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Everything posted by Riku
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]It's because you're special, Mary. ;D Anyway, if you don't really want to do it, then I suppose I will endure the torture. I haven't been there at all times for my team and if it comes to it, I'll take up and sacrifice myself for you guys.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Great job, everyone! ^o^ Actually, great job to you guys. I hardly did anything, which totally sucks because I felt least involved. School is almost over and my teachers have totally overloaded me with homework. Not to mention that my family is the kind that needs me every second if you know what I mean. Anyway, at least I could help with the cover. I will definitely be more supportive to my team... I promise. We won, yay! *high- fives everyone* Wow... this is our second win a row. We are definitely a team to be reckoned with.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Fantastic, Stephen, just plain fantastic. I had absolutely no idea how to work the theme, "Superhero," into a cover until I just saw that picture of New York. After that, it just all came into play. Anyway, it seems like everything is under control. If I can do anything else, let me know. :3[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Freaking sweet, Mike. I absolutely love the way you describe all of our attitudes and powers so nicely. Especially mine... drawing elegantly... I like it. Anyway, working on our cover page and going to send it to you guys via PM tomorrow. It's small, so I hope that's okay; I work better with a small canvas. As for the characters, Mike, if you want to do it, you can. I don't have the time and I don't want to take up something and not do it, thus letting the whole team down. So yup... this story is totally awesome so far. And what should the title be? Just wanted to know so I can put it on the cover, lol.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Sweet idea, Mike. I love it. So, it looks like mostly Mary and Mike will be writing the RP because they are so much better writers than me. Shall we get started on what the graphics should be? Such as backgrounds, title page, characters, etc.? If we need to draw characters really quickly, I could do it. I just need to know what you guys want me and Stephen to do before the time limit is up. Btw, story is looking good. If you guys need someone to type, I'll be glad to do it. n.n[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]You're right, Stephen, the titans did have elemental- like powers... but maybe we should be more superhero-y like and not god like? Just a suggestion, really. Anyway, KW's power shall be that she can manipulate anyone to do as she pleases for only 10 minutes. Any longer would be cheating. ;D Mike, it's good to have you with us. Where would we be without you?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma]I'm not exactly the best of writers so this idea works for me. Tiana, shall you be my graphics partner then? :)[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Why, of course I would love to help you out, Stephen. But, I was wondering, does that mean that I only get to write a little bit or a good amount? I was just wondering because I didn't know if I was just going to do the graphics. Also, how are we going to get things organized so we can start writing? The time limit is so close and time zones so different. We can still do it, though. Go Titans![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Honored to have you with us, Mike. Now The Titans roxorz! :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Wow... I feel really, really horrible for not posting in this thread forever, you guys... I feel like I've been letting the team down for a long time. I'm sorry... school's been killing me and such. It sucks being a Senior, it really does. But I passed all my exams, so yeah! :D Anyway, congrats on completing the mission, Mary! You are my number one hero and I will love you forever and ever. And congrats to everyone for letting us win! We are so awesome that we rock everyone's socks off. I don't mind if we accept The Boss into our team anyway, he seems like a really nice guy. And thank you, Stephen, for your comment. You make me sound like a whiney 10 year- old. :P Sorry you guys for not being here in FOREVER. I will be posting from now on. And sorry for not making our banner... I was studying for exams. I can understand why I got two votes last time and if I get voted off this time. I feel suckeh. ; - ;[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I'd love to help out. Now that my exams are over, I have some free time on me hands. :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Sweet, our team colour is blue! High five, Mary! *high fives you* :D Anyway, until we have our team name up and running, I won't make the banner until then. My graphic sense has been on a sugar high and I've been making banners