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Everything posted by Roleni-Chan

  1. Yes, a person who is doing that, they are so lame! I mean come on, they cant get some in the first place with a women their own age or what? I know this one person who is like that...but the fact, it gets me angry. If he ever reads this, sooner or later, you will get caught and what you have next. I saw it as well, I was laughing because it is so pitiful how they can do that. I mean dont they have shame.
  2. Roleni-Chan


    Yes, I agree with the people who said that Metallica lost its heavyness once the Black Album invaded. But it wasn't mostly called [I]Thrash Metal[/I] I was known as [I]Hard Rock[/I]. Only based by them in an interview. Though its true, Cliff was a great Band Member, but people didn't know about him, which is just some shame if you are a Metallica fan. I am a fan but not currently obssessed with it like I was before.[B] Metal will Prevail to the Gates of Hell![/B]
  3. I started to get currently obssessed with Aural Vampire...It is so alluring to me!
  4. Roleni-Chan


    I was a big fan at first of Metallica...But then I got to know the underground thrash metal (well it wasn't before, but now it it). For that particular reason, I just stop having a big part of my life...I mean, I am still currently listening to it. Though I only love the first four album of Metallica, I love the fisrt two cds by chioce due to Dave Mustaine was a good Guitarist. [I]Ride the Lightning[/I] was a great song with [I]Trapped Under Ice[/I]. Though [I]Seek and Destroy [/I] was my personal favorite. [B][U]Long Live the Loud[/U]![/B]
  5. Well it was Dirge of Ceberus...but I only played it once...honestly was no fond of it. Then Xenosaga 3, my older brother bought it...I saw it, but it was cool. Bought which gme I am still playing....well I can say Fire Emblem Games and Zelda series.
  6. Robs (I am not sure if I can spell it right) Welll he was small but kicks some serious but ^^! Kiyo in my opinion is a good partner. Zatch is cool as well...but if the Volcan 5000 was a mamodo...^^! Ponygon, I just love knowing he found his partner!
  7. [B] Attacker - The Unknown: [/B] I am not a big fan of Metall that comes from the years of 2000-06. But this is the first time I bought a CD that was released on 2006. I have their past Cds in the 1980s era. In my opinion, this band hasn't lost its touch in music. [B] Death - Screaming Bloody Gore: [/B] Well I had to buy this Cd again because it practically got run over by a car when I fell down and as laying down on the street. But wha ti can say about this if that if you love lyrics that talks about torture, kill, and lust of blood, I recommend you this Cd!
  8. So you saw the Primetime and saw the Prussian Blue...I was going to talk about them as well. Look! I understand the saying of Freedom of speech! So if people dont like what they say, they wont care because they actually posted theirself up so everyone can know what they are thinking. I am not trying to say anything wrong right but there are harsher people like that who think this way...so people who are just attacking these twins is wrong! I am not saying I am agreeing with them, its just that they wanted people to know what they think! One thing! Indians found America! And the whites took it away, they didn't established America, all races did that are in America now. Whites established slavery towards other races and labor as well. Thats is not what America is about, its about freedom. Even though we dont have it as much, we should at least be thankful what we have. Look, I am not fond of some races myself. But the reason this happen to me because I live in the project of Los Angeles, California. And I was raised where there is gangs and drug, violence, ect. But I can respect people's point of view but I really hope you respect mine.
  9. Well the ones that were next 1. Death: Zombie Ritual 2. Slayer: Evil Hs No Boundaries 3. King Diamond: A Mansion in Darkness 4. Sepultura: Arise 5. Attacker: This Is Power 6: Possessed: The Eyes of Horror 7. Sodom: Sodomy and Lust 8. Overkill: Rotten to the Core 9. Dekapitator: Run with the Pack 10. Emperor: Inno A Satana 11. Vader: The Calling 12. Razor: Hypertension 13: Tankard: Acid Death 14. Judas Priest: PainKiller 15. Destruction: Total Desaster Can you guess what I listen to?
  10. I'm new to this...well not really but this is the first thing I posted in here. Well one of my passions is listening to music. But I listen to Thrash, Black, Death Metal. I was wondering about people and what music they listen to... So yeah I am pretty dorky and I would like to know what do people listen to. My top five bands are: . Attacker . Possessed . Metal Church . Emperor . Dekapitator Well I just hope someone actually listen to me and replies to me ^^!
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