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Everything posted by Shaholl

  1. The first anime that I saw that hooked me on it was the original Tekkaman Blade. I only recently found out the true name for it because it was released in the U.S. under the name "Technoman." We just HAD to make it Americanized, didn't we?! *insert heavy amounts of sarcasm here.* After that, I watched out for the anime style pretty much all the time. :drool: :flush:
  2. I went to Anime Central 2005 on a whim and was so amazed. The people. The Hall of Stuff to Buy. The Masquerade! I was in such awe that i started planning for 2006. The only thing that's going to be different for me this year (besides the fact that i have a costume ready) is that i'm going to pre-register for it. I don't want to wait in line for 3 hours+ again. :animeangr Gads, that line... Got to the end of it, went around a corner and found... *drumroll* the other half of the line... :animecry:
  3. I would have to go with Kuroudo Akabane from Getbackers. The guy gives me chills because he is completely without remorse about what he does. He is also very, VERY sadistic. I mean, he does a job, not for the money, but for how much enjoyment he can squeeze out of it (enjoyment being read as "slaughtering as many people as he can until he finds a worthy opponent).
  4. I like Final Fantasy... to a point. I get frustrated easily when certain monsters show up and hand my butt to me... then i have to level up, beat the monster, only to find that another, even stronger one has taken it's plase :animeswea
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