set, so I hope it's to your liking. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/Ayatocopy.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/AyatoA.png[/IMG] Once again, hope you like it. ^^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]OCC: Matt, I am posting, so hardy- har har. But it'll be short, so suck on that. :P [CENTER] +++ [/CENTER] "Well, that was stupid..." Aizen quickly stood up as she gathered her things and walked quickly towards the exit doors. The boy had caught her quickly off- guard, causing her to blush bright red, ask him stupid questions and not even getting a chance to ask for his name... how else could this day get any worse? As she walked out the doors, her bright- blue hair gently gleamed in the sun, her hands brushing her bangs away from her face. She had a lot on her mind, what with school, friends and the new hot guy she had just met a few minutes ago. She had to go to Kendo practice right way, but since she was the top student in her class, her Sensei didn't mind wether or not she was late... just as long as she was there before class ended. She lifted her wrist and looked at her black leather watch... just a few minutes after the last bell rang. "Okay, I guess I'll stop by some place to eat before I head to Kendo class." Without even realizing it, Aizen was in the gardens in Boston- Two and spotted a very interesting looking guy playing cards. "Who's that?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]OOC: Sorry I haven't posted at all, Hero... I've just been so busy this week, what with school, other RP's and all. n.n; I hope this is okay, Hero, I had this thought out for sometime. [CENTER]++++[/CENTER] [B]"Now class, don't forget about the english paper that's due next class, alright?" "Yes, mam'm..."[/B] A lot of groans and sighs were heard before the end of school bell rang, frantic and energetic students running through the halls in order to be free from school and hang out at their usual places. Chloe silently walked to her locker in order to grab some more books for her homework and gently closed it, then walking through the halls and out the entrance doors. She wasn't a very loud and talkative girl, but instead liked to take things slow and easy while the whole world sped right before her eyes. She didn't know why, but because of her silent nature, she became popular in her school and a lot of guys had a few crushes on her, causing her to wonder what she could've done in order to raise their feelings like that. [B]"I can't forget to write that paper tonight,"[/B] she thought to herself as she entered the forest in her path, [B]"Ms. Yune is expecting me to write some sort of fabulous story... I can't let her down."[/B] Stopping suddenly, she raised both her arms and stretched while gazing into the bright orange sun. She always had a feeling that she needed to look at it every once in awhile... as if it was going to vanish or something. But, not only that, Chole also felt some sort of vauge power coming from it... something that she wondered if it was going to affect her life or not. [B]"As if,"[/B] she thought to herself again, shaking her head from side to side, [B]"nothing special is ever going to happen in my life... at least something not as big as me trying to save the world." "I wouldn't be so sure about that."[/B] Chloe quietly gasped and turned around, eying a average sized boy with his head and body hidden behind a black hooded- overcoat. He was carrying a light- blue sheath with a Katana hidden in it, his hands clenched around the shiny material. [B] "Wh... who a.. are you?"[/B] Chloe stuttered as she realized the boy was walking towards her slowly. She tried to turn around and run, but something inside of her told her not to... something told her to stay and see what was going to happen. [B] "My presence will be known to you soon enough,"[/B] he quietly replied with his calm voice, still walking towards her with his Katana in hand. Chloe slowly walked backwards, becoming more and more scared of the action at hand, not realizing that she had bumped into a tree trunk right behind her, stopping in her tracks. The hooded boy kept walking until he was inches away from her sweaty face, then raising his hands and placing them on her cheeks. [B] "Wh..what are you going to do to me?!"[/B] Chloe quietly screamed, trying to get away from his grasp. Suddenly, slowly but surely, her strength began to fade from her body and her voice became quiet. She couldn't explain it, but it felt as if everything was a blur... a calm yet gentle blur. Her hands slumped onto the boy's arms and her eyes became dazed, the only strength left was that of her legs allowing her to stand up. Lifting his right hand over his hood, the boy gently pulled it back in order to reveal his identity: lightly- tanned skin, blueish- silver eyes, straight jet- black hair with blue dye at the tips and a small smile across his lips. After seeing his appearance, Chloe felt as if she had seen him somewhere before... and that his presence had calmed her down a little. Looking deeply into her eyes and smiling, his bluish- silver ones quickly glinted as his feelings had flared. He then placed his right hand on her cheek once again and lightly brushed his thumb against her skin. It was time... the mission was about to begin. Without another thought, he placed his nose upon hers and closed his eyes, his whole body slightly glowing with a blue aura. He slightly murmured some words, but Chloe could only understand three phrases in Latin: [B] "Cur in gremio haeremus? Cur veniam petimus In terram fatali? Why do we stay in the womb? Why do we beg for forgiveness In the fateful Earth?"[/B] Chloe's body felt flushed, as if a new power was within her... she felt stronger now. She slightly gasped as the strength returned to her body, causing her to fall to her knees and placing her hands on her head. [B]"What... did you do to me?"