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ANBU kunoichi

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Everything posted by ANBU kunoichi

  1. Yusuke: Oh man, I think I've got a zit. Is this a zit, Kurama? Kurama: Nobody cares about your acne, Yusuke. I need to make sure my hair looks good for the fangirls awaiting us. Kuwabara: FANGIRLS?! You said we were going to demon world to stop a plot for world domination! Yusuke: Don't worry, Kuwabara. You're just here for the comedy portion of our show. I mean, did you really think that [I]YOU[/I] would have any fangirls? ::Yusuke and Kurama enter fits of laughter::
  2. I can feel the hate mail coming already but... Gundam, Neon Genasis Evangelion, and just about any other mech anime. I tried Gundam SEED, but 1. They give you rediculous amounts of detail about the mechs, most of which the smartest of people don't quite fully grasp. Now I understnd when someone shout "My whatever just broke!", it's a bad thing, but unless you know the blueprints for the thing, inside and out, you just can't fully grasp the danger of the situation. 2. I would prefer to see people fight with swords or bare hands rather than a giant robot. Just my personal preferance. 3. They are set in times of war and/or post apocalyptic environments, which can make the series completely serious or depressing. I like serious animes, but not ones that are serious throughout the entire series. I need a show to have at leasta little humor. 4. For the most part, I just don't like mechs. Again, personal preference. There are some mech animes I enjoyed (Full Metal Panic, Zoids, the few episodes of Big O I've seen), but that was because they didn't have the problems mentioned above (at least not all the time). OH NO! IV'E SPENT TOO MUCH TIME HERE! *runs from the mobs of gundam fans who are chasing her in their mechs*
  3. Ichigo: Now will you stop sneaking into my sister's bedroom before she gets changed? Or do I need to tape you to my ceiling fan? That's all I've got...
  4. I would have to say one of the most memorable moments for me was on Cowboy Bebop when [spoiler]Julia was killed, and Spike died.[/spoiler] This was one of my first anime obsessions, and I knew that they would not just be brought back like on Dragonball Z. I just remember thinking, "Wow. A television show, and a cartoon none the less, actually moved me to the point of tears." And thus, my love for anime grew even more. Ah, the memories... *becomes lost in memories* ...And see? I was able to find a profoundly-moving death scene without the need to mention a certain Brigadier General! Whew, it was much harder to hold back using that than I thought. Not that I have anything against people using that as an example. I just like to be original, and not give what I know will quickly become a generic "OMG! FMA EPISODE 25! I CRIED SO MUCH!!!!!!!!" response. :animeswea
  5. DBZ. I had originally started watching it during the Cell saga. The next thing I knew, it was one of my first anime obsessions. (besides Sailor Moon, of course...) And, as much as I hate to admit it now, Pokemon. I got a tape showing a preview of it before it came on TV, and I was in love the moment I saw it. Cowboy Bebop did that, too. But then again, the first episode I saw was the last one. :animeswea But I still ended up loving it.
  6. Maybe if I grow a big enough beard, you won't notice it...
  7. They do that because they want to have characters that are pleasing to the eye and, unfortunately, those just happen to be the first two things viewers notice when they see a female character. Of course, in some cases, it is to fit a character's personality like Par-Fait said (usually the personality of the sexy flirt), but the rest of the time it is to portray what they see as "beauty", or for fanservice. People tend to think that a show needs to have drop-dead gorgeous (sp?) characters in order to be noticed. Of course, this doesn't mean there aren't "regular" girls in anime. Take for example Samurai Champloo's Fuu and Naruto's Sakura. While neither exactly have the body of a goddess (in other words, as Fuu would put it, a big set of hooters), they are still visually pleasing, and many people still think they are cute. However, there are still those who say that big chest=major babe, making it difficult for flat-chested characters to be seen often, much to the annoyance of female anime lovers. :animeangr
  8. Definitely Haku and Zabuza from Naruto. Their whole lives, they were exiled and hated by their village. But they didn't care, so long as they had each other. I'm *sniff* sorry... I thought I could *sniff* talk about it. Forgive me... WHY!?! *cries* :animecry: If you don't know why I'm crying, you don't deserve to know...
