So you saw the Primetime and saw the Prussian Blue...I was going to talk about them as well.
Look! I understand the saying of Freedom of speech! So if people dont like what they say, they wont care because they actually posted theirself up so everyone can know what they are thinking. I am not trying to say anything wrong right but there are harsher people like that who think this people who are just attacking these twins is wrong! I am not saying I am agreeing with them, its just that they wanted people to know what they think!
One thing! Indians found America! And the whites took it away, they didn't established America, all races did that are in America now. Whites established slavery towards other races and labor as well. Thats is not what America is about, its about freedom. Even though we dont have it as much, we should at least be thankful what we have.
Look, I am not fond of some races myself. But the reason this happen to me because I live in the project of Los Angeles, California. And I was raised where there is gangs and drug, violence, ect. But I can respect people's point of view but I really hope you respect mine.