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Monkey Magic

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Everything posted by Monkey Magic

  1. The cable ban is now lifted, so you lucky people in the States can watch it on PPV - we have to wait for the videos :( The Shamrocks haven't fought for quite a while. Yes Carlos is very good - he has to be to be the champion. He doesn't actually project energy out of his hands :rolleyes: He just does the motion and calls his style DB JJ. It was really funny, because guys were fighting under serious styles like wrestling, boxing and kickboxing and then he wins the title under DB JJ! :laugh:
  2. It is a real tournament, pitting the best fighters in the world against each other, I guess like the tournaments in DB. Carlos studied a form of Jiujitsu based on submission but now calls his style DB JJ as he is a huge fan of the show. He even does a kamehameha wave after he wins.
  3. Carlos Newton, the Ronin, is the new middleweight champ, defeating Pat Militich by submission. What does this have to do with DBZ? His style is listed as Dragon Ball Jiu Jitsu! So the official hardest guy in the world under 170 lb fights with the Kame style :wigout: Sorry if this old news to you guys....
  4. Sweetreyes, um, as Sephiroth pointed out, it was a line from Ali G. You would have to see it to get it.
  5. Listen to Altron - mutants are humans, Super Saiyans are, well, the strongest fighters in the universe. They all have a power level far in excess of 1 000 000. think about that. when Nappa and the Z fighters (who were about 1500) fought, they were moving too fast for Gohan to see and Nappa was flying through military aircraft like it was bread. Cyclops blast wouldn't even "singe their leg hairs"
  6. Krillin is the worst. He's a real turd. Gohan before going to Namek was also a knob but now he's developed a back bone.
  7. I haven't but in the UK DBZ is all the rage, well with kids anyway. My mates think I'm a bit weird for watching it.
  8. When Goku was travelling Snake Way, the guide asked if anyone could do Kung-fu. Goku said it wasn't Kung-fu but the Kame style of martial art. :cool:
  9. Good question Levo, can someone please explian the difference between anime and cartoon? Also, how come Piccolo is so strong when the best Namek fighters only had a power level of 3000? :wigout: And how come Krillin can fly if he's a human? Also, being as he is such a wimp and a midget, how come he is the toughest human? Hercule trains much harder and is genetically superior. :tasty: Cheers again :)
  10. Ok, cheers for clearing that up - so Brolly is the Super Saiyan that the legend refers to? It's just a bit confusing that Vegita thought he was a Super Saiyan before he had even become one, so I assume he had never seen the blonde hair transformation in all his time spent with Saiyan warriors, yet now the kids are transforming. Maybe I should just accept that it is just a cartoon...
  11. As we have such limited access to DBZ over here, can someone please answer a couple of questions? The Super Saiyan is a legend that is supposed to appear every 3000 years, so how come, even though no Saiyan managed it before, even half breed kids can make the transformation? :confused: And who is Brolly? Cheers guys/gals :wigout:
  12. Hey, what's with all the Monkey hating? I only expressed an opinion - I don't like Krillin and I think he is gay. Is it against forum rules to talk about Dragonball Z on a Dragonball Z forum? It's not like he's a real person that can take offense to it. Jeez, cut back on the hatorade...:confused:
  13. I'm shaking on my monkey cloud :laugh: Krillin is gay. He was in a Boy George video. :blush:
  14. I think Voodookanaka is making it up and doesn't know what he's talking about - even if he does, he's not going to win any supporters with his attitude. Levo once came to judo but got choked out very quickly. With more practise though he may be able to last longer :sleep:
  15. Stop being bent. You don't need martial arts, you need to power up. Try sticking your fingers into a plug socket :wigout:
  16. Those tails were cool - all the other baddies were transforming (that Friesa henchman, Friesa and Cell) whilst the saiyans were stuck with no tails. If they had their tails then those episode would have been very short
  17. You are too young to understand, grasshopper ;)
  18. Monkey Magic ate the stone peaches and is now invincible! And i have a flying nimbus!
  19. He's always been a bit of a ***** anyway. When the saiyans came to Earth he chickened out and then told Cell he didn't want to fight! :sleep:
  20. I think the psychiatrists may have a point...:babble:
  21. I would blame Krillin much more. At least Vegita had a plan - smash cell up in his perfect form. Krillin was just putting little-Krillin ahead of the whole planet. I hope he dies in a future episode or becomes a frog like Capt Ginyu
  22. I said sorry incase I hurt your feelings. But I think you're brave to post it.
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