  9. Kakashi ran out of Come Come Paradise. After learning that the next volume would not be out for another two months, Kakashi decided to channel his perverted thought into something else: a genjutsu. Unfortunately for Sasuke and Naruto, they were his ginuea pigs. Sasuke and Naruto were never the same, and Sakura must now must struggle within herself to prevent her from killing the same sensei she had just put in the hospital. I need practice... :animesigh
  10. Kurama: Come on Hiei, it's time to eat... Hiei: NO! LET ME GO! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK FOR ME TOGET TO LEVEL 50 ON TETRIS!?! I MUST KEEP PLAYING! I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU BOTH!! Yusuke: Geez, Hiei. Tetris? You seriously need to update your video game collection.
  11. I actually liked all of the FMA voice actors. Sure, Al's voice was a little immiture, but then again, it sort of fit his personality, or at least I think so. As for Yami Yugi, well he's a 5000-year-old pharaoh, right? He should sound fairly old, or at the least, more mature than Yugi. And don't get me started about Naruto... I have many scars with American Naruto... I don't wanna talk about it... S-s-sorry... :animedepr ::rocks back and forth::
  12. Alucard from Hellsing would be my choice. Why, you ask? 1. He could enter somebody's dream and tell them where we are so we would be saved. 2. He could turn into a bunch of bats, fly off the island, and get someone to save me. 3. Should he somehow be unable to do the above, he could turn me into a vampire before I die a slow and greuling death of starvation, mental insanity, or suicide (whichever comes first). 4. With all his amazing vampiric abilities and strength, I'm sure he'd find a way for us to survive. 5. He's Alucard. He's a vampire. Do I need any other reason?
  13. I saw the first episode, too. And I must say... it... is... AMAZING! The ghouls are scarier, everything's darker, and it just all around rocks! And I must say, although I've had my doubts before, I am now 100% positive that all of the Hellsing characters are pimps! (long story, which involve Alucard as a stoner, many pimp slaps, and Andersong the Holy Pimp of Iscariot. Don't ask... :animeswea) My fangirlish rantings aside, if you were disappointed by the original Hellsing, you won't be this time around. More news! The second episode is thus far sceduled to come out September, and the American dub of the first episode is scheduled for October. Lots of waiting for us Hellsing lovers. :animecry:
  14. I suppose I will follow fangirl suit and say Sesshomaru, but I don't really consider him a "bad guy". It's not as though he always looks to fight Inuyasha. Many times it was Inuyasha who threw the first attack. Also, it's not necessarally his fault he supposedly hates humans. He came from two demon parent who, as far as we know, both hated humans when he was a child. So being taught that humans are worthless from both his parents (or from his mother at least), as well as other demons must have had some affect on his opinions of them. So in a way, he doesn't hate them because he wants to. That's just how it's always been, and he had no reason to change this. That is, until he met Rin. Of course, this could just be me overanalyzing things... :animeswea
  15. Male sexism in anime? Odd, most just notice the female sexism, me included. I never really thought to look at it the other way. But now that you mention it, most animes do include either nerdy pervs (Love Hina's Keitaro, for example) or cocky bad a** (like Samurai Champloo's Mugen). But I really don't think they do this to be steryotypical; I think they do it because, well, we love them for it. Take for example, the nerdy perv type. Sticking a man that has had next to no interaction with women (Keitaro) in situations where he will be in forced contact with women on a daily basis (becoming landlord of a girl's dorm) will have many, how should I put this, "interesting" results (insert favorite hot-spring/changing/touching/anime-nose-bleed-inducing moment here). And if you notice, the majority of it is not because he is a perv. Keitaro does not go stalking Naru or anything like that. He knows that she and Motoko would kill him if he did. The majority of it is just bad timing (going into Naru's room for a book as she is changing), or just plain old bad luck (slipping on a banana peel, causing him to slip and touch Naru in an innopropriate place), meant to have humerous results ("YOU PERVERT!" *punches perv into sky*). Now for the cocky bad a**. Many anime characters, like Mugen, are loved for just that reason. He's, in a sense, what people wish they could be, a confident, tough bad a** that doesn't have to take ******* from anybody. Of course we know that we can't actually act like this in real life. Doing so would be asking for a beating. But hey, it's nice to dream, right?
