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About Shaholl
- Birthday 07/07/1985
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I only conform to nonconformity. I guess that makes me a hypocrite. I LOVE ANIME!!!!! except for hentai...
One of the worlds worst jobs... slave boy to Walmart...
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I wouldn't consider myself an artist. I'm just a guy who likes to draw. I have a sketchbook which is slowly filling up with pencil drawings. I have this problem though. No matter how much care I put into the drawing, how much work I've done on it, I end up hating it. I sometimes feel the urge to burn my sketchbook because I feel that none of the drawings inside are worthy of being called art. :animecry: Heres the thing: anyone who flips through my sketchbook (be they friends, family, coworkers at Wally World, etc.) tells me that my drawings are awesome and that I should make a comic or something. When I express my hatred for my own drawings, they just tell me that most artists are like that. Are they telling me the truth? Are there other artists out there with this same problem? Should I just stop whining and get over my "artistic angst"? Bear in mind, the fate of my sketchbook depends on the sort of responses I receive.
Man, since Halloween falls on a Wednesday, I'm going to my college classes in full costume. NinjaBurger Delivery Ninja ([url]www.ninjaburger.com[/url]), in the middle of an English class or and Intro to Non-western Civilizations class... it'll be hilarious. On a side note, if you're looking for costume pieces, especially strange ones, do not underestimate the power of Goodwill stores and dumpster diving. I wouldn't suggest the second one too strongly, since it can lead to injuries, infections from the injuries, diseases from the infections from the injuries, etc... If you have the guts to do it, as well as good health insurance, dumpster dive at costume stores, hobby lobby, and fabric stores. You wouldn't believe all the good stuff they throw out!
I only managed to cosplay at the last Acen, and that was as the most ridiculous thing that I could think of: a Ninjaburger employee from [url]www.ninjaburger.com[/url]. I had a ninja costume, an apron with the logo printed on it, a giant spatula, and a whole bunch of menus as flyers to be passed out. I wasn't expecting anyone to recognize the darn thing. Shows what I know. I was constantly turning around to people shouting "NINJABURGER DUDE!!!" and having my picture taken in all sorts of poses (one group wanted a picture of me spanking one of them with the spatula. I went for it so they would leave me alone). It was so popular, it was almost scary. The only thing going for me is that no one could see how red from embarassment my face was. I'm naturally a shy sort of guy, so being the center of so many peoples attention was disconcerting. Really, the only time that I can be outgoing, conversationally wise, is when my face is hidden. Total cost of the costume: Around fifty to seventy dollars. Having a walmart discount card helped with keeping the cost down.
This may sound strange, but when I'm making hot chocolate at home, I always make sure to have some leftover candy canes from Christmas (my mother buys them in bulk, so we never seem to run out). The reason for the canes, which we have in multiple flavors, is to stir the hot chocolate in your mug. As the cane melts, flavor is added to the hot chocolate, thereby increasing its divine goodness. Best one in my opinion so far? A blueberry candy cane. Another option (which is for those that are 21 and over) is peppermint schnapps. Mmmmmm.... minty hot chocolate with the afteraffect of a buzz... :catgirl:
[quote name='Sesshomarufan']I'm going to go out on a limb here and say yes, I love my job in sales. I work with a great bunch of people and we are constantly joking around with each other and doing stupid things while on the clock. Ever surfed on a shopping cart? Try five of them hooked together and steering them to avoid cars, that is fun. Or wrestling in the break room with a 240 pound co-worker after you just punched out for the day. And actually winning. You find the things that make your job fun for you. For us, it's being idiots, but not in front of the customer. I've never had a cross word with any customer and if I do say anything, it's after they are well out of earshot and it's only if I'm really pissed off...but that hardly ever happens. People will be people and do stupid things, like call you an idiot or ask to speak with your manager. That's life[/QUOTE] I have to agree with you there. The only thing that keeps me sane at work are the other employees who have to put up with the same crap I do. It's perfectly normal at my store to prank and be pranked by each other.
I don't know if it counts as superstition, but whenever I am out and about and there is a crack in the sidewalk, I always make sure to step over it with my right foot. It has nothing to do with the old "step on a crack and break your momma's back" thing. It just feels wrong to step over a crack with my left foot, or even to step on it at all. Am I crazy?