for random people, so I hope the one that I make looks fine. And everyone, thank you for your compliments and love about my graphic design. It's what I need to keep going into the direction for the job that I really want. Thank you so much. *Ahem* Now then, here's what I need to post. [B]Team Name:[/B] Ahh yes, Stephen, I KNEW you would absolutely love Nifty Titans. It's like I have this thing that tells me what you like or not. Anyway, I would have to say that my vote swings towards the name [B]The Nifty Titans[/B]. I mean, heck, I made that name up in the first place and it sounds more original than The Titans. But if it goes the other way, I'll be alright with that. The Titans does sound a bit more... shall I say it, steroid induced masculinity? :D As for the questions that Mary has put in, here are ze answers! [B]What?s your favorite color and why?[/B] Blue period. That's it, blue. I mean, what other colour is there that is so hot and cool at the same time, ne? [B]What?s your favorite real animal and why?[/B] As how wild animals go, I would have to say the Tiger because they're awesome and I absolutely love their stripes and colours. Besides, they could kill anything in seconds flat and who doesn't love some bleedy blood? As for pets, I will definitely say the dog. They play around with you, love you, make you cry when they run away and they are absolutely adorable. I can't say anything about cats... *cough*... but again, I digress. [B] What?s your Favorite hobby and why?[/B] Hmm.. I have a lot of hobbies, but I would have to say graphic designing. I'm always on my computer in Photoshop, making random things and giving them to people. I do it not only for myself, but for anyone who asks me. :D And Beth, I absolutely adore you. Scrap booking is kick ass and don't listen to anyone else who says the opposite. XD Ohh.. my own questions, yay! [B]If you have one, what is your favorite video game?[/B] Kingdom Hearts, hands down. Everyone who knows me knows this... and I'm sorry. XD [B]Do you have a favorite manga artist? If so, why? If not, what is your favorite manga?[/B] My favorite manga-kas would have to be Nobuhiro Watsuki and Tite Kubo. They make absolutely wonderful works and their art is simply astonishing. And, last but not least... [B] If you could pick any job in the world, which one would you do?[/B] Work at Disneyworld. XD Nah. Probably an Artist or a Singer. Ohmigawdanswerthesequestions!! :D And as soon as the Team Name is chosen, I shall start on my version of our banner. Good luck, Stephen... YOU'RE GONNA NEED IT. >D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Request Banner/Avatar Set Requested (Multiple Choice)
Riku replied to Minako's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Sweetness... I love these requests where I can pick anything I want from a range of choices. Loving it. :D Banner in progress.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I wanted to do your other request because I love that series, but I never got around to it. I'm really sorry. :C Anyways, I was just wondering if I could make the dimension size of the banner a bit smaller so I could work on it. I don't know why, but I work a lot better when the banner is smaller because I really hate big and bulky things. Don't ask why. :P Just wondering if this was okay before I started.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]I'm not! I tolerate Christians all the time, I am the most tolerant person on Earth. I have so many Christian friends and they are really great people. I can't say I really like that they are Christian.. I mean, it goes against what I believe in so I pray for them. But I'm definitely not intolerant of their choices! I just wish they weren't what they are, but that doesn't mean I shun them or anything. Love and forgiveness right? I forgive you for being a Christian
[quote name='RiflesAtRecess][size=1][font=arial]I don't see the point in it being illegal to begin with. If you're not gay, then gay people getting married isn't going to affect [b]you[/b], Christian or not. I don't understand why people always feel the need to step in when they have no business there. I could understand if they were going to ban homosexuals from Christian churches or something, but to take that a step further and just outright ban them from having legal benefits as a couple is BS.