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Everything posted by HitokiriTaijiya

  1. I bought the Anime Legends Wolf's Rain DVDs from Bandai. I like them a lot so far. My question is, are those four recap episodes that everyone hates all on the last DVD of the first box set, called Recollections? Are there any episodes worth watching on that final DVD, or can I safely skip from the third DVD of the first box set to the second box set? Thank you.
  2. [quote name='Kei][color=darkblue][size=1]Yeah, that was definitely a misread, lol.[/color][/size][spoiler][size=1]At no time was Jinnei part of the Shinsengumi. There was one point when they were after him, though. They just never caught him, obviously. Or he would have been very, very dead, because the Shinsegumi does not play. >.>;[/size'][/spoiler][/quote] Actually yes, Jinei [spoiler]was in the Shinsengumi. He killed someone in the Shinsengumi he shouldn't have, then used the Shin no Ippo to escape his unit when they were about to discipline him. Later on, he re-emerged as a hitokiri for the Patriots.[/spoiler]
  3. I wish they would've included Yahiko no Sakabatou at the end of the manga. It would've made more sense than Meteor Strike and Buso Renkin being in there. Yeah, the fight between Kenshin and Enishi actually made sense in the manga because Enishi's background was more clearly explained and you see Kenshin find his answer which is absent in the OVA.
  4. I have a question about chapter 280 [spoiler]OK, so Gaara's tanuki spirit was sucked out of his body, killing him. He's then resurrected with the life exchange technique by Chiyo. So my question is, did that return the tanuki spirit to his body, or has he been resurrected as a normal person?[/spoiler]
  5. I sent again and this time it went through. I guess I'll just have to wait an hour and try again if this hapepens in the future. Thanks.
  6. I tried to send a PM to someone on myOtaku and got this lovely error message after clicking Send... [quote] Notice: Query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't so unreal compared to the other things you see in anime, and in /home2/theotaku/public_html/global/my_config/classes/db_mysql_conn.php on line 64 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/theotaku/public_html/global/my_config/classes/db_mysql_conn.php:64) in /home2/theotaku/public_html/my/includes/my_functions.php on line 30[/quote] Does this mean that my message didn't get through? I thought all the errors for PMing had been fixed already...
  7. The hot guys! Seriously, the sheer crappiness of American cartoons over the past decade has driven me to anime. When I was a kid, we had good shows like The Transformers, He-Man, Inspector Gadget, Dungeons and Dragons, etc. Kids these days have that crap on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network originals like Courage the Cowardly Dog. Is there any wonder I watch anime almost exclusively now?
  8. I prefer manga because it's the original, unmolested work of a brilliant mind. RuroKen, Inuyasha, Yuugiou and so many others just pale as animes in comparison to the grayscale books on which they're based. I'd rather sacrifice color and voices for a quality story.
  9. Pissed me off royally. myOtaku is going to be one of the few blogs I update anymore since I'm ditching my Xanga. I hope this won't be a frequent occurrence.
  10. *feels like an idiot for not realizing that* Thanks so much!
  11. One of the people on my friends list has a static background on her myOtaku site where the text scrolls, but the background doesn't. How can I get mine like that? Thanks.
  12. Call me a purist, but I believe anime is only that which is done by the Japanese for the Japanese. If I'm feeling genreous, I might allow for some Korean animation, as it's similar in some ways. American cartoons that are animated in Japan or wherever shouldn't be called anime and American cartoons drawn in anime-style aren't anime, they're just knockoffs. Teen Titans is a good show in and of itself, but it most certainly is [b]not[/b] an anime, nor are Code Lyoko, Totally Spies or Boon Docks. They attempt to follow anime and are probably better than the crap shown on Cartoon Network or Nick, but still fall far short of the glory that is anime.
  13. I'd have to say plot twists. Something unexpected can make an interesting story even better.
  14. I don't really believe in making sequels to completed animes because they tend to be inferior (Yuugiou GX and Orphen II come to mind). However, there are several animes that were ended way too early and need to be continued... Rurouni Kenshin: Anime deviated from the manga after the end of the second season into a mediocre filler season called Meijihen. Ratings plummeted and the series was cancelled before the manga's third arc could be animated. A crappy OVA sequel named Seisouhen is made with a butchered version of the Jinchuu Arc and a tragicrap ending tacked on. This will not do in my opinion. The Jinchuu Arc must be animated! Fruits Basket: One of the loveliest animes I've ever come across, yet only the first part of the story is animated. Why is this? Inuyasha: Ended at only 167 episodes while the manga story continues and is getting very interested with Kagome being forced to evaluate her feelings for her man and her rival. Continue the story already!
