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Everything posted by lilkid

  1. i know its bad but i drew it on paint [IMG]http://img469.imageshack.us/img469/3255/paintanime1ck.png[/IMG]
  2. good job i could never do that..i am gonna go try it
  3. lol that night you help me on the head i like drew for 8 hours on that weekend and mastered it lol..anyway...when i draw a body it comes out uneven and i can't figure out where the folds are to make it look cool and legs lol i can't even count if you go to those..so can you peeps help me lol
  4. i finally like mastered head now i need help on legs and shirts and on can anyone help me on it??Also folds
  5. i did?my bro might of posted the others cause i told him
  6. you know any cause like i'll download it right now
  7. ty and sorry...like the digital...do you have to pay for the cd or something like that
  8. How do you guys make the like skades,or light sports and also themixture of colors...i can draw but can't color..anyone can help me??
  9. good,but whats up with the head it looks weird
  10. I would just like Anyone on it i just want one lol so can anyone do that for me?
  11. my cousin is 16 and im 14 i interdouced here to anime and she loved it like the show chobits and comic party..k
  12. i played demo too at first im like confused and then im like holy crap it was good cause i got away from cop!!!!
  13. k...sry about that i was looking at the picture not your writing lol anyways i hate hiei's hair...i draw hair too big on him buty it looks small!!AHHAHAH!!!!!!!!!
  14. Tenchi Muyo cause when they all leave each other and the season ends so sad...i cried....
  15. a good way how to draw is like teach your self..pretting soon i will be showing my art work on the site :animeswea and you just need to do tutorials..im not the best but you should look at an image on tutorials and keep on changing stuff on the pic till you can draw it with out traceing it(best way to start)also till you can draw it lookign at it and no errors then with out looking at it then with out seeing it and do it from memory and then keep on going from easy to hard picxtures,don't rush it took my a long time to just draw a head that i fianlly got,i spent 6 hours drawing heads last night,you really need a passion for drawing,like listen to music and go into the drawing world(ur own drawing meditation)then draw consantly even in math class i drew 3 pictures today..gl
  16. hey try to straighten ur face it looked like you were going for it and the neck is a little shorter looking at it on the right
  17. wel if you did good job with coloring but some back grounds were not all the way filled in
  18. ya i keep on saying faces i mean heads..faces im like the best at lol
  19. ty i'll print it out...i never knew reading can help your drawing...thx your a lot of help..cause before it took me like 30 min to mak a face..had to do it vedr and over again...i can draw really good but i have trouble with the faces
  20. real nice..how you get the shine in hear i cna never get that
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