[/font'][/size][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]I totally agree with you, my lovable Kevin. But I'm a hard- core Christian and absolutely am in love with God and everything about Him, so I go with what He says. Yes, I am against Gay Marriage because it goes against with what I believe in, straight out. But, that doesn't mean that I automatically hate them... like, "OMG you're gay?! That is so sick, you go to Hell." I absolutely dislike Christian people who do that kind of stupid crap. That's exactly what God doesn't want us to do, turn people away just because we don't like what they do. I have gay friends, and guess what? They are the most awesome people you'll ever see. I can't say that I like the fact that they're gay and I pray for them at times, but that also doesn't mean I should totally shun them; that's totally wrong. God teaches us to love and forgive, not hate and shun. As the most awesome comedian, Brad Stine, said, "That's the only bad thing about being a Christain... you're not allowed to hate!" So, in my personal point of view, if you say that you're a Christain and totally shun others out just because they don't fit with our religion, you're just as bad as everyone else out there. *Sigh* I finally got that out. XD Anyway, I have to say something that I always wanted to say... why do people have to go around and diss the Christians, huh? I mean, okay, so you don't believe in God and you believe in something else. Hey, I'm down with that, but you don't have to go and mock my God just because it's against anything you believe in. Do you see me running around and making a fool of myself about dissing your religion? All I'm saying is that how come every other religion is okay with the world, while Christianity is always getting beat down every day? It's the First Amendment, people: Freedom of Religion. Christianity was the religion that brought America together, so I don't think that gives everyone the right to go dissing us. As Brad Stine said, "If you want a God with a mind like mine, we're all in trouble... that's why there's a Higher Being." That's all I have to say. You can all make fun of me now, I just felt like I can trust the OB, so I let it all out. Sorry. XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Ahh... I can just smell the awesomeness that this year's Survivor Tournament is reeking already. Well you guys, let's get this road on the show and work together to make it to the very end! :D Anyways, on to my little sign- up. [B]Team Name:[/B] KH Fanatics. I mean, come on... that's the coolest name evar, right? Lol just kidding. Stephen would kill me if I put something KH related here, so... I'm putting my vote up for The Titans, but could we make it a little more... original? Like, The Nifty Titans or something? Just to spice it up a little more, but I digress. :P [B]Team Colour:[/B] I vote for Blue. My heart is set on Blue... vote for frickin' Blue! [B]Team Captain:[/B] As it's been stated before, I vote for SunfallE or Beth. I don't know her all too well, but she seems like a great person and more mature than any of us youngsters around here. [B]A Little About Myself:[/B] *Ahem* Let's see here... My name is Tiana and I originally come from Hawaii, which is my birth place and my long lost love. I'm a mixture of different cultures and races, but I'm mostly just White and Hawaiian. I'm 5'4, I have long brown hair, brown eyes and lightly tanned skin. My mom and her side of the family are Hawaiian, while my dad's side is from Maryland. I have a younger sister and brother, while my other brother is way older than me. Well, my first username here in the OB was CloudsOnly189 because I was a n00b basically and wanted everyone to know what kind of gal I was. Back then, I didn't really care about grammer or what I wrote if I understood whatI was talking about... and I would always apologize for everything. Over the months, I grew a little more mature and wanted my username to change, so I became Keyblade Wielder and started acting more like myself. I want to become more trustworthy and noble here, so I'm thinking about changing my name again to something different... like Riku. Ah, yes. All my friends know I have the guts to do this. ;D In real life, I love playing volleyball and cosmic bowling. My interests perk around reading fantasy books, drawing, singing, Graphic Design, going on Missions trips, babysitting and cuddling my two little puppies. :3 Everything else I love is mostly a lot of other people here on the OB: anime, manga, video games; all that other crap. I'm a Senior in high school right now (07, you know!! :D) and am passing all my classes with good grades. My classes revolve around US Gov, Physics, Chemistry, English, Chorus, Art and Algebra II. I don't hate any of my classes and I love them all. When I go to college, my majors will be Graphic Design and/or Artists and Singing. I want to go in a Church job and go on missions trips to help other people because that's what I love to do. As for hobbies, I mostly just love to draw and colour my pictures, do some graphic design on PS, sing along with my iPod, play all my awesome video games (like KH) and chat on my laptop. Oh... and I love to read all my books as well. And on that note, I will be like the sexay Stephen and post a piccu of me. :3 [CENTER][IMG]http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/3333/me7le.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Well, there you go... my whole life story. XD As for how the banner/flag goes, if we need someone to do it, I would be most honored to make one if White doesn't pwn me with his crap. >.