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Everything posted by Roleni-Chan

  1. In my opinion, I tend to get frustrated in the pms I received? Mines states that I have 3 unread messages and I don?t have anything waiting for me. I mean Im glad with the progress MyOtaku is doing to our fellow users, but that?s the only thing I wished for it to be fixed. I understand that you guys are working hard so if his is a meaningless suggestion, you can ignore it.
  2. The reason I am in college is due to my motivation to help people in the world. Though I want to become a math teacher, I would like to make it simple for people who struggle with that subject. Where I live, they have low scores in the math area, Im actually one of the highest (Im not bragging). Though I chosed this career just this year so basically I have second year of college. Community college to be corrected actually since I cant afford to be in a four-year University. But as for Location, its in Los Angeles, California. Don?t feel pressure at all, parents tend to do that, don?t let it get to you. But I wouldn?t also tell you to lag your choices. If you want to pursue your career in music, strife for it! Its your life and your decision. I know people take a break from school and go back later, though like I said its up to you. Just don?t panic about just yet. In my opinion, I love College better than High School. I had four awful years of High School and I will admit I had some good times, if I didn?t I would be lying. Its hard to explain about the difference of high school in college but I can tell you that the classes can be a major change.
  3. Seems like people do like posting their pictures here ^-^! Im new here as a matter of fact and Im a loner on this site actually. Well who ever wants to see how I look like: [IMG]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b296/Excalibur1015/MeInSpanish4.jpg[/IMG] There you go, I dont think no one would care at this moment.
  4. All my life Im a girl and I can see some girl just want attention. Sounds about correct.
  5. My theme song would be "Im a loser" from The Beatles. I guess I tend to say chessy comments. If not then Slayer "Black Magic" because I always have a tendency to talk about magic.
  6. Well you are not alone of having FFIV as your favorite series because I as well personally put it as my favorite. I think its a magnificent Idea to put it in 3-D form, it makes it more advance. But I also would like to see also FFVII AND FFVIII, I tend to have eye troubles ith those particular two.
  7. [QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Lets take this a bit further shall we? I want to know, what's with people dating at all? After all whether you meet them online or not they could still be a sex offender. Meeting someone face to face is no guarantee that they won't be say a molester, murderer or rapist. Take rape for example: 84 percent of those raped knew their attacker. Knowing them in real life didn't make it any easier for them to realize that their 'date' was a rapist. [URL=http://www.aaets.org/arts/art13.htm]Source[/URL] There's nothing pathetic about meeting someone online, nor is it stupid either. Like any other aspect of dating it simply requires being more cautious since it's easier for someone you have yet to meet to lie to you. You don't have facial and body language to go on like you do when you meet face to face. And even those are unreliable. In the end if someone wants to meet or date someone they met online all they need to do is be aware of the potential dangers like is the person married? Or do they ask for money? You can easily find tips on what to avoid. [URL=http://www.onlinedatingmagazine.com/columns/datingtips/onlinedatingdangers.html]Tips[/URL] Or you can simply avoid attempting to meet people online. Remember, if being able to determine if someone is a sex offender was that simple, most of the crimes wouldn't occur since people would avoid those capable of such an act and never date or meet them in the first place. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] She has a major point on this dilemma. There are people who are closest to you who can be offenders and they are just waitng for the right time to strike. And Love of course, I think it has been exploited with such ridiculous remarks these days. I think people are taking advantage of love in any way. Online dating is something people shouldn't do...what happen to the classics days where people take there time and meet the person face to face, am I wrong?
  8. Its one of my favorite animes...CLAMP made a really good all-star characters in one...But do you want me to help?
  9. Why are people saying your aren?t an anime fan because you don?t like one anime they enjoy?They are just hating because you aren?t interested. To me, I really hate the anime Naruto, but I heard I am not an anime fan just because of that. I mean how many anime are out there in the world. You are comparing one from how many they are. When I hear ?anime fan? they make it like it?s a scene, like emo, if you don?t cut, you aren?t emo. For Thrashers, if you don?t have really long hair and don?t wear tight pants, you are a poser. I don?t understand how people want to prove something like that. People are different and they should like whatever they pleased. I myself, I notice Im more in to anime that comes from CLAMP, just because some people in my school never saw anime form them, they say its trash. To me, the classic animes from the past are great as well. Though no one talks about them now, which its sad, all they care if they hear the newest anime.