  15. I could see myself going for something like that if I had a job. *opens wallet and watches a moth fly out*
  16. [QUOTE=elemental_shark] In any case, I'd like to hear some stories from fans other than my friends. So...what kinds of anime and manga do you like, if there's anything you like in particular? How much are you into them, and what do you think of anime and manga altogether? Also, I want to know people's views on manga versus anime, dubs versus subs, dubbing companies, translations, etc. It'd be interesting to know. [/QUOTE] Why do I like anime? Well the short answer is because American cartoons have come to suck so badly... The long of it is it's just different. It's not constrained by standards the way American cartoons have come to be. Also there's generally an actual story arc that each series follows, whereas American shows tend to be episodic. I find the characters in animes to be more believable. You often get flashbacks to their past, which makes you understand their reasons for doing things better. Bad guys aren't just the stock bad guy out to take over the world because he can. They generally have credible motives behind why they attack the heros. And last, but certainly not least: All the hot guys! Manga vs anime: Manga! When I was an anime n00b, I said I liked anime better because it's in color and you got to see the people move and hear them talk. But now that I've actually read the mangas of some of the animes I've seen, I've come to like them so much that i stopped liking their anime counterparts. Some animes completely butcher the story (such as Yuugiou and Rurounin Kenshin) and take far too many liberties with the characters. Sub vs dub: Generally, I prefer the subbed versions because the seiyuu (Japanese voice actors) are just so natural to the characters. They put their heart and soul into their work, whereas a lot of the time the dub actors seem like they're just reading from a script. The poorest dub I ever came across was Shaman King! They butchered it! Thehy changed some of the characters' names and made them stupid and annoying. I'm very much against the cutting and dumbing down of anime simply to make it more kid-friendly. A lot of animes that are shown on children's TV over here aren't even meant for children originally, but teens and adults. Consequently, all the deep, violent and sexual stuff is edited out, sometimes fundamentally changing the story. There are animes that are made specifically for children. Why not just show those instead of butchering animes made for older people? Dubbing companies: Some are good. Some suck. The people who did Inuyasha need to take pronunciation lessons (kilala!), but the people who did Wolf's Rain and Cowboy Bebop did a fine job.
  17. When I sign people's guestbooks, my entries aren't appearing immediately. When I attempt to send PMs, I get this lovely error message. [quote] Notice: Query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 240904,1,0)' at line 1 in /home/theotaku/public_html/global/my_config/classes/db_mysql_conn.php on line 54 Notice: Query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 240904,2,1)' at line 1 in /home/theotaku/public_html/global/my_config/classes/db_mysql_conn.php on line 54 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/theotaku/public_html/global/my_config/classes/db_mysql_conn.php:54) in /home/theotaku/public_html/my/includes/my_functions.php on line 40 [/quote]
  18. I hated Robotech as a kid. It was so boring and way too adult for a first grader to appreciate. I might like it now, but I have no plans to watch it. I hate the anime version of Yuugiou too. I love the mangas though! Any season of Digimon after the first is a huge no-no in my book. I want Seraphimon and Magnadramon!
  19. When I go to my myOtaku page, I see the following error message text over my profile stuff. [quote]Notice: Query failed: Can't open file: 'stats.MYI'. (errno: 145) in /home/theotaku/public_html/global/my_config/classes/db_mysql_conn.php on line 54[/quote]
  20. My favorite part of that is where Kenshin goes along with what Sano says and Kaoru beats the crap out of him. Then Yahiko makes a little comment and gets whacked too. Boy that Kaoru's got a short fuse.
  21. I'd be one of those five. Grosser than gross!
  22. Kenshin saying "That it is" in the dub is an indirect translation of "de gozaru yo", which means something like "that it is" or "so says this unworthy one". I preferred Dick Hayworth to the Japanese actor. C'mon, a [b]girl[/b]? Give me a break. Kenshin may be small and wussy-looking, but he should still sound like a guy! The clumsiness thing is really irritating. The anime version of his character is rather degraded from the original story. I guess they felt the need to put in stupid comedy. Seisouhen is no more canon than the third season.
  23. Arigatou to whomever helped me as well. Much appreciated.
  24. Ah yes, my first serious anime love. My favorite characters are Sango, Sesshoumaru, Miroku, Kirara, Kohaku and Rin. I also liked Kagura because she didn't just mindlessly obey Naraku.
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