> As soon as we get our Team Name and Colour going, I'll get on it right away. And if you need any examples of what I can do, just give me a call. C; Come on, you guys! Let's get this party started and beat the other teams!! :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma] [B]1. What name would you like to be used for you during this competition?[/B] - Tiana or KW works out just fine for me. [B]2. What is your age and gender?[/B] - 17 and Female. [B]3. What country do you come from?[/B] - From Hawaii in the US, though I'm currently living in England. [B]4. What areas of OtakuBoards you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses? (Choose one or two for both.)[/B] - Strengths: Art Studio, Adventure Square Weaknesses: Music and Movies [B] 5. Name one member of OtakuBoards that you consider your friend here.[/B] - Gosh, I have so many friends here and I hate to make this choice... but I woud have to say [B]BK Styles[/B] because we talk an awful lot and he's really close to me. [B]6. What one thing would you take with you to a deserted island?[/B] - I would have to say a knife so that I can cut down things and maybe hunt for animals if I was good at that. [B] 7. Why do you want to participate to OtakuBoards Survivor 4?[/B] - This seems to be a lot more interesting than any RP I've ever seen here before. It looks like a lot of fun and most of my OB friends are joining this band wagon, so why the heck not? Besides, I need a little break from school and exams, anyway. You all are going down! By whom, I have no idea. XD (And thanks, BK, for choosing me as your friend. Lol, jk. :P)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Haven't been here in awhile... I kind of like the new OB set up, though it is kind of confusing. :D Anyways, here's my version of your Vincent banner.... gosh, he's so hot. *drool* [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/VincentB.png[/IMG] Avatar coming later, so I hope you like the banner so far![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]And huzzah, here is my version of the kawaii Son Goku Banner Request!! :D I hope it's okay that I didn't use any of the pictures you provided, it's just that none of them really didn't fit the text you wanted in the banner, so... yeah. n.n; Hope it's just as you ordered! Avatar v [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/GokuA.png[/IMG] Banner v [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/GokuBannercopy.png[/IMG] Goku is the awesome, so I made the set around the colour brown. Thank you and please come back to KW's Banner Restaurant! XD[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Hey guys, I was wondering... is anyone going to post in CAF anytime soon? Or will this awesome RP just wither up and die like the first? Come on, now... let's continue to make this one a success!! Pwease? ; - ;[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]It's been about a year and a half since I started making graphics for people, my skill level going up and trying out some new techniques. Since my other art thread died, I decided to bring up a new one, showing my fresh new works of art since I've been so inspired by the other GFXers out here. Well.. let's get this party started, ne? Here we go... starting with a few months old to the newest ones. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/ByakuyaB.png[/IMG] ^ I did this for a request someone made... I just luff Byakuya. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/LenneB.png[/IMG] ^ Lenne from FF X-2. I was going to use it, but something about it made me not like it as much. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/DaiskiB.png[/IMG] ^ I'm a DN Angel fangirl. Also, this was my first banner in the beginning of creating my own design of GFX. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/TsubasaB.png[/IMG] ^ My favorite banner by far. I've had this one in my sig since forever. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/LightBanner.png[/IMG] ^ My first Raito banner. I love how everything compliments with the colour red. :D [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/LightBKW.png[/IMG] ^ Death Note again... blue is my favorite colour, so I just applied it to this. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/GorillazB.png[/IMG] ^ A tribute to my favorite band, Gorillaz. I didn't really do anything except add some colour and stamps to make it look like a dirty and worn-out photo. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Banners/YazooB.png[/IMG] ^ Last but not least, my favorite FF VII: AC character. Isn't Yazoo just the smexiest? Well, that's all for now. I'm in a banner imspiration mode, so I'll be making tons of banners non-stop. If anyone would like to use these, just PM me and I'll send you the avatar as well. Lovely comments and art crit, please! You know I love it when you guys help me out. C; EDIT: GAH! I put it in the wrong forum! I'm so sorry, Retri... but could you move this to the Art Thread? I feel so stupid... >.