  10. Well I like the colors you put on Sokka. Its fits like in the cartoon
  11. Im already a senior, at least six weeks till I graduate. And 11th grade is one of the worst, but never put yourself in a bad thought. It would lead you to be less confident towards yourself and that can put you down. Im taking some classes in college to get ahead, Im going to community because I cant afford it and I feel like Im not ready. Though its natural also stressing out, makes it a challenge, once you conquer it, you feel stronger ^^!
  12. Me personally was a big drunkie, big time stoner as well. Never Ciggys, I think they are gross. Not anymore but I think its wrong now. But doesn't it violate the First admendment of the United States?
  13. Only one time it was a Good Charlote cd, but for my friend's Birthday. I never heard of it but just knowing I bought that, Im like what the...^^! I dont like exposing my music to people because there are people who are just burnouts and think that knowing some bands, you are cool. I seriously dislike those people and they shouldn't get out of the house if you are a fake, we dont need them. I just came up with another answer =p!
  14. I dont mind as long as there is no infection, Now thats nasty. This is the decade of Sex, drugs and violence. In South Central, its nothing new.
  15. When I saw it in Icons (a show of technology recognition) a while back in G4TV, it said in Highlian...its the same way you would put Hylia, Highlya. But does it really matter?
  16. Im not sure why I am here, maybe that I want to see people's point of view and maybe the fact that I want to see what people think about mine. I want to expand my mind to new things, so maybe thats a reason.
  17. I dont have videos that describe me. But in my elemantary school, it was mostly hispanic race. Im hispanic but my skin color didn't look like I was. I had blonde and brown hair and super pain skin...to top it off, I couldn't speak well spaish. Now, I just have light brown hair...I dont know if thats an example.
  18. At first I said, I guess she is dead. Now, I think about it, a lot people die and then they put them less of care. People said she had a sad life but honestly, if she wanted to die, why do you guys still want her alive if she isn't happy? Well I not good for mourning people, I try to avoid them.
  19. My [B]MySpace[/B] Profile is private...But the song I have is: [B]Mayhem - "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas"[/B] As for jakehammaren, your song is freaking awesome!
  20. I have a [B]MySpace[/B] but Im not as addicting there as I am in [B]MyOtaku.com[/B]. I only got one so I can keep in touch with some friends who are heading to college or already are. I keep my profile private because there are people who harrased other people. Which to me, its digusting. But the only thing I cant stand is those freaking chain letters and some ridiculous bullentins they have.
  21. Im not good in keeping track on what just came out. I listen to thrash, Death, Black meat and when I put in your perspective, I will give you three recommendations: .[B]Testament[/B] .[B]Overkill[/B] .[B]Slayer[/B] If not, then the Beatles ^^!
  22. Well, as for the hanging...I dont see how bad was it...I mean, are we worst than him to see him die? I really not sure. But I heard a kid did the same thing and past away...Im not sure.
  23. Oops, did I sounded like I was mean? Woah, well yeah I know people dont like South Park and I realized a lot of things. No one should criticized anytihng because nothing is going to change at all. I know Steve Irwin died recantly, though we shouldn't try to make a big fuss about it. I was always told dont cry for a person who is not able to see you cry, well something like that. Though I dont understand why is it so bad to make a scene about him? I see all the shows insulting other things, so why is this one differnent?
  24. I dont want to criticized, but it was a joke! I dont know how people became so offensive lately in this world. Yes, Steve Irwin died and trying to defend him isn't going to help. Unless if he is trying to come from the dead and sue, then that is a different story. Only he is to judge if he thinks its bad or not. Anyway, you are like the only one that posted about this. Okay and if you really want to say offensive, then what about all the stuff they make fun of? I dont see people criticizing about that! It just come to show that people can be hypocritical at points. I myself is sometimes hypocritical but I respect South Park because it has Satire in it. If people doesn't know what it is, look it up.
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