  16. Hellsing - Why? Basically, the same reason as Reiku. It's not the usual stuff you hear with vampires. Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo - I put these two together because I like them for the same reasons. I don't usually like hip-hop or jazz. But the way these were done was just perfect. They managed to make them fit in even this most unlikely of situations on the shows. My favorite Bebop songs are Rain, Goodnight Julia, and The Real Folk Blues; and my favorite Samurai Champloo songs are Shiki no Uta and the song they play on Ep. 11 when Jin is running away with Shino (If anybody knows the name to this song, please tell me. It will make many Jin fangirls happy :animesmil) Fullmetal Alchemist - The music is just so well done. (Forgive my lack of detail.) My two faves are Bratja and Butou. I can't listen to them enough. Final Fantasy - I know this is a video game, not anime, but I love it enough to mention it anyway. Nobuo Oematsu has probably got to be the best video game musician I''ve ever heard. My favorite is a tie between Zanarkand and the FFVII AC version of One-Winged Angel. They are amazing! I like Aerith's Theme, too. FLCL - What can I say? I like rock, and J-Rock is no acception. :animesmil Of course, had I known that they were an 80's J-Rock band without watching FLCL, I probably would never had listened to them. :animeswea Well, those are mine, in no particular order.
  17. [QUOTE=r2vq]Although "dattebayo" has no dictionary translation, I have to argue that there is a meaning behind it. I would even go further to say that "Believe it!" is a good translation for it. It's true that the rhythm is different in Japanese, but I don't think the aesthetic value of it can be fairly judged unless you're a native speaker. We both seem to be native speakers of English, making it fairly easy to catch how annoying and unnatural "Believe it!" is, but I don't think we can say that "Dattebayo!" would be any less annoying to a Japanese ear unless we've been speaking Japanese for years. -Arvi[/QUOTE] I suppose you do have a point, though. I guess no matter what they put there, it would have bugged me. But I'm not saying this is the only reason I dislike the English version. If it were, I would just live with it. I personally think they ruined a few things that I really liked about the show. For example: 1. The opening/ending themes. They tried to make an opening theme that would appeal more to American audiences. Instead we just got a mishmash of clips from the Zabuza fight and the first two Japanese openings. Granted R*O*C*K*S (the Japanese opening for this time) wasn't that great of a song, either, (80's J-Rock+Naruto=BAD COMBO!) but if you ask me, it better showed what Naruto was about than this one. Besides, if this was because people didn't like R*O*C*K*S, why didn't they simply choose one of the other songs to use for the opening? It's not as though this was their only choice. They had 5 (or 6 depending on when the series aired). 2. The voice actors/actresses. This may just be my personal opinion, but I feel they messed up some of the voices. Example: Gai. I understand that he's supposed ro be a funny character, and the voice suits his humerous moments, but he sounds as though he should be the voiceover on a game show. It makes me wonder if you will be able to take his more serious moments, well, seriously. 3. Reduced violence. I understand that this is meant to be a children's show, and that it was going to have to be dummed down a bit. But this is a ninja show. There is meant to be violence. It just bothers me that attacks that once looked so powerful look pathetic. Take for example Sasuke saving Naruto from Haku's attack. In Japan, the beating he took really made me think he was gonna die. Yet, during the same scene in English, I thought to myself, "You'd have to be pathetic to die from that!" If this is because parents don't want their children watching violent shows, a parent should have the intellegence to know that ninjas=violent=not suitable for small children="Little Billy can't watch this!". Also, it didn't help that I went into watching this with low hopes for it. :animedepr
  18. [QUOTE=Dagger][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=709810&postcount=22][u]Well, kind of.[/u][/url] I think your post is nicely balanced, and I enjoyed reading it. But just out of curiosity, what English phrase would you have used to replace "dattebayo"? ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] . . . Good point. But then again, "dattebayo" is not an actual word. For those who do not know what we're talking about, here's a brief summary. On the Japanese version of Naruto, Naruto often says "dattebayo" at the end of his sentences. It has no real meaning (many have looked for one). What I believe it is is an accent. I've heard that Kenshin has one, too. I believe that it is something similar to a Southerner saying y'all; they don't really notice that they say it until it is pointed out to them. Anyway, to answer your question, I don't really know any other way to state that. I just find it extremely annoying to hear him shout "Believe it!" every other sentence. While you could say the same thing about dattebayo, he doesn't stress that word, it sounds much more fluid and natural than him shouting "believe it!". I suppose that they could have left it and had him say it in the english version as well, but that would have been odd.
