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ANBU kunoichi

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Everything posted by ANBU kunoichi

  1. They are keeping the same voice actors? YAY! :animesmil ::dances with joy:: Any ideas on who will be doing the voice for Pip?
  2. Actually, the one that comes with the OVA is slightly different. [URL=http://www.geneon-ent.co.jp/rondorobe/anime/hellsing/popup/figure.html]Here's[/URL] a link for a picture of the bust I'm talking about. And about the Walter one, that's my first time seeing it, so I wouldn't know where you could get it cheaper. And if you're reading it wrong, I can't really help you there, either. ::cries over the fact that she can't read Japanese:: :animecry: Sorry I can't help you with the Walter one.
  3. [QUOTE]Hellsing was good but the ending needed a lot of work. The story just ended out of nowhere and the ending had nothing to do with what the anime was originally supposed to be about. That left way to many questions unanswered. I will admit the ending was very well done. I just wish they had finished the story better.[/QUOTE] I agree Kuai. It was well done, but it left too many questions unanswered if you ask me. They are following the manga from beginning to end for Hellsing Ultimate, (which, like I said before, they could not do with the original Hellsing because it was released in Japan when only 2 of the manga were out, making it difficult to follow a then non-existant storyline, resulting in the anime ending leaving many questions unanswered.) so it should explain a lot more. As for your question on the mini busts, GTK, I know that the Japanese limited edition DVD of Hellsing Ultimate comes with an Alucard bust, (I don't think you need to pre-order it), but I don't know if it's the one you're looking for. Do you think you can post a picture of it so I could tell you? As for the young Walter/old Walter busts, I have no idea where to get them, nor have I ever seen them. Maybe you have a choice between the three with the DVD? I didn't see anything about it coming with a Walter bust on the site, though. I'm not sure of what the price is, either. I would guess $ 34.95 American? This is just a guess, though. I'm really not sure. I wish I could help you more. Sorry.
  4. As far as I know, there hasn't been any word on who they were casting for voice ators this time around, but I'm hoping they are going to be the same. As for those just coming to the anime, I really don't what to think. I just don't want them to be ruined.
  5. About the release date... I was wrong. :animeswea February 10th is the release date for the [B]Japanese DVD.[/B] :animecry: Sorry to anybody whose hopes and dreams I've just crushed. Please don't kill me. ::hides::
  6. Sorry, warrior, but don't really know how to help you there. I guess one way is to have a friend who doesn't live in the US (if you have any) buy it and then send it to you? Sorry if this doesn't help, but it's all I've got. Anyway, I'm glad to know I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one just getting into hellsing. I've seen the entire anime series, and plan to buy the manga series, too. But I have only ever seen 7 of them. Can anybody tell me how many volumes there actually are? Oh, and as far as Hellsing Ultimate (the next series of Hellsing, for those of you who don't know) is concerned, yes Angel, this series of Hellsing will also be an OVA, about 20 episodes long (how many episodes will be on a single DVD, I'm still not sure of.) This time around, the series will follow the manga more, (I heard the original Hellsing was made when only 2 volumes of the manga was out, making it difficult to follow an unwritten story, which would explain why many people and groups were left out) the production quality will be higher, and each episode, because it is going straight to DVD, will be [B]50 minutes long![/B] :animesmil The American release date for the first DVD is [B]February 10,[/B] and the entire project is estimated to take 3 years. If you're wondering where I got all this info, there is a link to the site in the Hellsing section of otaku or you can just use this link [URL=http://hellsing.comicgenesis.com/]here[/URL] While you're there, check out the comic.
  7. Anybody know where I can get a version of the Fullmetal Alchemist movie with good subtitles?
  8. Thanks for the advice, you two. Hopefully, you will see my article soon.
  9. I didn't have any idea where I could go to ask this, so I hope someone here can answer my question, or at the very least, direct me to a board where someone might know. I have recently read Echinacea's article on his/her views on fan art and fanfics, but there were a few things I disagreed with, so I decided that I wanted to post an article stating my views on the topic. However, it wasn't until I was a quarter of the way through typing that I realized that I had no idea how to go about doing this. :animeswea So to make a long story short, I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to post an article. Do you need to e-mail someone your article? Is there a board you go to to post articles? I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out. Thanks! :animesmil
  10. I think they have that at the main site. Check [url]www.samuraichamploo.com[/url] and if they don't tell me.
  11. I have a background like that. I'll give it to you. Here. [IMG]click here[/IMG]
  12. I have requests for anyone who would like to do them. I'm not very picky in how I want them drawn, so just do whatever you think would make them look the best. 1. I would like a picture of Kakashi in his ANBU uniform. 2. I would like a picture of anybody from Samurai Champloo, preferrably Jin. Thanks! :animesmil
  13. I'd like to start shading pictures I've drawn, but it never looks right. Anyone got any advice on how to do shading?
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