Discuss SSMB: Reunion Underground [PG - V, possible L]
Riku replied to TheResplendent's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]White, I just love you for using me as an example... you just stole my heart yet again. :D Anyways, BK, I'm starting to wonder if me fighting against your character was just pure coincidence or you want to actually spar against me. ;D Just to let you know, I'm not going to back down from this; I'll show you that I'm worth fighting as Link. Let's bring it on, my friend. Okay, my speech is over. :P[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkRed]Komui: Me? Oh I was just reading up on some good [spoiler]yaio sex.[/spoiler] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]Zomg that would've been really funny if you actually spelled 'yaoi' correctly. Goes to show that grammer does change everything... jk, Kurayami... jk. Anyways, onto my quotes...*ahem* [B]Allen: He must be new here... Komui: Zomg j00 guys ar3n't all0w3d in my kewl b00k f0rt!1!!1 LolZ!!1 Lenalee: Yup, he's new.[/B] Or... [B]Allen: Well, guess it goes to show that "reading a book can create an adventure." Lenalee: There's that, or "idiot is as idiot does..." Komui: Hey you guys! Check it out, I'm in Atlantica! Look, I've got a tail!! *squeels*[/B] Oh and if Alamorph doesn't at least get some credit, you guys don't know what funny really is. Just kidding. :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
RPG Super Smash Brothers Melee: Reunion [PG - V, possible L]
Riku replied to TheResplendent's topic in Theater
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]OOC: Sweet... let the mayhem of hammer bashing begin. Good luck to you all. Now, BK... let's show these people how fighting is done, ne? *shakes your hand* [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=4][B]Fight Three[/B] Falco VS Link Introduction Post[/SIZE][/CENTER] Link crossed his arms and sighed, his Hyrule shield and sword hanging behind his back on a leather strap. First, he was summoned to fight along side other warriors from different worlds in order to fend off the evil that was approching... and now he had to face them one on one. Link loved to fight good opponents, showing off his skill and letting them know that he wasn't one to be taken light of. But, since this was an Elimination Match... things were going to get pretty ruthless. [B]"So... are you ready for this?"[/B] Zelda asked as she walked over to him, crossing her arms behind her back. Link looked at her, already wondering how she would fare against the robotic woman, Samus. Everyone was at their top form, practicing their skills and talking to old friends before they stepped into a portal to reveal their destiny. He didn't want her to fight, but she was just like him... wanting to prove her true strength and courage. He sighed and looked at her, smiling lightly and holding her hand. [B]"You should know that I've been ready for this,"[/B] he said, winking at her, [B]"but I also want you to be careful... not everyone is going to go easy on the princess of Hyrule."[/B] Zelda giggled and kissed him on the cheek, smiling. [B]"I may be a princess, but that doesn't mean I'm weak. Don't worry... you just take care of yourself and make sure you get to the final round along with me."[/B] Link lightly laughed and sighed, nodding and getting his strength ready for the battle that was at hand. [B]"Alright... all contestants into your portals to be teleported to your battle arena!"[/B] Smithy chimed, smashing his hammer into the ground to indicate the battles were starting. Link looked at the portals and nodded, then giving Zelda one last kiss and hugging her close to him. [B]"Just remember,"[/B] he said to her softly, [B]"even if we both lose, you're still strong in my heart."[/B] [B]"I know,"[/B] she smiled and hugged him tightly before they both walked into their portals, [B]"but let's show them how we fight in Hyrule."[/B] They hugged one more time and waved as they both left into their portals, their minds now focused on the battle at hand. [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] Link fell to the world on the other side, landing gracefully on his feet. He remembered this world from so many other battles he summoned to, also remebering all to well what happens at random times. [B]"Great,"[/B] he sighed, his hands on his hips, [B]"first world I get to fight in is Brinstar, my most least favorite battle arena."