[/B] The boy slightly crouched towards her and lifted his right hand to touch her forehead, his fingers slightly glowing. When he removed them from her, Chloe felt a tingling sensation coming from her hands. She slowly placed them in front of her face and gasped, amazed and scared that her hands were glowing a blue and white fire... yet not even burning her a bit. She looked at the young boy and then at her hands. It took her awhile to regain her thoughts, but she then looked at the boy again. [B]"Who are you? And what is this?"[/B] The boy chuckled and crossed his arms. [B]"I'm a member from the group, Omega Strain, and all I have done is merely awaken the powers that have been inside of you for some years now."[/B] He then helped her up as he arose to his feet, his right hand then clenching the sheath and his left unveiling his Katana. Chloe not yet knowing, his face had shown a bit of concern for her, sweat seeping from his forehead. He didn't really want to fight her, but it was his mission... she was needed in order to protect something sacred. He closed his eyes and mustered up the energy to return serious. [B] "It is time... to test your newly awaken powers."[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][B]Well, here goes my last statement in the Abortion Debate.[/B] In closing, I would like to say that sex [B]is not[/B] a bad thing, but is something that one should think carefully about before making love to another person. In my belief, I have learned that having sex should only be done until a couple is actually married, then open themselves to one another in order to seal the bond that is made between them. But, because our generation is deteriorating quickly, that sacred bond is basically being broken because some can't wait that long enough to fine the right person, they want to feel loved and a lot of other reasons why people like having sex. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing because we're all human beings, we all want to be loved by someone for ourselves and we want others to notice us. All I'm really saying is that everyone should think about the consequences at hand and about what will happen with the decisions they've made. Another thing that I have been thinking about for awhile now is about what scientists say about the baby not actually being "alive" when they are in the womb. I know you, Aaryanna, have told me in your very thought- out statements that it can't be proven that the baby can actually think or feel while they are inside the mother's womb, but let me ask you this: Why do a lot of mothers read to their unborn child even if they are not born into this world yet? Why do some feel excited and happy when they feel their child kick or move around in their bellies? And why do they put speakers/ microphones on their bellies and play soft music? Because they believe that the baby is actually [B]alive[/B], that he/ she can actually learn things even if they're not of this world yet. Even if it can't be proven, people actually believe that the baby can actually learn when certain things are done and said to the womb. Actually, studies have shown that certain music and activities can be taught to the unborn child, affecting how fast they learn and how quickly they can adapt. A child is a special gift that is born into a person, a small life- form that is closely connected to a mother's heart and soul. It isn't just something that should be created out of carelessness; everyone is special in their own way... even if they aren't technically "alive" yet. No woman who has an abortion is a bad person because that was their decision, but next time, they should remember what the possibility rate for having a child is the next time they decide to have sex. Here's something to think about: What if you were aborted? What if your mother decided they couldn't handle the pressure of having you as a child and decided to have that procedure? It's just something to think about, not actually having a chance to learn and adapt to the outside world. This generation needs to think more instead of just relying on what the world thinks and says. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the end of my closing statement. But, lastly, I would just like to say congratulations for being a very, very firm debater, Aaryanna. You have made me think about this topic a lot more now then I ever had to before, thus causing me to go digging up some information and to have faith in what I believe in. Your pro- choice belief may not be something that I agree with, but I still commend you for your strong- will and your hard work. *shakes your hand excitedly* Also, I would just like to say that this was my first debate ever, but it was actually really great either way. Even if I don't win, I just hope that people will be able to understand why I'm saying this and that my point has come across many peoples views. If either one wins, I will be very happy and will become more involved in what I believe in. Good luck to both of us, Aaryanna. *smiles and nods*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I would have to say Option #2, being buried alive in the middle of nowhere. I mean, I get anxious just being in a tightly enclosed space, so imagine me being buried with no help around. I would have to say, that would totally fricking suck... really; that is, like, torture. >>; Anyway, okay my turn! :D 1. Being a guy and enclosed in a room with hard- core gay men. 2. Being a girl and enclosed in a room with hard- core lesbian girls. 3. Being in a room with a really old ugly guy with his sex drive at his peak. Come on, now, you all know this is scary... and oh, I'm not trying to offend everyone with these, just saying some options.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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