  19. Although it doesn't matter whether you watch it in Japanese first or not, I can completely understand why you would want to do so. For one, some dubs can totally butcher a character's voice or translation (perfect examples being Naruto's "Believe it!" and One Piece's "Zorro=Zollo", at least in my opinion). Secondly, because the American FCC finds many things in anime "innopropriate for younger audiences", some of the more violent moments in an anime are dummed down until they become more suitable for an American audience, often ruining some of the best fight scenes a series has to offer. Also, for some shows, they tend to create "better" openings for the American version of the show (yet again, this happened with Naruto's awful opening. It's worse than R*O*C*K*S for crying out loud!) But this does not mean that all English dubs are bad. In fact, some are so good that I actually refuse to watch their Japanese counterparts, or prefer the uncut dubs to subs. Some examples of this are Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and Yu Yu Hakusho, to name a few. From what I have seen, what it comes down to is what company is dubbing the series. To me, personally, the best of the best are FUNimation (Dragonball Z, Fullmetal Alchemist, many more that I am forgetting), Geneon (Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, etc.), ADV Films (Full Metal Panic), and Aniplex (Fullmetal Alchemist). I would put VIZ (which I believe to be the company to dub Inuyasha) into this catagory as well, but I am currently having issues with them after they commited what I believe to be the slaughter that is Naruto w/ English dub :animeangr (as you can see, I am very upset over this, but I'm VERY slowly getting over it). My personal hatred and rantings aside, there is no "right" or "wrong" way to watch an anime series. It all depends on which you prefer. As for me, well I'd say it's about 50/50. Some I prefer sub, some I prefer dub. But the choice is really yours.
  20. The site I've been going to hasn't mentioned anything on the American release. In fact, it has only been out in Japan for a week, (it came out Feb. 10th) so it may be a little too early to think about it coming to America. But I'll check anyway. :catgirl: About Hellsing: The Dawn, I'm pretty sure that the manga's been out a while. And you are right, Dragonboym2, it takes place during WWII, and stars young Walter. Not to mention a, how should I put this, rather feminine-looking Alucard. And I didn't hear anything about this being in the OVA, but I'm praying that it is. Walter ownz! Maybe not as much as Alucard or Integra, but he still ownz! As for him being called the Angel of Death, I always thought that was a nickname he earned while working for the Hellsing Organization. Then again, that was just an assumption, so I may be wrong. Maybe I'll check that, too... About the American voice actors, they're going to be the same, so we really don't have anything to worry about there, besides the manga characters, I mean. Speaking of which, if anybody happens to know who will be voicing Pip, can you please let me know? Thanks! :animesmil ::feels like such a geek for knowing so much about Hellsing:: :animeknow
  21. Wow... What's really scary is that I actually know what episode you are talking about. Next time you watch a show like FMA, I suggest you pay attention to the episode. FMA is a really good series, and does not deserve this unfortunate (not to mention disturbing) spin on it. Although it was pretty funny. Seriously, though. Although you had a few thing right, (and when i say few, I mean very VERY few) most of what you heard was entirely wrong or something they said taken EXTREMELY out of context. This show is not as disturbing as you think. Once they restart airing the show from the beginning, give it a try. I think you'll like it. As for you, Mido, lighten up a little. It was meant to be funny, not to ruin a perfectly good series. Like he said, he wasn't listening, not to mention it was his first time watching, so it's perfectly understandable that he would confuse some of the series for something it's not. I've done it before. Do you know what it's like turning on Lupin III for the first time and seeing a guy in a room of topless girls? :animeswea
  22. No idea, sorry. I usually just use google, yahoo, or some other sort of image search engine. If you do happen to come across a good site, can you post it up here? Thanks! Heh heh heh heh... The time has come... After years of waiting, the time has finally come... THE OFFICIAL OVA RELEASE OF HELLSING ULTIMATE... ...in Japan... ... WHY COULDN'T I LIVE IN JAPAN! :animecry: Well, congrats to those in japan who can actually get it, i guess... :animeangr
  23. Can anybody get me a picture of Rose in a dress? Possibly one of the dresses she wears during the last couple of episodes? I'm drawing a picture of her in a dress and could really use one for reference.
  24. Thanks, but I was actually hoping to know who might be his English voice actor. I know it's probably WAY too early to be wondering this, considering that this isn't even out in Japan yet, but I was curious whether anybody heard anything or not. Guess I should have been a little more specific about that. Thanks anyway! :catgirl:
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