[quote name='Domon'][SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]Now one thing that really ticks my mom off is the fact that Wal-Mart *Sorry Shaholl* has started this thing where if you write a check to them they take your check, scan it, and then hand you back the original, make you keep it, and then you sign some stupid reciept. To me that's a waste of paper and if I was going to have you do all that crap with a check I'd be better off using my debit card. I mean seriously, how stupid is that? And that's what Grinds my Gears.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Do not apologize to me about "Electronic checking." BLEAH!!! You would not believe how many people hate it, myself included. The way it was explained to the cashiers (and I had to practically beg for the information... stupid management...) is that sooner or later, checks will be completely phased out of currency, and to "acclimate" (read "annoy") our customers, we will be encouraging them to use their debit cards instead, since it comes from the same account. I hate it... so much... *head explodes from sheer boiling rage* :animeangr
[QUOTE=affection][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=1]I would rather eat whatever I want and not gain weight... but everything tastes like paste only because I wouldn't enjoy the food I ate if it just burned my stomach everytime. [CENTER]Would you rather: Never be able to show emotions or feel emotions [B]OR[/B] Never be able to move again[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/QUOTE] Hrmmm.... no emotions, which would make life suck, or never be able to move, which would suck worse. No emotions for me. I'd probably start thinking a lot more logically than I do now. No silly emotions to screw that up. [CENTER]Would you rather:[/CENTER] [CENTER]Try and fail knowing that you can always try again[/CENTER] [CENTER]or[/CENTER] [CENTER]Try with the knowledge that you can never be allowed to try again?[/CENTER] Assume it's something important.
I work as a cashier at a well known store chain, Walmart. The only area of the store that I ever see is the front end, where all the cash registers are. I'll maybe pass through clothing departments on my way to the time clock. I generally don't shop in my own store, so I don't see where things are kept. Where does this all lead?? Customers who come up to me and ask me where the most obscure items in the store are. I really HATE them. I'm labeled as a cashier. They should be able to figure out quite easily that I'm not the best person to ask. It's even worse when they wait in my line with a cart, making it longer for everyone, just so they can ask me where the *********** bobby pins are.
Heart, to say that a con' is worth it is a major understatement, depending on the convention you go to. Besides all the stuff to buy, people to meet, autographs to receive, etc. there's always fun stuff to be had. Take Acen, for example. Sure, there's the panels with the artists and voice actors. Sure, there's the merchandise hall (or as I call it, the "Hall o' Stuff to Buy"). There's also the game room, featuring so many video games that haven't been released in the states yet, as well as the tabletop gaming room, where nerds of all kinds can gather and mingle over a nice game of Magic or Warhammer. Then, there's the Soap Bubble. As part of Acens "Got Soap?" campaign, a dance party is held on Saturday night in the ballroom of the hotel. The DJ who won the competition the night before gets to perform, and man, is it loud and fun! Sidenote: No one here has heard massive bass until they have actually felt the air vibrating against their skin... and they're as far away from the speakers as possible without leaving the ballroom. I feel sorry for the people dancing right next to them.
Heh heh... Well, Venge, that sounds pretty kewl. Try to keep a look out for me. I'll be dressed as a ninja with a chef's apron and a giant spatula strapped to my back. My badge name will be Delivery Ninja #35. Are you staying at the Hyatt or a hotel close by? My group of 4 are staying at a nearby hotel that I got directions to last year (I loved the directions that the cop gave us, "Turn right from the convention center, turn left at McDonalds, turn right at another McDonalds, and it'll be right behind it."). It's much cheaper and we're all willing to stay in one room.
Here is an interesting challenge that I'm setting up for my friends at Acen this year. There is a big, hairy, bearded, potbellied type guy who works security at Acen every year and every year, he dresses up as Sailor Moon. He calls himself Sailor Bubba or Bubba Moon, depending on the situation. I'm going to challenge my friends to find him and get a photo taken of them hugging him. One of my friends already cringed at the thought of it, so I know it's a good idea. :catgirl:
Eh... it all probably will depend on how much effort the producers put into it. My only real problem with it is that almost everything will be computer animated, and that tends to look cheesy. In cartoons, you can do things that look good, even awesome. Transfering that to live action, however, could look extremely bad.
(Haven't posted in awhile and feeling the need to keep this topic alive) Finalizing plans for the trip to Acen '07 has been a big ol' headache. Each member of the group that are going live about 15-20 minutes away from each other, as well as from me. Coming up with a neutral meeting area, as well as determining who's driving (consequently me. my friends P.O.S. car won't make another trip to Chicago without falling apart and of course, he's the only one who can both knows how to get to the convention center AND has driven in Chicago before) and generally trying to get information to everyone (WHY, GOD?! WHY DO NONE OF MY FRIENDS HAVE E-MAIL?) is generally giving me one huge headache... Anyone else have problems like this when planning a trip? Sidenote: My friend is not touching my car in any area that would indicate the he would be driving. There are reasons his car is a P.O.S. :animestun
It's kind of hard to irritate me, but what really grinds my gears are people living in America who don't speak a lick of English. It's like they expect us to understand them instead of the other way around. Real life example: I'm a cashier at a store whose name rhymes with Cal-Mart. Every so often, I'll get a family of Hispanics, none of whom know English. It gets worse when they are using WIC checks and get the wrong items. This is when I have to point out to them that something is wrong and they need to replace the item. The most irritating part? Instead of saying "No hablo ingles" (which is about all the spanish I know), they do the typical "I don't know English but I'm going to pretend I do" thing, which is to smile and nod. :mad: People, if you're going to live in the country, at least make an effort to learn the language!