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  1. [QUOTE=Ailes de Velour][Font="Tahoma"][Size="1"][Color="DarkOrchid"] I definitely agree. Mimiru of .hack//SIGN is my favorite character, but she barely wears ANYTHING (not to mention, she's pretty flatchested, so there's really no point to the skankiness of her attire.) I mean, I went through the whole series thinking she wasn't wearing pants. It was just a bra, some armor, and a loincloth. Then I noticed that her legs were a different color than the rest of her skin. But anyway. It's not just anime, it's also video games. Soul Calibur II is one I know of, with Ivy and Taki, it's ridiculous. For one, I don't see how Ivy can fight huge men-creatures in a tiny bra and a thong. And Taki, her red outfit, she must be VERY COLD. It's so blatant in the opening sequence! I mean, sheesh. [/font][/color][/size][/QUOTE] Well thats just the charater designs. Like Hutoko ( I tihnk thats how you spell it) from .hack//AI Buster. As long as thier not showing anything and their not like huge then it's fine with me. Mimiru, blackRose and Rena all have the same outfit .
  2. [QUOTE=Ryo the Tactician]Hello, I dont expect this thread to last long, but I wanted to ask a question that has plagued me for years. .Hack. I watched the show, first of all, and that[s when I fell in love with it. Tsukasa, Mimiru, Bear and BT, and the rest of the .Hackers fighting to save the World. Then, I saw the video game. Kite? Black Rose? Orca? What was going on? Black Rose/Mimiru, and Orca/Bear, they looked exactly the same, yet were different. I could not figure out the correlation between Kite and Tsukasa. So my question. What is up with the video games and .Hack//Sign? Are they alternate universes? Is .Hack//Sign a different show, not about the original .hackers? Or what? Please answer, I'll really appreciate it. ~R.E.[/QUOTE] Don't worry they arn't the same charaters. YOu see in the world when you make your charater you have to choose from certain areas. Such as there are selected hairstyles and you can change thier colors. Or selected outfits such as Mimirus. In Sign Bear was waiting for Mimiru and aw a girl who looked like her but her outfit was green. Besides Mimiru said she didn't have any siblings and BlackROse does.
  3. [QUOTE=DDG][COLOR=Navy]The series -- .hack//SIGN -- ends where the games -- INFECTION, MUTATION, OUTBREAK, QUARANTINE -- begin. Following the games is the .hack//Legend of the Twilight manga and anime(though they are both different from one another. The manga turns from the direction the anime went near the beginning of manga volume two.) The similar character models is just as has already been mentioned. It is, in fact, made fun of and mentioned quite a bit in the .hack//LIMINALITY 4 DVD extra, .hack//GIFT.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Don't forget that it all starts with .hack//AI Buster (novel and after that .hack//Zero (also a novel)
  4. [QUOTE=dabienman]so does tsakusa return to the real world because he got the key of the twighlight (aura) or because helba deleted the field? or both... did Sora turn into a monster robot? is morganna still in "the world"[/QUOTE] In .hack//AI Buster Albiro explains the "black box" Originaly Herald Horwick put it into the first game Fragments. THis blackbow cannot be opened or deleated. It's simply there. Morganna is part of that data as is AUra. Morganna was put in to look after the sleeping Aura and to make sure she woke up in the was herold wanted. But Morganna realized that if she lets Aura wake up then she would no longer have a purpose or a role. Thats why she brought Tsukasa in to try to slowly delete Aura.
  5. [QUOTE=dabienman]im new to this forums and i dont kno why i cant post in the .hack section. it says its not accepting any posts. well anyways i have a question for the people that HAVE seen this anime. 1. is tsukasa's guardian (dumbel thingy) from maho? or morganna watever? or is someone tottally different. 2. in the end of episode 26. who are the 2 people in the credits? is it subaru in the wheel chair and tsukusa with the brown hair? or is the brown hair girl mimiru? 3. is maho bad or good? i dunt really get what he does in the whole anime... you never HEAR him talk either.[/QUOTE] The blue haired girl is Subaru and the other one who walks out of the building is tsukasa. THe guardian is from Morgann though Maha seems to be able to bring them at will.
  6. Defiently all the music from .hack//sign. Seasaw does a great job. I also like the ending theams for Fullmetal Alchemist.
  7. In another way I'm a little like edward from fullmetal alchemist. Not for a very big reason just that he doesn't believe in something unprovable like "God"
  8. I think I'm most like Mimiru from .hack//sign. She's happy and hyper most of the time. Like her I stink at math. SHe doesn't like to quit something once she's stated and she's determened to keep the group going. She also doesn't like to be treated like a kid. But theres also the deeper side of her. As people ( tsukasa) giver her a hard time when she only wants to help she doesn't give up. SHe looks forward and tries to understand the deeper flow of [The World]
  9. [QUOTE=Silent Whispers][COLOR=DarkOrange]well with me it would have to be Tsukasa from .Hack//SIGN.... even as a main character he/she has no real purpose in the "World" and he/she keeps distant from everyone else who is just trying to help him. like MAKE SOME FRIENDS TSUKASA!!!!!!! but that is just my opinion.... :animesigh TwoMoons[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well Morganna's whole purpose in THe WOrld is to make sure Aura awakens in the right way. But Morganna relizez that if she does that then once when Aura is awaken she would have server her purpose and be of no need. SHe pulls Tsukasa in to stop Aura. WIthout Tsukasa then there would be no plot. Nothing bad would statrt happening and then who are all the other players suppost to help. Plus He reminds everyone of the bigger flow, of the black box that nobody can open.
  10. Well my name is easy it's just Nee or some people only understand it if it's spelled Nii. like Nii-san.
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