[/B] Suddenly, he looked upward as he saw someone else falling down, landing a few feet away from him just as gracefully as he had landed. Falco slowly stood up and crossed his arms on his chest, his blue eyes glowing with strength and his beak making a small smile. [B]"So... I guess I get to face you in my first battle, eh, Link? How have you been?"[/B] Link smirked and gave him an interesting look, straightening the creases in his light blue outfit. [B]"It's been awhile, Falco... hope you didn't get weaker as the days flew by."[/B] He then put his hands over his shoulders and grabbed his shield and sword, preparing for the fight that was about to begin. Falco smirked and also got into his stance, his purple feathers lightly puffed up. [B]"Let's make this a good one, shall we?"[/B] Link nodded. [B]"Indeed... I made a promise to someone special that I would meet them in the final round."[/B] The two eyed each other and waited until the battle began, not allowing the other to become weak and get beaten so easily.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][CENTER][B]Friday, 42nd of Estembre 6:53 PM[/B][/CENTER] Aizen hurried towards her dorm room getting some salve for Syrus' burn, still pondering about how he got such a wound. As she walked, she noticed some students waving at her, causing her to stop and smile, waving back. Since the past week, Aizen started talking to people more and stopped being shy. She realized that she needed to be stronger in order to be a good Risk Breaker and that being nice to people wasn't actually so hard as she thought it would be. She wanted to make a change... making this school year an actual success. [B]"Well, Rease,"[/B] she thought to herself, finally in her room and searching for the medicine, [B]"I guess things will be alright from now on... even though you're not here with me..."[/B] As she finally found the bottle, she closed her eyes and hugged it close to her chest, old feelings coming back through her memory once more. She sighed and made a small smile, standing up and walking out the door towards the Cafeteria to see Syrus. [CENTER]~*~ [B]8:35 PM[/B][/CENTER] After giving Syrus the salve, she waited and talked with him as he ate, having many conversations about different things. After an hour or so, Clyne and Momo came in, sitting down along with the two and engaging in the talk. Aizen then left, waving to her friends and telling them that she had to do some other things. Aizen walked down the lighted hallway, making her way towards Instructor Kaya's room to ask her if she could help control her wind magi so that she could combine it with her Javilin. As she continued to walk, she thought about how Kristos was doing since she last saw him a few hours ago. They were in Dance Class, improving on their steps and talking to each other. He had helped Aizen on her dancing, causing her to excel in the class and making improvements. [B]"I wonder what he's doing now,"[/B] she sighed, putting her hands behind her back. Suddenly, she bumped into another student, causing her to bounce back a little. She cursed her ignorance lightly and bowed low to the other student. [B]"I.. I'm sorry for bumping into y..."[/B] Looking up, she saw that the student she had just bumped into was Leon, looking down at her with a sort of restless stare. The last time she had seen him was when he was putting her life in danger, not thinking of anything but fighting with Kristos. She was a little scard of him, wondering if he was going to use her again anytime soon. Gulping a little, but realizing that she should stay strong, she stood up straight and looked him in the eye. She took a deep breath and steadied herself, not wanting him to notice how scared she actually was. [B]"Leon,"[/B] she replied in a husky voice, [B]"I... I didn't mean to bump into you..."[/B] [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] OOC: Yeah, Aizen's a little scared of Leon because he almost killed her in the last fight because of his selfishness... hope that's okay, Lionheart. :D And BK, what the hell you talkin 'bout? Aizen's always nice to you every single day, dur. XD Oh yeah, and the reason why she's hugging the ointment bottle is because awhile ago, Rease and her made the medicine together so that they could help others. Isn't that sweet?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]